Mikhail Pshenichny – biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography 2020


Mikhail was born into the family of Honored Artist of Ukraine Vladimir Pshenichny.
At school, Misha enjoyed performing on stage and was the host of various events. “My father is a professional actor, my mother is a cashier at a bank, I have an older sister, Olya, she is a stylist. For as long as I can remember, I was a very active child. I even ate while standing, as I was always in a hurry to get somewhere. As a child, he played basketball and hand-to-hand combat and dreamed of becoming an athlete, but changed his mind. I didn’t become an artist because of my father. I just realized one day that this is exactly what I want to do. I probably could have become anyone, but it is in this profession that I can be myself, show my emotions fully,” recalls Pshenichny.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Kiev University named after Karpenko-Kary on the course of People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Yu.N. Majugi. In 2010, he received a diploma from a theater university.


After studying, Mikhail was accepted into the troupe of the Kyiv Academic Drama and Comedy Theater on the left bank of the Dnieper under the direction of Eduard Markovich Mitnitsky. Pshenichny served in this theater for two years and managed to perform a number of small and memorable roles. He could be seen in the play based on the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Alexander Volodin “My Darlings!...” (“What complaints do you have against your wife?”), as an inventor in the children's fairy tale “Oh, my dear Augustine”, Arkasha in the production of “Ladybugs” return to earth" and others.

The artist also performed on the stages of the Kyiv Academic Theater on Lipki, the Kyiv Academic Young Theater, and the Ukrainian Small Drama Theater.

Theater works

Drama and Comedy Theater on the left bank of the Dnieper:

  • "Return of the Prodigal Father", Neighbor
  • “So the summer ended...”, Tony an adult
  • “It’s too late to scare…”, Arkasha
  • "The guests are coming at midnight", Idol
  • "Spineless" Kretzky
  • "Oh my dear Augustine", Inventor
  • “My darlings!..”


After graduating from university, the young artist was accepted into the Kiev Academic Drama and Comedy Theater, which was directed by People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Eduard Mitnitsky. It was here that the creative biography of Mikhail Pshenichny began.

Mikhail Pshenichny

For two years he performed on the stage of the Theater on the Left Bank of the Dnieper. He played his most striking roles in the productions “My Darlings!...” and “Ah, My Dear Augustine.” Theatergoers were able to note the professional growth of the actor in 2012 in the plays “It’s too late to scare...”, where he appeared in the image of Arkasha, and “Guests Are Coming at Midnight” based on the play by Arthur Miller.

A cinematic biography of Mikhail Pshenichny began in 2007. His first film roles were serials. At first these were episodes or supporting roles, but soon the actor was assigned to play more prominent characters. The artist made his debut in the melodrama “The Ex.”

In 2012, Mikhail Pshenichny moved to Moscow. It was here that the artist got his star roles. In 2012, viewers saw Misha in the films “My Friend’s Bride” and “Pandora’s Box.” In the same year, Mikhail appeared as a cardiologist in the TV series “The Chiropractor.” He got another star role in the acclaimed project “Euphrosyne”. In total, 5 films were released this year with Pshenichny’s participation. The artist becomes recognizable.

Mikhail Pshenichny in the film “My Friend’s Bride”

But the actor woke up truly famous in 2013, when the wonderful dramatic film “Parajanov” was released. Misha brilliantly played the role of a KGB informant. This historical film brought its creators many awards and prizes from foreign festivals, and its artists - fame and recognition.

In the fall of 2014, viewers saw on Channel One a wonderful family saga called “House with Lilies” by Vladimir Krasnopolsky, in which Mikhail Pshenichny played Kostya, one of the main characters. 2014 turned out to be a real year of breakthrough for the Kyiv actor on the big screen. He works to an extremely busy schedule. Over the course of a year, Mikhail managed to star in 12 projects, in half of which he played the main characters. The most notable works of 2014 are “Captive of Deception” and “A Year in Tuscany”


In 2020, the mystical thriller “Moon” premiered on the STS channel, where Pshenichny appeared in the role of Andrei Ushakov. Another bright premiere of 2020 is the saga film “The Long Way Home.” Mikhail Pshenichny’s filming partner was Liza Boyarskaya; the actors’ on-screen relationship became the main romantic line of the series.


