Gennady Malakhov: “Television has sucked all the juice out of me!”

Material from Frikopedia - encyclopedia of pseudoscience

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov
Directions healing
Science medicine
Place of Birth Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region, RSFSR

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

(September 20, 1954, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region) - Russian TV presenter, “folk healer”, promoter of a healthy lifestyle, author of numerous books about various methods of healing the body, many of which most experts call pseudoscientific.
He is after urine therapy. From the author's website


Gennady Petrovich Malakhov was born on September 20, 1954, in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region. After school, he graduated from a vocational school with a degree in electrical mechanics.[1] In 1988 he graduated from the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow.

According to Malakhov himself, he came to the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle when, while trying to give up sports, he suffered a severe disease of the tonsils.[2] Gennady tried to cope with the disease by cleansing the body and for this he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich, a yoga practitioner, who managed to raise him to his feet using the “correct” breathing technique. Later, Malakhov met the writer Vladimir Cherkasov[3], who gave him books by Paul Bragg and Shelton.

In 1986, Malakhov organized his own club “Bodrost”, in which he told how to cleanse the liver and eat right. A lot of people came. We did yoga, gymnastics, and a little wushu.

In the mid-1990s, Malakhov’s first books were published - “Healing Powers” ​​volumes 1 and 2.

Married, has two children.

Gennady Petrovich is an academician of the Uzbekistan Institute of Traditional Medicine, is a member of the International Union of Charitable Organizations "World of Good", a holder of the highest public awards in Russia, and is included in the Golden Book of the Nation.

Education of a Russian writer

After graduating from school, Gennady Malakhov entered a vocational school, where he began studying to become a mechanic, while simultaneously doing physical training. After completing his studies, he received the specialty “electrician” and a rank. Gennady Petrovich got a job in his specialty, but did not stay in the working profession for long. The young man decided to continue his education and entered the Central Institute of Physical Culture. He dreamed of a good education, so he set off to conquer the capital of our homeland - Moscow. Gennady managed to enter the chosen university the first time. Gennady graduated from the institute in 1988, when he was already 34 years old. It would seem that it was training in this profile that determined the future activities of Gennady Malakhov, but fate decreed otherwise.

Treatment methods

Most of the treatment methods recommended by Malakhov, without reference to specific scientific medical publications, have nothing to do with the treatment and prevention of specific diseases. Gennady Petrovich, guided only by abstract treatment methods that do not have official medical verification in practice, promotes “healthy” nutrition, fasting, and various options for cleansing the body using “folk” methods. Responsibility for the use of the remedies and procedures recommended by him can only be assigned to the “patients”

, and due to the time lost for treatment, they can lead to more painful and difficult treatment procedures in formal medical institutions.

Biography of Gennady Malakhov

Gennady Malakhov is, without a doubt, one of the most colorful and extraordinary personalities on Russian television. His advice on building a healthy nutrition system, as well as unconventional recipes for treating diseases, have long been the subject of heated discussions among scientists. The practical recommendations of our today's hero often become the subject of heated discussions, but his programs do not lose their popularity because of this. But who is he - an eccentric or a scientist? We will try to dot all the i's today.



Doctors warn that the recipes offered by Malakhov can lead to serious health consequences, including death. The danger of the recipes promoted by Malakhov (urine therapy, kerosene treatment, etc.) is aggravated by their widespread advertising in the media and books published in multi-million copies. Thus, V.D. Topolyansky, associate professor at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, calls Malakhov’s advice “nonsense”:[4]

Malakhov says that ground eggshells and bones of sea fish will help with coxarthrosis. But this is nonsense. Coxarthrosis has a different nature, and without knowing the reasons, this shell can lead a person to disability... The presenter Malakhov evokes one association in me - the Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, where there was a monument to an unknown sailor. And I don’t know how many people, having listened to his advice, will lie down in the new Malakhov Kurgan. I'm not even talking about the recommendation to exclude dairy products for a wet cough. It seems fantastic to me. With the air of an augur, he announces that we are promised a lunar day. It turns out that on December 14th they will stimulate aggression and appetite. When a psychiatric patient says this, I don’t argue with him. But I’m not going to argue with Malakhov either.

S. Varshavchik, TV critic of Novye Izvestia, reports that “experts consider Gennady Malakhov’s recovery methods to be nothing less than pseudoscientific.”


Yuri Polyakov, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, believes that[6]

For specialists, the pseudoscientific essence of Gennady Malakhov’s theories of recovery is obvious. The situation is by no means neutral. The dangers of some of his recommendations can easily be demonstrated. Firstly, this concerns his widely advertised urine therapy (treatment using urine). It is known that the daily amount of human urine contains up to 20-40 mg of corticosteroids and their metabolites. Evaporation of urine “according to Malakhov” leads to an increase in the concentration of steroid hormones. As a result, patients undergo long-term, uncontrolled hormonal “treatment” in unacceptable doses. Receiving additional portions of hormones, the adrenal cortex rapidly ages, the result is that diseases of old age will occur much earlier: menopause, osteoporosis, obesity... Another recommendation - “cleansing the liver” with large doses of oil - is strictly contraindicated in the presence of stones in the gall bladder, it can lead to severe complications. Meanwhile, Malakhov advises performing this cleansing for cholelithiasis, essentially putting patients on the brink of life and death.

