Irina Keshchyan: biography, personal life, photo

Ararat Keschan, better known for his role as the charismatic Michael from the humorous youth series “Univer,” knows how to attract the attention of women. And although there are plenty of fans of his talent and extraordinary sense of humor, he is extremely selective about his chosen ones. In particular, this is due to the troubles and misunderstandings that the actor encountered during his first marriage. At that time, his wife was Irina Keshchyan. Who is she? And why did they break up?

Irina Keshchyan

General information about Irina

Very little is known about Irina, although some sources mention that this fragile blond girl was born on December 21, 1981 in the noisy Russian capital.

Irina Keshchyan (her biography is uneventful) was brought up in a simple aristocratic family and was the only child in the family, so her parents spoiled her and allowed her everything.

Irina graduated from Moscow school No. 1. I studied at the university. There she first got into KVN. And then her life turned around. An active and charming girl began to participate in all events where it was necessary to demonstrate her good acting abilities and show off her wit and good sense of humor.

Getting to know Ararat Keshan

The beautiful Irina Keshchyan (her photo is presented in the article) met her future husband in 2007, when he was not yet a popular actor. At that time, he devoted himself entirely to his studies and the KVN team under the entertaining name “Grandchildren of Lumumba.”

Let us recall that as part of this team, Ararat managed to win in Sochi from 2000 to 2002, and then reached the semi-finals of the current Northern League. Later, the famous KVN player joined the Sochi team “RUDN National Team”, where his signature number, which both the audience and the judges remembered for a long time, was a parody of Gennady Khazanov.

Irina Keshchyan and Ararat Keshchyan liked each other at first sight. According to close friends of the couple, the lovers did not see anyone around, and both were captivated by pink dreams. They walked together in noisy groups, visited clubs and parties and had fun. And after a short time from their first meeting, the young people decided to get married.

Ararat Keshchyan in the TV series “Univer”

By the beginning of 2009, Keshchyan had already become well known to viewers thanks to his talent, and he was invited to the Univer casting.
He decided to try and did not regret it. Ararat Keshchyan and Larisa Baranova about the sitcom Univer

Ararat was given the role of Michael - this is a student who came to Moscow from Adler. It’s hard to act in a sitcom, since filming goes on almost non-stop, and free time occurs only closer to the night. In the series "Univer" Ararat worked with such actors as Maria Kozhevnikova, Andrey Gaidulyan, Vitaly Gogunsky and others.

Serious conversation with father

Ararat's parents had difficulty understanding what was happening to their son. He literally began to “fly in the clouds.” Seeing such changes in his son’s behavior, the actor’s father Gevorg Ashotovich decided to have a serious talk with him. According to him, he didn’t like the girl right away. According to the father, she was not at all suitable for his son.

Ararat Keshchyan and his wife Irina were from completely different families, including nationality. The actor came from an Armenian family with strict rules and morals. And his chosen one, according to Keschan’s relatives, was an arrogant and arrogant Muscovite who loved entertainment and freedom. “She was like that dragonfly from a fable that kept singing and dancing,” says Gevorg Ashotovich.

In addition, immediately after her arrival and meeting Ararat’s parents, the smiling blonde began to impose her morals, customs and demonstrate very unattractive ambitions.

“Apparently, her parents did not teach this girl etiquette,” the actor’s father shares his observations. That’s why he tried to convince his son to find a wife from his circle who respected Armenian traditions and customs.

However, Ararat Keshchyan’s first wife Irina (photos of the former spouses can be found here), as it turned out, had a great influence on the artist. Therefore, all the parental persuasion led to the completely opposite result - the young people still got married.

Ararat Keshchyan today

Keshchyan has been in Moscow for many years, but he doesn’t feel like a Muscovite.
In his words, he simply adapted to life in the capital. His homeland is where he feels comfortable - Abkhazia, Sochi. According to the actor, he is currently going through a difficult period, he feels that changes are taking place in him, which he himself does not really like. It is important for him to preserve all the good things that were invested in him by his parents. Ararat says that Moscow, television, Univer - all this “tears” his personality.

Keshchyan’s favorite type of recreation is diving. He likes to float in zero gravity, immersed in the ocean. The unusual, complete silence under water is also attractive. After a noisy city, such rest is medicine and salvation.

The actor was married from 2007 to 2010. In 2010, Ararat announced that he was divorced and that his heart was no longer free. At the very beginning of 2013, Keshchyan married again. His chosen one is Ekaterina Shepeta.

Ararat Keshchyan is a famous comedian, Armenian by nationality, who became famous thanks to the TV series “Univer” and performances in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

Today, the public's favorite is not going to stop there and is again in a creative search, receiving a director's diploma, which will give him the opportunity to realize his bold dreams.

Wedding and everyday life of family

The wedding of Ararat and Irina took place in the fall of 2007. According to eyewitnesses, it was a stormy and large feast.

After the celebration, the newlyweds had long and boring days. And then family troubles began: Irina wanted eternal fun and freedom, and Ararat dreamed of a cozy family nest next to a loving and understanding wife.

