On camera and in life: images of Svetlana Ustinova

Marriage of convenience

“This year it will be 25 years since Zhenya got married,” says Tatyana Ustinova. — When as a child I listened to Valentina Tolkunova’s “Silver weddings are an undying fire, silver weddings are an emotional conversation,” I always imagined two old men walking arm in arm along the boulevard in felt boots and old coats. They remember the past... I couldn’t imagine that on my silver wedding I would look at my husband with adoration and wonder what jeans to buy him to make his long, athletic legs look great. Every time I see Zhenya off to work, I think exclusively about how the young employees won’t take him away from me. Although Zhenya and I had a classic marriage of convenience.

“The child screamed day and night. My husband and I haven’t slept properly for three years.” Photo from the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova

Personal life of Tatyana Vasilyeva

In 1983, Tatyana Ustinova’s wedding took place. Her husband was Moscow State University student Evgeniy Ustinov. At that time, the newlyweds studied at the same educational institution. According to the woman herself, initially she did not have serious feelings for her husband, but later she realized that this man should be with her throughout her life.

Tatyana Ustinova has two children. With a difference of ten years, two sons were born into the family - Timofey and Mikhail. According to the presenter, the first and second time, when her husband found out about his wife’s pregnancy, he directly carried her in his arms with happiness.

In the photo: Tatyana Ustinova, her husband and sons

In the photo: Tatyana Ustinova, her husband and sons

When Ustinova began her writing career, her marriage was on the verge of collapse. For some time, Evgeniy and Tatyana lived separately. Fortunately, the lovers' relationship soon improved. A new period began in their married life.

There are many photos on the Internet in which the presenter is captured in the company of her beloved men - sons and husband. You can also often find photographs in which a woman appears before the public while working.

Married to take revenge

In fact, Zhenya wasn’t even my date! He just had a nosebleed and needed to go to graduate school. And it was easier to get a place if you didn’t apply for a hostel. His marriage proposal is a completely unprepossessing story. Zhenya accompanied me home - we had common company. He brought me to the entrance and said: “Actually, I would marry you.” I asked: “What if?” - “Well, if you agreed.” I said, “I agree.” And he married me. Although I didn't like him at all! If you had seen a photograph of my husband at that time, you would not have been delighted by him either. He looked terrible. And my horoscope is Taurus, the picture is very important to me.

He was terribly combed, he had yellow hair, slicked to one side, like Hitler . Then, he fought in a boarding school, and he lost a tooth. (Zhenya studied at a special physics and mathematics boarding school for gifted children, which, by the way, Konstantin Raikin ) Zhenya always had short trousers. Hairdresser Misha, who cut me and the young groom’s hair before the wedding, then told my aunt: “This is some kind of horror. The girl is also, in general, not very good. But even she could have found better.”

And then I was very much in love with another young man. He was handsome, we read the same books, recited Homer ... And this young man treated me completely badly - he left me, and so disgustingly... We dated for a year and a half, and then he told me: “I will never marry you.” , I’d rather eat my passport near the registry office.” I started doing everything that 17-year-old girls do when their lovers leave them. I looked for shortcomings and vices in myself, and found them. I thought it was all because of my enormous height, because of my size 18 bust, because I wear glasses, because I’m a bad student, and can’t be interesting to him... For many years, I was torn by terrible complexes: I "not like that." And then I had a thought: I must take revenge on him. Marry. So that he doesn’t think that he rejected me. At that moment Zhenya turned up. I say this without being at all embarrassed or worried that my husband will read this now. Because neither he nor I, then or now, deceived ourselves. We understood that we did not have any universal love.

But the person who saved me from this crazy complex turned out to be my husband. From the moment he married me, Zhenya never doubted me. He always repeats with the tenacity of a maniac: “You are the best.” At first I didn’t believe him, but over the years I started laughing. Then I started to believe. And then I became the best.

“Zhenya married me to go to graduate school.” Photo from the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova.

Career of writer Tatyana Ustinova

In 2000, Tatyana Ustinova presented her first collection of stories to the public.
After this, there was a break in the writer’s career due to her work in the Press Service of the President of Russia. The woman worked in her new position for several years, but was subsequently fired along with other colleagues after large-scale changes in the political system of the Russian Federation. Tatyana Ustinova sang about Putin After that, she began working on television again, but after some time, due to insufficient funding, her department (public relations department) was closed, and she herself was forced to leave her previous position. During this period, she began to seriously engage in writing for the first time. And already in 2003, her first novel, “Personal Angel,” appeared on the shelves of Russian bookstores. The book turned out to be successful, and therefore the publishing house with which the writer collaborated, without hesitation, invited her to write several more books. Tatyana did just that. And soon the writer’s books began to appear on the shelves one after another.

