The last muse of Mikhail Zadornov: His wife says nasty things about me out of jealousy

The wonderful writer and humorist Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was loved in literally all corners of the post-Soviet space. The heroes of the monologues of the wonderful colloquial artist are taken from ordinary life and are always recognizable. The personal life of the parodist was not advertised in the media. Mikhail Zadornov's wife, the beautiful Elena Bombina, was his director.

Mikhail Zadornov

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

In the personal life of Mikhail Zadornov (1948-2017), two marriages happened. His first wife was the charming Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina (1948), they had been friends with her since school, and after graduation they studied together at the Moscow Aviation Institute. He and his beloved got married in the seventies. Mikhail Zadornov and Velta did not have children, but all their friends considered their union strong and reliable. Mikhail Zadornov's wife became her husband's faithful companion and ally.

In the photo: Mikhail Zadornov and his first wife Velta Zadornova (Kalnberzina)

In 1980, fame came to the satirical writer. At this time, at the festival, Mikhail Nikolaevich accidentally met the beautiful Alena Bombina, who was much younger than him. Their romantic relationship dramatically changed the measured course of Mikhail Zadornov’s personal life. The lovers began to live together, and in 1990 they had a long-awaited heiress - their sweet daughter Elena.

Alena Bombina

The first wife of Mikhail Zadornov immediately learned about the birth of her daughter. On the one hand, her husband’s life “for two families” became a tragedy for her, but on the other hand, she could even be happy for him, since she herself could not give children to Mikhail Zadornov. His first wife, Velta Yanovna, was always distinguished by her wisdom and insight, so she maintained a warm, friendly relationship with her husband.

Mikhail Zadornov with his daughter Elena

The widow of Mikhail Zadornov is dissatisfied with the artist’s will: the satirist left a lot to his first wife

Last November, 69-year-old satirist Mikhail Zadornov passed away. The artist struggled with brain cancer for a long time, used various treatment methods, but was never able to overcome the disease. After Zadornov’s death, the satirist’s only daughter Elena, who had been living in Cyprus for a long time, announced that she had renounced her part of the inheritance. All property was divided by the artist’s wives, reports

The satirist remained on good terms with his ex-wife Velta Zadornova until his death, although the artist divorced her several years ago. Velta Yanovna found out that Zadornov has a daughter on the side. No children were born in their union. The marriage broke up, but Zadornov called her “my eldest wife,” although at that time he was already living with his second wife, the mother of his daughter, Elena Bombina. Both women also supported Zadornov during his illness. Only, according to the actor’s friend, who wished to remain anonymous, Velta was more worried about her ex-husband.

According to Zadornov’s friend, Elena Bombina was often absent from her dying husband:

“When Zadornov was in Germany, Bombina was often away on business,” a family friend told KP. — Mikhail Nikolaevich noted this and told his sister about it. There were some bells ringing. For example, when the question arose about paying for expensive treatment, the family gathered for advice - they needed to sell something. Bombina suggested: let's sell the house in Jurmala! And everyone understood why. The dacha was bought in marriage with Velta, and was decorated in half with her. Bombina understood that she was unlikely to be able to lay claim to the dacha. And she didn’t mind getting rid of it.

At the funeral, women also behaved differently.

“Velta was heartbroken. And Elena straightened her hair from time to time; it was important to her how she looked even at such a tragic moment,” noted a close friend of Zadornov.

A family friend said that before his death, Mikhail Nikolaevich asked his ex-wife for forgiveness for having offended her greatly.

— Zadornov’s sister Lyudmila told me that just before his departure, Mikhail Nikolaevich reviewed and realized a lot. I realized how much he had offended someone truly close to him, his first wife Velta. She always behaved impeccably. Before his death, with tears in his eyes, he asked her for forgiveness for the first time. Zadornov had never done this before... And she forgave,” the woman shares.

She is sure that Velta was the woman of his whole life:

“He also told his sister: they say, I’m very guilty before Velta, don’t leave her alone.” Perhaps only at the end of his life he realized that no one else loved him like his first wife... I watched their relationship for many years. Mikhail paid attention to beautiful girls, helped them in life and in work... But Velta was the woman of his whole life, the KP interlocutor is sure.

