Daria Poverennova: My grandmother was never able to forgive my grandfather


In the acting profession, it is important to enjoy what you do on the stage of a theater or in front of a movie camera. Otherwise, it’s pure torment, says Daria Poverennova.

Actress Daria Poverennova

It is more interesting for an artist to transform into a sharp-tempered or negative heroine, since such personalities, unlike positive ones, have a richer palette of feelings. But don’t forget to draw a line between yourself and the character, otherwise “the same events begin to happen, but in life. This is a delicate profession, there is a lot of metaphysics in it, which should not be forgotten.”

Childhood and youth

Daria Vladimirovna Poverennova was born in Moscow on June 15, 1972. Her father Vladimir Poverennov was a translator for the Progress publishing house. The actress’s mother served in the Taganka Theater all her life, and her beloved grandmother Nadezhda Tyshkevich was once a ballerina in the troupe of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater.

It is interesting that Dasha’s grandfather was the legendary Soviet actor Sergei Vladimirovich Lukyanov, whom viewers know from his roles in the films “Kuban Cossacks”, “Big Family”, “The Rumyantsev Case” and others. All my maternal relatives are from Ukraine.

Daria Poverennova as a child with her parents

Daria Poverennova said that when her grandmother was young and her mother was very young, her grandfather left the family and went to the famous artist Clara Luchko, with whom he fell in love on the set of a film. For my grandmother, this was a severe blow and trauma for life. She never remarried and raised her daughter alone. Dasha's parents also divorced. After the divorce, the girl lived with her mother. As a child, Daria Poverennova spent a lot of time behind the scenes of the theater, where her mother took her.

The future artist studied at a school where English was intensively studied. Her parents wanted Daria to become a translator, like her dad. But in 1989, when the girl received her certificate, she decided to enter the Shchukin Theater School. This attempt failed.

Daria Poverennova in childhood and youth

Thanks to her good knowledge of English, Poverennova worked for a year as an assistant to the famous director Alexander Mitta. At that time, he was just working on the international project “Lost in Siberia.”

In 1990, Daria Poverennova became a student at the Shchukin Theater School (she studied on the course of V.V. Ivanov).

Daria Poverennova found a “guardian angel”

Recently, at a recording of the “You and I” program, Daria and Anatoly spoke for the first time about their romance, which has been going on for two years.

Anatoly Rudenko left Tatyana Arntgolts, having fallen in love with his partner on the set of the series

For several years, television viewers enthusiastically watched the ups and downs of the relationship between the characters in the series “Guardian Angel.” But no one guessed that the love that the actors portrayed on camera actually broke out. Yes, such that it completely turned their whole lives upside down.

When I saw Daria Poverennova and Anatoly Rudenko in the “You and Me” program, I was very surprised. After all, only spouses participate in the program, and for many years now everyone has considered this couple simply colleagues in the series “Guardian Angel.” Imagine my surprise when I found out that Daria and Anatoly had been living together for a long time and were soon going to legitimize their relationship. In her online diary, actress Zhanna Epple , who played Poverennova’s friend in “Guardian Angel,” wrote two years ago about the feelings that arose between Daria and Anatoly: “Yesterday we drove from Sheremetyevo to Moscow for three hours. Terrible snow. I was traveling with Daria Poverennova and Anatoly Rudenko. They were tensely silent. But your silence told me much more than words.

