Karina Osmonova: biography, personal life, husband, photo

The beginning of a singer's career

The girl has no musical education. Her musical background, she says, was in the clubs where she often hung out with jazz musicians when she lived in London.

When Karina returned to her native St. Petersburg, she had the idea of ​​​​creating her own project. At that time she was already writing her songs. The girl decided to start a singing career under the pseudonym Karina Koks. She met some guys who, like her, dreamed of creating a group. They called their group “Discovery” and performed songs exclusively in English. However, the ambitions of the participants were completely different. “Discovery” eventually became a famous group, but it was known only in narrow circles.

Karina Turcan for the first time revealed details of the case of espionage in favor of Moldova

The accusation, according to Turcan, is based on several documents. The first is a photocopy of a questionnaire from the personal file of an agent of the Moldovan special service, which contains personal data that matches Tsurcan’s data. “This is a hard to read copy, some pages are missing. All that is there is my basic data, which can be collected about any of us: address, education. As far as I understand, such forms are circulating on the Internet. The questionnaire was filled out by hand [allegedly] in 2004, the date of completion is indicated. But the address indicated in the application form actually became my address in 2010. The place of work indicated in the application form actually became my place of work in 2006. Education is even later - closer to 2020, and the photo was taken from a passport issued in 2008,” Turcan said, calling the questionnaire a fake.

According to her, the questionnaire also lists Tsurcan’s “contact persons” from among Moldovan politicians and employees of Russian state corporations, including the current President of Moldova Igor Dodon and the son of the former president Igor Voronin. According to her, she knows Dodon Turcan only from the meetings of the Moldovan-Russian intergovernmental commission, in which she participated in 2008–2009.

The second document is reports from Moldovan intelligence services allegedly intercepted by Russian intelligence to the NATO office, Turcan said. These are, again, poorly readable copies of three texts in English, which are an exact translation of classified letters from Energy Minister Alexander Novak and his deputy Anatoly Yanovsky, added the former member of the board of Inter RAO. Turcan claims that she could not have access to these letters because she did not have access to state secrets and never became acquainted with them.

“The letters concerned Russian gas supplies to Moldova, electricity supplies to Crimea, and the topic of electricity supplies from the territory of the Russian Federation, I won’t even say where,” Turcan says about the contents of the letters.

The third document is the protocol of interrogation of a secret witness from among the FSB employees, where he talks about information received from classified foreign agents concerning Tsurkan, she said.

Turcan, accused of espionage, was released from custody Society

Also, according to her, the FSB claims that Tsurkan’s career growth at Inter RAO was ensured by a Moldovan intelligence officer named Alexander Popescu and ex-adviser to the chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia, former Minister of National Security of Moldova Valery Pasat. Tsurkan, according to her, is not familiar with either one or the other.

Inter-RAO top manager Karina Tsurkan was arrested on charges of espionage in June 2020. RBC sources then said that Tsurkan was accused of transmitting information to a NATO country about negotiations on organizing electricity supplies to Crimea and the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass, RBC sources then claimed: “This was political information about who is working with us in Ukraine, in the DPR, in Crimea and other regions where we supply electricity: who cooperates, who refuses.” Tsurkan organized a scheme for the supply of electricity from Russia to Crimea in 2014 and knew all the contacts of Russian officials in Ukraine, RBC’s interlocutors clarified. According to them, primary information about Tsurkan came to the FSB through the Foreign Intelligence Service. The arrest of a member of the board of Inter RAO was preceded by an operational investigation that lasted at least three years; the main evidence was obtained during wiretapping, sources said.

Three years in development: why the FSB spied on Turcan Business for so long

Turcan does not admit guilt. Her lawyer Ivan Pavlov stated that part of the evidence in the case was falsified, and the purpose of persecuting Tsurkan was to discredit her before the management of Inter RAO. “The investigation is operating with false documents that were produced much later than the date indicated on them,” Pavlov claimed then.

On January 16, Turcan, accused of espionage, was released from custody by decision of the appeal court. The First Court of Appeal overturned the Moscow City Court's decision to extend the period of detention and changed the preventive measure to prohibit certain actions. She spent about a year and a half in pre-trial detention. The Prosecutor General's Office filed a complaint against Tsurkan's release from the pre-trial detention center. On February 7, the 2nd Court of Cassation will consider the submission of the Prosecutor General's Office, which is challenging the decision to release Turcan.

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Group "Cream"

Once after the performance, producer Evgeny Orlov approached them. He was invited to the club by other performers, but it was the group with Cox that he liked. To understand their potential, Evgeniy offered to present him with some composition in Russian. He really liked what he heard. Soon they signed a contract and began to collaborate. Orlov proposed changing the name and switching to performing in Russian.

Karina Koks with her husband DJ Eduard (Dj MEG)

This is how the group “Slivki” appeared. Everyone who was originally part of Discovery remained part of the Cream. According to Orlov, this is always the best way out, since the team has already played, moreover, it has already gone through a lot.