According to a friend of the artist, the satirist’s widow was unhappy with the way her late husband distributed the inheritance. The first wife ended up with an apartment on Osennyaya Street (125 sq. meters) in a Yeltsin building, a house in Jurmala, and a Lexus car. The approximate value of the property is 40 million rubles. The second wife, Elena Bombina, received an apartment on Nikulinskaya Street in Moscow, a dacha and a plot of land in the Moscow region, and an apartment in Riga. Her part of the inheritance is estimated at 60 million rubles. Daughter Elena, who was nevertheless included in the will, became the owner of an office in Moscow and a car. The artist bequeathed the library in Riga to one of his friends.

In addition, the couple received copyrights to the works of the satirist, but Velta Yanovna received more, which outraged the widow of Mikhail Zadornov. After all, copyrights are a permanent income.

“Velta Yanovna is a very reasonable and wise woman,” said Zadornov’s friend. — Zadornov understood that his first wife would wisely manage his creative heritage. I know that there are already businessmen who would like to do something based on Zadornov’s scenarios. But everyone will have to ask permission - not only from his widow Elena Bombina, but also from his first wife Velta. So even after the death of Mikhail Nikolaevich they will have to be in contact. Both spouses became heirs under the will. And it was the first wife who was in a better position; she received more. Rare case!

Mikhail Zadornov's wife - Alena (Elena Vladimirovna) Bombina

It should be noted that Mikhail Zadornov’s personal life with his 2nd wife was very happy, he was especially pleased with his long-awaited daughter Lenochka. He tried to pay maximum attention to Alena and his beloved daughter. “We traveled often and visited different parts of the world. The New Year holidays were especially enjoyable. They always became a big surprise for our daughter: two days before the New Year, Mikhail could offer an unexpected trip.

In the photo: Mikhail Zadornov and Irina Bezrukova

He was a wonderful father. Literally from the cradle I started reading Pushkin and Gumilyov to her, together they listened to classical music,” Elena Vladimirovna said about her family in an interview on Channel One. For a long time, the famous satirical writer tried to hide his relationship with his young mistress from his wife, whom he valued very much. They divorced many years later.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife Alena and daughter Elena

The second wife of Mikhail Zadornov, Elena Vladimirovna Bombina (born 1964), was the administrator of the satirist. Their relationship began to develop in 1984, when Elena was twenty and Mikhail was thirty-six. This was not the last hobby in his personal life. The media called the satirist’s “muse” the famous artist Marina Orlova (born 1986), with whom he developed a business and creative relationship. Their friendship began in 2013, when they performed on stage together, went on tour, and participated in the filming of films, of which he has more than ten.

Mikhail Zadornov and Marina Orlova

Children of Mikhail Zadornov

Most likely, Mikhail Zadornov’s children would not have been born if he had not met the beautiful Alena at the festival. Mikhail Zadornov's first wife Velta Kalnberzina turned out to be childless. At the peak of his popularity, Mikhail Zadornov’s long-standing dream of children came true, which radically changed his biography.

Elena Mikhailovna Zadornova

Today Elena Mikhailovna Zadornova is already twenty-nine years old. She inherited his talent from her father, graduated from GITIS, but never used his connections to achieve her goals and tried to avoid excessive publicity.

Mikhail Zadornov with his daughter Elena

She visited various countries and cities with her family: Vienna, Paris, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Greece and even Africa - they revealed their secrets to her. Together with her father, she not only became acquainted with the culture of different countries, but also studied the original Russian culture, traveling the length and breadth of Russia, from Vladivostok and Khabarovsk to Kaliningrad.

When it came to the legacy of the famous satirist, Elena said that her father would like to see her independent. He gave her an apartment in the capital and a beautiful house in Malta, where she now lives with her husband. She has a wonderful family. Her personal life is quite arranged; She no longer talks to the press.

The daughter of a famous satirist always behaved modestly, did not show off, tried not to appear on television with her father, although she often took part in drawing up programs for his concerts, as well as in writing satirical monologues. Elena always helped her father in preparing texts for his books. They talked often and were real friends. Her father sincerely loved her and was proud of his heir, considering Lena an intelligent and kind person.

Once again about Zadornov

While the rest are at each other's throats over an inheritance, collecting pennies for a grave monument and begging the state for help with funerals... or simply calling the entire Russian people cattle...
I read news like this

Mikhail Zadornov passed away in November last year after a long battle with cancer.

