Irina garlickova - celebrity biography, personal life, children

  • Age: February 9, 1989 (31 years old)
  • Height: 172 cm
  • Weight: 62 kg
  • Bust: 84cm
  • Waist: 60 cm
  • Hips: 90 cm
  • Bust size: 2

Irina Chesnokova hot photos in lingerie

Irina Chesnokova is a comedian, actress, radio and television presenter. Irina’s popularity among television viewers was brought to her by the sketch project “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” The artist keeps up with the times; she became the author of the popular entertainment Internet show “Bar in the City,” which has been airing on the YouTube channel since 2020.

In addition, Chesnokova is passionate about the acting profession - she has worked in TV series and feature films.

Film and television

Since the spring of 2014, Irina Chesnokova has appeared in the program “This is Such a Morning,” broadcast on TNT. The presenter’s colleagues were M. Peshkov, E. Lopareva, M. Kravets, D. Shpenkov and others. Among the new shows with her participation, it is also worth highlighting the comedy television magazine “Students” and the project “Once Upon a Time in Russia”.

In 2020, the girl starred in a movie for the first time. Her debut film was the short film Portfolio, the storylines of which are built on black humor. The film talks about the complex relationship between customers and people in creative professions, namely endless unpaid edits, lack of understanding of the intricacies of creative work, and low pay. In the short film, the clients' behavior leads to demands for an absurd adjustment to the grandfather's funeral.

In the fall of 2020, the creative biography of Irina Chesnokova was replenished with the tragicomic film “New Russians 2”, in which she got a cameo role. Then she starred in the film “In Short,” in which the participants acted out both touching scenes and told absurd stories. The main tasks of the characters in the film are saving the planet from aliens, resurrecting people and searching for love.

In 2020, the girl played in two short films - the thriller “Copy is True” and the comedy “Chronicles of a Paranoid Man.” In the last film, Chesnokova acted not only as an actress, but also as a screenwriter and creative producer. In 2020, the actress starred in the comedy “Civil Marriage.” You can see a photo of Irina Chesnokova from this film above. At the same time, she played a cameo role in the comedy “Zomboyashchik.” The premiere of the comedy thriller “Out of Shape” is planned for 2020, in which Irina will appear. The duration of the film is 21 minutes.

Irina Chesnokova intimate photo in a swimsuit

KVN appeared in the life of Irina Chesnokova during her student years. At first, the girl played for the Voronezh teams “Cat Mom” and “Seryozha”, but her finest hour came when she began playing for the St. Petersburg team “Faculty of Journalism” in 2010.

Childhood and youth of Irina Chesnokova

Irina Chesnokova’s hometown is Voronezh. Little Ira was the only child in the family, so the parents tried to comprehensively develop their daughter.

Already at the age of six, the capable girl received a rank in chess, and from the first grade she studied three foreign languages ​​(“traditional” English and German, as well as Latin). Irina devoted 13 years to dancing. At the same time, she managed to find free time for knitting, macrame, drawing and fencing classes!

Not a single school event took place without the participation of the restless Ira. She was everyone's favorite and the ringleader. The boys in the yard also loved her - the girl was their faithful companion in games and pranks.

Having successfully graduated from school with in-depth study of foreign languages, the girl entered the Voronezh Academy of Arts, but soon changed her mind and transferred to Voronezh State University, to the faculty of journalism and Romance-Germanic philology. In 2011, Irina successfully graduated from university with two diplomas: translator and advertising specialist.

Irina Chesnokova candid spicy photos

In 2012 she moved to Moscow. Irina began working as a radio host in a comedy project. Together with Evgeny Rybov and Maxim Peshkov, she hosted the morning program “Comedy Morning” on Comedy Radio. During the same period, Chesnokova worked behind the scenes at Comedy Club Production, where she received the position of chief editor and creative producer of the TV show “Comedy Battle”.

The 2013 season was the last for Chesnokova’s KVN team - after it, the Faculty of Journalism disbanded.

Cheerful and resourceful

I managed to play in KVN for the first time during my student years. “Cat Mom” is the very first team in the humorous biography of a talented girl. Then she was a member of a team called “Seryozha”. However, her first popularity came after joining the Faculty of Journalism team.

The debut in the First League took place in 2011. It didn't take much to win the main prize. However, the second position was enough for promotion. The team was invited to the Major League. Irina was not a captain. But this did not stop her from playing in the captain's competition. Perhaps it was thanks to her performance that the team managed to advance to the final stage. In one of the miniatures, Irina had a chance to play with Mikhail Zadornov. The girl appeared before the audience as the daughter of a famous comedian.