Internet scandal

In September 2009, a post in a live journal entitled “Malakhov+. Where else could I write to make it louder?”[7] became the most popular, according to the summary Yandex rating[8]. It discussed the program “Malakhov+” on September 17, in which “they showed a dad with a boy who a year ago fell ill with type 1 diabetes, which, thanks to Mr. Malakhov’s use of it, seemed to have ‘jumped’ off insulin.” However, no one said that diabetes is currently incurable, and refusal of insulin during physical activity leads to the most severe consequences.[8] In the discussion, many expressed the opinion that the use of such “information” could lead to severe disability.[9][10] The author of the post also reported that a request had been submitted to the prosecutor’s office to check for the presence of crimes under Articles 111 (part 2 “c”) “Intentional infliction of harm to health”, 235 “Illegal engagement in private medical practice”, 156 “Failure to fulfill the duties of raising a minor » Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.[11][12][13] As endocrinologist Yuri Redkin, candidate of medical sciences, stated in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda [12]:

“Special” breathing has no effect on a diabetic patient, but squats can slightly reduce blood sugar. But the fact that the boy was supposedly “cured” is not of any merit to Malakhov! The fact is that the child is now in the so-called “honeymoon”, which begins about a year after the diagnosis of stage 1 diabetes is confirmed. Insulin levels rise sharply at this time.

But this is the natural course of the disease! And it is impossible to stop insulin for a child now. The task of doctors is to stretch out the “honeymoon” for as long a period of time as possible.

But, unfortunately, over time the disease still returns. And how the boy will survive this is unknown!

Chief physician of the Endocrinology Clinic of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. I.M. Sechenov Vyacheslav Pronin confirmed in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that “you can “burn sugar” with squats, but this will not lead to a cure for diabetes; diabetes today is generally incurable. In addition, heavy physical activity, which undoubtedly includes squats, will lead to a very poor prognosis in the light of stopping the use of insulin. Specifically, to coma and death. The positive effect of specific sharp breathing in the treatment of diabetes is also nonsense. In general, based on evidence-based medicine, all these methods do not stand up to criticism.”[8]

See also the Criticism section in the article Malakhov+.

Internet scandal involving Malakhov

Once again the name of Gennady Malakhov was remembered in a scandal in 2010. Then the “medic” showed in the program a boy with diabetes who had “jumped” off insulin. The boy was treated with proper breathing and squats. Experts commented on this by saying that the little patient was just experiencing the so-called “diabetes honeymoon.” This condition, which occurs about a year after confirmation of the diagnosis, is characterized by an increase in insulin levels. But this is a normal course of the disease, and the patient should under no circumstances be stopped from taking insulin.


Malakhov is the author of numerous books in which he promotes his own subjective opinion on issues of healing the body.

  • G. P. Malakhov
    Creating your own health improvement system. - St. Petersburg: Kit, 1995. - T. 4. - 320 p. - (Healing powers). — ISBN 5-88596-008-9
  • G. P. Malakhov
    Biorhythmology and urine therapy. - St. Petersburg: Kit, 1994. - T. 3. - 352 p. - (Healing powers). — ISBN 5-88596-008-9
  • G. P. Malakhov
    Biosynthesis and bioenergy. - St. Petersburg: Kit, 1994. - T. 2. - 320 p. - (Healing powers). — ISBN 5-88956-005-64
  • G. P. Malakhov
    Cleansing the body. - St. Petersburg: Kit, 1994. - T. 1. - 368 p. - (Healing powers). — ISBN 5-88596-007-0
  • G. P. Malakhov
    Healing powers. - : Set, 1993. - 376 p. — ISBN 5-88596-007-0

Gennady Malakhov today

In 2011, our today’s hero left the Russian Channel One and began performing on the Ukrainian television “Inter”, where he hosted the program “Healthy Bulls with Malakhov”. The Directorate of Russian Television threatened the TV presenter with huge penalties and fines, but the matter never came to court.

Some time later, Malakhov left Ukraine and returned to Russia, where he began working in the program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov,” which aired on Channel Eight. In addition, in recent years, our today's hero has often worked as an author of books on medical topics.

In December 2012, after a long break, Malakhov returned to the Russian Channel One, where he began hosting the show “Good Health.”


  1. Malakhov: a mechanic who wishes you well
  2. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda"
  3. Malakhov G.P. Excerpt from the book “I am 50 years old - spiritual experience.”
  4. Nadezhda Prusenkova “HE-ROY OF OUR TIME. HOW IS THE FIRST TREATMENT? // Novaya Gazeta 12/25/2006
  5. S. Varshavchik. “Professional viewer. Malakhov Kurgan of Channel One” // Newspaper “New Izvestia”, July 27, 2007.
  7. Malakhov+.
    Where else could I write to make it louder? , post in, 09/17/2009.
  8. ↑ 8,08,18,2 TV doctor’s advice can kill
    , “”, 09/23/09.
  9. Ge Malakhov and insulin
    , Examination of a military doctor, 09/19/2009.
  10. Bloggers accuse Malakhov of unprofessionalism, and Channel One of irresponsibility
    ,, 09/22/2009.
  12. ↑ 12,012.1 Bloggers against Malakhov: “Treating diabetes with squats is quackery!.
    Runet accuses a famous folk healer of reciting recipes that are life-threatening to show participants and television viewers , Komsomolskaya Pravda, 09/21/2009.
  13. A Kirov doctor reports to the Prosecutor General against Gennady Malakhov.
    The blogger demands to check whether the advice of the “TV healer” is not criminal , “Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kirov”, 09/23/2009.
  14. Gennady Malakhov took refuge from people's love in the forests of the Moscow region

