Nelly Kobzon love story, biography (wife of Joseph Kobzon)

Nelly Kobzon has many undeniable advantages that allow her to delicately and unobtrusively, until recently, share the life of her famous husband, who is no longer with us. This couple was a rare exception to the now common rule that celebrity life always goes hand in hand with notoriety: it's called a PR stunt...

The personal life and biography of Nelly Kobzon consists of two parts: “before” and “after” the meeting with Joseph Kobzon. More precisely, life before meeting him was preparation for serving him and his work during their life together. Now we can say that she coped with this task perfectly.

Happy childhood

Nelly Kobzon’s parents were people who had, as they said in the Soviet Union, “opportunities”: her father was the head of a knitting factory in Leningrad, and her mother’s life was completely devoted to home and family. However, this was not the housewife whose image was depicted on numerous posters from the 50s and 60s of the last century. The shop manager's wife, Polina Moiseevna, wore exquisite lingerie made by Riga craftswomen, and her outfits were delivered “from abroad.” As for the children - and the couple had two: a son and a daughter, Ninel - they were provided with toys of the most “non-Soviet” quality. And yes, the family lived in a three-room apartment.

So the life of the Drizin family was quite prosperous, and Ninel’s childhood was undoubtedly happy. Ninel's happiness lasted 6 years: from birth in December 1950 until 1955 inclusive.

Other side

In those years, as always, our country was in a state of struggle. More specifically, with the “guild workers.” And since the head of the Drizin family was the head of the workshop, he automatically fell under the “skating rink” of struggle: the forest is cut down and the chips fly. He was given 15 years in the camps.

So, from 1956, i.e. from the moment of the father’s arrest, the family abruptly moved to the other, shadow side of life. There was nothing on this side, not even toys, which, like all property, were subject to confiscation. The mother was left alone with two children, and the family lived on money from the sale of old books: the father collected them. Well, Polina Moiseevna also worked in low-paid jobs, because she did not worry about education either before or during her marriage.

System of values

Perhaps, as follows from the biography of Nelly Kobzon, her personal life would have turned out differently if her mother had not put into her young head that very system of values, which was headed by a successful marriage. And I must say that there were prerequisites for this: the girl was lovely from childhood, and when she grew up, she became simply beautiful. And if you consider that her mother and all her closest relatives regularly reminded her of this, then we can say with confidence that Nellie’s self-esteem was quite high.

Time passed, life got better, the family learned to live on modest incomes. Nellie graduated from school and entered the food industry technical school. And then the education system almost failed: the girl completely imprudently fell in love with her fellow student. This was not at all part of the plans of Polina Moiseevna, who inspired Ninel that she should “make a party” with a wealthy person from “high society”: personal experience had an impact.

After an emergency meeting with a Moscow relative, mother sent Ninel to see Moscow and “stay” with her relatives, whom it was time to meet... The classmate was forgotten: Moscow horizons opened up before Ninel.

Moral principles

Nelly Kobzon's nationality served her well. The girl was raised in conservative Jewish traditions, and no newfangled trends could shake her. Nelly Kobzon’s age at the time of her arrival in the capital was 21 years old: it was time to think about a “suitable party.”

Moscow relatives had “opportunities and connections,” and therefore, after a short time, a young, attractive provincial girl ended up at a party of the creative intelligentsia, which took place in the apartment of the popular artist of the original genre, Emil Radov. This evening became a turning point, judging by the biography, in Nelly Kobzon’s personal life: then she met Joseph Kobzon.


The specialty of a cook was not to the taste of the young beauty, and Nellie decided to change her field of interest. By the age of 24, she chose a different direction of activity. The girl was trained at the All-Union Pop Art Workshop. The conversational genre became her path.

Nelly Kobzon and Joseph Kobzon on stage
Nelly Kobzon and Joseph Kobzon on stage

By coincidence, Nellie did not try herself in the professions she chose in her youth. Marriage to Joseph Kobzon forced her to reconsider her priorities. The woman decided to help her husband in his creative activities and was there during the years when the singer began to realize himself in business and politics.