The writer left behind an impressive legacy - both creative and property.

Meanwhile, neither the satirist’s only daughter, 27-year-old Elena, nor his widow Elena Bombina are in a hurry to take possession of the valuables that belonged to the writer.

As family friends said, Mikhail Zadornov’s daughter refused the inheritance altogether.

The writer’s only daughter settled in Malta long ago and leads a closed life.

Elena, an actress by training, draws pictures and writes poetry. She refuses to give interviews about her father, although she was persistently invited to talk shows and offered substantial fees.

“For Zadornov’s family, his departure is a great grief,” said Antonina Savrasova, a friend of the satirist’s family. — I know that Zadornov’s widow is now in Jurmala. She has not yet recovered from the loss. He wears mourning and often goes to the grave. Zadornov's daughter Lena is also depressed. She said that she was refusing the inheritance. Neither she nor her mother want to deal with inheritance matters. The former administrator of Mikhail Nikolaevich told me about this.

Elena Bombina, widow of Mikhail Zadornov

This information was confirmed in an informal conversation by one of the employees of the Moscow notary office, which handles Zadornov’s inheritance business:

Only the first wife of the satirist, Velta Zadornova, declared her rights to the inheritance, who came and left her documents, a marriage certificate with Mikhail Nikolaevich. No one else claimed their rights.

Velta's first wife

We know that Zadornov has a daughter. But both the daughter and the widow Elena Bombina verbally explained that they did not want to claim the inheritance: they say they have everything. Actually, this is a strange situation. The notary, through Zadornov’s assistants, conveyed to the satirist’s daughter that in this case she must write a written refusal of the inheritance. After all, according to the law, she is the heir of the first stage, and her rights cannot be infringed. If none of the heirs declare their rights within the six-month period allotted for this, Zadornov’s first wife will become the only heir. And then only through court it will be possible to challenge this. The first wife proves that they lived together with Zadornov until the end.

Meanwhile, the registry office reported that the writer officially divorced his first wife and married Elena Bombina (by that time their daughter was already an adult). But then can his first wife count on anything?

“It’s extremely rare, but it happens that an ex-wife receives an inheritance from her ex-husband,” explains lawyer Vladimir Abakumov. - This happens if there are no other heirs or they all refused the inheritance. An ex-wife can also claim an inheritance if she has the right to a compulsory share allocated from the inheritance mass (Article 1149 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). For example, if the wife of the deceased during his lifetime was dependent on her ex-husband for at least 12 months and received regular cash payments from him .

By the way, Zadornov generously helped his ex-wife until his death.

“I knew Mikhail Nikolaevich for 20 years and continue to communicate with his wives, ” said Maxim Zabelin, producer of the film “Once Upon a Time in America.” — The legal heirs of the first stage are Zadornov’s daughter and his second wife Elena, they should also manage his copyright heritage. I tried to discuss creative moments with them. Mikhail Nikolaevich had ideas for films and scripts. But my wife and daughter are still in a difficult moral state, and we have postponed all conversations about this.

I think it’s wrong that Lena refuses the inheritance ,” one of the family friends expressed his opinion in a conversation. - If we refuse, then at least in favor of the mother. But Lena said: during his lifetime, dad said that he wanted to sell everything. He believed that children should make their own way, and not live off what their parents earned, this deprives them of their purpose. Her father bought her a house in Malta and an apartment in Moscow; they are not included in the inheritance. Elena says that she doesn’t need anything beyond this. After the funeral, she left for Malta and does not want to communicate with anyone.

— Unlike many children of famous people, Lena does not party, does not show off, and behaves very modestly. - confirmed producer Maxim Zabelin.

— Why is she, a professional actress (graduated from GITIS), not working in her specialty, and hasn’t acted anywhere?

- Don't know. She helped her father, edited the scripts for his concerts, and prepared the texts of his books. I talked to her. Elena is a very kind, intelligent person and never used her father’s famous surname.

Let me remind you.

Before his death, the satirical writer Mikhail Zadornov asked for financial support for the Russian-language library named after his father in Riga. Several years ago it was reported that he maintained it with his own money, spending one and a half million euros on its opening and filling. Zadornov considered it important that she continue to work.

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