Childhood of Alexei Faddeev The hometown of actor Faddeev is Ryazan. It was there that he fell in love with the theater,
Training If we consider Simonov’s brief biography, it is important to note that after completing seven years of school
This American popular film actress became famous after the release of the world of Transformers. From children's
Childhood The future “King of Cakes” was born in the capital of Ukraine, but soon in the future the family changed
Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Slichenko Every fan of his idol’s work, no matter who
Biography Evgeny Kulakov was born into a simple metropolitan family, unrelated to the world of theater
Childhood and youth Avdotya, or, as her family called her, Dunya, was born in Moscow.
Biography Polina Favorskaya is a singer whose popularity came after the artist became
Anna Shatilova's childhood and family The girl Anya was born four years before the start of the war
Childhood and school years of Denis Ustimenko The future hip-hop artist was born in August 1985