Vodianova's ex-husband Justin Portman about his marriage to Natalia

Natalie is a famous Russian pop singer. Now, it is probably difficult to find at least one individual who does not know or has not heard about this artist. Natalie is both a performer, a composer, and a writer of poetry. She captivated thousands of fans, and not only using her singing talents. Despite her no longer young age, Natalie looks great. The girl has a certain zest that catches the eye. You always want to watch her, her behavior on stage, how she moves. The artist is very attractive, smiles a lot and is open to the world. Her look is good-natured and predisposes to trust. Natalie has incredible charm. Her voice captivates many. There is no need to be surprised that the singer Natalie has a huge number of fans who admire her and admire her work.

Natalie's real name is Natalya Rudenko (before Minyaev's marriage). For the first time her name was heard after the performance of the hit “The Wind Blowed from the Sea.” This work has become the favorite song of many listeners. The light tune and repeated words of the hit sounded in literally every home.

Thanks to her chic appearance, Natalie has won the hearts of a million men who cannot be taken away from their TV screens when her performances are on.

Natalie is a successful woman, in addition to being a caring mother of three children. It’s always interesting to watch the artist, which is why many people are interested in the biography of the singer Natalie.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer)

Natalie is gifted with a good figure and dresses with taste. Therefore, looking at her, you get the impression that you see a very young girl who is not subject to temporary changes. Many admirers of Natalie’s work are interested in her external data, such as height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer) - a frequently asked question. Few will believe that the heroine will celebrate her 45th birthday this year. It looks great and brews.

The height of the singer Natalie is 165 centimeters. Her weight is about 58 kilograms. Natalie is in excellent physical shape.

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Artist according to the horoscope Aries. Perhaps this is why her character contains notes of determination, stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence. Along with these qualities, Natalie is a very friendly and open person.

Biography of Natalie (singer)

The biography of Natalie (singer) arouses genuine interest among many. And not only among admirers of her work. The artist was born on March 31, 1974 in the town of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Her family was no different from their peers. Parents were workers at the Plexiglas chemical plant. Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich, held a leadership position, replacing the chief power engineer of the plant. Mother - Lyudmila Pavlovna, worked in the laboratory. There are three younger generations in the family; Natalie also has twin relatives, a brother and sister, Anton and Olesya.

Natalie studied in an ordinary Soviet school. My school years were filled with a lot of positive impressions. Natalie never sat still, she always wanted to be in the thick of things. She was noticeably different from her classmates, she was an activist, and took the lead in almost most festive events (concerts, theaters, KVNs, hikes, etc.).

At school, young Natalie was fond of writing poems and songs dedicated to all the real people around her - students and teachers. She developed a passion for music very early, and she tried in every possible way to develop her musical abilities. So, the artist studied piano and successfully graduated from music school.

Having received a secondary education, Natalie decides to devote herself to pedagogy and enters the Pedagogical School, after graduating from which she returns to the walls of her school, accepting the path of a teacher. Throughout this time, music continues to occupy the future star.

A little later, the young girl was called as a vocalist in the young group “Chocolate Bar”. This is how her musical career began. Here she immediately becomes the author and performer of several songs. A little later, Natalie moved to another, more popular group with the ambitious name “Pop Galaxy”.

Natalie has overcome more than one obstacle in her quest to achieve success. It is absolutely not easy to conduct your activities in such a way as to become noticeable to the right people. But Natalie succeeded; after she moved to the capital in 1994, producer Valery Ivanov almost immediately began to take a closer look at her. Here, Natalie’s husband Alexander Rudin was not the last spoke in the chariot; it was he who shared the recordings of the aspiring singer with his acquaintance. Valery Ivanov approved of her musical creations and decided to “promote” her.

At the very beginning, Natalie’s songs were distributed rather poorly, but sales were at the same level. Next came the single “Pink Dawn”, which moved the singer one step closer to her dream. A year later, the collection “Snow Rose” was published and the first filmed video appeared. So far, the young artist has not received any invitations to concerts, so sometimes Natalie was forced to remain performing at small private events, mostly as an opening act.