In 2020, Nelly Mikhailovna received the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Until the last days of her husband’s life, she took an active part in his pop and political life.

Bohemian style

The year was 1971. Joseph Kobzon is 33 years old, he is popular among the people, and he has world-class popularity. Few people manage to pass the “copper pipes” test. And despite his hard work and resistance to the “stardom virus,” Kobzon still got used to the power of his popularity over the female sex.

He noticed Nellie almost immediately: her attractiveness was undeniable. And the all-Union favorite invited the girl to take a walk around Moscow at night. Imagine his surprise when this young provincial blonde refused him, a world-famous master. No, he was not offended - he was intrigued and continued to seduce Nellie with offers, for example, a trip to the seaside. Refusal again. Apparently, my mother’s attitudes and upbringing in the best traditions worked. It looks like the girl knew her worth. She also had completely uncontemporary views on relationships between men and women, but Kobzon was impressed by them.

A quiet siege began with telephone conversations and letters from afar (on tour). Six months later, not without the help of Polina Moiseevna, a woman of strict rules, Joseph Davydovich realized that the girl needed to be taken down the aisle. The age difference between Kobzon and Nelly was about 12 years.

Personal life

Two bright personalities, Nellie and Joseph, met in the capital. The girl visited Moscow, visiting a family friend. The husband of her mother’s friend worked as an entertainer at the Mosconcert and got acquainted with artists. One day Nellie was invited to visit a family with whom she was staying.

Nelly Kobzon and Joseph Kobzon

Thus began her first acquaintance with Muscovites. Among the guests of the event was Joseph Kobzon. The young beauty struck the artist, and his charm did not allow the girl to resist. The age difference between the future spouses was 13 years. But this was not a barrier for them.

Thoughts about the wedding were pragmatic at first. Kobzon's future wife understood that feelings were not so strong. The woman learned love for her husband after a while. As it turned out, the marriage was not an accident. At first, the newlyweds did not live separately. Nelly moved to the house where Kobzon’s mother and his sister lived. The women received the Russian beauty well.

Wedding of Nelly and Joseph Kobzon

They became friends and found a real family connection. After their honeymoon in the Baltics, Nellie and Joseph returned to Moscow, and his wife became his costume designer at the Mosconcert. At that time, the young family did not have their own home. The Kobzons had to live either with their mother-in-law or in the ward of the city hospital that was allocated to them. It became difficult to think about children.

The first-born Andrei appeared in 1973, and in 1975 their daughter Natalya was born. Nelly Mikhailovna left her job as a costume designer and, taking advantage of the necessary education, acted as a presenter at her husband’s concerts, but more often took on the role of a caring wife and mother, on whose shoulders the whole house rests. She gave the family a warm hearth and comfort, on which well-being and strong relationships depended.

Nelly Kobzon with family

According to Joseph Kobzon, despite the presence of two previous marriages with Nelly, he saw her as his life partner. The woman devoted herself to her husband and supported his endeavors, position and interests. This story is similar to those described in novels.

Marriage background

Joseph Kobzon already had experience in marriage, twice. The first wife of the famous singer was Veronica Kruglova. This marriage broke up after Veronica's betrayal and the birth of a stillborn child. The ex-wife received an apartment, and Kobzon received moral trauma.

The second wife of Joseph Davydovich was Lyudmila Gurchenko, who needs no introduction.

And the explosive nature of which was also widely known. It manifested itself especially strongly during attacks of Gurchenko’s jealousy... However, all Soviet men dreamed of this girl with a thin waist, and Kobzon was among them. Apparently it was mass hypnosis. The marriage lasted 3 years and broke up due to the inability of two bright creative personalities to live in the same territory. Nobody wanted to give in...

Kobzon, like any Jewish man, wanted to have a home and family. His mother Ida Isaevna also wanted her son to finally settle down. But even more, my mother wanted Joseph’s wife to be a girl with an easy-going character and a traditional upbringing. She did not remember her two previous wives very fondly...

