Alexander Isakov – biography, photo, personal life, films, cause of death 2020

The series “Nina” was released on the screens of the country in 2001 and was very much loved by the audience. Firstly, the plot of the film about the fate of a beautiful fashion model, her killer husband and new love in the person of a banker was captivating. Secondly, the lineup of performers was healthy. The series featured: Svetlana Chuikina, Viktor Rakov, Alexander Alferova, Nikolai Dobrynin, Alexander Baluev and many others.

But, as the Express-Novosti news agency learned, not all participants in this wonderful series are alive today. Our story today is about those who are no longer with us.

Childhood and youth

Journalists did not write about the actor’s family; Alexander himself preferred to leave the details of his childhood and adolescence behind the scenes. It is known that the artist was born in Moscow in 1978.

Actor Alexander Isakov

After graduating from high school, the young man entered the Moscow State University of Arts. The chosen specialty was acting. In 2004, the student received a diploma, which proudly stated his future profession - “theater and film actor.”

What films did he appear in?

Soon the actor was noticed by film directors. The very first film in which Alexander starred was the comedy series “Bachelors,” released in 2004. The main roles were played by the famous Marat Basharov and Dmitry Pevtsov. Isakov got the episodic role of a friend of one of the main characters - Trumpet.

Then almost every year the actor was invited to filming. He played an investigator in Silent Witness and a cameo role in the series Destined to Be a Star about the ups and downs of the life of a provincial girl who dreams of becoming a famous singer. But the project that brought him fame among the general public was the sitcom “Happy Together.” The series tells about the life of an ordinary Russian family - the Bukins, who daily face comical situations that are close to the average viewer.

The series “Happy Together” was so successful that it lasted for 7 years; from 2006-2013. The homeland of the heroes is Yekaterinburg - the hometown of Isakov’s mother. The actor played the role of director in one of the episodes.

The actor did not have a stereotyped role; he transformed into completely different characters, which, of course, spoke of his talent. It can be said that the young man left in the prime of his career, never having had time to realize his full potential.


Having just received his diploma, the newly minted actor gets a job at the capital's State Film Actor's Theater. The artist worked as part of the troupe for fifteen years.

Alexander Isakov in the play “Puss in Boots”

Throughout his life, Alexander remained known mainly as a theater actor. On stage, the young man played in such productions as “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”, “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro”, “Measure for Measure”, “Cinderella’s Magic Slipper”.

However, the young man’s career included roles in films and TV series. Most often, Isakov was invited to small episodic filming, but Alexander’s characters still remained in the memory of the audience.


He made his screen debut in 2004 on the set of the TV series “Bachelors.” The multi-part comedy melodrama of the REN TV channel told about the daily life and adventures of four friends, striving to “squeeze” life to the maximum and competing in love victories. The main roles went to Marat Basharov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Evgeny Stychkin and Oleg Fomin.

Actor Alexander Isakov

Yesterday's graduate of a theater university, Alexander gained experience working with the stars of Russian cinema, despite the fact that the character embodied on the screen was episodic.

The next small role in Isakov’s filmography is Peter from the soap opera “Doomed to Become a Star” about the ambitious plans for the singing career of a young talented provincial girl. The series was released in 2005-2007.

Alexander Isakov

In 2006, Isakov brought to life the character of traffic police lieutenant Timokhin in the series “Silent Witness.” The fate of a police officer develops in 2007 in the second season of the multi-part film.

In 2006, the TNT channel released the sitcom “Happy Together” about the life of the unlucky Bukin family from Yekaterinburg. The head of the family, Gena, brilliantly played by Viktor Loginov, works in a women's shoe store, although he dreams of becoming a football player. The achievement of his entire life was a hat-trick made in his youth. Loser Gena is forced to spend weekdays and holidays with his non-working wife Dasha and children - idle Roma and Sveta.

Alexander Isakov in the series “Hour of Volkov”

The heroes of the comedy series instantly fell in love with the audience, the project gained unprecedented ratings, the characters became household names, and the actors became recognizable. Alexander Isakov participated in the creation of the story about the Bukin family, starring in several episodes as a director.

Over the next years, the actor appeared in several seasons of Volkov's Hour. It is worth noting that Alexander received invitations to play various characters in the project. One of the last works on television was participation in the series “Fifth Watch” in 2013. Isakov still remained faithful to the theater stage and preferred acting in front of the audience to filming with a movie camera.

Cause of death of Alexander Vilkov

He was sometimes compared to Vladimir Vysotsky for his special, indescribable style of singing, hoarse voice, inexplicable charm and talent. Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Vilkov is not well known to a wide range of Russian audiences, but he has become a legend at the Nikitsky Gate Theater and among friends and colleagues. The famous Russian director Mark Rozovsky called him a “precious nugget” and a true professional in theatrical transformation. Official information about the cause of death of Alexander Vilkov has not been made public.