“I was overwhelmed by depression”

At first I was just wondering what it was like to be married. But our family life did not bring me joy. We went to celebrate our honeymoon with the following group: my newly-made husband, me, my sister and her friend. We went not just anywhere, but to my mother-in-law in the city of Kaliningrad. Because of his graduate studies, Zhenya had to leave this honeymoon paradise earlier. I returned a week later. I remember how the train takes me to Moscow to see my young husband... I look out the window and think: “It would be happiness if I were a widow now.”

Everything was very difficult in family life. Very. My God, he did everything the opposite! Zhenya was terrible, he is still terrible. He never listens to me, he always does only what interests him, and never what interests me. And during the honeymoon it was a nightmare. He got drunk with his neighbor in the country when we went to the seaside. I remember: my husband, completely drunk, climbs into the sea and shouts: “Come here, it’s less rocky here.” Therefore, now, when I hear from girls about how all the men in the world owe them everything, I have a lot of fun.

To please my eyes, having received the first salary in my life, I went to the chic Stockmann store and bought my husband a jacket. Why did my mother give me a terrible time: “Why do you wear it all the time? Why the hell do you need this? Dress yourself!” But I remembered Coco Chanel’s : “To feel confident, a woman should wear black trousers, a black turtleneck and go out arm-in-arm with an interesting man.” For me this is absolutely true. I know for sure that before I buy boots or a dress for myself, I must buy my wife a suit and tie. And then everything will be fine with us.

Although the thought that I should exchange this terrible lot for some better one never occurred to me. I knew: the choice had been made, and that was it. Therefore, we must proceed further from this choice. As a matter of fact, Zhenya had exactly the same upbringing in her family. It never occurred to him to divorce me. For which I am simply incredibly grateful to him.

Tatyana Ustinova with her sons Mikhail and Timofey. Photo: www.russianlook.com

My first pregnancy occurred in 1991. At that time of famine it was a disaster. But there was no way out: I am allergic, and the doctor, a friend of our family, said that under no circumstances should the pregnancy be terminated; there may not be another one. From the first minute of pregnancy until the last minute, and I am not exaggerating now, I was tormented by the most terrible toxicosis. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t drink, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t do anything. It was a difficult period, not at all joyful, not at all romantic. When the child was born, I was struck by severe depression. Honor and praise to my husband that he did not pay attention to any of my moaning, screaming and snot. Although because he never consoled me, I was very angry and offended at him. I cried for several months. Nobody knew why, instead of the joy of motherhood, there was such an ambush. Plus add to this the absolute lack of money, lack of work, food, etc.

The child screamed day and night without closing his mouth. I rocked him until three in the morning, and then until the morning Zhenya... Our son Mishka is now 21 years old, he continues to scream, without closing his mouth, day and night, he has such a temperament. The second son, Timofey , also turned out to be unplanned. But we were very happy about this news. I have a sister, Zhenya has a brother. And we both wanted our Bear to not grow up alone.


Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova is a Russian writer, author of detective works, host of the television programs “Hour of Judgment” and “My Hero”.

Tatyana was born on April 21, 1968 in the village of Kratovo near Moscow in the family of an aviation engineer. The father worked at a local aircraft manufacturing plant, the mother was raising two daughters - the eldest Tatyana and the youngest Inna. It was the mother who instilled in the children an interest in literature.

Writer Tatyana Ustinova

At preschool age, Tatyana could already recite by heart the plot of any work of art from the bibliography of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Dumas. At the age of 7, the girl went to school with a linguistic focus. Over time, Tatiana’s range of interests became clear: history and literature. But after finishing her tenth year, the girl, at the request of her grandmother, entered the physics department of Moscow State University.

Tatyana Ustinova in childhood

After receiving a diploma of higher education, Tatyana, on the recommendation of her sister, becomes an employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The duties of the young specialist included translation of the English-language programs “60 Minutes”, “Rescue 911”, “Posner and Donahue” into Russian. In 1997, Tatyana was entrusted with editing the Russian programs “First Hand”, “Man and the Law” and “Health”.