The actress had a very hard time with her breakup with Valery NIKOLAEV

Living in a new apartment

And here’s what a colleague of the young actors, Marina K, : “I’m very happy for Dasha. She's been divorced for a long time. Her first husband Sasha is also an actor, a graduate of the Shchukin School. They got married very young and had a daughter. That year, three actresses from the same year became mothers: Dasha Poverennova , Anya Dubrovskaya and Masha Aronova . Their teacher Vladimir Ivanov almost had a stroke then. But what’s interesting is that all three girls had good careers. So early motherhood only benefited them. Although Dasha broke up with her husband, Sasha helps her daughter, he loves Polina very much. And Tolya Rudenko, when he began filming “Guardian Angel,” was in love with Tanya Arntgolts , they were already living together. But it so happened that Tolya and Dasha, playing lovers 12 hours a day, at some point felt that they could no longer part. Dasha is ten years older than Tolya, but this difference is practically unnoticeable - Dasha takes great care of herself and looks great. Nowadays there is a general trend - women choose much younger companions for themselves. Nonna Grishaeva is 12 years older than her husband, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya is 15 years older, Maria Butyrskaya is ten years older, Irina Bezrukova is eight years older, not to mention Alla Pugacheva , Nadezhda Babkina , Lyudmila Gurchenko and Tatyana Doronina . I think this is correct. We need to live for today. If you are happy, love and are loved, then it is not at all necessary to pay attention to the gossip of others. Marina Golub and Tolya Bely were married for 15 years, although she is 15 years older than him. Maybe they would have continued to live like this, but Marina did not give birth to a child, she kept thinking about her career. I know that Dasha and Tolya have already bought an apartment together and are planning to get married. May God grant them good health, happiness and little ones, of course.

Polina (left) became the fruit of student love between Daria Poverennova and Alexander ZHIGALKIN (photo by ITAR-TASS)

Dasha has been wanting a second child for a long time. Her daughter Polina is 17 years old, quite an adult. Dasha often said: “I would give birth, but for this there must be a worthy man.” Here he is!

In search of happiness

I first saw Daria Poverennova 15 years ago - in the graduation performance of the Shchukin School “Pygmalion”. Dasha played the main role - Eliza Dolittle, and the role of Mr. Higgins' assistant was played by Nonna Grishaeva. I remember how surprised I was by the skill of the beginning actresses. After graduation, Grishaeva was taken to the Theater. Vakhtangov, and Poverennova luck smiled at the Theater. Mayakovsky. Although many spoke with doubt about the prospects of making a career there. After all, at that time the artistic director of the theater was Andrei Goncharov , his difficult character was known to everyone. He had only one prima - Natalya Gundareva , the rest of the actresses were only listed in the troupe. But several years passed, Andrei Alexandrovich passed away, a new artistic director, Sergei Artsibashev, came, and suddenly Poverennova became his favorite actress. There were whispers in the theater that Artsibashev gave leading roles only to his mistresses or even to the brightest stars. His former favorite from the theater “On Pokrovka” Elena Starodub . As soon as Elena ceased to be the master’s lover, she instantly lost all her roles and left the theater. Envy, as you know, is a terrible thing, and Daria did not pay attention to the rumors. Moreover, on the personal front, everything was stable for her during 10 years of marriage. Therefore, the socialite was incredibly surprised to learn that Dasha fell in love with her partner in the film “Birthday of the Bourgeois” Valery Nikolaev . The affair lasted more than two years, everyone was sure that the wedding was just around the corner, because Daria had decided to divorce her husband. But... This is what the actress said in one of the interviews: - Valera met another woman. I experienced this fact for a long time and painfully. I didn’t understand at all how to live on, and no one was able to help me survive this unbearable mental pain. It’s so painful when you can’t sleep, eat, or work and everything around seems empty and meaningless. It's hard to remember. But, thank God, time heals. Now Valerka and I meet like old friends.

The actor was not happy with Tanya ARNTGOLTS for long

One actress told me that Daria really wanted children, and Valery, after his divorce from Irina Apeksimova, had no intention of getting married. During the filming of Tatyana Ovsienko's , he began an affair with the singer. And then the same story happened: Tanya also wanted to officially legitimize relations with Nikolaev, but this was not part of his plans. The actor was “saved” by a new romance, now with actress Lyubov Tikhomirova .

Mother-in-law gave the go-ahead

Dasha met her “guardian angel” on the set of the series of the same name. And it’s strange that she didn’t meet him earlier. After all, in the Theater. She has been playing Mayakovsky for many years together with Anatoly’s mother, Lyubov Rudenko . At first, Lyubov Nikolaevna did not approve of her son’s choice, because she is only 13 years older than her future daughter-in-law. But then, seeing how sincerely and tenderly Dasha treated Anatoly, she agreed to the marriage. In the fall, Lyubov Nikolaevna celebrated her 50th birthday, and Dasha gave her a very beautiful gift. In addition, Lyubov Rudenko recently played the main role in the film “Harmony of Desires,” where her heroine loves a young man and fights for her love. So at least for a while she found herself in the same situation as her son's fiancée! I got through to Daria Poverennova and asked if it was true that she was going to marry Tolya Rudenko? “Man proposes, but God disposes,” Dasha answered judiciously. “Maybe we’ll really get married in the new year.” In this sense, I am a very superstitious person. On December 31st I had a performance. And then, together with my beloved man and daughter, we went to our friends’ dacha.