Gennady Malakhov: medicine, books, TV shows

At the end of the eighties, our today's hero began to share his work not only with friends and acquaintances, but also with outside listeners. For these purposes, Gennady Petrovich organized the “Bodrost” health club, where he began teaching his techniques for healing the body. Malakhov conducted classes in yoga, wushu, therapeutic gymnastics, and also gave advice on proper nutrition and ways to cleanse the body. A few years later, his first books began to appear on the shelves of Russian stores. Thanks to them, Gennady Malakhov became very popular among ordinary Russians, and therefore some time later he was often invited to television.

From time to time, Gennady Petrovich gave advisory advice in the press and on TV, but our today’s hero acquired his own television program much later. In 2006, the Russian Channel One presented viewers with a series of morning programs “Malakhov + Malakhov”, in which Gennady Petrovich worked with his namesake Andrei Malakhov. However, he pretty soon left the “medical treatment” project. Therefore, the program received a new name “Malakhov+”. The co-host of our today's hero is Elena Proklova.

TV viewers sent topics for programs to the editorial office on their own, thus setting the direction of the program's flow. Gennady Petrovich himself gave medical recommendations on certain issues.

However, from the very first days of its existence, the “Malakhov+” program became the subject of heated discussions on the Internet, the press and the scientific community.

Gennady Malakhov was compared to Kashpirovsky and often pointed out that the program was pseudoscientific in nature. On social networks, references to Malakhov’s “didn’t work” recommendations grew. He was called a charlatan, and his methods were called pseudoscientific and dangerous. One example of this was the fact that the roles of guest doctors in the program were performed by ordinary actors.

But, despite the huge flow of criticism against its presenter, the Malakhov+ program was wildly popular. In particular, it is often mentioned that its television rating exceeded that of the Russian Football Championship. About 26% of TV viewers watched it in the morning broadcast. And this is just a crazy rating for programs of this type.

Today Gennady Malakhov weighs 82 kilograms

Gennady Malakhov has become extremely popular. His books sold in huge quantities, and he himself began to often appear on television as an invited guest. He was successful. However, despite this, in

Gennady Malakhov: “Television has sucked all the juice out of me!”

This whole story is reminiscent of a real detective story. With a mysterious disappearance, active searches throughout the country and a happy ending. While the whole country was discussing where TV presenter Gennady Malakhov had disappeared from the air and Moscow and whether everything was okay with him, it turned out that he was hiding in the Rostov region. Where he was discovered by our correspondents - at his home in the town of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. The folk healer treats a back that was injured during the filming of one of the programs and leads a reclusive life: he leaves his fortress-like home either early in the morning or late in the evening and moves around the city exclusively in a jeep. Avoids friends and acquaintances. But for KP correspondents he made an exception. He got tired of us - we stuck around at the gates of the mansion for two days...

The uninvited guests liked Mother's balm.

When a silver Lexus loomed on the horizon, there was hope that we would be able to exchange at least a few words with Gennady Petrovich. The traditional healer looked out of the car window and shouted: “Well, what should we do with you?” Are you freezing standing in the rain? Let's go into the house, if this is the case. — Will you give an interview? - Well, I definitely promise tea with honey! - Malakhov smiled. - And then we’ll see... Together with the TV presenter we go into a four-story, bright house, and along the way we meet two dogs - Bobis and Jack. They bark loudly, we back away.

Gennady Petrovich's wife did not want to be photographed.

“Don’t be afraid of them, they will make friends with you,” Malakhov laughs. In the bright living room, the table has already been set, treats have been prepared for uninvited guests - homemade halva, honey, jam. - No! - the healer suddenly exclaims, and we shudder in fear - has he really changed his mind about communicating?.. Phew, false alarm - the screen star simply decided to give us something else to drink. “Instead of tea, I’ll brew you my healing “Mother’s Balm”, it will quickly warm you up,” says Malakhov, opening a huge bag of aromatic herbs. “I brought it from Moscow—women just go crazy over this tea!” - Gennady Petrovich! Everyone is interested in why you... - Stop! - the hero interrupts. — First, a tour of the house!

A traditional healer is proud of his son (left). Wife and daughter on vacation in Moscow.

In the Malakhov mansion, oddly enough, there are no dried bunches of herbs and tinctures. Everything is like ordinary people: decorative plates on the walls, vases, photographs with famous people - Elena Proklova, Igor Nikolaev. There is no flashy luxury. Attention is drawn to the numerous elephant figurines placed throughout the house. - Gennady Petrovich! Still, about your program... - But look how many elephants I have... - The healer calmly continues the tour. — I believe that they bring good luck, my wife and I bring them from different countries. Over several decades, thousands of such talismans have accumulated. In general, I believe that every person can make his own amulet - so I installed a Buddha figurine on my house - I carved it out of wood several years ago.