Since 2007, Pshenichny has been acting in films, making his debut in an episode of the melodrama “The Ex.” After that, he appeared in the projects “A Completely Different Life”, “The Return of Mukhtar-6”, “Cuckoo”, “The Arithmetic of Meanness”, “Chalk Painting”.

The first significant role was the cardiologist Igor Tarasovich Gritsyuk in the film “The Chiropractor,” which was released in 2011. The same year he played Max in the film Pandora's Box. He got another star image in the popular TV series “Euphrosyne”. The artist also appeared in the continuation of the project “Euphrosyne. Continuation" and "Euphrosyne. Taiga love."

Then Mikhail starred in such works as: “Jamaica” - Yuri Smirnov, “My Friend’s Bride” - Igor Vetrov, “Two Ivans” - Ivan Agafonov, “Double Life” - Anton, “The Crooked Mirror of the Soul” - Arthur Kislov.

The actor gained wide fame and recognition in 2014, when he played a number of key roles: “Bitches’ War”, “The Nephew”, “The Long Way Home”, “Late Repentance”, “Wind in the Face”, “Captive of Deception”.

"A Year in Tuscany"

Mikhail Pshenichny portrayed the popular actor Mike Diaghilev in the film “A Year in Tuscany” directed by Andrei Selivanov. The premiere took place on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Plot: Happy Rita and Ilya are preparing for their wedding. Ilya, a talented architect, always immersed in creativity, designs a villa in Tuscany for the Farbey family of millionaires. Rita, meanwhile, provides the material basis for her fiancé’s creative pursuits: having also graduated from architecture, she works hard at a design agency.

The day before the wedding, Rita accidentally saves the famous actor Mike from death, pulling him out almost from under the wheels of a minibus. While the heroine helps the capricious star come to his senses, her fiancé dies in an accident.

Inconsolable Rita goes to Tuscany to finish the work of her loved one.

The melodrama was played by: Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Elena Korikova, Natalya Bardo, Konstantin Solovyov, Nikolai Chindyaykin, Tatyana Fedorovskaya, Glafira Tarkhanova, Prokhor Dubravin and others.

"If you are not with me"

The artist appeared in the image of Alexey Sedov in the film “If you are not with me,” filmed by Igor Muzzhikhin. The film was released on the Rossiya 1 channel in 2014.

Plot: Zarina is a gypsy from the camp, free and beautiful. The baron's own son is crazy about Zarina and is ready to throw in his lot with her. But contrary to the rules, the gypsy girl falls in love with a “stranger” - a young doctor Alexei from the capital. Zarina’s chosen one reciprocates her feelings and, seizing an opportune moment, kidnaps the heroine.

The lovers will have to overcome many obstacles on the path to happiness: the meanness of an ex-girlfriend from the camp, the persecution of a businessman offended by his refusal, and the rejection of an unequal marriage by relatives. Will they be able to keep their love?

Starring: Cecile Sverdlova, Tatyana Kosmacheva, Ilya Alekseev, Vladimir Korenev, Larisa Luzhina, Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya, Alexey Nesterenko.

Since 2014, the actor has been actively acting in films. With his participation, projects are being released one after another: “House with Lilies”, “Private Detective Tatyana Ivanova”, “A View from the Past”, Forbidden Love”, “I Know Your Secrets”, “My Someone Else’s Child”, “Wounded Heart”, “Birch”, “Shuttle girls. Continuation". Mikhail played the main role in the melodrama “The Secret of the Impregnable Beauty” - Sokolov. Also notable were the works in the films “Silver Forest” - Pavel and “Recipe for Love” - Anton.