Passion gripped Dasha and Tolik right on the set of the series “Guardian Angel”

REFERENCE * Daria Poverennova , granddaughter of the wonderful actor Sergei Lukyanov, the first husband of Clara Luchko, was born on June 15, 1972 in Moscow. * Graduated from the B. Shchukin Theater School. * She starred in the films and TV series “Turkish March”, “Detectives”, “Birthday of Bourgeois-2”, “Brigade”, “Why do you need an alibi?”, “Weaknesses of a strong woman”, “Bet”, etc.

REFERENCE * Anatoly RUDENKO was born on October 7, 1982 in Moscow. * Graduated from VTU named after. Shchukin. * Starred in films and TV series “Simple Truths”, “The Fifth Angel”, “Kamenskaya-2”, “Cherub”, “Twins”, “Two Fates-2, 3”, “Red”, “Network”, etc.

Films and theater

A cinematic biography of Daria Poverennova began in 1992. In her 2nd year, the girl was lucky enough to make her debut in Zalman King’s erotic film “The Red Shoe Diaries.” In this film, the actress starred completely without clothes for the only time in her entire career. Daria never acted naked again, but allowed herself to be partially naked in other films.

“I’m not against these scenes if they are logical and justified, and I don’t even consider it something shameful. This is part of the profession. But if there is no direct need, then I don’t undress...”

You can hardly find a couple of photos of the artist in a swimsuit on the Internet.

In 1994, after graduating from college, Poverennova auditioned for director Andrei Goncharov at a reception in the theater troupe. Mayakovsky. There, Daria soon became one of the leading actresses, playing in the plays “Vanyushin’s Children”, “Three Sisters”, “Dangerous Turn”, “The Karamazovs” and others.

In the same year, Poverennova made her debut in Russian cinema; the actress got a small role in Alexander Chernykh’s film “I Love.” It was a film adaptation of Victoria Tokareva’s story “Nothing Special.” In the same 1994, the artist starred in the film “Summer of Love” and the short film “The Venetian Mirror”. This was followed by a break in Dasha’s creative biography until the end of the 1990s.

Daria Poverennova in the series “Birthday of the Bourgeois”

The long-awaited turning point in the artist’s career happened in 2000 with the release of the popular TV series “Bourgeois’s Birthday.” In this film, Dasha played Vera and, as they say, woke up famous. After “Bourgeois’s Birthday,” Poverennova no longer had a shortage of offers for new roles.

In 2009, Daria played the main female role in the serial crime film “Sword”. The series follows the military operations of an illegal organization called "Sword", which was created by a former employee of the Organized Crime Bureau in order to fight high-ranking criminals who have escaped the law.

Daria Poverennova in the film "Sword"

Officially, the organization receives the status of an illegal armed group, but the participants quickly gain respect and support even in law enforcement circles and the glory of modern Robin Hoods.

The actress gained great fame from the crime detective “The Game” in 2011, as well as the sequel “The Game” released in 2020. Revenge”, starring Prokhor Dubravin and Pavel Barshak. In the detective drama about the confrontation between a police colonel and a desperate criminal, the actress played the main female role of Natasha Kravtsova.

Daria Poverennova in the film “The Game”

In 2014, the actress returned to the role of Doctor Lena Zhurova in the crime series “Sword. Second season". In the same year, Daria Poverennova plays a minor role in the melodrama “Samara-2”, and a year later appears in the detective drama “Black River”, a film adaptation of Irina Melnikova’s novel “An Unfinished Romance”.

