New revelations from Maxim Vitorgan about his marriage to Ksenia Sobchak

TV presenter, journalist and socialite Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly expressed her skepticism about family values ​​and childbirth in particular. All her novels stopped before reaching their logical conclusion, that is, before the wedding.

Most of her fans and opponents thought that Sobchak would never marry. But no, she got married and gave birth to a child. Actor Maxim Vitorgan became the chosen one of 32-year-old Ksenia, and this news came as a complete surprise to everyone.

Hereditary actor

Maxim Vitorgan was born into the acting family of Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Butler. The son of famous parents, he graduated from GITIS in 1993 and entered the Moscow Youth Theater, where he played in productions of “The Thunderstorm” and “Decembrists”.

Since 1999, he served in Lenkom, but during his creative career he managed to work with the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, Theater of Nations, Center named after. Meyerhold. He became widely known as a member of the Quartet I theater, where he played the role of DJ Misha in the production of Radio Day and Election Day. These productions were filmed.

Maxim’s filmography includes more than 50 works. Most often in films he gets roles in comedies, a fact he explains by his typical appearance: “Such a large, clumsy person.”

Biography of Maxim Vitorgan

Photos of the wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and her husband Maxim Vitorgan quickly spread across the Internet. Fans began to wonder what ties this couple together. Ksenia is a public figure and her biography is familiar to many. Maxim is a creative person. Fans of cinema and theater are interested in his biography.

Maxim’s father is the famous Soviet actor Emmanuel Vitorgan, and his mother is actress Alla Butler. The boy chose his future profession right away. Maxim spent his childhood in the atmosphere of the theater, went to performances, and was behind the scenes. After graduating from school, he entered GITIS, which he graduated in 1993.

As Ksenia Sobchak’s husband admits, he is closer to the theater stage than film roles. Throughout his theatrical career he changed several theaters. He worked at the Moscow Art Theater, Lenkom, Theater of Nations, etc.

It became popular throughout the country after the release of the comedies “Election Day”, “Radio Day”, “What Men Are Thinking About”. In total, Maxim played roles in more than 50 films. Widely known as a member of Quartet I. In addition, the actor hosts children's programs and feels good as a comedian. Producers invite him to comedic roles because of his appearance. The actor looks awkward due to his height and build.

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The mystery of the novel

Sobchak and Vitorgan met at the “For Fair Elections” rally, but the acquaintance did not continue immediately. At that time, Ksenia was in a relationship, and Vitorgan began to conquer her.

As he himself admits, at the first meeting Ksenia made a stunning impression on him . “I have never seen such a combination of strength, energy and fragility.”

The couple hid their relationship for a long time, even from relatives and closest friends. On February 1, 2013, Sobchak and Vitorgan got married.

The ceremony took place at the Fitil cinema. The invitees were sure that they had come to the premiere with the participation of Vitorgan. But suddenly, completely unexpectedly, Ksenia appeared, in a wedding dress and veil. This came as a surprise to most guests.

Various theories were circulated in the press as to why Sobchak chose Vitorgan. One of them said that in this way Ksenia was trying to forget her previous romance, the other - that there were no hunters for Sobchak’s hand, so she grabbed the first person she came across (years go by, and no one really wants to get involved with such a woman). They also discussed the version of creating an unnecessary news story, and that Sobchak wants to move away from the opposition...

Few people believed in the sincerity of this couple and in the reality of marriage. Nobody thought about such a simple thing that the iron Sobchak could “float” and fall in love.

However, many things speak in favor of this particular version.

As is known from the TV personality’s interview with the authoritative Elle magazine, she was proposed to many times.

In principle, all of her serious relationships ended with a proposal, but it didn’t go further than that.

In her lifetime, Sobchak has seen billionaires, stars, ardent patriots, and fighters against the regime - but no one offered her the main thing. What Vitorgan offered her - to love her for who she is.

In addition, such convinced “childfree” people do not give birth to children simply because it is time. They give birth to children in exceptional cases. For example, for love.

Unity of opposites

At first glance, they are too different. She is provocative, social, with a reputation as one of the most scandalous media personalities. He is selective in communication, a reserved intellectual. According to Maxim himself, he was so uninterested in the social scene that he did not even suspect the scale of his wife’s popularity.

“The press is interested in her every sneeze, every word becomes the reason for an entire article,” he shared his experiences in an interview with one of the portals. “If I find myself at some social events, it means I was beaten badly.”

Despite the difference in lifestyle and temperament, the couple is still together. Many note that Sobchak has become softer and has stopped getting involved in various adventures. Vitorgan began to look better, lost weight, and began to dress stylishly.

On November 18, 2020, the couple had a son, Plato . At first, the young mother practically did not leave the country house in which she lives with the mother of the journalist, Lyudmila Narusova. Ksenia admits that a few years ago she could not even imagine that she would enjoy a quiet, “village” life.

Vitorgan also enjoys fatherhood. The actor has two children from previous marriages, but he perceives later fatherhood completely differently. “Every time I look at him, I don’t really understand why I even need to leave the house... He’s such a lucky guy: calm, attentive, reasonable.”

