Morgan Sipre: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Some people are born to leave a bright mark on history. They may be remembered as positive or negative heroes, but in any case there are few such unusual people, and the biography of each is of great interest to subsequent generations. JP Morgan is one of the most extraordinary personalities who lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He was called the most stingy and the most generous, the most cruel and the most merciful. Do you think this is impossible? You just don't know anything yet about America's greatest financier.

JP Morgan: brief biography

The future entrepreneur was born into an aristocratic family. More precisely, John’s mother, as the boy born in 1837 was named, belonged to an ancient family. The child's father was a completely successful entrepreneur and built his relationship with his son on the basis of rigor and a set of rules.

The elder Morgan raised his successor and forced his son to be the best in everything. But it was difficult for the boy. He grew up as a sickly child and suffered from a large number of chronic diseases. This list included arthritis, seizures, skin diseases and much more. In addition, young John desperately lacked the love and tenderness that his parents did not indulge him with.

J.P. Morgan received an excellent education and showed a penchant for entrepreneurship from an early age. During the American Civil War, the young man began his career with his father and immediately managed to distinguish himself in several major transactions. This was just the beginning of a series of successful transactions and financial mergers.

John was married twice and had four children. Throughout his active career, he gained unprecedented influence and an almost crystalline reputation. Having founded the first financial empire in American history, JP Morgan enjoyed unprecedented love and respect from some people, but for some reason aroused fierce hatred from others. This unique man became the creator of several industrial giants (they operate to this day), but he himself did not feel the desire to engage in production.

The bank "GP Morgan Chase", created by the descendants of the financier, according to the latest data, is one of the largest on the planet. In addition, Morgan was a devoted admirer of art and amassed a huge collection of original paintings and sculptures, as well as an excellent library.

Along with the greed that many of Morgan's contemporaries mentioned, he was the most important philanthropist in New York. It is known for certain that the financier sponsored several hospitals, museums and schools.

J.P. Morgan died at the age of seventy-five in 1913, leaving his heirs a fortune of one hundred million dollars.


In Australia, media magnates Murdoch began to build their corporation. Keith Murdoch served as a political commentator for a Melbourne newspaper. Later, he was appointed to the position of editor-in-chief, increased the publication's circulation and headed the enterprise.

His son Rupert also became a journalist. After suppressing Australia's main rival media, Murdoch founded the media. Today the family owns the Fox News channel and the film company 20th Century Fox, the Dow Jones securities company and the social network MySpace.

Rupert has become very popular in pop culture. He even became the prototype for the villain in the film Tomorrow Never Dies about James Bond, the prototype for Logan Roy in the popular series Descendants, and was mentioned several times in the series The Simpsons and The Big Bang Theory. According to Forbes magazine, the family's fortune at the beginning of 2019 was estimated at $19.5 billion.

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John Morgan's family and early childhood

The future financier's mother belonged to the Payerpont family. Young Juliet was distinguished by good manners and a sweet face, which attracted Junius Morgan to her. He was considered an excellent match for an impoverished aristocrat whose mother suffered from a host of illnesses and whose father suffered from skin rashes. It was precisely the factor of degeneration of the aristocratic Payerpont family that caused the birth of such a weakened boy.

John Morgan was considered disabled from early childhood. He lay in bed for many months, suffering from cramps and migraines. The little boy was desperate for praise and love, but his father guided him with a rather harsh hand. Despite a long list of illnesses, he demanded that his son always be the first in everything. This developed a certain arrogance and arrogance in John, which, combined with his appearance and morbidity, caused ridicule and rejection from his peers. Nevertheless, his father strictly monitored him and commented on all areas of life, including his choice of friends. Those who did not inspire confidence in Junius Morgan instantly disappeared from John's life.


Morgan Sipre was born in 1991 in the city of Melun. He simultaneously studied at a regular general education school and at a sports school, and was involved in figure skating. The guy received a secondary and sports education.

The young man showed himself well in single figure skating. When he was 19 years old, Cipre Morgan competed at the World Junior Championships. At the same time, the couple Vanessa James and Yannick Bonheur ceased to exist. The coach decided to unite Morgan Cipres with Vanessa, who remained temporarily out of work. So in the fall of 2010, their couple was created.

As Vanessa later recalled, Morgan was very nervous at their first training session together, especially when he threw it while performing such a combination. This is how the young people worked together for the first time.

