The funeral of Irina Bezrukova's son Andrei Livanov took place without Sergei Bezrukov

What really happened

The actress took the death of her beloved son very hard, especially since they had a deep, spiritual connection. Until now, the woman cannot talk about what happened calmly. As Irina said, her son had long dreamed of visiting some Asian country and getting acquainted with Eastern culture, so she and her son, a few months before his death, went to Vietnam.

The cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov has been revealed

But the trip turned out to be unsuccessful, first, the actress caught an unknown virus, and then Andrei felt unwell. The son called a doctor for his mother, who prescribed the necessary medications. When Irina felt better, they continued exploring local attractions.

For reference! Upon returning to Moscow, mother and son forgot about the troubles they had suffered, did not attach much importance to them, and did not contact local doctors.

Irina Bezrukova son Andrei cause of death: what caused Bezrukov’s stepson to die

After a trip to Vietnam, Andrei contracted a viral infection. And since he suffered from diabetes, the situation only worsened. He felt unwell, felt weak, had a runny nose and a slight fever.

Dead Andrey was found in the bathroom, and insulin syringes lay nearby. Apparently before his death he gave himself an injection. But due to poor health, he fell and hit his head on the tile, which resulted in instant death.

Irina Bezrukova said that her son had no contact for several days and never showed up at work. And at that time she herself was in Irkutsk on tour, the decision was made to open the apartment. When the apartment door was broken into, emergency workers, doctors and a local police officer were present.

Irina interrupted her tour and returned to Moscow. An autopsy of Andrei Livanov’s body was not performed at the request of his relatives. Andrey's body fluids were tested for poisons and drugs. It was obvious that this was an accident and an autopsy was unnecessary. Moreover, the parents knew that their son would be against it.

In the capital

Returning home, the family plunged into everyday work. Irina flew off with her now ex-husband, Sergei Bezrukov, on tour to Irkutsk, and Andrei went to work. At that time, the guy held the position of administrator at the Moscow Provincial Theater. The actress recalls that before the trip she took her son’s temperature, it turned out to be slightly elevated, but the mother did not attach any importance to this.

While far away, the woman constantly called Andrei and claimed that her son’s voice was cheerful and he did not complain about feeling unwell. Everything was fine until one day Bezrukova couldn’t hear him on the phone, and the guy didn’t respond to SMS either.

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After waiting for about 12 hours, Irina asked her friend to go to their house, when she reported that no one was opening the door, they decided to break it. However, she somehow managed to get in through the window, while the district police officer and the theater director were also present.

Andrei was lying on the floor, and there was a small dent on his head. The cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov was a banal accident; apparently, the guy slipped and fell, hitting himself hard. Doctors who arrived at the scene did not record any signs of violent death or poisoning.

Irina’s son – photo

Andrei was loved immensely by both his mother and father, despite the fact that they separated. But you can’t call him a “golden boy”. Andrey attended the elite metropolitan school “Golden Section”, mastered several foreign languages ​​at once, and was a professional swimmer.

After meeting his star stepfather Sergei Bezrukov, Andrei developed a genuine interest in art, or more precisely, in acting. Sergei provided him with his debut - the boy took part as an actor in the musical “Nord-Ost”, then began taking acting courses at the Moscow Art Theater School.

However, Andrei Livanov chose a different direction as his main profession - after graduating from secondary school, the young man entered MGIMO, first to the Faculty of Oriental Studies, then switched to linguistics.

In parallel with his studies, Andrei acted in films. He can be seen among the supporting characters in the films “I Am a Doll”, “Rescuers. Eclipse”, in the documentary project “The Irony of Sergei Bezrukov’s Fate”. A year before his death, in 2014, Andrei Livanov took the post of senior administrator of the MGT (Moscow Provincial Theater).


After the death of the young man, the Internet was full of rumors that drugs were to blame, why an autopsy was not performed, that the matter was dark. However, the mother claims that her son never smoked and was indifferent to alcohol.

Fact! An autopsy was indeed not performed, however, they took body fluid to identify poisons and drugs, the results showed that neither one nor the other was found in the young man’s body.

Andrei suffered from a mild form of diabetes, which was quite compatible with life. However, he does not have insulin dependence, and he did not give himself any injections. The information that syringes were allegedly found near the corpse is a lie, according to the actress, and there were no calls to the ambulance either.

On the table near the bed there was a thermometer that showed 37.5, and the phone was in its place. Maybe he was driven by weakness or the slippery tiles in the toilet were to blame, but the cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov is a banal head injury.