As it turned out, Irina Keshchyan is not intended for family life. Moreover, she did not like her husband’s conversations about children at all. The girl thought about them last, and she didn’t want to “spoil her figure.”

Later it turned out that the newly-made couple had practically nothing in common, with the exception of KVN.

"Divorce and Maiden Name"

Keshchyan Ararat Gevorgovich and his wife Irina were not married for long, less than three years. According to the couple's friends, the newlyweds were too hasty with the wedding and underestimated the incompatibility of each other's characters. However, they say that opposites attract.

As a result, in 2010, the couple decided to divorce, having become completely disillusioned with their family relationships. By the way, no one in Ararat’s family, including himself, even today likes to talk about the topic of his first marriage.

Difficult time after divorce

After the divorce, Irina Keshchyan was not particularly worried. At least she didn’t show her sadness and resentment in public. Later nothing more was heard about Irina. It was as if she disappeared from Ararat’s radar and got lost in the crowd. According to rumors, Irina has taken up her career seriously.

The actor himself was very worried about parting with his beloved. And although his family supported him, he was reminded of the wrong choice in the first place. According to the actor’s father, the divorce was a real shame for his relatives.

In addition, his brother Ashot, who married his compatriot Karina, became a striking example of a successful family life. Later she gave birth to two daughters, who were like two peas in a pod like their father.

After Ararat Keshchyan (his first wife Irina also set off on a “free swim”) became free, he tried to forget his pain, plunging headlong into work and new relationships.

Rumor has it that it was then that he began a romantic relationship with the heroine of the series “Univer” Liza, played by the charming dark-haired actress Evgenia Sviridova. But this relationship remained a light affair.

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The acquaintance and then the wedding with Ararat took place after Katya began to build her own career and was already an independent, accomplished person.

The celebration of the wedding was celebrated four times - first in Ararat’s homeland, then in Thailand, where the young family went on a honeymoon, then with Katya’s relatives in Kostanay, and the final one was a celebration organized for Ararat Keshchyan’s colleagues.

A year after the couple had a magnificent wedding, the first-born daughter Eva was born in the young family, and three years later there were already two children of Ararat Keshchyan - Eva had a sister, Diana. Ekaterina, despite being extremely busy at home, is not going to confine herself to household chores.

When she was on her first maternity leave, she decided to create her own business - a wedding agency. Now she has fulfilled her dream, and now the actor’s wife is the owner of the wedding agency “House of Weddings” and a company for organizing family events.

Katya's work takes up a lot of her time, so she and her husband decided to invite a nanny.

“I won’t give an assessment of whether it’s “good” or “bad”; I just understand that, despite the fact that my family comes first, self-realization is not far behind it on the ladder of priorities. I won’t be happy being only a mother and wife or just a successful businesswoman,” says Ekaterina.

Sometimes Katya finds time and, together with her daughters, comes to her husband on the set to support him.

Ararat never set the condition for Katya that she should only take care of the house and children - he knows his wife very well and understands that she cannot live without self-realization.

But because Ekaterina is actively pursuing her career, Ararat Keshchyan’s personal life does not suffer - when they have free days, the couple and their daughters love to travel.

Ararat admits that although he has lived in Moscow for many years, he still misses his native land and always happily comes there, and now not alone, but with his wife and children.

Second wife of Ararat Keshan

After Irina Keshchyan left Ararat in splendid isolation, he never managed to be single for a long time. At one of the banquets after the premiere of the film “Pregnant,” he met his future second wife. According to the stories of the actor’s closest friends, she was a beautiful and prominent girl of model appearance.

As it turned out, at that time Ararat had no plans to start a serious relationship. “But everything somehow happened by itself,” says one of the main characters in the sitcom “Univer.” And although Ekaterina Shepeta was eleven years younger, she was attracted by the charm and sociability of Ararat.

Keschan made his proposal unexpectedly for his future wife. He presented her with a ring ordered from a jeweler he knew. But the moment, in his own words, was completely inappropriate and unromantic. But the girl accepted the proposal and they got married. And in 2014, both spouses became the parents of a charming daughter.

Personal life of Ararat Keshchyan

Ararat is currently filming a lot; due to the lack of free time, it sometimes seems to him that if nothing changes, life can pass with the script in his hands.
Like any normal person, he wants to visit theaters, cinema, and meet friends. There was a time when he tried to read fiction during breaks between filming, but he soon realized that nothing would come of it. With constant lack of sleep and chronic fatigue, the actors have only one desire - to sleep. Ararat has no thoughts about working in his specialty. He likes the acting profession and would like to stay in it as long as possible. The plans are to open a cafe or restaurant so that there is a business that constantly generates income. This would make it possible to do what you love and not have to worry about whether it is profitable or not. But for now there are only intentions.

Another dream is to have two houses: one where it would be good for his family to live, and the second in the place where he will work. Ararat prefers not to plan her birthday, like many other holidays. He believes that in this case they turn out boring; improvisation is preferable for him.

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