Svyatoslav Yeshchenko biography, personal life. Biography Here it is, glory

Childhood and youth

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko was born on a symbolic day for the comedian, April 1. The boy was born in Voronezh in 1971. The child's creative inclinations appeared early. Father Igor Eshchenko was a musician and director, and mother Tatyana Eshchenko was a pianist, so the family maintained an atmosphere conducive to inspiration.

Slava showed an interest in parody early. He portrayed relatives, classmates, and teachers at school. The boy had a notebook in which he wrote notes in the form of slips of the tongue, funny sayings and jokes. This is how the first author’s parodies of Yeshchenko were created.

The father quickly noticed his son's talent, and the mother was touched by his ability to act out skits and monologues. It was obvious: humor was in Svyatoslav’s blood. His second hobby was magic tricks. His father, at that time the artistic director of the Voronezh Regional Philharmonic, invited his son to perform at pop concerts. This is how the boy received his first salary.

Slava’s hobbies had a bad effect on his studies. Paying attention to the individual traits of his inspirers, Svyatoslav turned a deaf ear to the theory conveyed by the teachers. Of all the school subjects, he only liked literature and the Russian language.

Physics, mathematics and chemistry did not excite the young man. He was confident in his choice of potential profession and planned to enter the Voronezh State Institute of Arts, so he was not interested in anything extra. In 1988, Svyatoslav Eshchenko became a student at the theater department, graduating in 1992. During his studies, the future artist composed his own songs and poems, humoresques and parodies. Together with his fellow students, he created productions and performed solo.

The master of the course invited the talented actor to work at the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater in his second year. At the same time, Svyatoslav realized himself in the humorous genre. The busy schedule of the young artist made itself felt. It was not easy to combine study and work on the dramatic stage with the direction to which the soul was drawn. Four years later, Svyatoslav realized that it was necessary to follow his own calling. The theater was not it. In 1993, the young man ended his employment with the theater stage.

He was confident in his abilities, performing as a spoken word artist on the stage of the Voronezh Regional Philharmonic. The audience received the comedian warmly. The father insisted that his son should try his luck in Moscow, where he could conquer the capital's stage. Playwright Matvey Green saw the makings of a humorist in Svyatoslav Yeshchenko. The writer helped the aspiring artist with instructions and provided a service by introducing him to.

Humor in the life of an artist

It is difficult to imagine a comedian who would be gloomy and withdrawn off stage. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is surrounded by humor in his life. The first draw in his life was Svyatoslav’s birthday. When his father was informed about the birth of his son, he decided that he was being played and did not immediately believe it.

As Svyatoslav himself recalled, when he was still studying at the Institute of Arts, one of his classmates decided to play a joke on him. It was perestroika times, and many goods were then issued using coupons. The joker told Svyatoslav that the store gives butter without coupons. Having rushed to the grocery store and not finding a line, Yeshchenko found out from the saleswoman that he had complained that he had been pranked like that on his birthday. The saleswoman said that it was the first time she had seen a person whose birthday was April 1, and congratulated the artist by giving him a piece of butter. Svyatoslav returned to the institute, thanked his cheerful classmate and told him in great confidence that they also gave vodka and soap without coupons. The friend grabbed the bag and rushed to the store.

Such stories happen to Svyatoslav all the time, but he himself says that he doesn’t like practical jokes.

Humor and creativity

The meeting with the founder of the Crooked Mirror theater played a key role in the biography of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko. At that time, Evgeny Petrosyan hosted the humorous TV show “Funny Panorama”. The comedian invited talented artists to collaborate and gave them the opportunity to become popular.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko in the show “Full House”

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko successfully used the chance provided by fate and quickly gained fans. The artist’s monologues resembled stories from real life. His heroes were mothers-in-law, neighbors, and spouses. The role of a simpleton used by the comedian brought Eshchenko closer to the audience.

The first prizes for participation in variety competitions were not long in coming. In 1996, the Comedian became a laureate of the international competition “Sea of ​​Laughter” named after. . In 1999, he was awarded as a laureate of the All-Russian Cup of Humor competition.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko in the show “Curved Mirror”: monologue “Iroquois”

The year 1997 was marked for the artist by his participation in the play by Yevgeny Petrosyan and “When Finance Sings Romances.” The comedian's finest hour took place in 1999, when he met. The satirist was inspired by Yeshchenko’s work and invited him, along with other young comedians, to participate in the program “The Perky Company.”

