From favorite films to childhood nicknames: what you didn’t know about the leader of “The Hatters” Yuri Muzychenko

Childhood and youth

Yuri was born in the suburbs of the northern capital - St. Petersburg, in the city of Gatchina. The boy's father, Yuri Vasilyevich, was an actor, his mother, Elvira Nikolaevna, worked as a make-up artist and shop manager. Both parents served in the Academic Drama Theater in Omsk.

Yuri was the youngest son in the family. When he was born, his father was over 50 years old. Yuri’s older sister and brother were also raised in the family. From an early age, the boy grew up as a spoiled and uncontrollable child. Among the heroes of Soviet cartoons, Yuri wanted to be like the Troubadour from The Bremen Town Musicians.

In addition to the Gatchina secondary school No. 9, where Yuri studied, he also went to a music school to study violin.

At the age of 13 he created the musical group “Phobos”, which consisted of his close friends. After the ninth grade, due to poor studies, Yuri planned to enter a music school; before that, he attended courses. But seeing the boring academic atmosphere in the educational institution, he changed his mind and chose the acting department.

The young man entered the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg the first time. During the entrance exams, Yuri went to all five master teachers who were recruiting students. The young man's choice fell, in his opinion, on a cool and arrogant biker teacher.

Thus, he ended up on a course where the main genre was clownery. The person Yuri admired at the theater academy was speech teacher Elena Igorevna Chernaya, who was a professional in her own subject.

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  • Muzychenko Yuri


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I am the antagonist of the antagonist! I am a hypnodancer of a hypnodancer! I'm Yuri Yuri! #muzychenko #littlebig #thehatters




Apart from the material aspect, self-isolation has been good for me. Now is the time to dive into studio work and think about future stage performances. It remains to wait a little and @thehttrs will delight you with brand new releases... and then a little more and we will return to the stage and see YOU live!

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