Yulia Nachalova showed what her hands look like due to illness

Features of the course of the diseases that killed Yulia Nachalova

The wave of grief does not subside in connection with the untimely death of the talented singer Yulia Nachalova , who was buried on Thursday at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Julia died at the age of 39; The cause of death, which was officially announced during the farewell ceremony, was cardiopulmonary failure as a result of sepsis.

The Federal News Agency tried to figure out how a young, vibrant woman could develop this dangerous disease .


Yulia's pain began eight years ago. My arms and legs hurt, my hands were twisted, my finger joints ached. At first it was tolerable: it would hurt in the morning, but then it would go away. Sometimes the pain did not return for weeks - as if nothing had happened.

Yulia wasn’t particularly worried - why bother if it’s going away? Maybe she was just overtired, overworked in the gym, overdanced at rehearsals.

I went to the doctors when the pain became unbearable. Bumps began to appear on my legs and arms. The diagnosis of gout, of course, came as a shock - this disease usually strikes older people, and more often men. But for a young woman to suffer from this?! And even in such a severe version - when the limbs are twisted beyond recognition...

“It’s my own fault that I waited until such a period that it became impossible to endure,” Yulia sighs. – I have migratory gout - where it wanted, it showed up there. Knees, shoulders, hips, small joints, arms.

The pain is such that I cannot describe, even a toothache is a rest in comparison. I received treatment in different countries. It was a very long process.

“The pain cannot be described”: Yulia Nachalova hid her hands because of a terrible illness

Russian singer, actress and TV presenter Yulia Nachalova is almost never seen gloomy. This is confirmed by numerous photographs in which the performer always simply shone. But few people know that Yulia suffered from serious illnesses for many years and staunchly hid the pain behind a charming smile, NUR.KZ reports.

Yulia Nachalova. Photo: Instagram

According to 24SMI, in 2012, Nachalova fainted on a plane flying from Mexico to the USA. She refused to comment on the incident, but then it became known that the artist had problems after breast augmentation.

Julia could not get used to her newfound shape and again lay down on the operating table to get rid of the implants. The surgical intervention caused complications: an infection occurred and therapy was required.

All this affected Nachalova’s kidneys. Kidney failure caused him to lose consciousness on the plane.

Kidney problems led to gout. With this disease, uric acid is no longer excreted from the body, deposits in the joints and causes pain. The joints increase in size. It looks like bumps.

Bumps are visible on Julia's hands. Photo: social networks

Once Julia openly told fans on social networks what she had to endure every day. The pain could come at any moment.

“It’s my own fault that I waited until such a period that it became impossible to endure. I have migratory gout: where it wanted, it showed up there. Knees, shoulders, hips, small joints, arms. The pain is such that I cannot describe, even a toothache is a rest in comparison. I was treated in different countries,” Nachalova wrote.

The singer underwent a long recovery course and returned to the stage. But, according to her, gout disfigured her hands. In addition, almost all of Julia’s hair fell out, so she had to get extensions.

Because of her illness, Nachalova always hid her hands. In photographs, she often posed with her hands in her pockets or otherwise covering them. And gloves, which became the artist’s signature feature, also came to the rescue.

Nachalova also had type 2 diabetes, and according to unconfirmed official data, she also suffered from lupus erythematosus, a severe autoimmune disease. But her former doctor Vasily Shurov denied this information in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets.

“This is complete nonsense. I know what people with this disease look like. Their skin develops symptoms consistent with lupus. You can't confuse them with anything. Internal organs are also affected. Yulia had nothing close,” said the doctor.

Let us remind you that Yulia Nachalova was hospitalized on March 11 due to a festering wound on her leg and a sharp increase in blood sugar. She was operated on and then put into an induced coma.

The singer died on March 16 after surgery. According to the artist’s father, the cause of death was cardiac arrest due to an abscess (purulent inflammation).

Read all the news on the topic here>>


Yulia’s once thin and graceful fingers are swollen and curved, the joints have increased to the size of a medium-sized walnut, and there are noticeable nodular formations under the skin.

When the changes just began, Nachalova tried her best to disguise them. She wore long sleeves, then switched to gloves - both on stage and in everyday life. She doesn’t want to attract the curious and not always sympathetic glances of strangers.

Yulia does not know the cause of her illness. Doctors were unable to determine why such a malfunction occurred in her body. Previously, gout was popularly considered the “disease of kings” because it was mainly suffered by rich people who moved little and abused overeating and strong drinks. But Yulia always watched her figure and was active - where did such an attack come from?

One of the doctors' assumptions is that the disease was provoked by the dream of being beautiful and desirable. 11 years ago Nachalova decided to undergo breast surgery.

