Pavel Rakov about mistakes in relationships and tasks of women

Pavel Rakov

The world of psychology is a “gold mine” for the modern world. People have always looked for the root of evil in anything, but not in themselves. And now general self-flagellation has begun: “My life is so worthless because I’m a stupid egoist.” Men still somehow easily endure such cries from the environment and are not inclined to blame only themselves for everything. But the same cannot be said about women. They attribute all their failures to themselves and try to find a “magic wand” that in one word will solve all their problems and teach them how to live correctly. And such a “wand” was found - Pavel Rakov, psychology coach, messiah for women.

Biography of a psychologist2

The psychologist’s small hometown is the city of Zelenograd. There he spent his childhood and youth. From there he joined the army and paid back his debt to his homeland from 1989 to 1991. It was a time of great change for the Soviet Union. As everyone remembers: the collapse of the USSR, a change in power and the political direction of the country’s development. Then many found themselves left behind. The country was in a storm, people were thrown around. It is not known for certain what Pavel was doing at that time, but the fact that he did not sit idly by is evidenced by his subsequent fate.

In 2000, Pavel became a member of the team of Vladimir Dovgan, the same one who was the creator of Doka Pizza, Doka Bread and the famous Dovgan vodka. Rakov headed his “Franchise Exchange”, which was one of the divisions of the “Vladimir Dovgan Service”. It was then that Rakov went through an excellent school of modern business and realized that water does not flow under a lying stone.

Rakov understood the basic needs of people: working “for an uncle” does not bring in a lot of money, and if you want to go to Haiti, then you need to move. But Russian people are afraid to overwork, so they try to get maximum output at minimal cost. Rakov began educational work in the field of traditional medicine. And I was not mistaken: people like plantain better than a bunch of cool medicines. His works were noticed by the Association of Complementary Medicine of Russia and awarded a medal “for educational activities in traditional (folk) medicine.” So, in 2004, the first award found him.

Things got going, Rakov’s profits grew, and already in 2011 he founded the Pavel Rakov Training Center LLC. The project turned out to be more than successful. By September 2014, more than 100 thousand people had attended his trainings, which were held in different cities of the country. He also involved neighboring countries in his training programs.

Rakov’s popularity is growing very quickly and already in 2012 he becomes a participant in many programs dedicated to relationships. This includes “Male-Female”, and “Let Them Talk”, “Good Morning”, and “Lolita”, and others.

In addition to participating in programs, Rakov becomes the host of the talk show “Women’s Happiness.” He begins working with Alla Dovlatova and Oleg Roy. Then, in 2014, Rakov decided to create his own show. With the help of TV presenter and producer Igor Prokopenko, the program “My Beautiful...” was broadcast. The first season of the show created a real sensation in the Russian media space.

In the same 2014, according to the results of a vote that took place on the REN-TV channel, Pavel Rakov received his first award.

Rakov did not stop there and continued to develop as a specialist in the field of psychology. In 2020, he became a professor of psychology and also received a doctorate in human resource management. All these titles were awarded to Pavel Rakov by MAAAK. This is the International Academic, Accreditation, Certification Committee.

Pavel Rakov is the author of one of his many books: “In fact, I’m smart, but I live like a fool.” And on January 28, 2020, at Crocus City Hall, Rakov held the first comedy show in Russia, which was based on his book. The show had a wide scale and resonance in the media space. Also, in 2020, Rakov receives another award: “The Most Creative Psychologist of 2020.” This title was established by the Fashion TV channel.

In March 2020, Rakov became a member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) team, and also gave a number of lectures at the Russian State University of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Further Professional Education in the specialty “Coach Consultant”.

Reviews from women

“In order not to live like a fool, you need to get a man,” that’s what Pavel Rakov suggests. Moreover, a successful one - and not someone who works for his uncle. Moreover, we still have to fight for the “alpha males”!

After the training, a strange impression is created: don’t work, look like a goddess, smile at everyone, and get money using cunning tricks.

It is much wiser to save the money for the master class for your vacation. Look at the men, even if not all of them are millionaires...”

Anna, 27 years old

“Rakov’s methods are tough, radical, stunning. He shocks and tells it like it is. The recommendations the trainer gave worked! My life changed, my relationship with my husband improved, and I felt happier. Don’t be afraid of the provocations and impudence of the material presented!”

