Biography and date of birth of Sergei Zavyalov, his personal life and creative path

Russian singer, actor and TV presenter Sergei Lazarev, whose songs are well known even abroad, tirelessly pleases fans with new hits. The other day the artist presented the composition “Catch”, which is intended for enjoying the city at night. Let's remember what other hits made Sergei famous.


Here are the best songs of Sergei Lazarev:

"Lost Without Your Love"

The composition was included in the artist’s first album Don’t Be Fake, which followed immediately after Lazarev left the group Smash for a solo career. The English-language album was recorded in collaboration with the famous producer Ryan Rowling, who at one time worked with Britney Spears, Celine Dion, Rob Thomas. A tender song about the romantic feelings of a hero who suffers in the absence of his beloved girl. In the hot clip there are many girls in swimsuits, and one of them is the hero’s beloved, whom he takes away from the next party.

About his personal life

He has known his girlfriend, whose name is Rita Mineeva, for several years; they started dating back in Yekaterinburg. They also moved to Moscow together - they both wanted to try to make money on new ideas in the capital. Rita, in addition to filming her boyfriend’s video clips, also maintains her own blog on Instagram. She has a wonderful voice and incredible artistry, and she does great covers of famous hits. Sergei, by the way, helps her with recording these covers.

Sergei Shsteps and his girlfriend Rita Mineeva

It is felt that Seryozha and Victoria love each other very much; their Instagram accounts have a lot of photos and videos where they travel together, communicate with friends, relax at home, and they always give the impression of people who understand each other perfectly. And how they joke with each other - witty, sometimes to the point, but both of them are not at all offended by these jokes! Consider, for example, the clip where Sergei Rita brings a huge loaf of bread to the park: “This is not a hint at all, dear, that you are a glutton - this is to feed the ducks!” Rita, while her boyfriend runs for hot tea, devours a loaf and says to Sergei with an innocent look: “Oh, these ducks - they are so voracious!” Of course, these are just stories - they don’t make videos based on their real lives, but they watch these videos with great pleasure and evoke a lot of positive emotions.

The couple has no children, but Sergei and Margarita are often visited by his niece - by the way, she starred as the daughter of the legendary Lariska in a couple of Vines. They have been living together for several years, and, probably, the issue of children has not yet been raised for a banal reason: the future parents do not have an apartment; until recently they lived in a rented apartment in Butovo. It is quite possible that they will get married soon! In the summer, young people were at a wedding with close friends, and according to accepted custom, the bride threw a bouquet behind her during the celebration. As you might guess, Rita caught the flowers. Of course, this sign hardly gives a 100% guarantee that it will come true, but... who knows?


The touching and powerful song “Scream” is born from the fears that each of us carries in our souls. In the English version, Scream brought Lazarev third place at Eurovision 2019. The mystical video, shot by Konstantin Cherepkov, fully reflects the essence of the composition. All fears come from childhood, and only in the fight against them can we know ourselves.

All Sergei Lazarev's songs are filled with light and warmth. The artist strives for world recognition, and he does it well. High-quality singles and video works will delight the singer’s fans.

The childhood of Sergei Romanovich

The future actor was born and raised in the city of Tomsk.
Sergei's parents - Irina and Vladimir Romanovich - always treated the interests of their child with great respect and contributed to his comprehensive development. From childhood, the boy was distinguished by activity and purposefulness, and showed interest in creativity. The boy studied at one of the comprehensive Tomsk schools, was not an excellent student, but in public life he showed himself to be a real activist. He played in KVN, played football, karate, swimming, breakdancing, and even studied singing in a choir studio. In addition, for two years the guy diligently attended the theater club.

Sergei Romanovich in childhood

In 2006, Sergei took part in the Rossiya channel project - the G8 youth summit. He overcame three rather difficult tours, despite his mediocre command of English. The young Tomsk resident was broadcast on all federal channels.

This event changed his whole life. Firstly, a couple of days before his 14th birthday, Vladimir Putin flew to visit him. Secondly, he played chess with grandmaster Anatoly Karpov. And thirdly, he was invited to star in the biographical film “Tender May.” The young man, who was chosen from 1,500 other applicants, got the role of young Yuri Shatunov. And Sergei was recommended to the director by none other than Alexei Vorobyov, whom the boy met during the G8.

The first role of Sergei Romanovich is the biopic “Tender May”

After graduating from school, Sergei Romanovich decided to enter a theater university. This is not surprising, because the guy had obvious acting skills. In 2010, Sergei was admitted to VGIK, on ​​the course of Igor Yasulovich. In 2020, the young man became a certified actor.

“Mom screamed that I was a traitor to the Russian faith”

— A few years ago you became a Muslim...

- Six years ago.

— How did your loved ones perceive this decision?

“The relatives were naturally shocked. Usually people are afraid of what they don't know. Stereotypical thinking always takes over. That’s why my mother shouted that I was a traitor to the Russian faith, and stuff like that. But at its core, this is all nonsense. Jesus was not Russian, and Rus' was baptized. If you read history, at one time in Rus' there was such a meat grinder. And I joked: “Mom, you are the traitor to paganism. Go and take back paganism, for you have betrayed the religion of your ancestors.” There is no such thing that a Russian person must necessarily be a Christian. If I had been born before the Baptism of Rus' and accepted Christianity, then I would have been called a traitor as well. The stupidity is in the way people think stereotypically.