Already in 1998, the hit “The Wind Blew from the Sea” was released, as well as the record of the same name. And this led to incredible success. As they say, Natalie woke up famous. Throughout our entire territory there is not a single living soul who does not have the lyrics and melody of a song stuck in his head. They sounded everywhere. Then there were new songs, big concerts.

Natalie's collaboration with her first producer came to an end in 2002. But at the same time, several more albums appear, which, on the general wave of popularity, are received very warmly by the audience.

In 2012, another masterpiece, “Oh God, What a Man,” stood out; its release was followed by another, even more stormy wave of glorification of the artist. The fact that Natalie unexpectedly became a nominee for the “Comeback of the Year” and “Sometimes They Come Back” awards speaks for itself. She was 38 years old then. Many people started talking about her, she gained many admirers among the younger generation.

In 2013, the hit “Nikolai” was performed with Nikolai Baskov. Soon the woman becomes the winner of the “Best Video Clip” award from the RU.TV channel. The joint composition with rapper Dzhigan achieved enormous success. The song “You Are Like That” also gained incredible popularity.

In 2014, Natalie appeared in the music and entertainment show “Just the Same.” Then she accepted a bold invitation to the “Battle of Psychics.” The Rossiya-1 channel also expressed a desire to see the singer, who had once again gained momentum in popularity, on air, inviting her to host the program “People Will Judge.” The pop diva also worked in voice acting; in the cartoon “Puzzle,” Joy speaks in her voice. In 2016, in honor of the birthday of the head of state, Natalie presented the song “Volodya”.

In general, during her career, the talented singer has released 13 studio albums, more than two dozen singles and four collections.

Now Natalie does not stop, delighting her fans with new achievements in music. She can often be seen at free concerts as part of federal-level events.


There is little information about Natalya Krasavina (this is her real name).

The biography is full of blank spots. Where another surname, Bulavin, came from is a mystery, but there really are plenty of them.

In terms of personal information, the supermodel acts like James Bond, one of her idols, known in the world as Agent 007. Natalya took three magic numbers as the name of her Instagram profile.

It is known that the future star was born in Moscow at the turn of two centuries, in a simple Russian family, where there were no frills or whims. She studied at an ordinary metropolitan school, dreamed of becoming popular, and was fond of dancing and sports.

Date of birth according to passport: February 17, 1999. In 2019 she turned 20 years old.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius - girls born under this sign are marked by beauty, strong character, independence, and the ability to be visible.

Personal life of Natalie (singer)

Thanks to her irresistible appearance, Natalie was never deprived of the attention of men. Many people liked her. The personal life of Natalie (the singer) originates from the very young age of the heroine. While still a seventeen-year-old girl, she married for love. But not everything was as simple and easy as it seemed.

Natalie had several miscarriages in a row. It was endlessly difficult for her to get rid of her depressed state. But Natalie showed strength and determination here. She continued to engage in musical creativity. And after several years of marriage, fate rewarded the singer with a son. The first boy was awarded the name Arseny. Later, a second son, Anatoly, was born, and after a short time, a third. Natalie is sure that she was able to give the world three whole children for a reason, that her prayers were still answered.

Natalie's family (singer)

Natalie's parents were not objectively connected with music. They worked at a chemical plant. But both father and mother supported their daughter in every possible way in any endeavor. From the very beginning, they predicted great success for their daughter. Natalie remembers her childhood years with special tenderness and thanks her parents for their good upbringing, positive attitude and home comfort.

Now Natalie’s (singer) family is large and happy. The woman proves herself not only as an artist, but also as a beloved wife and caring mother. She has a beloved husband, as well as three wonderful sons. They have been living together with the chosen one of their youth for more than 22 years. Natalie showed by her example that it is possible to choose a lifelong partner at a young age and not make a mistake. He considers mutual support, trust and love to be the most important in family relationships.

Meaning of a girl's name

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Natalya?