Since 1998 Svyatoslav has been giving solo concerts. He independently develops the performance program. Among Eshchenko’s popular projects are “Russian Broadway” in 2000 and “Let’s Go Laugh!” 2000

Personal life

For a long time, the artist was married to his wife Irina. Svyatoslav met his wife through his profession. The girl worked as a concert director when the comedian began his creative career. A son, Narad, appeared in the Yeshchenko family. The child was given a name based on Vedic mythology, which Svyatoslav was fond of.

For some time the couple were engaged in co-creation. Joint projects can bring close people together or cause them to quarrel. In the case of Yeshchenko, the second thing happened. Irina and Svyatoslav separated and then divorced. The son remained to live with his mother, but maintains a warm relationship with his father, meeting with him periodically.

For many, the divorce of two creative people, since their union seemed exemplary. Joint photos of the spouses appeared on the Internet, and in an interview Svyatoslav spoke positively about his wife.

The comedian’s hobby, which cannot be ignored, is religion. She accompanied Yeshchenko from a young age. The foundations of Svyatoslav’s faith were laid by his grandmother. At the age of 7, the boy knew prayers, was familiar with the Bible and sang in the church choir. At a conscious age, the artist studied Judaism. He was attracted by the teachings of the Hare Krishnas.

For some time, Yeshchenko was planning a trip to India for spiritual quests. Svyatoslav became a member of the International Society of Consciousness. The comedian later left the organization, citing fraudulent initiatives on the part of the association.

Yeshchenko and religion

Svyatoslav became interested in religion early. In this regard, he was greatly influenced by his grandmother, who taught him prayers. Already in the 7th grade, Svyatoslav read the Bible, which his father found with difficulty for him at his son’s persistent requests. Svyatoslav even sang at one time in a church choir in Voronezh.

The Eshchenko family icon, specially painted for a noble family on the grandmother’s side, deserves special mention. This icon is passed down from father to son and protects the men of the family from injury and death in war.

Svyatoslav Eshchenko now

Today, the comedian actively performs on the domestic stage. He tours in big and small cities, delighting audiences with miniatures of “Grandma and the Computer,” “Zoo Director,” “Punk” and others. The artist is open to cooperation.

Miniature by Svyatoslav Yeshchenko “Advanced Grandma and Computer”

An offer has been published on its official website for authors wishing to provide their monologues for performance on stage. In the summer of 2018, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko performed at the Humorina festival in Sochi. He is a participant in the concert program “Laughter with home delivery”, plays in the play “Joke”: Love will bring you to Chekhov!”

The artist’s gallery of stage images is regularly updated with new characters. A distinctive feature of Yeshchenko is the ease of transformation. With a height of 180 cm and a weight of 82 kg, the comedian easily portrays old and young people, plump and slender heroes, representatives of different subcultures and people whom anyone can encounter at any moment.

The specificity of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko’s performances lies in the absence of a barrier between the artist and the audience. The comedian interacts with the audience and bases his performance on communication with the audience. The artist performs solo and in duets. In co-creation with the number “Musical Dispute” was born.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko and Marina Devyatova. Sketch “Musical dispute”

From time to time, rumors appear in the media that this or that concert program is the final one for the artist, but this is not confirmed. Yeshchenko continues to work on what he loves and engages in self-knowledge in his spare time. Despite his popularity, the artist can hardly be called a media person. Several photos with his stage colleagues have been published on his Instagram account. The comedian prefers not to share personal information with a wide audience.


  • "Fan"
  • "Jealous Wife"
  • "Cheese and couturier"
  • "Unusual crossword"
  • "Blonde in Marmalade"
  • "Elevator"
  • "Insurance agent"
  • "Lady with a dog"
  • "I want to go to jail"
  • "Stash"
  • "Punk in the Country"
  • "Starvation"
  • "Mother-in-law"

Slava Eshchenko has long been a young, long-beginning artist. He wanted to become a comedian so much that he was born on April 1, 1971 in Voronezh.

When his father Igor Petrovich Yeshchenko (musician and director) was informed on April 1 that he had a son, Igor Petrovich thought and said with an incredulous grin: “A son was born? Today, April 1st? Oh I don't believe it! Moreover, we were planning a girl.” And it turned out to be a boy! This was the first drawing of the future laureate of the international competition of satire and humor named after Arkady Raikin “Sea of ​​Laughter - 96” and the All-Russian competition of pop artists “Cup of Humor - 99” Slava Yeshchenko.