In Malakhov's house there is a special wall with photographs of famous people. But Gennady Petrovich is not communicating with Elena Proklova now.

- Why did you come back here? — we manage to insert a word into the monologue of the ex-TV presenter. “I was born in this city, I love it very much,” says Gennady Petrovich. — When we were choosing a place to build a house, we liked this area. We demolished some old building and installed a large house in its place. Now there is enough space for everyone, sometimes my daughter comes to visit - she is studying in Rostov to become a linguist. My son drops by almost every day - he lives here in Kamensk. I got married two years ago and now we are expecting a grandchild. I want to stay here. - And Moscow? What about the program named after you? - Look, there are two bottles - one says Pepsi-Cola, and the other says Coca-Cola. — The medicine man picks up the soda. - Do you see the difference? The name is generally the same, but these are two different drinks. The same thing happened with my brainchild. I was supposed to host the “Malakhov +” program, I fulfilled all the conditions that were specified in the contract regarding this program. When they came up with a new name for my program, they did not sign an agreement with me, therefore, I am no longer its host. - But why did you run away secretly? - I didn’t run away secretly! I honestly warned management that I was leaving. By the way, I didn’t even know that they were looking for me - I don’t have the Internet. I don’t watch TV... I don’t like what the program has become now - it has ceased to be popular. — You probably feel sorry for your brainchild?

The healer's cat Mars was not happy about the arrival of the guests.

“I’m not upset at all, on the contrary, I’m glad that now I can spend more time here, at home, with my wife.” — Gennady Petrovich happily drinks tea and talks about his departure from television without a drop of regret. “This job has sucked all the juice out of me.” I spent only a couple of weeks in six months in my homeland, Kamensk. The work schedule was not just difficult, but exhausting. I asked many times to be allowed to go on vacation due to my health condition, but no one responded to my requests. The result is complete exhaustion of physical and moral strength. Every person has a certain reserve that he spends during his life. I exhausted it in four and a half years - we filmed four programs three times a week. With such a rhythm, any normal person cannot stand it! — What about your co-hosts?

Now the traditional healer devotes all his time to physical education and books.

— I had many co-hosts. — It’s obvious that Malakhov doesn’t want to talk about the behind-the-scenes of the program. - First young Malakhov, then Proklova, then Generalov and Morozov. They were all great to work with. But I don’t communicate with any of them now, especially with Elena Proklova. I don `t want. In general, there were many unpleasant moments during the filming process. For example, I was forced to re-read the text several times during the recording of the program - the program management was dissatisfied with my southern geekery. - What will you do now? - The same thing as always - write books. After all, I came to television as a person who didn’t know anything, I couldn’t read texts - I just wrote directories of people’s councils. Come on, I'll show you! We go down to the basement: there, in a huge room, there are mountains of medical literature - reference books, advice, bibliographic books. And next to the library is a gym. - Look, I made all the simulators myself, using my own methods. One had to be built urgently - after filming the last season, I did one of the exercises and tore my back. Now I’m being treated with traditional methods. In general, my health has deteriorated greatly during this time - my right leg is going numb, my heart hurts. I don't want to return to television. I will not return for any money - this job is not for me! And now, excuse me, I need to practice... We went back into the rain, under the barking of dogs with whom we could not make friends...

Malakhov spoke very emotionally about his attitude towards Channel One.

COMMENTARY BY CHANNEL ONE The presenter can leave only if he pays a gigantic fine. Channel One was skeptical about the TV presenter’s statements. “Unfortunately, Gennady Malakhov’s statement contains a large number of facts that do not correspond to reality, which the channel, if necessary, will be ready to prove in court,” the press service of the First told us. — As for the contract, its termination by Gennady Malakhov is possible only if he complies with the terms of this contract, namely, payment of the very impressive fine provided for in the contract and the losses that the channel may incur in connection with its termination. Ekaterina IVANOVA (“KP” - Rostov-on-Don”)

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Tour of the house of Gennady Malakhov.