Tatyana Ustinova with her sister

In addition to working on television, for three years the girl worked in the press center of Russian President B. Yeltsin, and then for a year she served as a PR manager at the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation. But the default was followed by mass layoffs, and Tatyana found herself out of work. The crisis forced Ustinova to start a writing career. Such a bold decision influenced Tatyana Vitalievna’s life, immediately changing her creative biography.

"We met in a traffic jam"

I always wrote everything. Some fantastic stories, letters to my mother-in-law on 12 pages. My boss Sergei Vladimirovich Skvortsov , for whom I worked as an assistant on television, was looking for some papers, and found my love stories. He said: “Ustinova, you must write!” I didn't attach any importance to his words. Then I was fired from my job once again - such is the life of a television journalist. I found myself at a broken trough. My husband said: “You write all the time, let’s try to print it.” I wrote. We took this story to the publishing house, whose phone number we found in the directory. It was published... From then on it went like this...

Actually, because of my sudden popularity, Zhenya and I broke up. My life changed a lot then, and at some point I thought that I deserved something more. I wanted to punish Zhenya for never listening to me, for not wanting to delve into the complexity of my life. He was always the same as he was when we got married. At first I kept snorting, making some comments to him... Then I couldn’t stand it and said: “We must live separately.” (Speaks very quietly.) It was the worst day of our lives, I will never forget it. At that moment, when I finished the phrase about “living separately,” I realized, looking at Zhenya: something absolutely irreparable had happened. Final. We both died at that moment. He moved out the next day. I returned from work - neither him nor my things were there...

Tatiana Ustinova. 2008 Photo: www.russianlook.com

I stopped sleeping. Terrible insomnia did not let me go for a very long time. To somehow pass the time, I watched a movie about Fantômas. The disc contained three films with Louis de Funes and Jean Marais - I now know these comedies by heart... And so, watching the film for the hundred and first time, I suddenly realized that I had to call Zhenya. The time is three o'clock in the morning. Zhenya picks up the phone, completely sleepy. And I, in an absolutely cheerful voice: “Zhenya! You know, I’m watching Fantômas!” - "So what?" - “Can you imagine, here people shoot cigars while holding them in their teeth.” - "Yes. So what?" - “So what? But this is impossible! There is recoil from any shot. Can you imagine how hard they get in the teeth?” How he laughed at those three o'clock in the morning! I was just flooded. “Ustinova, you are the best,” he told me, “only you can call at three o’clock in the morning and say that the cigars in the film about Fantômas cannot work, because there is a kick in the teeth.” (Smiles.) Funny story, right?..

Once we met him on the bridge on Volgogradsky Prospekt. Zhenya was driving in one direction, I was driving in the other. We slowed down opposite each other - there was a traffic jam. And they parted... Like in some bad movie about spies. And then each of us went in our own direction. And then I realized: what everything was started for - so that my husband would start paying attention to me, watch a TV program with my participation or take an interest in my business trip to Chelyabinsk - does not make any sense. Because we parted ways on this bridge, and then it makes no difference whether I’m going to give an interview or to Chelyabinsk...

I felt terribly lonely without him. As a matter of fact, I called Zhenya every day, finding different excuses. And he also called me every day... My sister scolded me very much for this: “Ustinova, you are doing something completely wrong. You must start a new life according to plan! But no new life begins for you! All you do is cry, and during breaks you call him all the time.”

I began to make cunning plans on how I could make peace with Zhenya. And somehow so as not to look like a complete idiot. I must say that nothing came of the smart plans - my husband saw right through me, as he sees me now. He understood everything. By the way, Zhenya always invited me on dates, but I kept refusing - I raised Zhenya. How can I go on a date with him when parenting has just begun?!

Oksana Ustinova on social networks:

VKontakte: vk.com/oxustinova Official website: ustinova.me
Oksana Ustinova was born on April 15, 1984 in the Moscow region, Aprelevka. Later she moved with her family to live in the Republic of North Ossetia Alania, Vladikavkaz. She was brought up in conservative conditions. When I was little, I dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, but at the age of 13 I became interested in music. From the age of 6 she attended music school.

After graduating from school in 2001, she entered the Russian State Social University at the Faculty of Economic Statistics. In 2007 she became a student at the Institute of Contemporary Art, department of pop-jazz vocals.

In 2002, she began performing as part of the popular Russian group Strelki. After the collapse of the team, she began working as a presenter on MUZ-TV in the projects “Sofa Bed”, “Dreams Come True”, “Muz Chart”, “10 Most ...” and starred in 2008 in a sitcom called “Teacher’s”.