In 2020, director Pavel Malkov invited Pshenichny to the four-part film “Shadow”.

According to the storyline: Yaroslava and her little son Misha get into a car accident. She herself remains unharmed, but Misha cannot be found.

Yaroslava is sure that her son is alive and is trying with all her might to find him. But none of those around him, including the police, believe in the boy’s miraculous salvation, and those close to him are completely sure that Yaroslava is not himself.

Indeed, from the outside, this is exactly what it looks like: a mother, distraught with grief, cannot come to terms with the death of her child, for which she herself is to blame.

But when Slava already agrees to go to a psychiatric clinic, the phone rings and Yaroslava hears... the voice of her son.

Is she really going crazy, or is someone hiding her son on purpose, but who and why?

Mikhail's filming partners were: Olga Pavlovets, Dmitry Isaev, Lyubava Greshnova, Andrey Pavlovets, Dmitry Bykovsky.

Mikhail Pshenichny now

In 2020, the actor played leading roles in three projects. In the melodrama “My Someone Else’s Child,” the actor plays the role of a wealthy man, Yegor, the former boyfriend of the main character Daria (Lyubov Bakhankova). When Egor and Dasha broke up, the girl was pregnant, but lost the child due to a miscarriage.

The actor also played the main role of the head of the provincial tram depot, Alexei, in another melodrama, “Simpler than a Steamed Turnip.” Alexey invites an inexperienced cook to work as the head of the canteen in the hope that the canteen will close and this place can be rented out and the city tram preserved. But the cook makes the dining room itself a profitable place, and Alexey falls in love with the girl, but a secret and offensive reason comes between them - the one why Alexey invited the girl to work.

The third film of the year was again a melodrama - “Wounded Heart”. In this film, the actor plays the role of architect Maxim. A man learns that his first love has died, and that he has a teenage daughter from this woman.

Mikhail Pshenichny also starred in an episode of the drama “After You.”

Today the actor is working on the comedy “Aquastop Rules” based on the novel of the same name by Alex Dubas. In this comedy, the role of Mikhail is announced as “the ideal Vlad.”

In the winter of 2020, it became clear that the family of Pshenichny and Greshnova was held together by something stronger than a stamp in a passport - children. The couple hid Lyubava's pregnancy, the actors did not make official statements, Greshnova appeared in public in loose clothes, and in the photo on Instagram - only from the waist up. Only shortly before giving birth, the actress published a photo with accessories for newborns - diapers, an envelope, ribbons. In recent months, Lyubava began taking full-length photographs, and on February 25 she gave birth to a son, who became the first-born in the acting family.

Personal life

Mikhail Pshenichny has a personal relationship with actress Lyubava Greshnova. Fate brought the young people together three times. Both studied at the Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary. Later we met at the Pandora's Box project. For the third time, fate brought Mikhail and Lyubava together on the set of the film “My Friend’s Bride.” According to Lyubava, Misha tried to flirt with her, but it seemed to her that he was teasing. Everything changed after the scene on the bridge, which became a turning point in the relationship between the actors. According to the plot, Mikhail was supposed to reach out to Lyuba with a kiss, and she was supposed to turn away. But for some reason the actress didn’t do this. At that moment, a spark ran between them. After filming ended, Misha came to visit Lyubava, and they never parted again. Mikhail Pshenichny proposed to his beloved in the Dominican Republic, on the ocean shore.

“We met Lyubava at the university, then we crossed paths more than once on different film sets. And while working on the film “My Friend’s Bride,” we realized that we couldn’t live without each other. True, we won’t get to the registry office, although we immediately agreed that we were not just a couple, but husband and wife. And on the New Year, which we celebrated in the Dominican Republic, I made an official proposal to Lyubava and heard the desired “yes” in response,” says the artist.

In February 2020, the couple had their first child, whose name they chose not to advertise.