Yulia, 34 years old

Professor's Quirks3

At their seminars, which took place in 2013 - 2020. Rakov actively promoted the idea of ​​a raw food diet. In addition, training participants had to give up drinks such as tea and coffee. Alcohol was strictly prohibited. Since all of Rakov’s trainings were of a sexual nature, that is, they were aimed specifically at the development of female sexuality, he argued that a raw food diet is a necessary attribute of its development.

Rakov instilled in the participants that a raw food diet directly affects orgasm, making it stronger and brighter, almost transcendental. During such meetings, participants had access to either a vegetarian menu or foods that did not require heat treatment. It was possible, of course, to eat ordinary food, but before practices related to energy flows, any self-will was prohibited: only water, vegetables or fruits.

This was done in order to attract as many so-called bioactivists as possible to their trainings. The thing is that during this period Pavel’s center had close cooperation with the American company Morinda Inc. (Tahitian Noni). Now the contract has ceased to exist, and accordingly food has become democratic.

Psychology and training

At seminars, Rakov tells those present about the rules that must be followed in order to live in harmony with oneself and the world around us. Pavel has a three-step technology for reconstructing the worldview of women and men. Thanks to his trainings, you can mend cracked relationships or start life from scratch.

Pavel Rakov conducts training

The idea of ​​Pavel’s scandalous training “I’m actually smart, but I live like a fool” comes down to the postulate “let a man be a man, behave like a woman, and you will be happy.” Rakov teaches girls femininity and complaisance. The coach openly states that soon the gender line will be erased irrevocably. This will happen due to the fact that young ladies in modern society overestimate themselves, shouldering the responsibilities of the strong half of humanity onto their fragile shoulders.

Book by Pavel Rakov “Actually, I’m smart, but I live like a fool”

“How to fall in love with and keep a man” is the most popular training among the fairer sex. In these classes, Rakov tries to convey to women the idea that a man will only idolize a girl who is in constant motion. Pavel describes point by point how to behave so that relationships are not swallowed up by the gray routine of everyday realities. The coach emphasizes that young ladies need to change their behavior, hobbies and image at least once every six months.

It is also important to accept your chosen one without trying to re-educate and remake him for yourself. Every man, first of all, wants to know that during a difficult period in his life there will be at least one person who will not turn his back on him. Anyone can find detailed instructions in Rakov’s books “50 Rules of a Smart Fool” and “A Fool Wants to Meet Two Higher Ones.”

Pavel Rakov

The famous coach does not ignore intimate relationships between a man and a woman. According to Rakov, during sexual intercourse the animal instinct should not prevail over feelings and emotions. At a training session on the topic of sex, Pavel teaches representatives of the weaker half of humanity to arouse desire in a man and at the same time keep him at arm's length.

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The essence of female guru trainings4

So what is the essence of Pavel Rakov’s seminars? His classes are aimed at revealing female sexuality. Possibility of obtaining transcendental emotions during orgasm. Rakov uses techniques that he himself created and published.

According to the psychologist, women are often too complex and uptight. Their life attitudes do not allow them to fully open up. As a result, not the sweetest intimate life affects everything else. It’s no secret that many ladies simply don’t understand how this happens: she’s smart and beautiful, but everything goes wrong. And some “worthless mamzel” manages to grab an awesome guy and live in chocolate. So Rakov believes that “legs grow” precisely from the tightness of the sexual chakras, and opening them is precisely the task of training.

The first trainings, especially for beginners, take place indoors. This is, so to speak, a “young fighter’s course.” At this time, acquaintance with the manager, methods, and prices takes place. Introductory practical classes are conducted, after which the woman decides whether she needs to move on. If the decision is positive, then she can sign up to participate in the second round of training. This stage takes place in a kind of camp, where you can either live permanently for the duration of the seminar, or arrive at the appointed time. Most often, women prefer to live permanently in order to participate in activities that can also take place at night.

Poignant Quotes

  • “If there is a so-so man next to you, you are a so-so woman.”
  • “Every time a woman takes the initiative, her iron balls can be heard ringing.”
  • “Your main function is to always be content.”
  • “A man should pay simply because he has a penis.”
  • “A woman should not be a nanny, but a reward for the winner.”
  • “You don’t have to express your love in caring. They take care of children, the elderly and the disabled.”
  • “A man shouldn’t be told what he should do, otherwise he might get hit in the forehead.”
  • “If you are seriously carried away by your career, you will definitely not be able to have a serious relationship. There will only be lovers.”

In 2020, the topic of fools has apparently exhausted itself, so Pavel presented a new creation: “Book number 1 #nonfool.” Either the coach has rethought something in his life, or the change in role is just a marketing ploy.