The boy grew, developed and, barely learning to speak his native Soviet language, began to imitate everyone. The five-year-old mockingbird especially loved to copy the heroes of comedies.

Grandma’s worries and sighs only inspired Slava to repeat the fatal phrase multiple times, loudly and expressively: “Why did you throw away the seeds?!” - he shouted defiantly, teasingly, unaware of the possible heart attacks of his beloved grandmother. The latter, meanwhile, hatched a plan to cunningly, unnoticed by her grandson, bring him into contact with an authoritative psychiatrist. After all, the grandson did not want to go to the doctor of his own free will, considering himself absolutely normal, even more normal than all the adults. And, in order to lull his vigilance, the grandmother organized a meeting with the doctor on Sunday on a pleasure boat, taking vacationers back and forth along the Voronezh reservoir.

The psychiatrist was given the task, without introducing himself, as if meeting by chance, to gradually test the “abnormal” child. And so a sedate psychiatrist, a cheerful boy and a twitched grandmother were sitting on the open deck at a table, eating grapes, when suddenly the doctor asked his first stupid question:

Svyatoslavchik, what color is the sky?

“Blue-oh-oh,” the small thoroughbred mimicked his unctuous intonation.

And the clouds? — the master of mental illness continued without giving up.

Best of the day

“Be-e-elies,” Slava said just as tediously.

Who flies in the sky? - Seagulls! - a five-year-old child blurted out with the intonation of an excellent student, because he knew all the animals, birds, amphibians and reptiles by sight and name, thanks to his grandmother’s zoology textbooks.

Who else can fly in the sky? — the Voronezh aesculapian did not lose heart.

And suddenly the young naturalist-parodist was pierced into the very heart by an invisible magic needle, and he clearly heard an inner voice that unequivocally hinted: “Son, be careful, this is the unfortunate uncle psychiatrist!” Slava thought for a moment:

Who else can fly through the sky?.. Hats!

The patient’s answer seemed to pierce the heart of the unfortunate grandmother like lightning, filled the heart of the smug psychiatrist with the joy of a quick diagnosis, who, looking expressively at the half-dead granny, mentally hinting that you were right, the grandson is not himself, condescendingly said:

What are you doing, boy? Hats don't fly!

You think so? — the boy asked with absolute confidence in his voice, after which he grabbed the holey summer hat of a respectable doctor from the table and threw it overboard with monkey speed.

The light hat, carried by the summer breeze, not only flew, but then swam along with a flock of restless seagulls.

The peaceful, sedate, sleekly benevolent, intelligent psychiatrist spent several moments following his favorite headdress with his sly eyes on the long journey. Then he turned his gaze to his grandmother, and by that time her cunning eyes had taken the form of crazy eyes, and her mouth was uttering a loud curse:

Idiot! Abnormal child! He threw away my hat! Scoundrel!

The human mind does not know what miracle happened at that moment, but from the outside it was visible how the limp elderly body of the grandmother, exhausted by experiences, was suddenly filled with heroic strength, her eyes regained their former shine, and her lips, louder than the usual teacher’s edifying tone, said:

Is my grandson crazy?! You yourself are an idiot! You're screaming like crazy here! Come on, get out of here! — the kind teacher pointed her finger at the water, thereby apparently explaining that the owner of the hat could calmly follow his headdress.

The psychiatrist had no choice but, with nervous annoyance, to throw overboard the grape seeds, which he intelligently spat into his palm throughout the entire medical session. Seeing what his uncle did, Slava, with playful joy and victorious rapture, shouted to the whole ship: “Why did you throw it?” seeds?!” This was his first humorous improvisation.

Of course, dad, Igor Petrovich, with a discerning director's eye, noticed Slava's parody abilities early on. And my mother, Tatyana Valentinovna, a professional pianist, was very touched when her now grown-up son imitated his school teachers and acted out funny incidents in class. And the parents did not know that, for the sake of creating daily one-man performances with parodies of teachers, Slava during the lessons wrote down not the educational material for them, but their verbal blunders. In this regard, complete ignorance of physics, chemistry, geometry, algebra (although no, Slava knew how to count well from the age of 11, when, by the grace of his father, who at that time took the post of artistic director of the Voronezh Regional Philharmonic Society, he began to earn his first two rubles fifty kopecks for an appearance in a professional pop concert with children's tricks), but the young artist knew the Russian language and literature with five points. And he didn’t care about anything else, because he was preparing to enter the acting department of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts (abbreviated as VGII), and in 1988 he entered the theater department. He graduated in 1992, after which the institute became an academy (abbreviated as VGAI).