Early childhood:

As a child, Natalya differs from her peers in her cheerfulness. She loves to play and be naughty, and is a great inventor. Even in the simplest and most boring games, the girl will try to come up with something new and interesting to make it even more fun. In the children's group, Natasha is the initiator of many games, the ringleader and the naughty one. She has an amazing imagination and excellent figurative memory.


During her school years, Natasha is very active. She is an active social activist, succeeds everywhere, loves to be visible, and redoubles her efforts when she hears praise addressed to her. She has a cheerful and lively character, decisive manners, and active kindness. She not only studies well, but strives to become an excellent student. At the same time, she does not focus on studying alone, but manages to participate in all public affairs. Natasha attends a theater or dance club, loves country hikes, and skiing with the whole class.

At school, Natalya is usually cheerful and friendly, capable of protecting the weak and offended, but sometimes becomes despondent. The fact is that the bearers of this name are very touchy and do not quickly come to balance. Natasha's main drawback is her intolerance to critical remarks. A girl can suddenly flare up because of a few words spoken in passing.


The meaning of the name Natalya in adult life. Adult Natalia, as in childhood, remains very impressionable. She is charming and charming and knows how to use these qualities to her advantage. Natalia is very sensitive to failures; any remark, not to mention direct insult, is perceived as a personal insult. He does not forget insults, although over time he forgives. A girl named Natalya behaves independently, she can say a barb at someone, this is her external reaction to criticism. Natalia has a lot of difficulties at work and in family life, but she keeps everything to herself, she wears the mask of a cheerful or balanced, calm person.

At work, Natasha always achieves success. Natasha is not influenced, she always relies on herself, she will do what she sets her mind to. Natalia has an amazingly strong intuition; many things often become clear to her based on the most subtle signs. It is difficult to predict her reaction; it is known that she is not afraid, quick-witted, and will not leave a person in trouble.

Natalya is a highly moral person. She is pleased with both her own and other people's successes. But in some cases, her morality leads to puritanism, sometimes even aggressive. Natalya takes a selfless part in the fate of an unfortunate friend or relative. A girl with this name gives her all her strength and does not demand anything in return except recognition of her dedication. Outwardly calm, the girl Natalia feels like a martyr in everything - love, hate, career, she even gets sick somehow like a martyr. Any victory for Natalia, from minor to significant, is a feat. Natalya is happy when she sees, hears or feels sincere gratitude or admiration.

Children and pregnancy Natalie (singer). Gave birth to a third child

Children are a rather sensitive topic for singer Natalie. To experience the role of a happy mother, she was forced to overcome many difficulties. It is known that before the birth of her first son, Natalie had several miscarriages. The artist was very worried about this and almost fell into depression. But faith in God helped her cope, gave her strength. She did not waste time on prayers in vain, her efforts were rewarded. In 2001, the young artist gave birth to her first child.

Nine years later, Natalie made her husband happy again - her second son was born. Now Natalie and her husband dreamed of a daughter. The singer herself did not show off her family, she was afraid of the evil eye. The topic of children and pregnancy of Natalie (singer) remained closed. Did the singer give birth to her third child or not? - a frequent request on the network. Many were worried about her health. A little later it became known that in April 2020, Natalie (singer) felt the joy of motherhood for the third time. And although it turned out to be a boy again, the young parents are again very happy.

Personal life

Natalya Soldierova with her husband

While still a student, Natalya Soldatova got married. At first, she was simply friends with Alexei, who was a student at the university where she herself studied. Natalya did not consider Alexei as a husband. She always consulted with him as an older comrade about roles. However, thanks to his actions and care, she was still able to love him. Natalia’s mother immediately approved of Alexey’s candidacy, and this fact finally influenced the girl’s decision.

The young people got married when Natalia was a 2nd year student. The wedding took place with the money of their parents, since the young people, being students, did not yet have their own income. There were no magnificent celebrations - they played a modest wedding. They got their own apartment a little later.

Natalia's husband also has an acting education. At first, he also served in the theater, but it was very difficult to feed a family on an actor’s salary, so Alexei had to leave the acting profession. Now Alexey produces performances.