By the way, Irina forbade her parents to come to her performances. She was simply embarrassed to speak in front of them. Dad was okay with this, but mom was offended at first.

Irina Chesnokova indecent photos and flashes

The girl is called the first beauty of “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” Irina has a slender figure (with a height of 172 cm, her weight does not exceed 54 kg), pretty appearance and a charming smile. The project attracted her because it combines theatrical performances with filmmaking: actors perform sketches on stage, and they are filmed by a camera.

In Chesnokova's performances there is room for improvisation - she jokes subtly and witty.


2014With#Studentsmany roles
2014—2017WithOnce upon a time in Russiamany roles
2016SunChronicles of a ParanoidTamarka the cook
2016coreCopy is rightgirl in the car
2017—2018WithCivil marriageMarina
2018fZombieboxgirl on a date
2018coreOut of shapeTanya
2019SunNothing funnyTatiana Khazanova
2020WithPerfect familyCharacter name not specified

Irina Chesnokova photo uncensored 18+

In life, Irina Chesnokova is the same easygoing, sociable, witty person, sometimes she likes to scream and sleep, especially in the morning. In his free time, he shares his culinary secrets with followers on Facebook.

Another passion of Chesnokova is photography in all its forms. The actress shares artistic photos on Instagram, and on Chesnokova’s account you can also find pictures and videos of her new projects.

Now the actress is still free, she does not have a husband or children. Irina does not hide the fact that in her personal life there were novels that ended on her initiative. The girl is not yet ready for a serious relationship, but dreams of having a child.

Irina Chesnokova: I would agree to live in a civil marriage

Actress and TV presenter Irina Chesnokova spoke in an interview with about the new series “Civil Marriage”.

Irina Chesnokova is excellent on the ice, although she has not yet participated in the “ice ages”. In the comedy series “Civil Marriage,” which is currently being shown on TNT, where the actress and TV presenter plays one of the main roles, she also did not have to skate. But she demonstrated her skills at the “Venice Skating Rink”, which appeared this winter in the Moscow Hermitage Garden. The thermometer showed minus 13, but Irina was not afraid. It turned out that winter is her favorite time of year...

“I don’t know what to do in the summer”

– I love winter, probably because I myself was born in February. I don’t like summer, it’s too hot, I don’t know what to do... In autumn it’s damp and dirty, so what could be more wonderful than snow! – Irina smiles contagiously, flushed after the skating rink. – I really like skiing, but, unfortunately, I rarely find the time. You can, of course, go to some base near Moscow, but you don’t want to go alone, you’ll freeze to a lift, to some pipe, get wet, get your butt hurt, cry...

– How do you usually spend New Year’s days?

“Every year I persuade myself: “Ira, please decide in advance where you will go for the winter holidays, buy tickets calmly, then you will regret that you didn’t take care of it earlier...” I ask myself: “Where do you want to go? Fireplace, snow, socks, window, wooden house – Finland? Lapland? Austria? Mountains? Alps? Or sunshine, pineapple, mango?..” But, alas, this time I followed the usual scenario. I celebrated the New Year with my parents in Voronezh - this is a rare opportunity to spend time with them, and then we called our friends and decided to cross paths in one of the countries of the world - now this is not a problem... It’s so cool to be an adult! The borders have become transparent, you can get to any continent within a few hours! Hello! Are you in Cambodia? Ok, I'm flying out, see you in the evening!

“Agatha’s daughter also starred in the series!”

– Was it difficult to pass the casting for “Civil Marriage”?

– Oh, it’s not easy, they tried me on different heroines, including Nika, played by Agata Muceniece. For a long time they couldn’t figure out who was suitable for where... In the end, I got the role of Marina. This is Nicky's childhood friend, not the main character, but very interesting. She is a bit of a bitch, if there is an opportunity to rub someone’s nose in, show that he is worse, she will do it...

– Irina, did you have a bosom friend as a child?

“I was always more interested in being with the boys, running around, playing with cars, Cossack robbers, shooting, bungee jumping... However, my grandmother forbade me to be friends with the boys, saying they would teach you bad things.” But as soon as I walked out the door, my friend Misha was already waiting for me. And one day, when we were cheerfully breaking the lighters we found with a brick, my grandmother spotted us... “Come here!” What did I tell you?! Don’t be friends with boys!” - she cursed. “So I’m not friends. It's a girl! – I said in fright. “And what is her name?” "Misha!" – I answered without hesitation. Interestingly, the grandmother believed it and then told everyone: “Can you imagine, the parents, fools, named the girl Misha!” It didn’t even occur to her that her little granddaughter could lie so cleverly...