Excerpt characterizing Malakhov, Gennady Petrovich

“Because he’s young, because he’s poor, because he’s related... because you don’t love him yourself.” - Why do you know? - I know. This is not good, my friend. “And if I want...” said Natasha. “Stop talking nonsense,” said the Countess. - And if I want... - Natasha, I’m serious... Natasha didn’t let her finish, she pulled the countess’s big hand towards her and kissed it on top, then on the palm, then turned it again and began kissing her on the bone of the upper joint of the finger, then on the gap, then again into the bone, whispering: “January, February, March, April, May.” - Speak, mother, why are you silent? “Speak,” she said, looking back at the mother, who was looking at her daughter with a tender gaze and, because of this contemplation, seemed to have forgotten everything she wanted to say. - This is no good, my soul. Not everyone will understand your childhood connection, and seeing him so close to you can harm you in the eyes of other young people who come to us, and, most importantly, it tortures him in vain. He may have found a match for himself, a rich one; and now he's going crazy. - Does it work? – Natasha repeated. – I’ll tell you about myself. I had one cousin... - I know - Kirilla Matveich, but he’s an old man? – It wasn’t always an old man. But here’s what, Natasha, I’ll talk to Borya. He doesn’t need to travel so often... - Why shouldn’t he, if he wants to? - Because I know that this will not end in anything. - Why do you know? No, mom, you don't tell him. What nonsense! - Natasha said in the tone of a person from whom they want to take away his property. “Well, I won’t get married, so let him go, if he’s having fun and I’m having fun.” – Natasha smiled and looked at her mother. “Not married, but just like that,” she repeated. - How is this, my friend? - Yes, yes. Well, it’s very necessary that I don’t get married, but... so. “Yes, yes,” the countess repeated and, shaking her whole body, laughed with a kind, unexpected old woman’s laugh. “Stop laughing, stop,” Natasha shouted, “you’re shaking the whole bed.” You look terribly like me, the same laugher... Wait... - She grabbed both hands of the countess, kissed the little finger bone on one - June, and continued to kiss July, August on the other hand. - Mom, is he very much in love? How about your eyes? Were you so in love? And very sweet, very, very sweet! But it’s not quite to my taste - it’s narrow, like a table clock... Don’t you understand?... Narrow, you know, gray, light... - Why are you lying! - said the countess. Natasha continued: “Don’t you understand?” Nikolenka would understand... The earless one is blue, dark blue with red, and he is quadrangular. “You flirt with him too,” said the countess, laughing. - No, he is a Freemason, I found out. He’s nice, dark blue and red, how can I explain it to you... “Countess,” the count’s voice was heard from behind the door. -Are you awake? – Natasha jumped up barefoot, grabbed her shoes and ran into her room. She couldn't sleep for a long time. She kept thinking that no one could understand everything that she understood and that was in her. "Sonya?" she thought, looking at the sleeping, curled up cat with her huge braid. “No, where should she go!” She is virtuous. She fell in love with Nikolenka and doesn’t want to know anything else. Mom doesn’t understand either. It’s amazing how smart I am and how... she’s sweet,” she continued, speaking to herself in the third person and imagining that some very smart, smartest and nicest man was talking about her... “Everything, everything is in her.” , - continued this man, - she is unusually smart, sweet and then good, unusually good, dexterous, swims, rides excellently, and has a voice! One might say, an amazing voice!” She sang her favorite musical phrase from the Cherubini Opera, threw herself on the bed, laughed with the joyful thought that she was about to fall asleep, shouted to Dunyasha to put out the candle, and before Dunyasha had time to leave the room, she had already passed into another, even happier world of dreams , where everything was as easy and wonderful as in reality, but it was only even better, because it was different. The next day, the countess, inviting Boris to her place, talked with him, and from that day he stopped visiting the Rostovs. On December 31, on New Year's Eve 1810, le reveillon [night supper], there was a ball at Catherine's nobleman's house. The diplomatic corps and the sovereign were supposed to be at the ball. On the Promenade des Anglais, the famous house of a nobleman glowed with countless lights. At the illuminated entrance with a red cloth stood the police, and not only gendarmes, but the police chief at the entrance and dozens of police officers. The carriages drove off, and new ones drove up with red footmen and footmen with feathered hats. Men in uniforms, stars and ribbons came out of the carriages; ladies in satin and ermine carefully stepped down the noisily laid down steps, and hurriedly and silently walked along the cloth of the entrance. Almost every time a new carriage arrived, there was a murmur in the crowd and hats were taken off. “Sovereign?... No, minister... prince... envoy... Don’t you see the feathers?...” said from the crowd. One of the crowd, better dressed than the others, seemed to know everyone, and called by name the most noble nobles of that time. Already one third of the guests had arrived at this ball, and the Rostovs, who were supposed to be at this ball, were still hastily preparing to dress. There was a lot of talk and preparation for this ball in the Rostov family, a lot of fears that the invitation would not be received, the dress would not be ready, and everything would not work out as needed. Along with the Rostovs, Marya Ignatievna Peronskaya, a friend and relative of the countess, a thin and yellow maid of honor of the old court, leading the provincial Rostovs in the highest St. Petersburg society, went to the ball. At 10 o'clock in the evening the Rostovs were supposed to pick up the maid of honor at the Tauride Garden; and yet it was already five minutes to ten, and the young ladies were not yet dressed. Natasha was going to the first big ball in her life. That day she got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and was in feverish anxiety and activity all day. All her strength, from the very morning, was aimed at ensuring that all of them: she, mother, Sonya were dressed in the best possible way. Sonya and the Countess trusted her completely. The countess was supposed to be wearing a masaka velvet dress, the two of them were wearing white smoky dresses on pink, silk covers with roses in the bodice. The hair had to be combed a la grecque [in Greek]. Everything essential had already been done: the legs, arms, neck, ears were already especially carefully, like a ballroom, washed, perfumed and powdered; they were already wearing silk, fishnet stockings and white satin shoes with bows; the hairstyles were almost finished. Sonya finished dressing, and so did the Countess; but Natasha, who was working for everyone, fell behind. She was still sitting in front of the mirror with a peignoir draped over her slender shoulders. Sonya, already dressed, stood in the middle of the room and, pressing painfully with her small finger, pinned the last ribbon that squealed under the pin. “Not like that, not like that, Sonya,” said Natasha, turning her head away from her hair and grabbing the hair with her hands, which the maid who was holding it did not have time to let go. - Not like that, come here. – Sonya sat down. Natasha cut the tape differently. “Excuse me, young lady, you can’t do this,” said the maid holding Natasha’s hair. - Oh, my God, well, later! That's it, Sonya. -Are you coming soon? – the countess’s voice was heard, “it’s already ten.” - Now. -Are you ready, mom? - Just pin the current. “Don’t do it without me,” Natasha shouted, “you won’t be able to!” - Yes, ten. It was decided to be at the ball at half past ten, and Natasha still had to get dressed and stop by the Tauride Garden. Having finished her hair, Natasha, in a short skirt, from which her ballroom shoes were visible, and in her mother’s blouse, ran up to Sonya, examined her and then ran to her mother. Turning her head, she pinned the current, and, barely having time to kiss her gray hair, again ran to the girls who were hemming her skirt. The issue was Natasha's skirt, which was too long; Two girls were hemming it, hastily biting the threads. The