Akintev Ilya Sergeevich

Childhood and youth

Ilya Akintyev was born on July 10, 1990 in the northern city of the Arkhangelsk region - Severodvinsk.

Actor Ilya Akintyev
Actor Ilya Akintyev

Ilya’s mother has been working as a manager in a company that prints and applies logos on textiles for more than ten years. And the actor’s father, Sergei Igorevich Akintyev, is a respected and famous person in the local administration. Having completed his education at the Leningrad Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the man spent 15 years serving in the internal authorities of Severodvinsk.

In 2010, he began working in the city administration. In 2016, the civil servant was appointed head of the Nenoksky territorial department of administration, and in 2020 he retired, having received a certificate of honor from the hands of the city head along with words of gratitude.

Ilya Akintyev

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the actor’s childhood. Ilya is very secretive about the details of his biography and personal life. Perhaps the young aspiring actor has not yet had the opportunity to tell his fans about them.

Gaps in the biography leave many questions and arouse obvious interest in the personality of the actor. It is known that the young man studied in Kaliningrad at the Faculty of Philology for two years. And in 2015 he graduated from RATI-GITIS, becoming a certified stage and film actor.

Ilya Akintyev on stage

After graduation, since 2020 he has been a member of the troupe of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. On stage, the tall brown-haired man with gray-green eyes got roles in productions about the life of gallant hussars who swore to remain bachelors - “Ladies and Hussars”, the character of a tin soldier in “The Princess and the Soldier” and others.

Photos, videos and stories of @ilya_akintiev on instagram

  • Ilya Akintyev


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Ilya Akintyev is following 0 and followed by 0 users on Instagram. Ilya Akintyev shared 83 media since joining Instagram.

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