– How did you get along with Agata Muceniece? Has she become your friend?

– At the “Civil Marriage” I was surrounded by people with the most difficult to pronounce surnames: Agata Muceniece, Denis Kukoyaka, Stefania-Maryana Gurtskaya. We met Agatha in a makeup van, then she and Denis were filming a scene on the street, where Tyoma is trying to get food out of the trash that one lady had thrown out, and at that moment a pigeon pooped on Denis’s forehead in the frame... The pigeon had a million options, but he chose Denis. It’s a miracle, isn’t it?.. Before many others, I met Agatha’s daughter, when she was still in her belly. We were filming a frank scene when Nika decides to surprise Tyoma and Marina gives her a nurse’s costume, and we tried in every possible way to cover up her daughter, who was interfering with filming the scene, to put on the costume as it should. Of course, we have a good relationship, but we all have our own lives, families, and jobs. We recently met at a Comedy Club concert and were glad to see each other.

“I’m on the side of the topic of “tarabuziks”

– I can’t help but ask, how do you feel about civil marriage?

– The majority of the population of Russia live and cohabit like this... It’s strange to treat this as bad or good - everyone chooses for themselves how to live. Personally, I don’t need a stamp to live together.

– Don’t you think that by offering to live in such an alleged marriage, a man is simply afraid to take responsibility for his woman, for his family?..

“But a woman can also be afraid to take responsibility. For what?! What kind of marriage, go ahead, wait, what are you doing, are you serious?!

“I really want children. But again, I’m not ready to discuss this...” / Dmitry Sukhodolsky

- Not ready?

– I’m not sure, this is a separate conversation.

- Did you really run away from the wedding?

- I ran away, but not from the wedding, a little early, to run away from the wedding - completely...

-Have you made several men unhappy?

- Don't say that! I hope no…

– Looking at Agatha, Pavel and their children, don’t you want to get married as soon as possible?

– I really want children. But again, I’m not ready to discuss this. You know, I stay away from the topic of “tarabuziks”; I’m not ready to publicly demonstrate everything that’s going on in my life, to make it public. If you dedicate someone to a part of your life, then be prepared for the fact that they may unceremoniously intrude into it. If suddenly someone posts a photo of me with a man, the network begins to be bombarded with questions: “Who are you with?! What’s wrong with him?!”

-What's the biggest gossip you've heard about yourself?

– Sent a link – “Irina Chesnokova NAKED. Without clothing!" I was even worried at first, to be honest. How can I do this, where am I, I think. But when I looked, I calmed down. People are so bad at Photoshop that it looked like a lot of fun. Maybe we need to give more reasons for gossip?

- It is not difficult. You are a very beautiful and successful girl. And people always envy such people and therefore gossip...

“I’ll show you now how beautiful I was recently.” In one film I was given the role of a homeless person... Look: black teeth, nails. They dirtied everything - the role demanded it. But such experiments do not bother me. As soon as an actress on stage or on camera begins to think about whether she is beautiful or not, which side to turn, how to wave her hand, this is a disaster. Practically incompetent!

– Did you have any explicit scenes in “Civil Marriage”?

- Well, maybe only of a pajama nature, when I show Nika my secret... a mini-sex shop in the closet in the dressing room. My partner, St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Averin, and I didn’t even have kisses on camera, but Agatha and Denis had to puff.

– Are your parents proud of you?

- Well, of course, these are parents. I swear at them when they start boasting. My dad is a cracker by nature, but one day I accidentally caught him talking on the phone: “Yes, my daughter starred there, now she’s actually on Channel One.” Of course, as soon as I am shown on TV, all my friends and acquaintances start calling my parents. Especially when I was sitting next to Vladimir Putin. The first time - at a meeting about the opening of the KVN house, the second time - directly at the opening itself, I was seated “as the left hand” of the president of the country. At that moment, the parents' phone was cut off.

– How did you feel next to the head of Russia?

– It’s exciting, needless to say. But usually Putin arrives a second before the event starts, so there’s not much to communicate with. During the concert, I said that he had great boots, he smiled and thanked me for the compliment. At some point, Vladimir Vladimirovich asked me why everyone was laughing; he did not immediately understand the essence of the joke. I explained, of course. He's cool, really. The energy is crazy, you sit and don’t understand whether you can move.

– Why were you put next to Putin?

- I have no idea. But now I know that I have a crystal clear biography, spanning several generations. Surely everything was checked, right?

-Who was sitting to his right?

– Sergei Sobyanin or Maslyakov Jr.

– What is your ideal man?

– A man must be amazing. Well, preferably free.

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