JP Morgan's school days

John's father quite often transferred him from one school to another. This was due to the fact that the stubborn Junius did not always like his son's teachers and classmates. And they, in turn, showed dissatisfaction with the boy’s isolation and aloofness. John spent most of his time reading books and carefully analyzing his budget. He spoke several languages ​​fluently and could afford significant financial expenses if he needed them.

By the age of ten, the boy’s mother had almost completely withdrawn from his upbringing; she increasingly fell into a state of hysteria and depression. Ultimately, she completely became a prisoner of her world, from which she did not leave for months. The only person who cared about John was his father. He persistently raised his successor from the sick boy, because Morgan Sr.’s business was confidently going uphill.

Under these conditions, John could completely withdraw into himself, but he still grew up as a fairly lively child. At a time when his health allowed it, the boy devoted time to animals, went on excursions and studied well, even without particularly preparing for lessons. He had a lot of complexes about his appearance and tried to communicate only with a narrow circle of people.

The family moved frequently, John studied in Boston and London, where at the age of fourteen he was struck down by a new attack of illness, which confined the teenager to bed for six long months.

Early life

Born March 4, 1877, in Paris, Kentucky, Garrett Morgan was the seventh of 11 children. His mother, Elizabeth Reed, was of Indian and African descent, and was also the daughter of a Baptist minister. His father, Sidney, a former slave freed in 1863, was the son of John Hunt Morgan, a Confederate colonel. Garrett Morgan Mixed racial heritage would play a role in his business dealings as an adult.

When Morgan was in his teens, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio to look for work and found one as a handyman. rich landowner. Although he only received an elementary education, Morgan was able to pay for more lessons from a private tutor. But work in several sewing machine factories was soon to capture his imagination and shape his future. After learning the inner workings of machines and how to fix them, Morgan received a patent for an improved sewing machine and opened his own repair business.

Morgan's business was a success, and this allowed him to marry a Bavarian woman named Mary Ann Hassek and settle in Cleveland. (He and his wife would have three sons during their marriage.)

Life in the Azores

Concerned about his son’s health and after consulting with various doctors, Morgan Sr. decided to send his son to the Azores, where he spent about a year away from his loved ones. It is worth noting that the warm climate benefited the teenager. He recovered and lost his usual pallor. John moved actively, courted local beauties and forgot about all his problems for a while. The only thing that bothered the boy was the indifference of his parents. He wrote to them often, and these letters were filled with love and longing.

In the Azores, JP Morgan celebrated his fifteenth birthday, and his father did not even congratulate him on the holiday in another letter, where he ordered him to gain strength and prepare for hard work.

Beginning of the Morgan Empire

After returning home, John was sent to Switzerland to continue his education. He began to feel much more confident, and his young body, full of energy, was already better able to cope with the constant attacks of the disease. Young Morgan studied well, began to make new acquaintances and got to know the taste of his first victories over women.

After Switzerland, John studied in London and Germany, and then returned to his father in America. It was at this moment that the Civil War began, bringing turmoil and confusion to the ranks of entrepreneurs. But this did not concern the Morgans at all; they were able to derive enormous benefit from the current situation. They began to supply the army with weapons, cotton and ammunition. Young Morgan carried out his transactions very firmly and confidently, which literally turned out to be a golden shower for the company. Junius was surprised by his son’s grip, because JP Morgan’s signature style was gradually emerging - risk, ruthlessness and prudence. As a couple, father and son managed to pull off a lot of deals, which seemed very easy to John. He suddenly realized what he really wanted to do, and like a man possessed, he made tens of thousands of dollars, which later became the basis of his empire.

J. Morgan's first love

After his first victories in business, Morgan met his first and only love. Her name was Emilia Sturges, but the loving John affectionately called the girl Mimi and devotedly courted her. The beauty was the daughter of a railroad magnate and was distinguished by her pretty appearance, combined with an excellent education and calm disposition. John spent all his free time with his beloved, and his business was confidently going uphill. Morgan became involved in loans for the military, which brought him to a new level among American businessmen.