Natalya Soldatova with children

In 2001, the couple had their first son, Gregory. Soon the couple had more children: sons Evgeniy (2008) and Leonid (2010). Natasha is very glad that this is how life turned out and does not regret at all that her career has faded into the background.

Natalie's son (singer) - Arseny

Natalie’s son (singer) is Arseny, the artist’s first long-awaited child. The boy was born in 2001. For a long time, the singer hid her son from journalists’ cameras, she was afraid of the evil eye. After all, as mentioned above, before this Natalie could not bring her pregnancy to birth for a long time, she had miscarriages several times. But, fortunately, this did not break the artist. Faith in God and prayers helped her cope with difficulties and overcome all obstacles.

At the moment, the first heir Arseny has become a fully grown, mature guy. It is not yet known whether he will work in the same field as his mother. But in any case, Natalie and her husband will support and approve of any of the boy’s undertakings. The choice is up to the young man.

The role of her husband in the life of Natalya Yakimchik

Many ladies are familiar with the Natayakim brand, created in 2014. wife of the famous oligarch Valery Shevchuk. This is a swimsuit collection that is in demand in the world of models and stars. Valery played a huge role in Natalya’s biography. The businessman gave her a business, and Yakimchik successfully runs it, offering various types of swimsuits. The brand also designs sportswear. Looking at the photo of Natalya Yakimchik’s husband and her husband, you can see that the couple is happy. Valery adores his wife. In a harmonious union at home, in difficulties at work, Natalya Yakimchik and her husband support each other. Her oligarch husband even helped her develop an advertisement for a swimsuit in one of the restaurants in Cannes. Everywhere Yakimchik and her husband appear together, demonstrating a strong relationship and deep mutual respect.

Perhaps interesting: husband of Galina Yudashkina, husband of Elena Sever.

Natalie's son (singer) Anatoly

Natalie's son (singer) is Anatoly, he had the role of the second child and the middle of the brothers. The boy is 9 years younger than his brother Arseny. He was born in 2010. Tolya's future has not yet been determined. His parents try to pamper him and give him nice gifts. Nevertheless, the boy grows up polite, well-mannered and generous.

Anatoly studies in a special school. The guy grows up as a living example of his parents.

Already the year before last, Natalie and her husband acquired another offspring. His parents named him Evgeniy, thereby breaking the tradition of calling all male representatives with names beginning with the letter “A”.

It should also be noted that Natalie is not hiding her children from journalists now. There are many family photos online, and you can also find footage from the maternity hospital.

Natalie and Alexander are happy in their long-term family union. The popular singer always finds an opportunity to spend time with her family.

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin

Natalie’s common-law husband (singer) Alexander Rudin is the artist’s first and only love. Alexander swarmed in 1970. They met during their school years. Natalie performed at a rock concert for the first time when Alexander Rudin approached her after the performance and offered to record songs.

Natalie and Alexander Rudin immediately felt an attraction. Later this developed into a visit to the registry office. This fateful decision was carried out in 1991, a difficult year for the country. In those years, the artist was not yet an adult, and in order for the marriage to be registered, the parents collected a pile of documents confirming their daughter’s pregnancy.

Alexander Rudin is the most ordinary person. The husband, however, provided great assistance to Natalie’s development as a singer. It’s interesting that at the beginning of her career, Natalie did her best to disguise the fact that she was married. This was necessary for the good promotion of the young artist.

The couple moved to Moscow together and began to conquer the capital. Alexander Rudin strongly supported the aspiring artist. It was he who took the cassette with recordings of the singer’s first attempts to her first producer, Valery Ivanov.

The couple had difficulty having children for many years. But in 2001, fate gave them the desired first-born - son Arseny. After 9 years, the family was replenished with another boy - Anatoly. Singer Natalie and Alexander Rudin wanted to “dilute” the boy group with at least one girl. In 2020, Natalie became pregnant again. But April 2020 was marked by the birth of a little man, which has already become a tradition. It was customary to call him Evgeniy. And although it turned out to be not a daughter, as the couple dreamed, Natalie and Alexander Rudin are overwhelmed with happiness - they will again experience the role of young parents. Now they live as a big happy family. They are very proud of their children and continue to dream of a daughter.