A year later, she became the host of the “Graduate 2009” concerts on Red Square, “City Day” on Pushkinskaya, and the host of the carpet and VIP foyer at MUZ-TV 2009. In 2010, she hosted the MUZ-TV 2010 award, and also became a radio host on “ Megapolis FM" in several projects at once: "Test", "Wild Evening".

In 2011, she founded the group “Einstein Girls” and took the place of a soloist in it. USTINOVA also became popular as a solo singer, releasing several hits. Oksana saw an advertisement for the Song project on TNT and initially thought that she was already too old for such shows.

Realizing that the TNT channel is very popular and is capable of giving participants great fame and success, she still decided to go and present her personal project USTINOVA to the audience. She really wants to be a self-sufficient artist, so that everyone would perceive her as an accomplished artist, and not just the wife of a popular singer.

She packed her things and went to St. Petersburg, where she passed the selection process on equal terms with all the conditions. Oksana presented her original song “And I”. Vera Brezhneva immediately recognized her as a colleague on stage.

The mentors noted that Oksana should be more confident on stage, otherwise she won’t be able to move far up the musical social ladder. Having conquered the judges, she advanced to the second round.

Oksana Ustinova is married to the popular singer Burito (Igor Burnyshev). In 2020, the couple became the parents of a son, Luka. The husband supports Oksana in all her creative endeavors and is glad for her opportunity to shine on the stage of the TNT project.

Oksana leads a healthy lifestyle. He is passionate about Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, adheres to a vegetarian diet, is a supporter of world peace, and is interested in astrology, esotericism and the secrets of the universe.

"The woman's footprints were everywhere"

And then I found out that a young researcher was encroaching on Zhenya. She knew her name and who she was. Everything is clear - a young man left ownerless will not remain so for long.

Later, when I began to agree and go on dates, traces of the woman’s presence in Zhenya’s apartment were everywhere. It’s not like there was a second toothbrush in a glass... But there were some gifts, cards, souvenirs for February 23, Valentine’s Day. Everything was clear and incredibly painful... And I am a pathologically jealous person. With a vindictive sense of possessiveness, I threw away all these gifts! Zhenya didn’t mind. He was having a lot of fun.

When we started dating again, it seemed to us that we should do it secretly from our parents so that they would not judge us. We seem to have parted ways, adults: we parted just like that. Why did we lie to everyone - by God, I don’t know! Such insanity! One day my mom caught us in the car. And then Zhenya and I lied that he was on a business trip and I was spending the night with a friend. Mom pretended that she didn’t see anything. Natasha Bondarchuk played a huge role in the fact that we came out of hiding . She invited me to the play “The Snow Queen”. I, making an independent voice, called Zhenya: “Natalya Sergeevna invites us to the Moscow Art Theater. Maybe we can go out with the children?” - "Yes, sure!"

Tatiana Ustinova. year 2013. Photo: From personal archive

Our reunion - oh, what a wonderful story! Zhenya went on a business trip to Yugorsk. We agreed that after her he would come to our home in Kratovo, where I lived with our sons and my parents. This was already a period when we quietly went on dates with each other. I say: “Dear parents, Zhenya will come to have dinner with us today after his business trip.” They answer: “Yes, of course.” Mom pretends that she didn’t see us hiding in the car. And dad was happy. The children were happy too. Evening is coming. Zhenya calls: “Our flight from Siberia is delayed. It’s not clear when I’ll fly, but if you’re waiting for me, I’ll come.” - “We are waiting, come, of course.” It’s quite late, he calls again: “We’re just leaving now. And the flight is still three hours. Is it possible for me to still come?” - “Of course, come!” I remember how I was waiting for him, how the taxi stopped... In the morning, my son Mishka came to our bedroom and said: “Ah, dad!” And I immediately began asking him some questions. The upsurge of feelings that arose at that moment continues to this day.

You know, I don't believe in passion marriages. Most likely, they are doomed to failure. People must understand what and why they are doing in order to be together 5 minutes after marriage, 5 months, 5 years or 50. Marriage is work. And both must do this work. Both! If one does not want to do it or cannot due to some circumstances, everything will fall apart. The team will lose because no one is protecting its goal.