Ksenia Sobchak: biography, personal life

The future TV star was born into an intelligent Leningrad family of teachers on November 5, 1981. Ksenia Sobchak was sent to a school with advanced English. Since childhood, she was distinguished by the higher status of her parents.

Only Ksenia Sobchak was brought to classes by car and with security, which did not contribute to building friendly relations with other students.

The girl’s father was a representative of the highest circle of power, so Ksenia Sobchak is familiar with almost the entire government elite. Many began their careers as subordinates to their dad when she was still a child.

She often recalled family vacations with the current president of Russia. Vladimir Putin's friendship with Anatoly Sobchak has never been hidden.

On television, the girl appeared in her program “Blonde in Chocolate”, where she showed the pastime of celebrities. Essentially, this is a series of programs about herself.

However, Ksenia Sobchak became famous after the release of the reality show “Dom-2”, which she hosted for several years. Later, Ksenia led many other rating projects, and participated in some herself.

Then Sobchak entered politics, creating the “Everyone is Free” movement. She diligently supported oppositionists like Navalny.

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In the 2020 elections, Ksenia ran for president, but barely gained just over 1%.

Often Sobchak was a participant in conflict situations with the authorities or was a witness on charges due to fraud. Openly declares its millions in annual income.

Sobchak's first husband - Vyacheslav Leibman

Ksenia Sobchak barely waited until she came of age and immediately moved to live with Slava Leibman, vice-president of EKO-Holding for oil transshipment. They met in a nightclub and very quickly agreed on the basis of the same views on life.

The relationship was stormy, with huge quarrels and generous reconciliations. Ksenia Sobchak received, for example, a brand new Mercedes. When the girl was about to transfer to a university in the capital, her boyfriend followed his beloved.

Slava is the youngest son in a family business corporation, so at that time in his life he spent more than he earned. Over the course of 3-4 months of a civil marriage, the young man managed to spend $1 million, presumably on gifts for his passion.

Ksenia Sobchak’s mother introduced her to Anastasia Volochkova. The woman really wanted her daughter to be surrounded by well-mannered girlfriends with good manners.

Sobchak had a hard time surviving the betrayal of her friend and lover, harboring revenge and resentment. Wherever the couple appeared, Ksenia was always nearby and caused mischief.

As a result, the cheaters broke up, and the “queen of glamor” was avenged. However, Ksenia Sobchak’s hostility towards Volochkova remained for the rest of her life. At any opportunity, she does not miss the opportunity to say a caustic word towards her ex-friend.

Ksenia Sobchak and her men

The TV star was popular among influential and very wealthy fans. Many could not understand the reason.

It turned out that someone noticed a rather interesting fact. Every lover who gave Ksenia Sobchak gifts inexplicably became a very successful businessman.

This happened first with Leibman, who presented his beloved with the keys to a Mercedes and an apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment.

Ksenia Sobchak’s next chosen one was Alexander Shusterovich, owner of the Pleiades Group company, which was involved in the sale of uranium. The educated young man truly loved the girl, and she reciprocated.

Ksenia Sobchak lived in a civil marriage with Shusterovich for three years, then a marriage proposal followed. A grandiose wedding was being prepared. Narusova, her mother, even agreed to change the procedure for raising bridges.

For the ceremony, the Konstantinovsky Palace was rented, where the couple was supposed to sail under scarlet sails. The scale of the action is difficult to describe.

However, just a few days before the wedding, Ksenia Sobchak abruptly cancels everything, declaring that she is not ready for family life.

Some suggested that the groom would cheat on the eve of the event. From other sources it became known that Shusterovich’s relatives opposed the marriage.

A purely Jewish family considered it unacceptable for Alexander to marry a girl with a scandalous reputation.

Ksenia Sobchak almost immediately began appearing at social events with diplomat Vagip Yengibaryan. She is still grateful to him for his support.

However, their relationship lasted almost three years, the girl completely changed her glamorous image to the image of a well-mannered student and put on glasses.

Savitsky claims that he has never met such jealous women as Ksenia. The reason for the separation was the boyfriend's interest in model Elena Lyandres.

At the next stage of Sobchak’s life, Oleg Malis appears as vice-president. At the time of their acquaintance, his common-law wife was the same homewrecker Lyandres. Ksenia did not miss the chance to take revenge and took Oleg away from his wife and two children.

On the “Dancing with the Stars” project, Sobchak begins an affair with her partner Evgeniy Papunaishvili. They even lived together for some time, but not for long.

When Ksenia entered politics, the status of those elected changed somewhat. The next boyfriend is State Duma deputy Sergei Kapkov, who was married.

They say passions were running high. The man did not want to leave his family, but Sobchak achieved her goal. The previous marriage was destroyed, but a new one was not created. They parted extremely ugly, with grievances and complaints.

Ksenia found solace in a creative environment. The next chosen one is the director and director of the Praktika theater. On this stage, the girl tried herself as an actress.

With activist Ilya Yashin, Ksenia learned what a search in her own apartment and “the injustice of the authorities” meant. However, this union was doomed. Soon the artist Maxim Vitorgan appears on the horizon.

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