As a result, when Kobzon introduced Ida Isaevna to Nelly, her mother very much approved of her son’s choice. Need I say how important mother’s approval is for a Jewish man? We can say that everything depends on this.

Joseph Kobzon and Ninel Drizina - a marriage of convenience that lasted almost 47 years

Not every woman can be the wife of a famous singer who regularly spends six months on tour. But frequent separations are not the biggest test. It is much more difficult to cope with universal attention, media pressure, and the authority of a spouse. You need to be an extraordinary woman to cope with everything and not lose yourself.

20-year-old Nelly Drizina met the then-famous singer Joseph Kobzon quite by accident. The famous metropolitan entertainer Emil Radov organized a film show at home. There were a lot of guests at the “White Sun of the Desert”, and Nellie, who came to see the light, simply did not have enough chair.

The girl was about to leave, but suddenly an unfamiliar man gave her his place. It was 33-year-old Joseph Kobzon. The flighty singer immediately liked the young blond beauty. After the movie, he suggested taking a walk around the capital at night. But he received a discouraging refusal.

Joseph Kobzon, accustomed to female attention, realized that he had to be courteous with this girl if he wanted to win favor. The man called Nellie to the theater and then introduced him to his mother. Ida Isaevna remembered her son’s two unsuccessful marriages and was skeptical about the potential bride, but had nothing against the relationship.

Soon Nelly left for her native Leningrad and left the singer alone and bored. And he was bored and kept calling. But more often it was necessary to talk on the phone with Ninel’s mother, because the girl herself was often absent from home. Despite his busy schedule, Joseph carved out a couple of days and came to Leningrad for the May holidays to meet Nellie’s family.

I managed to impress my beloved mother. Polina Moiseevna immediately realized that such a profitable game could not be missed and skillfully put pressure on her daughter. And after 2 months, Nelly and her mother themselves went to Joseph in Sochi, where he was on tour.

“My mother is a very strong person. She raised my brother and me alone, and we got used to obeying her in everything. It’s hard for strong women like her, because they are most often alone. They are not interested in a weak person next to them, and they cannot tolerate a strong person,”

- Nellie later shared.

On his 34th birthday, Joseph Kobzon introduced his bride to his friends. And a month and a half later, Joseph and Ninel got married. But when asked about her real feelings, the woman always spoke directly.

“He is 13 years older than me. He was an adult and accomplished man, at the dawn of strength and glory. And I was a simple provincial girl with whom he talked. I treated him with respect, nothing more. Deep feelings came later. Rather, he was in love with me.”

Joseph realized that everyone’s favorites, who put their interests above his, were not suitable for him as a wife. This was the case in previous marriages with artists Veronica Kruglova and Lyudmila Gurchenko. In addition, the singer himself dreamed of children, and Joseph’s mother desperately wanted grandchildren. Ninel turned out to be an ideal wife - attentive, unobtrusive, affectionate.

Someone accused Nellie of dry calculations, but this was unlikely to have good grounds. After the wedding, Joseph moved his young wife to a cooperative apartment in the capital, where his mother and sister and her husband also lived. A little later, there was one more tenant - the singer’s sister gave birth to her first child.

“I had to move from a spacious Leningrad apartment to a barricade of strollers, toys and diapers. It was difficult to live there, and we moved to a hospital ward, with which a doctor we knew helped us. But despite the inconveniences, it was a wonderful time: we were young, we had feasts, friends constantly visited us ... "

And although the marriage was not cloudless and several times the couple even tried to separate, in difficult moments they showed restraint, managing to preserve the family and a reverent attitude towards each other.

“When I leave the house for a long time, I call my wife every 3-4 hours. I just can't do it any other way. I try to bring her flowers every day - either I send them myself, or I ask one of my friends to do this,”

— Joseph Kobzon shared.

Ninel gave birth to Joseph's son Andrei and daughter Natalya. But the woman repeatedly admitted in an interview that the children had grown up and she lacked family warmth.