He was born in 1955, in the city of Navoloki, Ivanovo region. He was a graduate of the VTUZ Plant at ZIL, and in 1986 he graduated from GITIS. In 1989, Vilkov went to Magadan, where he organized a pop theater at the city philharmonic, having previously worked in a pantomime ensemble. Since 1985, Alexander Borisovich joined the troupe of the Rozov Theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”, where he was one of the best character actors. He talentedly and uniquely played and sang in the plays “Songs of Our Yard” and “Songs of Our Communal Apartment,” attracting a lot of enchanted spectators to the theater.

Being a well-educated and delicate person with 2 higher educations, Vilkov organically and very naturally played characters of completely opposite social status and was convincing in these images. Having shown himself to be more of a theater than a film actor, Vilkov, nevertheless, did an excellent job with his cinematic roles, which, unfortunately for connoisseurs, were minor or episodic. He made his film debut with a small role in the drama Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game, which won awards at the Venice Film Festival and at home. After that, there were more roles in more than 20 films.

Vilkov sang well and fans and lovers of Russian chanson listened to him with pleasure. During his life, Alexander Borisovich managed to release several albums of songs performed by himself. His repertoire included a variety of works: Russian folk and “thieves” songs, urban romances and hits from the repertoire of popular pop singers. A keen ear, good voice and artistic skill allowed the actor to express the feelings and thoughts of these songs in different ways, depending on the theme and stage image of the singer.

At the theater, Alexander Vilkov was loved and respected by his colleagues, appreciated by director Mark Rozovsky, and warmly received by the audience. Among them there were those who came to the performances only “to watch Vilkov.” Alexander Borisovich's wife was actress and producer Daria Goncharova, and their daughter Taisiya, born in 1966, played her first role at the age of 7. That's why she had roles in several more films. Now she has become an actress who graduated from the Moscow Art Theater Studio and has more than 20 roles in various film projects to her credit.

In October 2014, a message about the premature death of the 59-year-old actor appeared on the website of the Theater “At the Nikitsky Gate” and in the media. There were no specific statements as to why Alexander Vilkov died and were not received later. According to some reports, he had a bad heart, which could have caused sudden death, but there is no official confirmation of this.

Personal life

Isakov deserves the title of a rather secretive and mysterious actor. Nothing is known for certain about the details of the artist’s personal life and romantic relationships.

Gossips on the Internet suspected Alexander of being gay, but these speculations were never confirmed.

Alexander Isakov

We can say with confidence that the man did not have a wife and children, and lived mainly by work and roles in the theater. Judging by the fact that, according to media reports, only his mother visited the already ill artist in the hospital, the conclusion suggests itself about the absence of other close people in the actor’s life.

Alexander Vilkov: the personal life of an actor

The actor was married to actress and producer Daria Goncharova. The daughter's name is Taisiya. The girl performed her first film role at the age of seven. Subsequently, she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater and appears in various film projects.

The actor passed away in 2014. In October, news emerged that he had died prematurely at the age of 59. No specific information about the cause of death has ever emerged. It was known that he had heart problems. This is what could have caused sudden death. But no one has officially confirmed this version.

Alexander Vilkov was buried in his homeland, in the city of Navoloki, Ivanovo region, next to the graves of his parents and brother.


At the end of July 2020, information appeared in the press and on the Internet about the untimely and tragic death of the actor. The artist’s friend and colleague Roman Pechersky reported this. The family and relatives did not give any comments and did not communicate with reporters. On July 23, the talented young theater actor passed away.

Alexander Isakov in 2020

According to Pechersky, confirmed by hospital staff, the cause of death of the deceased actor was named pneumonia. Complicated pneumonia resulted in swelling of the respiratory organ and Alexander’s death.

It is known that the artist was admitted to the hospital in early July with complaints of severe chest pain and a persistent cough. Isakov spent three long and difficult weeks on a hospital bed under examination by specialists. Doctors tried to do everything possible, but the actor’s condition did not improve. Despite the sad situation, Alexander remained optimistic until the end, tried to joke and not lose heart.

Alexander Isakov

After Alexander’s death, skeptics did not refuse the opportunity to “shake up their underwear” and declare that pneumonia is a typical complication of HIV. It is worth noting that such statements on the Internet do not have any medical evidence; the clinic staff did not give any explanations about Isakov’s death.

However, according to the indignant accusations of the artist’s relatives, he was not provided with proper and timely assistance. The disease was diagnosed only after death, so Isakov could not receive the necessary correct treatment. Who is right and who is guilty of what happened remains unclear. The farewell to the artist took place on July 26; Alexander’s grave is located at the Mitinskoye cemetery.

Alexander Alferov

Actor Alexander Alferov could be seen in such films as: “Detectives-1”, “Hunting on the Asphalt”, “Poor Nastya”, “Two Fates”, “Turetsky’s March”. In the series “Nina” the artist played a doctor.

Fate gave the artist only sixty-two years. He passed away on September 28, 2008. The cause of death was a serious illness with which the actor had been struggling for many years.

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