third, with pins in her lips and teeth, ran from the Countess to Sonya; the fourth held her entire smoky dress on her raised hand. - Mavrusha, rather, my dear! - Give me a thimble from there, young lady. - Soon, finally? - said the count, entering from behind the door. - Here's some perfume for you. Peronskaya is already tired of waiting. “It’s ready, young lady,” said the maid, lifting the hemmed smoky dress with two fingers and blowing and shaking something, expressing with this gesture an awareness of the airiness and purity of what she was holding. Natasha began to put on her dress. “Now, now, don’t go, dad,” she shouted to her father, who opened the door, still from under the haze of her skirt, which covered her entire face. Sonya slammed the door. A minute later the count was let in. He was in a blue tailcoat, stockings and shoes, perfumed and oiled. - Oh, dad, you are so good, dear! – Natasha said, standing in the middle of the room and straightening the folds of the haze. “Excuse me, young lady, allow me,” said the girl, standing on her knees, pulling off her dress and turning the pins from one side of her mouth to the other with her tongue. - Your will! - Sonya cried out with despair in her voice, looking at Natasha’s dress, - your will, it’s long again! Natasha moved away to look around in the dressing table. The dress was long. “By God, madam, nothing is long,” said Mavrusha, crawling on the floor behind the young lady. “Well, it’s long, so we’ll sweep it up, we’ll sweep it up in a minute,” said the determined Dunyasha, taking out a needle from the handkerchief on her chest and getting back to work on the floor. At this time, the countess entered shyly, with quiet steps, in her current and velvet dress. - Ooh! my beauty! - the count shouted, - better than all of you!... - He wanted to hug her, but she pulled away, blushing, so as not to crumple. “Mom, more on the side of the current,” Natasha said. “I’ll cut it,” and she rushed forward, and the girls who were hemming, did not have time to rush after her, tore off a piece of smoke. - My God! What is this? I don’t blame God... “I’m sweeping it all away, it won’t be visible,” Dunyasha said. - Beauty, it’s mine! - said the nanny who came in from behind the door. - And Sonyushka, what a beauty!... At a quarter past ten we finally got into the carriages and drove off. But we still had to stop by the Tauride Garden. Peronskaya was already ready. Despite her old age and ugliness, she did exactly the same thing as the Rostovs, although not with such haste (this was a common thing for her), but her old, ugly body was also perfumed, washed, powdered, and the ears were also carefully washed , and even, and just like the Rostovs, the old maid enthusiastically admired her mistress’s outfit when she came out into the living room in a yellow dress with a code. Peronskaya praised the Rostovs' toilets. The Rostovs praised her taste and dress, and, taking care of her hair and dresses, at eleven o'clock they settled into their carriages and drove off. Since the morning of that day, Natasha had not had a minute of freedom, and not once had time to think about what lay ahead of her. In the damp, cold air, in the cramped and incomplete darkness of the swaying carriage, for the first time she vividly imagined what awaited her there, at the ball, in the illuminated halls - music, flowers, dancing, the sovereign, all the brilliant youth of St. Petersburg. What awaited her was so beautiful that she did not even believe that it would happen: it was so incongruous with the impression of cold, cramped space and darkness of the carriage. She understood everything that awaited her only when, having walked along the red cloth of the entrance, she entered the entryway, took off her fur coat and walked next to Sonya in front of her mother between the flowers along the illuminated stairs. Only then did she remember how she had to behave at the ball and tried to adopt the majestic manner that she considered necessary for a girl at the ball. But fortunately for her, she felt that her eyes were running wild: she saw nothing clearly, her pulse beat a hundred times a minute, and the blood began to pound at her heart. She could not accept the manner that would make her funny, and she walked, frozen with excitement and trying with all her might to hide it. And this was the very manner that suited her most of all. In front and behind them, talking just as quietly and also in ball gowns, guests entered. The mirrors along the stairs reflected ladies in white, blue, pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on their open arms and necks. Natasha looked in the mirrors and in the reflection could not distinguish herself from others. Everything was mixed into one brilliant procession. Upon entering the first hall, the uniform roar of voices, footsteps, and greetings deafened Natasha; the light and shine blinded her even more. The owner and hostess, who had already been standing at the front door for half an hour and said the same words to those entering: “charme de vous voir,” [in admiration that I see you], also greeted the Rostovs and Peronskaya. Two girls in white dresses, with identical roses in their black hair, sat down in the same way, but the hostess involuntarily fixed her gaze longer on thin Natasha. She looked at her and smiled especially at her, in addition to her masterful smile. Looking at her, the hostess remembered, perhaps, her golden, irrevocable girlhood time, and her first ball. The owner also followed Natasha with his eyes and asked the count who was his daughter? - Charmante! [Charming!] - he said, kissing the tips of his fingers. Guests stood in the hall, crowding at the front door, waiting for the sovereign. The Countess placed herself in the front row of this crowd. Natasha heard and felt that several voices asked about her and looked at her. She realized that those who paid attention to her liked her, and this observation calmed her somewhat. “There are people just like us, and there are people worse than us,” she thought. Peronskaya named the countess the most significant people who were at the ball. “This is the Dutch envoy, you see, gray-haired,” said Peronskaya, pointing to an old man with silver gray curly, abundant hair, surrounded by ladies, whom he made laugh for some reason. “And here she is, the queen of St. Petersburg, Countess Bezukhaya,” she said, pointing to Helen as she entered. - How good! Will not yield to Marya Antonovna; Look how both young and old flock to her. She is both good and smart... They say the prince... is crazy about her. But these two, although not good, are even more surrounded. She pointed to a lady passing through the hall with a very ugly daughter. “This is a millionaire bride,” said Peronskaya. - And here are the grooms. “This is Bezukhova’s brother, Anatol Kuragin,” she said, pointing to the handsome cavalry guard who walked past them, looking somewhere from the height of his raised head across the ladies. - How good! is not it? They say they will marry him to this rich woman. And your sauce, Drubetskoy, is also very confusing. They say millions. “Why, it’s the French envoy himself,” she answered about Caulaincourt when the countess asked who it was. - Look like some kind of king. But still, the French are nice, very nice. No miles for society. And here she is! No, our Marya Antonovna is the best! And how simply dressed. Lovely! “And this fat one, with glasses, is a world-class pharmacist,” said Peronskaya, pointing to Bezukhov. “Put him next to your wife: he’s a fool!” Pierre walked, waddling his fat body, parting the crowd, nodding right and left as casually and good-naturedly as if he were walking through the crowd of a bazaar. He moved through the crowd, obviously looking for someone. Natasha looked with joy at the familiar face of Pierre, this pea jester, as Peronskaya called him, and knew that Pierre was looking for them, and especially her, in the crowd. Pierre promised her to be at the ball and introduce her to the gentlemen. But, before reaching them, Bezukhoy stopped next to a short, very handsome brunette in a white uniform, who, standing at the window, was talking with some tall man in stars and a ribbon. Natasha immediately recognized the short young man in a white uniform: it was Bolkonsky, who seemed to her very rejuvenated, cheerful and prettier. – Here’s another friend, Bolkonsky, do you see, mom? - Natasha said, pointing to Prince Andrei. – Remember, he spent the night with us in Otradnoye.

