Yuri Dud is the main interviewer of Russia on YouTube


The famous interviewer Yuri Aleksandrovich Dud was born on October 11, 1986 in the provincial town of Postdam, East Germany. It is worth saying that Dud is a real surname, not a pseudonym. Despite the fact that the guy was born in a German city, his citizenship is Russian. He himself comes from a family of Ukrainians. The journalist has repeatedly said that he is a purebred Ukrainian. But despite all this, he lives in Russia and feels Russian.


As a child, Yura dreamed of a successful career as a football player. The boy simply dreamed of this sport. However, in his youth he began to suffer from bronchial asthma, which put an end to his sports career. But not on my passion for football. The guy thought that if he couldn't play, he could follow him and write. Dudya's family did not live very well. Therefore, already in his school years, Yura wrote notes for the Izvestia newspaper.

Yuri Dud

The guy became interested in journalism and began to develop in this field. After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. By 2008, when Yura received his diploma, he had already worked as a journalist on the NTV channel and the City-FM radio station.

Wife and children of Yuri Dud – photo

Yuri Dud does not like to talk about his personal life. Who his wife is, how they met and when they got married are taboo topics for a journalist. But his ubiquitous colleagues managed to obtain information about this side of the popular blogger’s life.

With his wife Olga, Dud has recently begun appearing at social events and various awards. The charming and soft blonde literally complements her sharp and active husband. The couple looks harmonious, glows with happiness, and infects everyone who communicates with them with optimism. It is unknown what Olga does.

On Yuri’s hands you can see two tattoos in the form of the names Danil and Alena. This is the name of the blogger's children. Alena Yuryevna Dud is the first-born of a journalist. The girl was born in 2008. The couple's son Danil was born in 2012. What children do and are interested in, where they study is unknown. Yuri protects his family from the attention of his colleagues. And this is his right, which journalists and fans must respect.

Journalist career

In 2004, when Yuri was only 18 years old, he had already visited the Olympic Games in Athens as a correspondent. A few years later he was invited to the sports magazine “PROspor”. In 2011, Yuri Dud began hosting the most daring sports program of that time, “Head Kick,” on the Rossiya2 channel. The program was incredibly popular among television viewers. Unfortunately, the program had to be closed. The reason is that the channel stopped covering major football events. In the same year, Dud took over as editor-in-chief of the Sports.ru website. In 2020, due to lack of time, Yuri left his position.

Yuri Dud and Evgeniy Savin

In 2020, he took the place of host of the TV show “Cult Tour” on MatchTV. Yuri invited his friend, former football player Evgeny Savin, as the second presenter. In 2020, both became laureates in the “Face from TV” category according to the famous GQ magazine.

YouTube channel “vDud”

By 2014, Yuri realized that he was standing still and needed something new. Together with his colleagues, he decided to try his hand at YouTube. Dud began to actively study trends and directions that are already occupied and liked by the public. It was then that he realized that for some reason there were still no quality interviewers on YouTube, not counting Ivan Urgant. On January 2, the “vDud” channel was created.

The hero of the first issue, which was released in 2020, was Vasily Vakulenko or simply Basta. After the first 24 hours, the interview was watched by more than 100 thousand people. And the channel itself, in record time, broke the bar of one million subscribers. During the existence of the channel, Yuri Dud interviewed many musicians, actors, and politicians. At the moment, interviews with Nastya Ivleeva, Yegor Creed and Davidich have received the most views. Dud asks his guests provocative questions that bring them to the surface. So, he was able to show the real face of Eric Davidich to millions of viewers.

Interview with Dudya and Davidich

At the end of all his interviews, Yuri Dud asks one question: “When you find yourself in front of Putin, what will you tell him?” Many people are scared by this question and shy away from it, but some answer sincerely. In addition to interviews, Dud makes films about various places or events. One of these was an immersion in the study of Kalyma and everything that happened in those days.

The famous Russian parodist Satyr recorded a parody of Yuri Dud. It turned out to be so successful that Dud himself praised Satir and posted the video on his social networks.

Parody of Dudya

Who is the popular blogger hiding?

Even Basta joked about his personal life. The creator of the Gazgolder label interviewed Dudya and brought the actress to the set, who introduced herself as the journalist’s wife. Yura played along, but many viewers did not understand the joke (let’s face it, it’s not the funniest) and decided that this was Yuri’s real wife. But that's not true.

Dudya’s wife is far from Russian rappers and media parties. Her name is Olga. Her maiden name was Boneva. She is 35 years old, she does not have Instagram (or she does, but it’s fake), and her VKontakte page consists of several ancient posts and a single photo from 2011.

There are 70 people as friends, gifts include a free cake from an unknown sender, and subscriptions include two dead public pages: both about punk. The personal account, of course, is closed.