He proposed to his beloved and had already begun preparations for the wedding when the girl suddenly became seriously ill. After some doubts, doctors diagnosed tuberculosis, which meant a death sentence for the young and beautiful Emilia. John was beside himself with grief, but did not give up his plans. He married a weakened girl and took her to Paris, and then to Algeria. The young man hoped that the warm climate and the sun would work a miracle and his beloved would be cured. But this was not destined to happen - Emilia Morgan did not live in marriage for even two months.

Twenty-year-old John Pierpont Morgan took a long time to recover from the grief that had befallen him. Many biographers of the financier wrote later that he kept his love for Emilia in his heart until his death. None of the subsequent women managed to become a worthy replacement for Mimi.

Morgan: a few touches to the psychological portrait of a personality

At twenty-three, John married Frances Tracy. Over the many years of marriage, the couple had four children, but it was a stretch for them to call themselves happy. The spouses were completely different in temperament. John enjoyed the company of people and the bustling city, while his wife sought privacy. This led to the couple increasingly spending time apart; they lived on different continents for several months. Naturally, there were many women around the financier, and he did not hide the fact that he had several mistresses. Many ladies admitted that Morgan, who was not at all handsome, had incredible magnetism and charisma. It is impossible to refuse him, and the words of the financier, spoken in a quiet voice, always sounded loudly.

Morgan believed that money earned should be spent on what is dear to the heart. In his case, this was expressed in art and real estate. Gradually appeared:

  • a huge house on Madison Avenue;
  • a library built according to a special project;
  • villa on the Hudson;
  • several Corsair yachts (they had different displacements, but always the same name).

John Morgan really enjoyed scouting for talent and investing in various new projects. He could freely communicate with absolutely ordinary people who interested him in something. Do you know how GP Morgan's house was lit? Of course, with the help of electricity. Meeting Thomas Edison made a huge impression on the financier, and he was the first in New York to electrify his homes and offices.


This family owns most of the gold and diamond reserves. The business was founded by Ernest Oppenheimer, who moved to live in the city of Kimberley, located in South Africa. First, he was elected mayor of the city, and then founded and headed one of the diamond mining companies. Very soon Ernest captured almost the entire world market for the extraction, processing and sale of minerals and precious metals.

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Today, the diamond empire is headed by the billionaire's grandson, Nick Oppenheimer. The family mines and sells not only diamonds, but also iron ore, gold, platinum and some industrial minerals.

Morgan's philanthropic activities

Many spoke of Morgan as an extremely greedy person; this opinion was formed due to his isolation and inability to conduct long small talk. He could, with a light heart, invest millions in an interesting project and deny an ordinary beggar on the street a couple of cents. Few people knew that John Pripont was actively involved in charity work, but he literally forbade advertising this fact to the public.

At the beginning of his career, the financier donated fabulous sums for those times for the construction of a modern parental department, and later he wrote a monthly check for its maintenance. In association with Tesla, J.P. Morgan paid for the electrification of streets in Manhattan in order to reduce crime. It is known that every year the philanthropist provided financial support to many American labor schools and museums.

It is known that in a fit of generosity, John Pierpont was able to bestow money and real estate on people who provided him with services. Moreover, in the future he enjoyed maintaining relations with them.

Morganization: basics and rules

The active financial activity of John and Junius Morgan led economists to identify the entire process by which the empire was built. It was called Morganization, and it was based on three principles that Morgan Sr. instilled in his son literally from childhood.

The first principle was the prohibition of speculative investments. In the Morgan company, it was believed that they lead to losses and spoil the reputation, which is related to the second principle of organization. John Pripont himself argued that a person with a bad reputation cannot work in finance or carry out any transactions. Morgan believed that trust is the basis of a successful transaction. The third principle was prudence and control of capital. It was these rules that led to the creation of a huge empire that influenced the American government.

Morgan financial empire

We can say that the great empire began with the financing of railways. The end of the nineteenth century was characterized by rapid development of this industry, and any growth is impossible without a constant influx of money.

JP Morgan Bank actively financed various railway companies, placing them under its strict control. Morgan himself carefully monitored the development of companies and did not give them a chance to go bankrupt. He was ready at any moment to intervene in the affairs of leaders and carry out radical changes, appointing new people to leadership positions. Over time, only strong companies that Morgan trusted remained in business. This rallied the American railroads, and GP Morgan Bank raised its ratings and gained new investors who admired the financier's business acumen. Just a few years later he already controlled most of the country's railways.