The illusion of self-deception6

It is strange that Mr. Rakov, being a very popular and extraordinary person, carefully hides his biography. There is very little information about him on the Internet. Wikipedia, where you can find almost all the information about more or less famous people, is silent about the most important things: education and scientific work. Being a professor is not a lot of fun, but come on: there is no information about higher education and scientific works. Of course, this dark side of Rakov’s life was of great interest to many journalists, and this is what came out of it:

  • “Emergency”, NTV channel.

The investigation revealed a lot: during trainings, insults were thrown from the stage against female participants. “Fool” is perhaps the most harmless epithet addressed to those gathered. Phrases are constantly shouted into the microphone, much more offensive than one can imagine. And the strangest thing is that women swallow these humiliations with delight. The phrase “Grab yourself by the tits...” is worth it. Apparently, Rakov acts according to the saying “A chicken is not a bird: until you kick it, it won’t fly!”

The program says that all meetings are held as if it were a meeting of a totalitarian sect. This opinion was voiced because of the maximum similarity with them: the same pumping of money, the same emotional control, the same madness in the hall. The film contains a conversation with the husband of one of the training participants: “My wife decided to freshen up our relationship a little. She thought that she was not open enough for me. Middle age, fear that I will have a younger and more sexually active lover. As a result, she became deeply addicted to Rakov’s methods. She even went to his camps near Moscow. She told me everything in detail, all his methods, everything they did there: shooting with water pistols, some kind of contactless sex.

To say that it helped her... She just forgot about her family, about me... She’s all there...” The program featured an interview with religious scholar Vadim Rosenfeld, in which he clearly called Rakov’s courses a psychocult. According to him, these are pseudo-psychotrainings. The Hodegetria portal, which has an Orthodox-patriotic direction, has the same opinion.

  • A. Neveev, candidate of psychological sciences.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences A. Neveev also spoke very harshly about Pavel Rakov. He directly calls Rakov an “uneducated charlatan.” Everything Rakov does, in his opinion, is immersion in an illusion, from which it is then impossible to get out on one’s own.

  • "TVNZ"

Komsomolskaya Pravda also did not remain aloof from the hype around Rakov. Her journalist D. Zavgorodnyaya took part in the training and stated that “this is terrible quackery that disproportionately humiliates and insults women as a gender stratum of humanity.” Somewhat later, she talked with the candidate of psychological sciences A. Orlova, so as not to be unfounded and to receive confirmation of her opinion.

All the collected material formed the basis for the publication “Caution, Training!” It voiced everything: the obscenity of the course program, humiliation, Rakov’s leadership based on personal charisma, and the claim to absolute truth. Negative medical consequences for the participants were identified and proven. As a result, the Rakov center received characteristics from which it can be concluded that it is a sect.

  • "Chelninsky News"

The Chelninskiye Izvestia publication also received controversial material. His journalist Yu. Zainullina attended Rakov’s training. She also came to the conclusion of fraud and told several stories of women. Their destinies turned out like a carbon copy: divorce, dismissal from work, engaging in the dubious distribution of Noni juice, which was produced under the leadership of the Rakov center and supposedly has miraculous powers.

  • Psychologist N. Novikova

Psychologist N. Novikova spoke about complete nonsense in her review. She was at Pavel Rakov’s Summer Camp in the spring of 2020. Here is an excerpt from her review of the energy practice: “At midnight, all the camp participants went outside. The setup was like this: it was necessary to expose the butt, bend over and turn your back to the moon. At the same time, it was necessary to breathe frequently with the tongue hanging out, like a mad dog. As the teacher says, lunar energy penetrates the biofield through the butt, and the woman opens up like a bud.

At the same time, Paul promises the fulfillment of all cherished desires, because lunar energy fills with strength and good luck. Most of the practices are related to orgasm. Achieved through contactless sex. Participants are divided into pairs, threes or fours. Then they begin to imitate movements during sex. Everyone is wearing clothes, but the imitation is so exciting that the orgasm is really strong. Well, of course, when a huge number of people nearby are moaning and choking in orgasm, it’s difficult to maintain composure. No one was interested in who was in the couple: it could be mother and daughter, friends or complete strangers.

  • Newspaper "Kommersant"

The Kommersant newspaper reported on violent acts at Rakov’s trainings: “He forces women to get down on all fours and starts beating them on the butt with a shovel. Then he pours water and makes the blood beat for the chairs, as in a children's game, when children dance in a circle around one chair and, on command, try to be the first to occupy it. Rakov claims that this skill improves the ability to win and keep a man.”