“I really regret that there is no third child. After all, the more children there are, the more interesting and richer life is. I never built a career, I didn’t prove myself in my work. Children are the only thing in which I, perhaps, could realize myself.”

The couple never managed to have a third child. This is largely due to the fact that in the early 2000s, Joseph Kobzon began to have health problems. First, a herniated disc was diagnosed, then diabetes mellitus. The artist did not take the doctors’ warnings seriously and continued his creative activity, which only worsened the situation.

Since 2005, the singer has been battling prostate cancer. At some points, the disease subsided for a while, but then the artist had to go to the hospital again. All this time Ninel was nearby. Perhaps it was her support and care that helped her fight for so long.

Let us remind you that Joseph Kobzon passed away on August 30. He missed his 81st birthday by only 2 weeks. It is also surprising that the death of the legendary singer caused a mixed reaction on the Internet...

Mendelssohn March

The wedding of Kobzon and Nelly took place on the eve of the November holidays: November 3, 1971 and, according to reviews from friends and acquaintances, it was simply luxurious, of course, by Soviet standards of the 70s. Nevertheless, the best restaurant in Moscow was at the service of the newlyweds and guests.

And then real life began. As already mentioned, Kobzon left his apartment to his first wife. So at first the young people lived with Joseph Davydovich’s mother. However, despite Ida Isaevna’s love for Nellie, life behind the screen somehow did not suit the newlyweds. Then Kobzon agreed with his friend, the head of the cardiology department, and he allowed them to live in a free room in the hospital. The option is not the most joyful, even if with a sweetheart in heaven and in a hut.

But Nellie did not complain: apparently, her feminine instinct told her that this would not last long. And so it happened: Kobzon looked for a house in the Moscow region, collected money, borrowed something from friends, and the family finally found their own home.

Road without end

The life of an artist is always connected with the road. And Kobzon is no exception: he had a very busy tour schedule, as always. And he was not going to leave his young wife alone in Moscow. Moreover, he already had a sad experience on this topic...

Thus, as Nelly Kobzon’s biography says, the woman’s life (including her personal life) again took a new turn: she became Joseph Kobzon’s dresser, and a little later, his entertainer. Her responsibilities also included constant concern for her husband’s nutrition and his good mood. So now she has become inseparable from the electric stove and thermos of tea. This is how Kobzon’s team remembered her, and Nellie was called a “doll” for her grace and sophisticated style.

However, Nelly’s touring life did not last long - until the birth of her first child in 1974, who was named Andrei. By the way, Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Vysotsky met little Andrey on the steps of the maternity hospital.

Two years later, there was another addition to Kobzon’s family: a daughter, Natalya, was born. This was the family that Joseph Davydovich always dreamed of: a sensitive, understanding wife who created comfort in the house and surrounded him and his children with care.

The house was filled with children's voices, and the head of the family was always awaited here for the return of the head of the family from tours.

Nelly Kobzon now

In the biography of Nelly Kobzon, marriage with the famous artist became the main event. During their life together in star circles, questions about infidelity and possible betrayals of her husband did not even arise. Nelly Mikhailovna takes care of her appearance and looks fresh and young without the use of plastic surgery. The woman glows with happiness, and every photo posted on Instagram conveys this. Articles in the press and interviews confirm that Nelly Kobzon’s personal life has turned out just fine.

Nelly Kobzon in 2018

Every appearance of a woman in public causes discussion. Journalists comment on her appearance without makeup, comparing her with her appearance in her youth, discuss what fur coat Kobzon’s wife wore when she went out and her upcoming anniversary.

Joseph Davydovich has been battling cancer since 2005. The deterioration of the singer’s health in the summer of 2020 made his wife and his fans worry. At the end of July of this year, the artist was admitted to intensive care and was connected to an assisted ventilation device.

On August 30, Joseph Kobzon died. The farewell ceremony for the artists and the funeral took place on September 2, 2020. Joseph Davydovich bequeathed to bury himself in the Vostryakovsky cemetery next to his mother.