JP Morgan Bank continued its activities in all areas of industry. Thanks to him, new companies were created that united various industries under their brand. As a result, this activity benefited the country’s economy, which was gaining power and strength.

But what Morgan did most was for America as a whole. He saved the country from financial collapse several times and thereby terrified presidents and governments. On the threshold of the next crisis, they realized how closely they were connected with Morgan, who with one or two decisions decided the fate of entire countries. After all, even at the dawn of his career, he managed to convince European bankers to transfer their capital to America and personally controlled this process. For many years, Morgan Bank practically performed the functions of the US national bank, which, naturally, could not help but frighten congressmen and presidents. Morgan seemed to have limitless influence, and only his death forced America to take some measures in order to protect itself from similar situations in the future.

Rockefeller clan (main photo)

Legends are made about the condition of this family. No one can name the exact amount of the Rockefellers' assets. According to various sources, it ranges from $1 to 3 billion. John D. Rockefeller became the first dollar billionaire in history. It was he who brought fame to the family.

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At the end of the 19th century, the Rockefellers controlled more than 90% of US oil. Almost all US oil companies have Rockefeller-related origins. The family's fortunes were strengthened by two world wars. She helped both Germany and the allies.

Currently, in addition to the oil and banking sectors, the Rockefellers are involved in cryptocurrency and charity. Proponents of conspiracy theories consider members of the clan to be the authors of the idea of ​​the “golden billion” and the presidents of the shadow government.

"GP Morgan Chase": creation and description

This bank, created as a result of the merger of several large American banks, is recognized as one of the best investment projects of our time. JP Morgan Chase was created in several stages, and the main core was Chemical Bank. It became an independent company only in the mid-nineteenth century, and at the end of the last century it was bought by Chase Manhattan.

As a result, in 2000, Chase Manhattan and GP Morgan Company merged. This enterprise was named "GP Morgan Chase Bank". Now its branches operate in thirty-six countries around the world, and it continues to expand its influence. Many modern analysts argue that JP Morgan Chase Bank embodied the great financier's dream of a system that would penetrate through branches into every country on the planet and could run the world economy.

In recent months, the press has often mentioned GP Morgan and Brexit in the same news columns. This is due to the fact that the bank actively cooperated with European countries and, in the context of exit from the European Union, seeks to prevent its losses. From time to time, restrictions on cash withdrawals and other measures that are not entirely popular among the British population are implemented. Although, according to analysts, this should not lead to a crisis in the English financial system.

Last years

In the 2014-2015 season, Cipre Morgan and Vanessa James took fourth place at the international competition in Oberstdorf. But they managed to win at home at the French Championship. So by this season, a couple of skaters become three-time French champions.

The following season, 2015-2017, Morgan and James took third place in an international competition held in Germany. Then in Nagano they were only sixth. And in Boston at the World Championships they entered the top ten.

The next season was also quite successful for the athletes. The Olympic Games took place in 2020 in South Korea. Here, the best result of these doubles was fifth place in the individual tournament.

In 2020 they were able to become European champions. With this, Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres contributed to the establishment of a new achievement. After all, for 87 years French greenhouses could not win this title.

Moscow: Morgan Bank

GP Morgan had never been to Moscow, but he considered Russia a very promising country. His children continued his policy, so in the seventies of the last century the first branch of Morgan’s financial empire was opened in the capital.

GP Morgan Bank is very active in Moscow. He is a leader in conducting transactions in dollars and advises many large Russian companies operating in the international market.

John Morgan managed to create a completely new financial management system that revolutionized ideas about the capabilities of banks. Surprisingly, all of the financier’s companies are still successfully developing and finding themselves in rather difficult modern conditions. And this indicates that Morgan can truly be considered a genius, who was subject to absolutely any cash flow.


Even under Napoleon I, the Rothschilds became one of the richest families in the world. The dynasty was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He created a financial empire in Germany and founded a large banking business. After his death, his will was read out, in which he outlined his thoughts on running the empire. It must be said that for more than 200 years the Rothschilds have strictly observed these rules.

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There are many rumors and speculations about this clan. Some believe that the Rothschilds control all financial institutions and all the wealth in the world. Others believe that the Rothschilds sponsor and encourage most wars. The current fortune of the Rothschilds is estimated at $2 billion. They are engaged in trade, banking, investments, own several companies, vineyards, and extract natural gas and oil.

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