[edit] Malakhov and the worm

Refueling a car using the Malakhov method (the whole family had to chip in)
In September 2007, Anonymous was once again able to verify the prophetic gift of the writer Sorokin. The reason was the next coming of a traditional healer with her “old recipe” for treating all eye diseases with the juice of earthworms. Here is the healer’s direct speech from the text version of the program:

“Living healing power” is fatty thick earthworms. So they saved my vision and not only mine, but also my grandmother’s and all my loved ones to whom I advised. The recipe is this: You need to dig up 100 grams of fat, thick earthworms. Rinse them in running water. After this, be sure to rinse with cold boiled water... For 100 grams of washed worms, take 2 spoons of either powdered sugar or sugar and a teaspoon of salt, preferably fine. And so I pour salt on the worms, and... -... That's how they started to squirm! You see! How active they have become! Close this jar and shake so that the salt and sugar mix with the worms. And now we put them in a dark place for the whole night. Be sure to carefully close the can of worms with a lid. Now let's imagine that morning has come. By morning all the worms died. And now through gauze we squeeze out all the liquid that is in them from the worms. The liquid is very light, but we must filter it again. We pour this liquid into a dark container for storage and in the refrigerator. Application: one drop in each eye in the morning and evening for 5-10 days. Then there is a break of 10 days. And there is already a shift - to be honest. It can be stored all year round without spoiling.

Harsh reality often surpasses the wildest fantasy. This time the panacea was cadaveric poison.