My family is my treasure

So how many children do Kobzon and Nelly have? There are two children, but we need to sort out the grandchildren. In fact, there are seven of them. However, when son Andrei's first marriage broke up, his first wife had two daughters in his second marriage. Joseph Davydovich, realizing that children should not be separated, began to consider these girls his granddaughters.

Kobzon also considered the grandson of his beloved sister to be his own.

In total, we get 10 grandchildren, three of whom are from the son Andrei, four from the daughter Natalya (married Rappoport). One of Kobzon’s granddaughters, Michelle Rappoport, clearly inherited her grandfather’s talent: she has excellent vocal abilities.

One of Kobzon's grandchildren, who lives in London, is named after him - Joseph.

Joseph Davydovich always emphasized that family relationships are of greatest value to him.

In 2020, the singer passed away. Joseph and Nelly Kobzon lived together for 47 years. The loss of her husband was a great shock for Nelly Mikhailovna. However, despite her 68-year-old age, Nelly Kobzon continues to be the backbone of her family. She still looks great today, and none of the many grandchildren of the Kobzon family is deprived of her attention.

A year without Joseph Kobzon: how relatives live after the singer’s death

Joseph Kobzon

Joseph Kobzon struggled with cancer for 14 years. The artist continued to perform and do charity work until the very end, and his loved ones were confident that Joseph Davydovich would pull through and defeat cancer. But the miracle did not happen. The singer’s death was a huge shock for those around him and unsettled his relatives for a long time.

The performer is survived by his widow Nelli Mikhailovna, to whom he was married for 47 years, daughter Natalya, son Andrei, and seven grandchildren. Family members support each other, and a common misfortune has brought them together even more. However, Nelly Kobzon’s behavior in recent months has caused an ambivalent reaction from the public: on the one hand, the artist’s wife continued her husband’s work, heading a cultural foundation named after him, on the other hand, she regularly appears at parties, although fans are convinced that this does not correspond to the status of a woman in mourning. But how did she and Kobzon’s other relatives survive this difficult year?


Nelly Kobzon was the organizer of many events dedicated to the memory of her husband

The first test for the artist's family was the funeral. Nelly Kobzon remained silent at that time: she did not communicate with the press, experiencing the loss of a loved one. At the same time, the widow was worried about organizing the ceremony, fearing that few people would come to say goodbye to her husband.

“I assured her that even Vysotsky had gathered people, although the city was in a state of security because of the Olympics, and there were no reports in the press about the date and time of farewell. And dad did not disappoint. Thank you for this, dad. This was your last sold out,” shared the singer’s son Andrei.

It took half a day for the son and daughter to calm Nelly Mikhailovna. And as a result, thousands of fans and friends of the performer gathered at the funeral. The memorial service lasted for about five hours, and even Vladimir Putin came to say goodbye to the artist. The ceremony ended with a wake for 600 people.

Nelly Kobzon was afraid that no one would come to the singer’s funeral

A month later, Kobzon’s wife began to go out into the world. She attended the premiere of the comedy “Chasing Two Hares” in the company of Boris Moiseev. The singer's fans considered the appearance of a widow at an entertainment event unacceptable for a person in mourning. “Kobzon is in the grave, Nelly is at the premiere,” criticized Internet users.

At the beginning of October 2018, Nelly Kobzon attended a comedy in the company of Boris Moiseev

Nelli Mikhailovna was also seen in the front row at the Kremlin Gala ballet, which further inflamed admirers of the performer’s talent. Fans were divided into two camps: some condemned the widow, others emphasized that Kobzon’s wife is a public figure and should not remain within four walls.

Kobzon’s funeral was attended by all the cream of Russian show business, but the wake for 40 days after the singer’s death was held on a grand scale. On October 8, celebrities visited the cemetery to lay flowers at the grave of Joseph Davydovich. Zara, Boris Moiseev, Alexandra Pakhmutova, and cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova came to honor the memory of the artist. Then the stars moved to the Triumph Event Hall banquet hall, where they shared memories of Joseph Kobzon.