Mikhail Pshenichny biography, personal life, children

Biography and facts from the life of actor Mikhail Pshenichny

Mikhail is a Russian actor. The artist’s popularity was brought to him by such films as “The House with Lilies” and “Moon”.

Mikhail was born in 1989. Despite the fact that in the family of the future artist there was no one connected with theatrical life, the young man dreamed of a career as an actor from childhood. Mikhail's father is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and his mother is a cashier. In addition to Misha, his sister Olya was also raised in the family.

During his school years, the young man participated in all stage productions. Misha easily managed to transform from one image to another.


The young man earned his first money at the age of ten and bought sweets.

Pshenichny was a very active child; he could not sit still for a minute. In order for the child to have somewhere to direct his energy, his parents sent him to the sports section. A few years later, he began to get involved in wrestling, and even wanted to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and become a master of sports.

Immediately after graduating from a higher educational institution, Mikhail begins working in his specialty. From this moment the creative activity of the young actor begins.


For two years he worked in one of the Lviv theaters.

In 2007, he made his film debut. At first, Mikhail was invited to participate in multi-part series. The first roles were minor, but very soon he was noticed. The first series with Misha’s participation was “The Ex”.

Five years later he moved to Moscow. This is where the young artist’s finest hour begins. He was invited to star in such films as: “My Friend’s Bride”, “Pandora’s Box”. With each series that aired, Misha became more and more recognized.

In 2014, the artist played a leading role in the series “House with Lilies.” This year turned out to be very fruitful for the young actor. Wheaten works, sparing no effort. This year he managed to take part in 12 films, in most of which he played leading roles.

Personal life of the artist

Mikhail met Lyubava during his student years, but at that time they were not romantically involved. The story of the lovers began with the film “My Friend’s Bride.”

Lyubava always thought that she was not at all attractive to her scene partner, and only on the last day of filming did a spark run between the actors.

Mikhail did not delay the marriage and proposed his hand and heart to Lyubava when they were vacationing together at the resort. The actor thought through everything down to the smallest detail, how he would propose to his beloved, half of his vacation was spent on this.

In the Pshenichny family, it is important that food is not only healthy, but also tasty. But once a month, Mikhail and his wife allow themselves to eat something very high in calories and harmful to the body.

Mikhail regularly pampers his common-law wife with culinary delights.

Despite the proposal, young people are in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. Misha and Lyubava are very similar in appearance.

How does the young artist live today?

Two years ago, the actor played a role in the film “My Someone Else’s Child.”

In the same year, he managed to play a leading role in the film “Simpler than Steamed Turnips.” Mikhail Pshenichny played a cameo role in the film “After You.” Today it is known that Mikhail is working on the film “Hitchhiking Rules”.

Shortly before the baby was born, photos appeared on the Internet with things for the newborn. Last month, Lyubava began posting photos with a rounded belly. In February, the Pshenichny family welcomed its first child. The baby's name is never known.


About success

“First of all – brains! As in any profession, and even outside the profession. To live well, happily and correctly, you need brains, order in your head and the ability for spiritual growth. Yes, you need to exercise and look presentable. I'm not talking about a bodybuilder's body, but about the fact that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. When a person plays sports at least a little, he thinks differently and looks at everything with a fresh look. An actor must develop, read books, watch movies. Never stop learning, and always get to know yourself. And honesty is important! When you are honest in everything you do - in films, in interviews, in life - then success awaits you. And if you are disingenuous and try to seem like someone else, it’s unlikely that anything will work out.”

About women

“Sometimes I want to address them in the words of Robert Rozhdestvensky: “Please be weaker!” A woman must believe in her man and show it with all her appearance. And a man has difficult times, and the main task here is to be there, to encourage him with the word: “You can handle it, I know you will find a solution.” But don’t run “ahead of the locomotive”, taking a lot of unnecessary actions. Before you, did he somehow cope with his affairs?.. So give him the opportunity to prove himself. The desire to lead the family and make decisions is not a guarantee of a successful marriage. A man must be respected and become wiser next to him. Well, strong women always come across weak men, and vice versa. Draw conclusions."