Andrei was a person of fine organization of the soul, from childhood he expressed incredibly wise thoughts, and his mother wrote them down. When it becomes completely unbearable, Irina rereads her son’s phrases. For example, Andrei always said that there is no death, but just a transition to another world.

Although three years have passed, it is still difficult for the actress to find meaning in her existence, and only thanks to the support of friends and fans does she find the strength to live on.

The unexpected cause of death of Irina Bezrukova’s son has been revealed

The other day, Andrei Livanov, the son of Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov, was buried. As the press reported, the young man died of acute heart failure. But his half-sister, Nina Livanova, spoke about what really happened.

“Finally, after all the crazy days, after Andryushka’s death, I managed to contact the mother of my deceased brother, Ira Bezrukova, she answered. Anyway, I finally heard the story first hand. Andryusha had a very mild degree of diabetes, which did not affect the quality of life. he had never injected himself with insulin and did not know how. And there were no syringes at home and no one found them. Although there were many witnesses during the opening of the apartment. He didn't call an ambulance. I didn’t call or call, that’s a lie. And his temperature was a maximum of 37.5 (there is a thermometer at the bedside). Everything was in place, nothing unusual, there was no phone next to the body. He just went barefoot to the toilet, fell and hit himself to death on the tiles. He fell extremely unsuccessfully. They don’t know why, maybe it was due to weakness. About the autopsy: they took tests of his body fluids for poisons and drugs and all that, as expected, but the autopsy itself was unnecessary due to the obviousness of the situation. and he would not have wanted to either, and so the parents asked not to do this, and the investigators did not consider that there were reasons not to respect the request. This means that the situation did not arouse any suspicion among the police. Everything was obvious. He fell. Everything else is lies and lies. The whole Internet is about “heart failure”, “drugs”, “why there was no autopsy, it’s a dark matter”... but I haven’t smoked a single cigarette in my life and can’t stand alcohol.”

Irina Bezrukova's son was her best friend

After a divorce from Andrei’s father and a new marriage, Irina devoted herself entirely to her family. She sacrificed her career, began acting less, and adjusted her life to Sergei’s schedule. She mastered a new profession as a triflo-commentator - a translator for visually impaired people; on her initiative, many performances at the Provincial Theater, where they served with Sergei, were performed in triflo-translation.

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The Bezrukovs did not have any children together, so Irina devoted a lot of time to Andrey. As the actress now says, her son was her best friend. When the boy grew up, they began to travel together. Andrei also connected his life with the Provincial Theater; he worked there as an administrator.

Shortly before the tragic events, Irina and her son visited Vietnam. Andrey was interested in Asian culture and dreamed of visiting this country. The trip was unsuccessful - first Irina fell ill, contracting some kind of virus and lying in bed for several days, and upon returning home Andrei also felt unwell.

Irina Bezrukova’s son’s funeral: the actress is sure that everyone has their own destiny

Various rumors quickly spread in the media, some wrote about heart problems, others about diabetes. Only two years later, the actress decided to openly talk about how her 25-year-old son Andrei died.

As Bezrukova said, it is very difficult for her to discuss this topic; the confidence that everything is not accidental gives her the strength to live. Irina said that her son was healthy, he could easily live a long and bright life, but fate decreed otherwise. The forensic expert wrote in his conclusion that death occurred instantly, as a result of a blow to the temporal region. This death was classified as an accident.

The actress very much regrets that during the tragedy, she and her husband were not around, they went on tour. When her son stopped communicating for two days, she sounded the alarm. Irina and her friend Elena called rescuers and the local police officer. The Ministry of Emergency Situations opened the apartment and saw Andrei lying in a pool of blood on the floor. The actress confirmed that Andrei had a good relationship with his father.

It is worth recalling that Andrei is Irina’s son from her first marriage. Bezrukova talks about her son as a kind person who did not like to be in the center of attention, did not drink, did not smoke and did not go to parties.

Irina Bezrukova son Andrei cause of death: biography of Andrei Livanov

Andrei Livanov was the son of Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov. He was born on December 6, 1989. He graduated from the Golden Section school and, while still a schoolboy, played in Nord-Ost. The star couple separated when Andrei was eleven years old.

On the set of one of the films, Irina met her second husband Sergei Bezrukov. After graduating from school, he went to preparatory courses at the Moscow Art Theater School. Andrei Livanov starred in the following films: “I am a doll”, “Rescuers” - “Rescuers. Behind. Since 2014, Andrey has worked as an administrator of the Moscow Provincial Theater.

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