40 days without Joseph Kobzon: the widow threw an alcoholic party in memory of her husband

The commemoration was active: celebrities published photographs on social networks, made touching speeches from the stage, told funny stories and even sang. Thus, fans appreciated the composition performed by rapper Basta. But the most heartfelt words came that evening from the lips of Nellie Mikhailovna, who admitted how scared she was to say goodbye to her husband’s soul, which was leaving for heaven on the 40th day. The widow added: the memory of her husband will remain for centuries, with which all those present agreed.


The wake took place in one of the most expensive banquet halls in Moscow

Nelly Mikhailovna gave her first interview after the death of her husband two months later. The widow shared the story of how the singer proposed to her, but put forward a number of conditions.

“You will never be an artist. I want a strong family: children, a house, borscht,” Nelly Kobzon quoted her husband in the “Honest Word” program.

When Joseph Davydovich died, Nelly Mikhailovna realized that she no longer had anyone to keep the hearth for: the children had grown up, and she was widowed. The singer was constantly involved in charity work, restoring datsans, building churches, helping thousands of people in need, and his wife decided to continue the work to which he dedicated his life. Thus, a woman headed the Joseph Kobzon Cultural Foundation.

“It’s hard for me now. I have a lot of ideas. I wish I could cope! You understand that he called any office, opened any door. His presence and respect for him solved a million problems. I'm afraid I won't be able to do that. But I really want it to work out,” the widow shared in the “You Won’t Believe It!” program.

Nelly Kobzon's family helped her cope with grief

It was not easy to put the organization of the work of an entire foundation on fragile shoulders, but Nellie Mikhailovna was helped by the support of her beloved children and grandchildren. Her loved ones surrounded her with care.

“The children are incredibly attentive to me, protecting me from everything. Well, and friends, of course, too. People really treated my husband so well that this love passed on to me, for which I am again very grateful to him,” noted Nelly Kobzon.

But it was not only charity that occupied the thoughts of the singer’s wife. Nelly Mikhailovna has always been interested in art, and in the spring she presented her collection of antique porcelain and theatrical accessories at an exhibition at the Tropinin Museum.


Nelly Kobzon was convicted of a noisy birthday celebration in the company of stars

The fun at the wake and visiting theaters did not cause such a wave of criticism that fell on Nelly Kobzon because of the stormy parties at which she was seen quite often. One of the first holidays was Nelly Mikhailovna’s birthday in December 2018. Then, barely three months had passed since the death of Joseph Davydovich, which seemed to fans to be too short a period for a noisy celebration. The widow's bright dress and red lipstick, chosen for the event, also became the subject of discussion among haters.

“When there is pain in the heart, there is no mood to have fun, it means that it has already let go,” “She refused to mourn, but said that there was great love,” “Not even a year has passed, and Nellie is already in a colorful dress,” Netizens criticized.

Nelly Kobzon celebrated her 68th birthday in a Moscow restaurant in the company of Jasmine, Valeria, Stas Mikhailov and his wife and other celebrities. Unlike commentators on the Internet, the stars praised Nelly Mikhailovna for her appearances and bright image. “There are women who only get more beautiful over the years, happy birthday to my wonderful Nelechka Kobzon,” Jasmine congratulated the birthday girl.

Valeria emphasized in her wish that the widow of Joseph Davydovich could always count on her help and support.

“She is a unique woman, only the great Joseph Kobzon could have had such a muse,” the singer wrote on the microblog. - Wise, kind, cheerful, beautiful, strong, generous, generous, warm-hearted - she is an example for all of us. Dear, be healthy, and may your children and grandchildren continue to adore you and give you their love, and may your true friends always be there.”

Nelly Kobzon at the Moscow International Film Festival

Another reason for public indignation was the presence of Nelly Mikhailovna at the MIFF event. Kobzon's wife appeared on the red carpet in a coat with rhinestones and fashionable burgundy boots. The blooming appearance gave rise to new gossip about the widow’s behavior. But who doesn’t smile under the guns of cameras?