I came to this choice through communication with the older brother of my best friend Shamil. We just had a heated argument. In order to know in more detail about the subject of the dispute (we talked about religion), I went and bought the Koran.

— Often people, becoming Muslims, take some new name for themselves. Do you have one?

- I left mine. I read, studied the issue and learned that if the name does not contradict the meaning of monotheism, does not carry any bad meaning, then it is not necessary to change it. I had a marten (nickname - editor's note).

) and I signed “Abu Hafs” on the Internet.
And some people still call me that. Taking kunya is sunnah (encouraged by the example of the Prophet Muhammad - editor's note

— Has Islam somehow affected your acting career?

- Of course, maximum. As I already said, I decided to give up working in films. I began to refuse sex scenes and began to filter all the roles that came. Intimate scenes are removed from the script, or doubles are used. On “Chernobyl” in three seasons, it was also one of my conditions that all such controversial moments be removed from the script, so that there would be no intimacy in the frame.

—Haven’t you gone on Hajj yet?

- Not yet.

—Which madhhab do you follow?

— I perform Namaz, rather, according to the madhhab of Imam Shafii.

— Under the influence of a Chechen friend?

- No, on my own. At one time I started studying. But there is no such thing as strictly adhering to any particular madhhab. As all four imams said: “My madhhab is an authentic hadith.” That's why I always look at the arguments. If something contradicts, in my opinion, the madhhab, then I follow the argument. Every person has the ability to make mistakes. And every scholar declared: “If you come across an authentic hadith that contradicts my madhhab, then leave my madhhab and follow the hadith.”

— Did you make Kurban for the holiday of Eid al-Adha?

— At that time I was not in Russia, I was in Georgia.

— Do you celebrate the New Year, birthdays, or any secular holidays?

- I don’t note anything. My parents get offended from time to time... I just call. Before, I was generally stubborn. Now it has become simpler. If we talk about birthdays, I just call and chat. They know that I won’t congratulate you, but if I call, I’ll remember. I already brought my mother from Tomsk to live with me; she now lives in Moscow. I've already left everything else. I didn’t really notice it before (before accepting Islam). I just went outside and walked. But as a child, yes: I was waiting for gifts under the tree. And now it’s no longer there.

I left my name. I read, studied the issue and found out that if the name does not contradict the meaning of monotheism, does not carry any bad meaning, then it is not necessary to change

Acting career of Sergei Romanovich

After the premiere of Tender May, viewers of the older generation were quite critical of the young actor, because in appearance he did not at all resemble Shatunov.
Nevertheless, the choice of director Vladimir Vinogradov was obvious - he selected a musical, charming and spontaneous actor. Young people immediately fell in love with Sergei and perceived the film as a beautiful story about music and dreams. In 2010, a remake of the famous American series “Escape” was released on Russian television screens, in which Romanovich played the son of the main character. Sergei got a rather dramatic role, which was not easy to cope with. As the actor later admitted, the most difficult scenes for him were the scenes where he needed to cry, but he coped with the stunts easily.

Sergei Romanovich starred in the TV series “Escape”

Soon the actor made his mark in the series “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik”, reincarnating as the Odessa thief Berchik. During the initial stage of Sergei Romanovich’s career, his name managed to appear in the credits of many sensational projects, both TV series and feature films.

Still from the film “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Jap”

In 2012, the young actor played in the sitcom “Kitchen”, playing the role of Alex, the young chef of the Claude Monet restaurant. In 2013, he was busy filming the comedy “Only Girls in Sports” with Ilya Glinnikov and Alexander Vedmensky, where he played a character named Sashok.

In “Kitchen” Sergei Romanovich played the young chef Alex

The role of Sergei Romanovich in Anders Banke’s series “Chernobyl. Exclusion zone" (2014). His hero is an aggressive and tough guy Alexey. The actor himself described his hero as follows: “Although Lesha is a bastard, he is very charming and definitely not a villain. The guy just got a little confused and chose the wrong form of expressing himself. My Lesha is good because he does everything with humor.” Together with Sergei, the young actor Konstantin Davydov starred in the series. Sergei Romanovich: behind the scenes He also played a cameo role (parkour artist Igor) in the series “Method” with Konstantin Khabensky and Paulina Andreeva, which domestic viewers proudly called “our answer to Dexter.”

In 2020, the full-length film “The Box” was released, where Sergei Romanovich played the main role. His hero is an ordinary Moscow guy named Konstantin, passionate about football, who finds himself involved in a feud over his favorite place to train. The picture exposed the problems of rivalry, fair and dishonest.

In 2020, Sergei Romanovich appeared before the audience of the domestic disaster film “Crew,” which tells the story of a brilliant pilot. The film was released in April 2020. Sergei was assigned the role of Valery Zinchenko, the son of the hero Vladimir Mashkov, who, in turn, played the crew commander.

“Crew”: Sergei Romanovich as Valery Zinchenko

He could also be seen in the series “Olga” with Yana Troyanova - the young man played the boyfriend of Anya, the daughter of the main character Olga. In addition, Sergei Romanovich was busy filming the second season of Chernobyl.

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