Work or home

“I think it’s wrong to make such a choice – family or work. The most important thing in life is to be able to maintain balance. Yes, we also most often work separately - sometimes Lyubava goes to a project, and I stay at home, sometimes vice versa. But we are used to it and do not see anything strange or surprising in such schedules and lifestyle. Let’s say when I’m filming and I have a break of a couple of days, I fly home. Or Lyubava, if she is free, can fly to me for filming.

The fact that a husband and wife do not see each other for months should be asked not from actors, but from military wives, pilots or, even better, submariners. When your spouse goes on an expedition for six months, and even at the risk of his life. This is the real test! Many couples are engaged in business, extreme professions, and how do these families exist? Exactly the same as acting. You never need to sacrifice anything: neither work nor family. It is important to be disciplined, to be able to properly distribute strength and energy. Don't take on everything at work. Spend free time with family. And then you won’t have to sacrifice anything, you will be able to live in joy and enjoy everything you have.”

About illusions

“But cinema overly idealizes people. Especially our post-Soviet films, where negative and positive characters are clearly expressed. I repeat, this doesn’t happen in life. And appearances are often deceiving, especially those of an actor. I see how spectators fall in love with an artist, believing that he is as ideal in life as on the screen... But it turns out that everything is not so. He is alive! This doesn't mean good or bad. Just alive. He may make mistakes, he may stumble, he may spill his tea. This doesn’t happen in the movies; there will definitely be a prince on a white horse. But that’s why films are made, to look at these heroes and dream. When leaving the cinema, you need to cross this line, and not forget that the character is played by a living person with his own problems.”

Based on materials from the sites: 24smi.org, vokrug.tv, kinopoisk.ru, kino-teatr.ru, tele.ru, ladys.by, uznayvse.ru.

Filmography: Actor

  • Exes (2019)
  • Shadow (2018)
  • Shuttlewomen. Sequel (2018), TV series
  • There's a day ahead (2018), TV series
  • Two Mothers (2018)
  • Walnut (2018)
  • Birch (2018), TV series
  • Serebryany Bor (201), TV series
  • Secrets of an unapproachable beauty (2017)
  • Recipe for Love (2017)
  • Redemption (2017)
  • Wounded Heart (2016)
  • Easier than a steamed turnip (2016), TV series
  • My Someone Else's Child (2016)
  • After You (2016)
  • My Someone Else's Child (2016), TV series
  • A View from the Past (2015)
  • A Year in Tuscany (2015), TV series
  • Forbidden Love (2015), TV series
  • Private detective Tatyana Ivanova (2014), TV series
  • Trumpeter (2014)
  • Bitch Wars (2014), TV series
  • Nephew (2014), TV series
  • Moon (2014), TV series
  • If you're not with me (2014), TV series
  • House with Lilies (2014), TV series
  • The Long Way Home (2014), TV series
  • Let's Kiss (2014), TV series
  • Captured by Deception (2014)
  • Wind in the face (2014)
  • Crooked Mirror of the Soul (2014), TV series
  • Late Repentance (2013), TV series
  • Paradjanov I Paradjanov ((Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, France) (2013)
  • Double Life (2013), TV series
  • Two Ivans (2013), TV series
  • Dasha (2013), TV series
  • Euphrosyne. Taiga Love (2012), TV series
  • My Friend's Bride (2012)
  • My big family (2012), TV series
  • Female Doctor (2012), TV series
  • Jamaica (2012), TV series
  • Pandora's Box (2012), TV series
  • Euphrosyne. Sequel (2011), TV series
  • Chiropractor (2011), TV series
  • Chalk Painting (2011), TV series
  • Arithmetic of Meanness (2011)
  • Euphrosyne (2010), TV series
  • Cuckoo (2010)
  • Return of Mukhtar-6 (2010), TV series
  • A Completely Different Life (2010)
  • Ex (2007), TV series
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