Tatyana Ustinova's first book, “Personal Angel,” was published in 1999 and immediately sold out in large numbers. Thanks to the successful debut of the writer, the Eksmo publishing house entered into a long-term contract with Ustinova. Following the first novel, the books “Chronicle of Vile Times”, “Vices and Their Admirers”, “Divorce and Maiden Name” are sent to print.

Books by Tatyana Ustinova

In 2003, 8 more detective stories by Ustinova were published, among which the most popular were “My Personal Enemy”, “Big Evil and Small Dirty Things”, “Close People”, “One Shadow for Two”. The heroes of Tatyana Ustinova's books are recognizable, their problems are close to a large circle of readers.

Tatiana Ustinova's haircut

For the heroes of some novels, the writer chooses recognizable prototypes. The image of TV presenter Arina Sharapova can be seen in the detective story “Goddess of Prime Time”; the features of the pioneer of Russian web design Artemy Lebedev are similar to the portrait of the hero of the book “Spare Instinct”. Having met the former vice-governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Lyudmila Selivanova, Tatyana Ustinova, impressed by her personality, created the work “The Queen’s First Rule”.

Tatyana Ustinova with books

In her works, Tatyana Vitalievna combines a love story with a detective investigation, which is why Ustinova’s books have so many fans. In total, 42 books were published from the pen of Tatyana Ustinova. The writer collaborates with the Eksmo publishing house. Detective stories are published in series of 3-4 books: “Russian bestseller”, “Crime story”, “Panther”, “Angel detective”.

In the collection of publications you can also find a large series “Tatyana Ustinova. The first among the best,” which includes 14 of the author’s best detective stories, including the novels “Where We Are Not,” “Somewhere at the End of the World,” “Immediately After the Creation of the World,” “Seventh Heaven.”

Tatyana Ustinova in a bookstore

In 2010, in collaboration with lawyer and human rights activist Pavel Astakhov, Tatyana Ustinova created the mini-series “I am a Judge.” The writing tandem was established after Pavel and Tatyana worked for several years on the judicial talk show “Hour of Judgment,” which was broadcast on the REN TV channel.

Thinking out loud

  • Marriage is work. And both must do this work. Both! If one does not want to do it or cannot due to some circumstances, everything will fall apart.
  • You know, I don't believe in passion marriages. Most likely, they are doomed to failure. People must understand what and why they are doing.
  • We must clearly understand: a young man left ownerless will not remain so for long.
  • The thought that I should exchange this terrible lot for something better did not even occur to me. I knew: the choice had been made, and that was it. Therefore, we must proceed further from this choice.
  • For many years I was tormented by terrible complexes: I am “not like that.” I thought it was all because of my enormous height, because of my size 18 bust, because I wear glasses, because I’m a bad student, and I can’t be interesting...
  • When I hear from girls about how all the men in the world owe them everything, I get very happy.

The beginning of the way

The early years of Oksana Ustinova’s biography were spent far from the center of Russian show business. She was born in the city of Aprelevka, in the Moscow region, in 1984. However, her family soon left the prosperous region and moved to Vladikavkaz, the capital of North Ossetia. It was in this proud Caucasian republic that Oksana Ustinova spent her childhood and youth.

Until a certain point, the girl dreamed of becoming a flight attendant; she was seduced by the romance of constant flights and trips to foreign countries. However, Oksana’s parents sought to instill in her a taste for beauty and already at the age of six they sent their daughter to a music school. Soon she got involved in her studies and changed her dream, wanting to shine on stage as an artist.

Ustinova studied well at school and could safely count on entering any university. She decided to leave Vladikavkaz and went to Moscow, where, unlike hundreds of thousands of other provincial girls, she nevertheless entered college. Or rather, not to the institute, but to the Russian State Social University, where I began to diligently study economic statistics.

Tatyana Ustinova today

Currently, Ustinova’s bibliography includes about forty books, most of which are written in the detective genre.
About twenty of them have been filmed. It is very noteworthy that the woman also works as a screenwriter on the creation of many films. The cinematic adaptation of the novel “Always Say Always” even brought the writer a TEFI award. In addition, Ustinova’s personal collection also contains some other awards. One of the most notable among them is the “Electronic Letter” award for winning the “Detective of the Year” nomination (the novel “In One Breath”).

Tatyana Ustinova has written more than forty books to date

In conclusion, we also note the fact that our today’s heroine also often works as a presenter. Over the years, she hosted the programs “Life as Life”, “Hour of Judgment”, as well as the radio show “Living Detective”.

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