Daria Poverennova in the film "Samara-2"

In 2020, Daria Poverennova gets the main role in the 4-episode melodrama “Payment for Happiness.” The actress’s heroine is Elena, a woman who, before the events begin, lives a happy life in her own home with her husband and children. The family's problems begin when she accidentally knocks over an unfamiliar girl, Nastya. The accident does not harm Nastya, but Elena invites her to visit as compensation.

With the appearance of the girl in the house, the life of the family changes dramatically: it turns out that Nastya is not a stranger at all, the traffic accident did not happen by chance, and the girl has long-standing scores to settle with the family who sheltered her.

Daria Poverennova in the film “Payment for Happiness”

In the same year, the actress played Masha’s mother in the musical comedy “#FixEverything!?!” about the life of the young musical group MBAND.

In 2020, Daria Poverennova appeared on screens as a ballerina spoiled by attention in the melodrama “Breakfast in Bed,” the mother of a major son in “Kaleidoscope of Fate,” and Rita in the drama “Not Together.” The artist received another role of a woman who stood up for her child in the melodrama “Mother for Son.”

Actor career

The charming and attractive Dasha was noticed already in her second year at the institute, when the young student was offered a debut role in the foreign explicit 18+ series “The Red Shoe Diaries” by Zalman King. The first appearance in Russian cinema took place two years later in a film called “I Love”.

Daria Poverennova on the stage of the theater Having successfully graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater School, Poverennova joined the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater, securing her fame as an actress in classical Russian productions. Masha from Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” and Agrafena Aleksandrovna from Dostoevsky’s “The Karamazovs” were the best for her.

The girl gained fame among viewers experienced in serials when in 1999 she starred in the role of the sister of the main character Vera in the Russian-Ukrainian action-packed television series “Bourgeois’s Birthday.” A duet with Russian actor Valery Nikolaev aroused interest in the aspiring actress; directors, producers and screenwriters literally inundated her with more and more new job offers.

Daria Poverennova in the series “Birthday of the Bourgeois” The following years were marked by many interesting projects: 2000 - the release of the first season of the series “Turkish March” with Alexander Domogarov in the title role, 2002 - the sensational “Brigade” directed by Alexei Sidorov, 2004 - “The Parisian Love of Kostya Gumankov "based on the story by Yuri Polyakov, 2005 - "Girl from the North" with Dmitry Shevchenko, 2006 - Russian-Ukrainian detective story "It's better not to know about this", 2007 - tandem with the beautiful Alena Khmelnitskaya in "Paid in Death", 2008 - "Petrovka, 38 "with such artists as Anna Bolshova, Alexander Makogon, Artem Tkachenko.

Daria Poverennova in the TV series “Brigade” The actress’s 2009 year passed under the banner of the main role in the film series “Sword”. Combat operations, criminals and violations of the law - the girl had to work hard to get into this atmosphere. In this she was helped by such colleagues on the set as Eduard Flerov, Roman Kurtsyn and Timur Efremenkov.

Daria Poverennova in the series “Sword” In 2011 - crime-detective series “Game” and again the main female role. Pavel Barshak and Prokhor Dubravin became Dasha’s associates in the filming process. Interview with Daria Poverennova Playing both the title and supporting roles in the following popular films brought Daria Poverennova popular love: “Brigada”, “DMB: Back into Battle”, “Petrovka, 38” ", "Turkish March", "Stop on Demand 2", "Truckers", "Guardian Angel" and many others.

Personal life

In 1991, Poverennova became the wife of actor and director Alexander Zhigalkin. The couple met at Shchuka, where Zhigalkin also studied. In August 1992, the couple had a daughter, Polina. In 2001, the relationship began to crack: the couple separated because of Poverennova’s affair with her colleague in the film “Bourgeois’s Birthday,” Valery Nikolaev.

Valery Nikolaev and Daria Poverennova

The romance between Poverennova and Nikolaev turned out to be short-lived: in 2003, after 2 years of marriage, Daria and Valery broke up. The actress had a hard time with the breakup, plunging into deep depression for a long time. As she herself admits, she was depressed for a considerable time and could not appear in public or work.

However, the beautiful Daria Poverennova has always enjoyed the attention of men. A couple of years later, on the set of the multi-part film “Guardian Angel,” Daria had an affair with her colleague on the set, Anatoly Rudenko.