[edit] Sources

  1. Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 28, 1992 No. 790
  2. Gennady Chinov: “Syphilis, of course, can be treated through space, but I don’t recommend it...”
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea dated June 18, 1998
  4. Chinov Gennady Petrovich. Medical, biological and socio-economic factors of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in a particular region: Dissertation... Cand. honey. Sciences: 01/14/20 / Ukrainian Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereology. - H., 2000. - 191 p. — Bibliography: l.144-170.
  5. Chinov Gennady Petrovich. Chlamydial, trichomonas infections in combination with opportunistic bacteria (clinical manifestations, features of pathogenesis, treatment and prevention): dissertation... Dr. med. Sciences: 01/14/20 / Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine; State institution "Institute of Dermatology and Venereology". - H., 2007. - 397 p. — Bibliography: l. 363-397.
  6. The head doctor of a skin and venous dispensary died in Crimea
  7. Medical institutions
  8. Chinov G. P.
  9. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 940/2002 dated June 22, 2002
  10. Gennady Chinov: “The main reward for a doctor is recognition from patients”
  11. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 40/240 dated June 21, 2008
  12. DECREE of the President of Ukraine No. 331/2013 dated June 15, 2013 On the designation of sovereign cities of Ukraine on the occasion of Medical Practitioner Day
  13. The President of Ukraine awarded Gennady Chinov the Order of Merit, II degree (archive)

[edit] Books by G. P. Malakhov, Lord of the Cross

Dangerous for Muscovy! The Lurkmore Ministry of Health warns that careful reading of the following text may cause irreparable damage to one's sanity. You have been warned.
The most significant results for me were: comprehension of the Spiritual Laws and the acquisition of a completely new body. So, evaporated urine has now become a balm and smells very unique and pleasant, feces have no odor, and if you eat more fruits, then smells like jam


Drinking culture:

Naturally, before drinking urine, you need to collect it. As a rule, at this point, all literary sources repeat the ancient recommendation from Damar Tantra, which boils down to the following: get up at 3-4 o’clock in the morning, make your mouth clean, then, turning your face to the east, urinate, discarding the first and last stream of urine . G.P. Malakhov believes that “in this position, the stream of urine crosses perpendicularly the magnetic field of the Earth, which additionally saturates it with energy.” It seems that this is not a completely correct explanation. If we mean the vertical component of the geomagnetic field, then the jet must be horizontal. It's easy for a man. What about the ladies? Yes, and this magnetization is insignificant. Therefore, it seems to us that the requirement to turn to the east is rather religious and ritual and aims to create a solemn and joyful mood. It seems that you can easily fulfill this requirement, but if it remains unfulfilled, don’t worry. Brushing your teeth before taking morning urine is a completely reasonable rule, since it is clearly unhygienic to wash away (with urine) the bacteria-containing sediment that forms on the teeth overnight into the stomach.
One who drinks urine once a day and rubs it into the body for three years gains a body full of strength and brilliance, knowledge in the arts and sciences, acquires the gift of eloquence and lives as long as the stars and the moon exist in the sky.
First of all, purification and proper technique of using Shivambu for one month leads to the destruction of congenital diseases and completely cleanses the insides. After two months, feelings become more intense. The use of Shivambu for three months completely and completely destroys all diseases. After five months the Initiate becomes a clairvoyant. Six months of continuous practice of this technique makes a person intelligent and knowledgeable in the Shastras. After seven months a person becomes extremely powerful, and after eight months he shines like gold. After nine months the Initiate is forever freed from kshaya and kustha. After ten months it becomes a repository of light. After eleven months, all parts of his body become crystal clear and shiny. After a year he shines like the sun. After two years he urinates with the element "Earth"; after three years – the element “Water”; after four – “Fire”; after five – “Air”; after seven years - "Ahamkar" ("sense of Self") and after eight years - the element "Buddhi" (Mahat), and everything becomes subject to it in this order. After nine years of using Shivambu, he gets rid of birth and death. After ten years he is able to move in the skies without any effort. After twelve years he becomes immortal. Snakes and other poisonous creatures cannot harm him. The poison has no effect on him. He can never kill him. It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.
I take urine internally 3 times a day, massage my palms, feet, neck, and face with diuretic once a day after 11 p.m. Everything works out as you described in the methods. But one thing that kills me is that at first my penis became red and swollen. It was impossible to touch him.

Also, from the annotation to one of the books:

Gennady Malakhov is a special person. The fact that he is a genius and belongs to the messiahs was clear for a long time... But with the help of Higher powers, it was found out that he is not a man of the fifth race, that is, one of us... Now we see him in the new light of the sages of the great sixth race...

In his books you can find a whole culinary art: how best to cook, how to boil urine, how and when to drink it. In such a “cookbook” the reader can find a dish of urine to his taste from his own, someone else’s, children’s, as well as animal urine... And all this is absolutely serious and with a claim to be scientific.

The Healer pays special attention to cleansing the large intestine and liver. According to him

...if the human body were transparent, then many would be able to see inside their large intestine up to 10 kg of caked feces stuck to the walls or 1-2 liters of mucus, similar to brown algae... By cleansing the large intestine and liver, you will see what has come out of you mold in the form of black patches!

In the August program “About the Most Important Thing,” Dr. Agapkin deciphered where the black flaps come from. Agapkin, having read Malakhov’s method for cleansing the liver of stones, did a chemical experiment: he mixed olive oil with citric acid in a flask (this is what the Healer suggests removing non-existent stones from the liver), and also added gastric juice there, and a sediment in the form of black flaps was obtained. That is, those who used this method saw black flaps at the exit (guess which one), mistaking the chemical reaction for liver stones in their gastrointestinal tract. Here is a proof link with a normal explanation.

Malakhov in character

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