Natalie and Alexander Rudin have been married for more than 25 years, but everyone still has passionate feelings for each other.

Natalie authoritatively declares that this is the best man in her life. She is grateful to fate and God for her beloved husband, caring father and just a real man. Perhaps the masterpiece “Oh God, what a man” was written exactly for Alexander Rudin.

The singer's personal life

Natalie's personal life

  • Alexander Rudin is Natalie’s first and only husband, first producer. They got married when Natalie was 17 years old. Alexander Rudin always treated his wife very kindly, doing everything for her career and success. The couple is still happily married.
  • Natalie and Alexander have two sons. The eldest's name is Arseny, and the youngest's is Anatoly. For many years the couple could not have children. Natalie had many miscarriages, and so she decided to go to a healer to help her. True or not, after this the singer became pregnant and safely gave birth to her first son.
  • Despite their musical career, Natalie and Alexander are planning to have a third child, this time a girl.

Natalie's life path is full of ups and downs, but she experienced all this together with her husband, whom she continues to love to this day.

Photo of Natalie (singer) before and after plastic surgery

Singer Natalie has always amazed with her beauty. And in her middle age, she amazes fans with her charming appearance. Looking at her now, you are amazed at her beauty. One involuntarily asks: “Has Natalie had plastic surgery?” She did make some adjustments to her appearance.

The artist herself is not ashamed of the circumstances that sometimes she still resorts to the help of surgeons for her appearance. But one cannot say that she is passionate about this to the point of fanaticism. In Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” Natalie said that her breasts were done by professionals, since after giving birth they naturally lost their attractiveness and elasticity. Her lips are also slightly inflated with Botox. There are many photos of Natalie (singer) before and after plastic surgery on the Internet, but you won’t find any obvious changes there. The artist believes that all edits and changes should be in moderation.

We must pay tribute to the singer’s figure. She looks gorgeous. Although it is worth noting that Natalie does not like to exhaust herself with hard workouts in the gym. It’s better for her to do some house cleaning, thereby pumping herself up a little. In general, the singer is not shy about direct dialogue with fans and is always ready to share the secrets of her magnificent appearance.

What is known about Zubareva’s ex-husband?

Little is known about Vadim. He prefers not to disclose the details of his life to strangers. Zubareva has her own website on the Internet. The content here is updated regularly.

Natalia Zubareva's ex-husband: where is he now after the divorce?
Photo: fireinspire

There are several photographs of Natalia’s husband on the Internet. On his page on social networks, the young man posts techniques that help strengthen family and health. He is ready to help everyone in need. The Zubarevs had two children in their marriage.

Natalia Zubareva's ex-husband: where is he now after the divorce?
Photo: 24smi

The nutritionist’s subscribers claim that Natalya recently divorced her husband. A famous doctor confirmed this information. But Zubareva did not give any comments. We can only speculate. And journalists have already taken up this issue. They believe that Vadim was constantly in the shadow of his wife. He was tired of playing the role of a dark horse. Therefore, the man decided to divorce his wife.

Natalia Zubareva's ex-husband: where is he now after the divorce?
Photo: starandstar

Another popular version is betrayal. It’s hard to believe, but journalists are sure that Zubareva’s marriage broke up due to her husband’s infidelity. However, there is no confirmation of these words. It is also known that Vadim is now married to another woman. But there are no children in this marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer)

After a slight decline in popularity, Natalie does not hide any areas of her life from her admirers. Thus, there is Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer). Here you can easily find out about the latest events in the life of a popular artist.

Natalie actively updates her Instagram page. She often posts new posts, pampers her fans with revelations from her private life, posts videos of concerts, etc. Millions of admirers of her work are subscribed to her account.

Wikipedia provides detailed information about the singer’s life and work. Here you can get acquainted with the main points of her biography and her creative path. The information is reliable and accessible to every Internet user.

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