Most of the songs for “Slivok” were written by Karina, who was also a soloist. The team has released seven albums. The first one came out in 2001 and was called “First Spring”. The latter was released in 2008 and was a collection of hits from the entire previous period of performances.

“I’m not offended by him” - Karina Cross for the first time about breaking up with Dava

Popular Instagram blogger, model and singer Karina Cross gave her first candid interview to the YouTube channel “Pushka” . In a conversation with Ksyusha Hoffman, the star answered the most frank questions: about a one-way ticket to Thailand, working on the radio, painful breakups, and most importantly, about creative and personal development.

As Karina says, from childhood she was an active, cheerful and smart child. Almost every story from the artist’s life resembles adventure sketches. Karina grew up in a small family, without a father . The singer is sure that her mother played a big role in her development.

Photo: courtesy of the press service of Karina Cross

“I wouldn’t be like this if I didn’t have a mom like her. I am very grateful to her. She was tough and almost never praised me. She is my biggest incentive, my strictest spectator.”

In her youth, Karina dreamed of entering the Shchukin School. Few people know, but for the sake of her dream, the future artist celebrated New Year's Eve at the walls of the educational institution.

“I took twelve grapes and a tangerine and went to the Shchukin School. At 23:45 I was sitting on a bench near the theater. Because I thought that if I celebrated the New Year there, then I would bring him there.”

Passionate love changed Karina's life: she left the acting department for the sake of her lover , but was never able to give up creativity completely. The next step was work at a popular radio station, after which the relationship between the young people faded away. A painful breakup prompted changes: selling the car and a one-way ticket to Thailand.

Photo: courtesy of the press service of Karina Cross

Karina Cross also spoke about the creative successes she shared with blogger David Manukyan . The star is sure that the tandem broke up due to the fact that she never felt any feedback from her partner . She always shared the best material with Dava and considered him her brother. According to Cross, going through a breakup with your best friend is much more painful than with your boyfriend. However, the star does not hold a grudge against Davout and wishes him success in his career.

“We stopped communicating not because he was bad or I was bad. I respect him and wish him happiness. I’m glad for him that he found his love - sincere and real.”

In the comments under the latest interview, users were pleasantly surprised by the girl’s openness and sincerity. There were also those who spoke negatively about Davout. However, Karina did not support this behavior and turned to her fans.

“I told in an interview about part of my life, but I don’t like that you write negative things about Dawa. s, but on the contrary, I’m glad that he’s doing well! No need to offend anyone! Let's love and respect each other! " — Karina wrote in the comments to the video.

Today, Karina Cross continues her blogging activities on Instagram. The girl’s page has more than 7.4 million subscribers. In the near future, Karina plans to delight her fans with new musical compositions, as well as a mini-series, which will soon be released on the star’s YouTube channel.

“...Managed to screw up in the shower in front of the girls...” - Exclusive from the group “Don’t Tell Mom”:

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Persons and topics Dava Karina Cross Ksyusha Hoffman

Solo career

In 2010, the singer began to think about starting a solo career. On stage she presented a new direction called Euro Pop Dance and is the most popular musical direction in Europe. Cox completely immersed herself in her work, changing both her stage image and her way of life.

Having signed a contract with “Black Star inc...”, she became the first and only girl in this company.

Already in the summer of 2010, the renewed singer appeared before the audience in her first solo video, which she shot for the song “Fly High.”

In the fall, Cox released her first large-scale photo shoot in a new image. The image for her was specially designed by Italian stylists from Vogue Italy magazine. This photo shoot took place in Naples.

At the end of March 2011, a video was shot for her song “Everything is decided.” The singer wrote the track herself. She also wrote the script for her video. Konstantin Cherepkov was invited as a director, who at that time was known thanks to two videos he released for Timati.

What projects did you participate in?

Karina Osmonova could be seen as a participant in the “Songs” show on the TNT channel. She tried to achieve success in the vocal field, but was never able to achieve victory, although at that time she dreamed of signing a contract with a producer and singing at a professional level.

In 2013, Osmonova joined the KVN team “Bad Company,” where she still performs. Karina believes that people with a good sense of humor have a much easier life. And Osmonova proves this fact with her life every day.

Karina Cox today

In 2011, the singer presented the release of her first solo album. European specialists worked on its creation. In preparation for the concert show, castings for dancers were held in Russia and abroad.

It is known that Cox left the Black Star Inc. label in 2012. She began collaborating with DJ ChinKong, signing a contract with ChinKong Production. The singer abandoned her pseudonym and changed her image.

Karina Cox lost a lot of weight after the birth of her daughter

ChinKong is known in Russia as a successful sound producer. He is even called the “gray eminence” of the modern Russian pop scene.

“High Up” is one of the latest collaborations between the singer and DJ ChinKong. This energetic song sounded on the dance floors of Eastern and Western Europe. A video for this song was recorded in Tallinn. The director was Hindrek Maasik.

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