Daria Poverennova and Anatoly Rudenko

Poverennova, not yet completely cooled down after her affair with Nikolaev, did not believe in the young actor’s lasting and sincere feelings. Rudenko is 10 years younger than the actress. And the premonitions did not deceive.

When others started talking about the wedding of Rudenko and Poverennova, Anatoly fell in love with the young actress Elena Dudina. The couple broke up.

Daria Poverennova and her daughter

Sometimes the artist was seen together with famous men, but she claimed that she did not yet intend to build a serious relationship with anyone - she had paid too high a price for her former gullibility. The actress also told reporters that she believes that bad luck in her personal life is caused by a family curse. At the same time, as fans note, the actress remains an interesting and attractive woman to the opposite sex with a harmonious figure (Daria’s height is 170 cm and her weight is 55 kg).

Daria Poverennova in a swimsuit

Poverennova’s arsenal of beauty techniques includes daily jogging, horseback riding, gym classes and a cosmetologist’s salon. Dasha is not thinking about plastic surgery yet; she makes do with laser and skincare procedures.

Now Daria is having an affair with the rector of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo Andrei Sharonov. The actress and an unknown man in a business suit appeared together at social events. Poverennova refused to introduce her companion to the press, but journalists recognized this gentleman as Sharonov. Daria did not make official statements about the new relationship, but she did not deny her close relationship with Andrei.

Daria Poverennova and Andrei Sharonov

Photos from the actress’s everyday life appear on Daria Poverennova’s Instagram account. Tens of thousands of subscribers are waiting for new photos of their favorite.

Daria Poverennova with short hair

In the fall of 2018, the actress spoke about a family celebration: daughter Polina got married. The girl received a journalistic education at Moscow State University, works as a PR manager in an agency that owns a chain of hotels and distributes cosmetics, clothing and accessories from world brands. Dasha herself has changed dramatically, abandoning the image she was used to in her youth - she got a short haircut and dyed her hair platinum blonde.

Daria Poverennova explained the disagreement with her daughter over Valery Nikolaev

Daria Poverennova // Photo: frame from the program

Famous actress Daria Poverennova rarely talks about her personal life. She lived with her first husband, Alexander Zhigalkin, for ten years and gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Despite the fact that everything was fine in their family, the actress decided to leave her husband. On the set of the second part of the series “Birthday of the Bourgeois,” she fell in love with actor Valery Nikolaev. By that time, he had already divorced Irina Apeksimova. Poverennova could not look at the situation from the outside, as she had strong feelings for the artist. But now she understands that Nikolaev did not appreciate her sacrifice - divorcing her husband for his sake.

“He immediately said: “Dasha, I have been married for a long time, I am free. I can’t give you guarantees that you will be the woman with whom I will live for the rest of my life.” For his part, he did not deceive me, did not promise mountains of gold. I came up with it all for myself - the prince, I didn’t want to see flaws, but this is how women in love tend to idealize a man,” Daria explained.

Daria and Valery were together for two years // Photo: frame from the program

The actress does not hide: at that time, her subconscious was giving her signals that something was going wrong in their relationship. Poverennova and Nikolaev did not spend enough time together, but then Daria justified this by saying that he works a lot. She hoped that things would work out for them. But two years later, a severe blow awaited her - Valery announced that he had met another woman. For Daria this came as a complete surprise. The feeling of resentment was so strong that for several years the actress could not come to her senses.

“My daughter couldn’t talk to me, couldn’t come up to me, nothing made me happy. It was a disaster, as soon as the work ended, although there was a lot of it then, I plunged into a situation of despair,” Poverennova recalled.

Daughter Polina was sympathetic to her mother’s experiences // Photo: frame from the program

Now Daria realizes that she once put her husband in the same situation. Later it turned out that Valery Nikolaev fell in love with singer Tatyana Ovsienko. The new attorney felt better when she returned his things that were accidentally found on the balcony.

After this, the actress found salvation in an affair with her colleague Anatoly Rudenko. However, three years of relationship also did not end with a wedding - the man met another woman, a partner in the series. Poverennova tried to bring him into a frank conversation and waited for a truthful answer. But Anatoly did not talk about his new passion - Daria learned about it quite by accident from other people.