Joseph Kobzon's widow was convicted of attending parties

Nelly Mikhailovna was also condemned for her cheerful mood at the opening of a monument to Kobzon at the Institute of Theater Arts in Moscow. The widow gave a speech of gratitude to the students who read poems in honor of the installation of the monument. But when Mikhail Shvydkoy spoke warm words to the late artist, turning to Nelly Kobzon, she was chatting with an acquaintance and winking at someone in the crowd. Many considered the woman’s inattention as disrespect for her husband’s memory.

The doctor spoke about the anti-aging procedures performed by Nelly Kobzon

What Kobzon’s fans have no doubt about is that Nelly Mikhailovna became noticeably prettier six months after the death of her husband. The widow not only did not turn into a recluse, but also began to pay more attention to her appearance. An employee of one of the Moscow clinics published a photo with Nelly Kobzon, saying that she had lipofilling of her face and eyes. Netizens have differing opinions about the procedures. “Kobzon wouldn’t really like it that such a sad widow does nothing but show off,” “What a beautiful woman, well done for not abandoning herself after the tragedy,” commentators reasoned.

Nelly Mikhailovna also goes to musical events related to her husband. Thus, at the end of July, the Greenland art song festival was officially named after Joseph Kobzon. At the concert, the soloist of the Vyatka Philharmonic dedicated the composition to the wife of Joseph Davydovich.

“Participation in Greenland was a great joy for my husband. He was sure that with such songs, such people as you, Russia would not be afraid of any trials. Thank you for remembering the voice, songs and deeds of Joseph Kobzon,” the widow addressed those present.


Andrei Kobzon became the head of the family after the death of his father.

Nellie Mikhailovna’s support was her son and daughter, who, although they may not always be there, are ready to rush to their mother’s aid at any moment.

“Before leaving, Joseph bequeathed to Andrei that he should remain in charge and take care of the family. I instructed my son to buy me a bouquet of flowers every day. You can't imagine how many flowers I have all these days. I am happy that I have such a daughter. Natasha doesn't let me relax and keeps my finger on the pulse. She is very strong, just like her dad. Natasha, I am grateful to you that you are like this and are saving me now,” the widow said at her husband’s wake.

For the last year, Andrei Iosifovich Kobzon has been engaged in the real estate business. The singer’s heir also opened two restaurants. He spends his free time with the children and, of course, is present with his mother at all events dedicated to his father. The artist’s daughter Natalya Rappoport has long lived in two countries, in the UK and Russia. She has three daughters and a son. Young Michelle Rappoport is already predicted to have a bright future: the 18-year-old girl has a model appearance and good vocal abilities.

Michelle Rappoport may become a singer

The Kobzon family has always been considered close-knit. Only the singer’s sister, Gelena Kandel, keeps to herself. She attends commemorative events, and was at the opening of the monument to Joseph Davydovich, but she does not like to talk about herself or communicate with the press. For 35 years, the woman worked as a simple music teacher and never used the surname of her famous brother. However, the fame of her relative saved her life: when Gelena Mikhailovna needed a serious operation, the artist secured a place for her in the clinic. Joseph Kobzon remained Kandel's best friend and guardian angel.

On the anniversary of the death of the famous performer, loyal fans are increasingly remembering him. On August 23, residents of Donetsk installed a memorial plaque to Joseph Davydovich on the building of the Opera and Ballet Theater. The artist's widow did not ignore the event.

“The opening of a memorial plaque in Donetsk to Joseph Davydovich Kobzon is evidence of great love for his fellow countryman, which means that his songs will sound in your city and live in your kind Donetsk hearts,” Kobzon’s wife wrote in a message to the townspeople. “A year has passed since Joseph Davydovich passed away, but he continues to live in songs, books, memories, in the memory of his children, grandchildren, relatives and friends.”

Based on materials from KP, BelNovosti,

Photo: Legion-Media, Facebook, Instagram

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