However, finding a couple more pictures is not at all difficult. Here are two photos from Dudya’s birthday. This was already ten years ago. Then the future YouTube star turned 23 years old.

However, the photos are old and of poor quality. You might think that Dud, who has gained wild popularity, keeps his wife locked up. But the girl still got selected for major events. So, in 2016 and 2017, Yuri and Olga appeared at the GQ Person of the Year award, and there are several joint photographs from the ceremony on the Internet.

Moreover, Olga even appeared in a short report from the event. At 26 seconds, next to Dude, with a strange bag in the shape of a wall clock. By the way, a couple of seconds before this, Yuri called himself gay (and also unmarried). As a joke, of course.

It would seem that this is all. But Olga’s Facebook suddenly turns out to be the real source of photos. Here, unlike on Vkontakte, you can find photographs from two years ago and photos from family trips. And oddly enough, this is the latest information about the first lady of the country's main blogger.

DBLZM - author's channel

Subscribe to the “Executioner” Telegram channel – it’s cooler there than on the website. Subscribe to the “Executioner” group on VKontakte – there are no advertisements there.

YouTube vDud video bloggers Yuri Dud

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In his blog on You Tube, Yuri decided to move away from sports topics and devoted it to interviews with well-known people in the media space. The first video was recorded in 2020 with Vasily Vakulenko (Basta). Within 24 hours, the interview received more than a hundred thousand views, and in less than six months their number exceeded a million.

The second guest on the author’s channel was the leader of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov . The new video quickly gained millions of views. Sergey Shnurov agreed to sponsor the release with his participation and paid Yuri 3 million rubles.

An interview with Sergei Shnurov made it possible to conclude a contract with, after which Yuri Dud began to receive a fixed salary for each new release.

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Each interview on the channel is preceded by serious preparation. Yuri carefully studies the biographies of his guests. Yuri's questions are often provocative and scandalous. It is not surprising that the videos on the channel are distinguished by their special style and audacity.

Neither the host nor the guests restrain themselves in their expressions, constantly resorting to obscene language. Dialogue often goes beyond or deviates from the original script.

Yuri's author's releases feature a sharp and lively discussion of issues related to politics, the past and future of Russia and the world, music, cinema, art and television.

Many famous musicians, actors, directors, TV presenters, writers, and politicians visited Yuri Dud on his channel. These are both notorious people and recognized masters of their craft.

The most famous video of the channel was an interview with Anastasia Ivleeva.

Yuri’s author’s channel “vDud” is gaining more and more popularity. In addition to interviews, the blogger posts his documentaries on the channel.


Since 2011, Yuri has worked on television in the sports editorial office of the NTV-Plus . In 2012–2013, he hosted the program “Headbutt” and the documentary series “30 Spartans” . At the same time, Yuri commentated on football on the Sport-1 .

In 2013–2015, Yuri Dud hosted the author’s program “Culture” on Match TV .

Yuri’s most significant career growth is associated with the Internet portal “Sports.ru” . In 2011, he took the position of editor-in-chief, 7 years later he became deputy general director, and is currently one of the co-owners of the portal.

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Yuri Dud now

In 2020, Yuri was seriously talked about as the author of “hype” documentaries. In September he published a new work, “Beslan. Remember”, created in collaboration with Alexander Golovin. In it, he criticized the behavior of the authorities in resolving the conflict and suggested that the security forces deliberately provoked the storming of the school. Many of the journalist’s colleagues, especially employees of state media, harshly criticized Dud for his statements, calling the video blasphemous, and the author himself a hypocrite and a “hypozor.”

Also in 2019, the film “Kolyma - the birthplace of our fear” was released. Yuri and his team drove the entire Kolyma highway and recorded a series of interviews with local residents to remind young subscribers about the horrors of Stalin’s repressions. At the end of the year, Dud, together with Anton Myznikov (Antokha from Magadan), went on a trip to Europe.

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A post shared by Yury Dud (@yurydud) on Dec 12, 2020 at 2:31am PST

Yuri Dud in 2020
Now Yuri continues to invite new stars. The first guest of 2020 was Alexey Shcherbakov, star of the stand-up show “What Happened Next?” Previously, Alexander Dolgopolov, Yegor Creed and Nastya Ivleeva also visited the journalist.

In February, Dud posted a 2-hour educational film “HIV in Russia - an epidemic that they don’t talk about,” which gained millions of views in a matter of hours. In it, the journalist spoke clearly about the prevention of the disease, the peculiarities of its course and the problems of discrimination against HIV-infected people in modern Russian society. Not only Internet users, but also government officials recognized the film as useful and relevant. In the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Health Protection Committee Fedot Tumusov even invited his colleagues to a collective viewing, and Alexei Kudrin promised to check and improve the conditions for providing assistance to AIDS patients and HIV-infected people.

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