Natalya Vasilievna Minkova: short biography, photo

Biography of Natalia Vasilievna Minkova

Natalya's horoscope is Gemini. Date of birth of Natalya Vasilievna Minkova is July 7. Her sign is characterized by some frivolity. However, in life and in business, Natalya has proven herself to be a collected, attentive and responsible leader, capable of quickly making the right decisions. Before her marriage to Marshall, the woman ran her own business. But after giving birth, she had to give up her career and devote herself to the family hearth.

Natalia Vasilievna Minkova

The year of birth of Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova, 1960, is designated the year of the Rat according to the Chinese calendar. Indeed, Natalya is an incredibly diligent and hardworking person, capable of coping with several tasks at once. The biography of Natalya Vasilievna Minkova is one way or another connected with the fate of her husband, since it was then that the main events in her life began to occur. As director of Alexander Marshal after his departure from Gorky Park, she achieved extraordinary success in this position. The girl was educated at the Institute of Arts, however, in addition to creative talents, she had a logical mind, which allowed her to succeed not only in the humanitarian professions.


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