– I went to a Russian clinic, where they inserted implants for me. When I saw my chic fourth size, my spirits became high,” she recalls.

It didn’t take long to enjoy the new sexual forms. Yulia started reading about silicone implants and was afraid that wearing them was “the same as living in a chemical waste warehouse.” I decided to get rid of them. But at the clinic, during the operation, she got an infection - sepsis developed, and her kidneys began to fail. The girl was miraculously pulled out from the other world. But kidney function never fully recovered. Uric acid begins to accumulate in the body, which has a destructive effect on the joints.

Yulia Nachalova’s bouquet of illnesses began with breast surgery: “The pain is so bad that I can’t describe”

Journalists recalled the connection between the plastic surgeries experienced by Yulia Nachalova and her current health problems. In 2007, Nachalova had breast surgery, but then it turned out that size four caused her discomfort. A repeat operation was performed, the implants were removed by surgeons from the “best California clinic.” And it was they who managed to introduce the infection, as a result, Yulia Nachalova was hospitalized straight from the airport.

In 2020, the media discussed the singer’s near-death state. Moreover, the girl herself said that the doctors literally “pulled her out of the other world.”

“After sepsis, a complication began - the kidneys began to fail. My weakened body did not want to fight. “I felt like the life was literally leaving me,” said the artist. — Dark thoughts came into my head. I didn’t blame either the doctors or fate for what happened. It's all her own fault. After all, it’s a whim and stupidity to correct nature!”

When it seemed that the complications after the operation were over, Nachalova developed problems with her kidneys. Julia’s body stopped excreting uric acid normally. It accumulated, which became the cause of gout. It was not always possible to hide traces of this disease. Some pictures on the Internet show that the artist’s hands are affected. Julia herself said that her gout is migratory. And today’s pain is the result of a frivolous attitude towards the disease.

“It’s my own fault that I waited until such a period that it became impossible to endure. I have migratory gout: where it wanted, it showed up there. Knees, shoulders, hips, small joints, arms. The pain is such that I cannot describe, even a toothache takes a break in comparison with this,” Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes the artist.

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Posted by Julia Nachalova (@julianachalova) Feb 18, 2020 at 9:20 PST

It was because of gout that Julia lost her hair. And a new aggravation, as we know, happened on March 8th. After a girl injured her leg and did not treat it properly. “Dni.ru” clarifies that, apparently, the wound is a callus that did not heal after the “One on One” show. At first the temperature rose to 40 degrees. A preliminary diagnosis was made: “erysipelas, blood poisoning.” Today, sources reported that Nachalova had pulmonary edema, pneumonia, renal failure, sepsis, and gangrene. She is connected to life support machines, and the issue of surgery is being decided today. Later they talked about cerebral edema, but this information was denied.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure gout once and for all. But with regular medication and diet, you can prevent moments when your eyes glaze over from pain. Yulia learned to monitor her health and maintain a state of remission.

Nachalova would like to keep her illness a secret, but it didn’t work out. One night, her car was stopped by traffic police officers. It seemed to them that the car was swaying and that the driver was drunk. Yulia refused to undergo a medical examination, which provoked a wave of rumors that the police’s assumption was correct. As a result, the singer had to make excuses:

– I haven’t drunk alcohol for many years, not a drop! I have gout, and with it I can’t drink alcohol, it provokes an exacerbation!

After this incident, Julia risked appearing in public for the first time without gloves to hide her disfigured hands. Now sometimes on her page on social networks she publishes photos where hands with swollen joints and bumps are visible.

Since these changes are forever, Yulia believes, we must learn to live with them without hesitation. After all, illness is a misfortune, not a fault, and it can happen to anyone.

Yulia Nachalova's friend about the singer's secret illnesses: It was horror!

A year has passed since the death of Yulia Nachalova. Doctors continue to assure that the death of the 38-year-old singer was a tragic accident. Meanwhile, it is known that during her lifetime Nachalova was very ill. On the eve of the funeral date, one of the singer’s friends spoke about the disease, which the artist did her best to hide.

In the last years of her life, the singer was very ill. Due to kidney problems, she developed gout. This disease was accompanied by severe pain, which Yulia was unable to endure. She turned to various specialists to help her cope with the disease, but they just shrugged their shoulders.

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The star also had another illness, which she hid in every possible way. A couple of years before her death, the singer began to become covered with red spots. The artist was horrified: she had them all over her body. And every year there were more and more of them.