Now the actress is in a relationship with Andrei Sharonov, whom her friends introduced her to. She admitted to Boris Korchevnikov in the “Fate of a Man” program on the Russia 1 TV channel that she had never met a person like him. She is pleased that she is becoming better next to him.

Daria once destroyed her family for the sake of Valery Nikolaev // Photo: frame from the program

Daria Poverennova now

The political tragicomedy “The Party” with Vitaly Khaev and Daria Poverennova in the leading roles was called provocative even at the start of filming. The plot centers on a Russian oligarch who created a political party and makes every effort to ensure that it enters the State Duma. The project, headed by the creator of the series “Truckers,” Ukrainian director Yuri Kuzmenko, is planned to be completed and shown to viewers of Channel One in 2020.

Daria Poverennova in the film “Kaleidoscope of Fate”

In the series “Live to Love,” Daria Poverennova appeared as a tough businesswoman who destroyed the happiness of her own son and the owner of a small hotel. Having united, the young man and the daughter of a bankrupt hotelier begin to take revenge.

The heroine of the melodrama “Hunting the Faithful,” at the suggestion of Poverennova, tries to seduce the ideal, from the point of view of her friends, head of the family on a bet.

Daria Poverennova in the film “Live to Love”

The author of the script for the film “Teachers,” Ilya Kulikov, is known as one of the creators of the top-rated films “Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone” and “Capercaillie.” In 2018, at the first festival of TV series “Pilot”, a new project with his participation received a special prize. The plot centers on the conflict between a high-ranking father and two daughters. One uses her parental status to the fullest, the second is the complete opposite, she goes to work at school as a simple teacher. Daria Poverennova is involved in the film along with Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Irina Starshenbaum, Dmitry Mazurov.

Daria Poverennova in the 2020 film “Hunting the Faithful”

While expanding her filmography, the actress does not forget about the theater stage. Daria remains faithful to Mayakovka, considering this theater one of the best in the capital, in which random, walk-in productions are not possible.

Among Poverennova’s stage images are Rosalind in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” and Alice the Fox in “The Adventures of Buratino”, Masha in “Three Sisters” by Chekhov and Katya in “The Children of Vanyushin” based on the play by Sergei Naydenov.

Daria Poverennova on the theater stage

With the production company of Anatoly Voropaev, Daria performs in the plays “Fallen Angels” and “Second Wind”. Cooperation with the Theater Marathon agency gave Poverennova the chance to play in Oscar Wilde's comedy An Ideal Husband.

Roles in films

She made her debut in cinema in 1992. Daria, while a student, starred in the erotic film “The Red Shoe Diaries” (starring David Duchovny). This is the only picture in which the actress risked being completely naked. A couple of years later she was invited to small roles in three films.

Daria Poverennova (https://1kino.com)

A turning point in his creative destiny occurred after the premiere of the crime film adaptation “Bourgeois's Birthday”. The main characters were played by: V. Nikolaev, I. Apeksimova, A. Zhuravlev, A. Smolyakov and others. Daria Poverennaya was remembered not only by the audience, but also by the directors.

The next significant role was in the melodrama “The Trajectory of a Butterfly”; one can also note his participation in the detective film “Turkish March”. Daria's multi-part series brought her great fame: “Guardian Angel”, “Weaknesses of a Strong Woman”, “Detectives”, etc.

I would especially like to mention the crime films “Sword” and “Game”. The actress did an excellent job playing the role of a doctor and a successful businesswoman. In “Petrovka, 38” Poverennova acted as a strict criminologist, and in “Truckers” - the owner of a beauty salon.

Daria Poverennova (s8.cdn.teleprogramma.pro)

Daria’s creative collection includes more than sixty paintings, all of them diverse and quite successful. In 2018, fans were able to see the actress in melodramas: “Live to Love” and “Hunting the Right One.”

Also, Daria Poverennova has been performing on the stage of the Theater since ninety-four. V. Mayakovsky. Stage roles: Rosalind - “As You Like It”, Katya - “Vanyushin’s Children”, Agrafena Aleksandrovna - “Karamazov”, Krystle Allen - “Divorce Like a Woman”, etc.

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