First results

The first thing I did after finishing the program was to let go of grudges. I called and wrote to all the men who had once hurt me. I told them my sincere thanks for the experience and for the fact that I am now changing, partly thanks to them. You have no idea what they said to me in response. I cried, I was so touched by their feedback.

Then I realized how important it is to remain a real girl in any situation, even if the paths with a man always diverge.

In any case, you need to break up gracefully, preserving your face and feminine dignity.

And when I accepted all my experience, forgave my exes, cleared my heart of negativity, I was showered with as many acquaintances as I had never had in my entire tumultuous youth. Men just stuck to me. They gave flowers, jewelry, came to work for me, wrote declarations of love, fought with others for my attention. And they did it from the bottom of their hearts. Because they felt the feminine energy that was surging out of me. My inner nature was revealed, I learned to skillfully use my attractiveness thanks to the use of all the techniques of Pavel Rakov.

However, the cats scratched at my soul. The situation was depressing: a rented apartment, alone with a child, a lot of boyfriends, but my heart didn’t skip a beat. There was a lack of quality communication, people who motivate and inspire by their example.

But I already knew where to look for them.

Summer camp

“If you want to change your life, start changing yourself and your environment!”

This phrase is the basis of Pavel Rakov’s trainings. And this is the absolute truth.

In the spring of 2020, I went to Summer Camp. A place where more than a thousand participants from different cities and countries come to meet new people, recharge their batteries, and improve themselves in all areas of life.

According to tradition, I flew there with a friend. We were accommodated in beautiful wooden houses, surrounded by stunning nature. The air here was so clean that somehow I automatically wanted to breathe deeply. But the depressed state prevented me from enjoying the process. And I found fault with everything.

I remember how all the participants smiled, hugged, and were so happy. And it really annoyed me. After all, I didn't feel the same.

Thoughts were spinning in my head: “Why are they so funny! Why do they like it here so much? So many people come to the camp for 9 days several times a year, and they even pay for it? Are they crazy..."

But no. People will not give up their hard-earned money and waste time to hang out in a beautiful place with strangers. I realized this when active classes began in the camp.

We did most of the exercises physically. Some were so difficult that they were very painful to do. And at the same time, it was also necessary to smile in order to form the right habit. Just imagine, you are hunched over in an uncomfortable position, the muscles are so tight that it seems like they are about to burst, you are angry and furious from this. And you direct all your internal negativity into strength and discipline. This is how your destructive energy turns into creative energy and you feel a surge of vigor. Miracles!

These exercises helped me a lot. I learned to control my emotions, track negativity in time and turn it into positive. Use inner strength for your own purposes. Now I rarely feel tired and empty because I can manage my energy. This is incredibly helpful in life.

There were other tasks: not only physical, but also psychological.

For example, if you wish, you could tell about your problems, fears, failures to other people who were complete strangers to you. It's difficult, not everyone wants to pull skeletons out of the closet. You can’t always tell your loved ones, but here you tell strangers everything as best you can. But I needed it. I felt inside that if I shared my story, it would release me. I spoke. I opened up to the public and felt how all the pain left me along with the words. Reminds me of a group psychotherapy session. Very effective! This can’t even be explained, you have to try it yourself.

During the 9 days of the camp, I received the most powerful nourishment. I talked to people who led active lives. They did not criticize me for my ideas, but rather supported me, showed interest, and motivated me. It was so new that I wanted to be in such an environment all the time. I'm alive!

We returned home and life began to spin again. It was a great time. After the camp, I found my fulfillment, changed my internal state - I stopped driving myself into negativity and returning to the role of a victim. I became completely satisfied with life, constantly smiling and in high spirits. It seemed like what more could you want? I have everything: calling, income, sincere friendship, successful environment.

But until now there was no the most important thing - women's happiness...

This bothered me. After all, I didn’t feel 100% successful. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t meeting the one? I didn’t want to admit that it was all about me again. Gradually these thoughts grew, and I sank.

One day over lunch in a cafe, a friend looked at me and said: “Chris, I see that something is wrong. Do you want to slide back again? Let's go to camp! Together as best we can. Let's charge your battery to full. Look, maybe you’ll meet your husband there too.”

“Yeah... What other husband? This is unlikely,” I thought, but hope crept in for a minute. But what if…

And we went to pick up the groom...

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