“Yulia had psoriasis,” says one of the artist’s friends. – This is a chronic non-infectious disease that mainly affects the skin. Yulia was in a panic, she tried to get treatment, went to see dermatologists. After all, this disease caused her a lot of trouble. Not physical pain, but mental pain. She is a young woman, a singer. Julia was used to appearing in revealing outfits on stage, but due to psoriasis she was forced to give up revealing dresses, because the spots were all over her body and it was impossible to hide them.

Nachalova fought the disease with all her might. When official medicine could not help her, the singer began to use folk remedies. She was also on a special diet, eliminating all junk food from her diet. But the restrictions did not bring tangible results.

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“When Yulia came to the store to buy new clothes, she asked the sellers to show her the most closed models,” continues the star’s friend. “She hoped until the last moment that she could cope with the spots on her body. You can't imagine how upset the appearance of each new spot was for her.

It was especially difficult for Nachalova in the “One to One” project, in which she took part shortly before her death. Filming took place in winter, and in cold weather the problems with psoriasis only get worse. Julia was forced to completely cover her body.

“She bought overalls and pantsuits,” the girl continues. “But I didn’t feel too comfortable in them either.” Due to the fact that the clothes were closed, Yulia sweated a lot. The spots began to itch. In general, psoriasis caused her a lot of problems. At the same time, she tried not to talk openly about her illness. Yulka was very worried when they asked her about her health. She always wanted to be young and beautiful. One day a journalist acquaintance came up to her and asked: “Yulia, how are you?” Her face changed. And then she asked him for a long time: “Please don’t write anything about my health. Do you promise? She was very worried that all her illnesses would become known to the public. And I wanted people to talk about it less.


Gout is also called the disease of geniuses. Because in the body of an ordinary person there is about 1 g of uric acid, and in the extraordinarily gifted it is about 30.

It is known that Hippocrates suffered from gout, and his compatriots dubbed this disease a “foot trap.” Kings, emperors, tsars and generals also suffered from it: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov, Peter I, Admiral Nelson.

Judging by the descriptions of symptoms, the same illness tormented Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Rubens, Renoir, Beethoven, Dante, Goethe and Maupassant.

The main cause of death of Yulia Nachalova has been named

On March 21, at the Troekurovsky cemetery they said goodbye to the singer Yulia Nachalova. She was only 38 years old. An autopsy established the true cause of the artist’s death. It was announced at the funeral by Nachalova’s press secretary Anna Isaeva.

Isaeva emphasized that there is now a lot of speculation and incorrect information surrounding Yulia Nachalova’s diagnosis. They even talked about cancer, the artist’s PR director emphasized. The official cause of death of Yulia Nachalova, confirmed by autopsy, was blood poisoning - sepsis. At the same time, Anna Isaeva noted, doctors managed to cope with the first wave of sepsis. But it was impossible to cope with the second wave - on March 16, 2020, Yulia Nachalova’s heart stopped.

The farewell to the singer lasted 2.5 hours in the funeral hall of the Troekurovsky cemetery. Fans brought flowers to the singer in an endless stream. Those who knew her well came to say goodbye to Nachalova: trainers Askold and Edgard Zapashny, producers Bari Alibasov and Andrei Razin, actress Anastasia Makeeva, parodist Alexander Peskov, singers Zara, Katya Lel and Anastasia Stotskaya, actors Vyacheslav Manucharov and Alexander Mikhailov, Philip Kirkorov , Denis Klyaver, Vlad Topalov and Gleb Matveychuk.

Anna Isaeva emphasized that no one expected such grief to happen. No one expected that a small wound on the leg could lead to such a tragic result. The artist was taken to the hospital with a high fever and a festering wound, around which the skin began to quickly die. The actress was put into an induced coma, but her lungs and kidneys began to fail.

Most recently, documents were submitted to award the star the title of Honored Artist. It is too early to say whether Yulia Nachalova will receive this title posthumously.

Yulia Nachalova is survived by her daughter Vera. She will be raised in the family of her father Evgeniy Aldonin.

The rise of Yulia Nachalova began with her victory in the Morning Star competition. During her creative life, she recorded several albums, acted in films and was a TV presenter. She is remembered for her hits “Teacher”, “Thumbelina”, “Hero of Not My Novel”, “Between Me and You”, “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”.

Over the years, Nachalova was the host of the television program “Saturday Evening” on the Rossiya TV channel, participated in the show “The Last Hero” (Channel One), “One to One” (Russia) and other projects. Yulia Nachalova’s student won the national season of the “One to One” competition. Unfortunately, this news became known almost simultaneously with the news of the singer’s departure.

The grave of Yulia Nachalova is located not far from the graves of film director Marlen Khutsiev and one of the founders of NTV Igor Malashenko.

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