During the four years of his institute life, Slava finally realized that he had chosen a profession by calling. Despite malnutrition and lack of sleep (due to night rehearsals at the whim of the artistic director of the course), he managed, in parallel with his studies, to write poetry, songs, perform humorous monologues that had already appeared in his repertoire, carry out some of his own directorial productions with classmates, and study in his spare time philosophical books and scriptures. And at the end of the second year, the artistic director of the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater. Koltsov invited Slava to play a role in his play. The student was happy. It seemed to him that “that’s it!” Life was a success. Becoming an actor in a drama theater was the height of his dreams. But, having worked under a contract in four performances of the Voronezh theater, Slava felt some disappointment - and in 1993 he left his beloved theater to the delight of many envious actors.

By that time, Slava was already officially listed as a spoken word artist of the Voronezh Regional Philharmonic, and he had no choice but to make people laugh on stage alone. I must say that he did it well. This was the opinion not only of his own father, who strongly tempted his son to move to Moscow, but also the opinion of some leading figures of the Moscow stage. The oldest pop playwright Matvey Yakovlevich Green, whom Slava still remembers with warmth and gratitude, seeing the spark of God in the aspiring comedian, gave Slava some valuable theoretical instructions, and also provided him with an invaluable practical service - he introduced him to Yevgeny Vaganych Petrosyan. Slava never even dreamed about this. He was happy and at ease in his hometown, where artists of his genre were very rare and therefore in great demand. And then, suddenly, he came to visit Moscow, showed Petrosyan a monologue in the form of a lop-eared old woman - And - The master listened, smiled and said: “And you’re funny!” This phrase was imprinted in Slava’s memory for the rest of her life. "Funny, funny!" — Yevgeny Vaganovich repeated confidently, “By the way, in a week the shooting of my “Funny Panorama” is filming! Do you want to participate?

So Slava became a regular participant in the TV show “Evgeny Petrosyan’s Laughing Panorama.” From 1995 (the year he moved to Moscow and started working at the Mosconcert) to 2001, Slava demonstrated to television viewers in “Smehopanorama” approximately 25 humorous numbers, varied in the subject matter of the texts and the characters of the images depicted.

In 1997, People's Artist of Russia Evgeny Petrosyan, whom Slava considers not just his teacher in the profession, but also a person sent to him by Providence himself, invited artist Slava Eshchenko to play with him and Honored Artist of Russia Elena Stepanenko in a new performance of the Evgeny Petrosyan Theater of Variety Miniatures “When finance sings romances.”
It was a real pop school for a beginning, already Moscow, comedian. Over the course of two theatrical seasons, Slava received from Evgeny Petrosyan a lot of useful advice on acting and the technique of creating humorous text. Slava, while practicing editing monologues written by satirical writers, suddenly wrote several humorous texts himself. One of them, a monologue by a village woman who came to Moscow, called “Arrived,” entered the repertoire of Slava Yeshchenko’s favorite humorous actress, Elena Stepanenko. I won’t say anything bad.. HAM
04/13/2007 08:46:00

It seems to me that the talent has not been lost :) it’s good that in our time there are still people who would feel the atmosphere of the hall like that. The devil is not the point in this, a person who thinks (meaning himself) cannot judge! Let's see what happens next and whether Svyatoslav will delight us with new parodies:) I wish you only good luck, and most importantly, a sea of ​​applause! THAT'S SO! PS Actually, I'm only 15, don't think bad :)

Svyatoslav Igorevich Yeshchenko

(born April 1, 1971; Voronezh) - Russian comedian, theater and film actor, conversational artist.


Born on April 1, 1971 in Voronezh in the family of musician and director Igor Petrovich Yeshchenko. Even as a child, Eshchenko Jr. began to copy film actors. At school, he entertained his classmates with parodies and wrote down funny remarks for the teachers. At the age of 11, performing magic tricks in a group concert, he received his first “fee.”

In 1988, Yeshchenko entered the acting department of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. At the end of the second year, the artistic director of the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater named after. Koltsova invited him to play a role in his play. While studying at the institute, Yeshchenko wrote poems and songs, performed humorous monologues, and made his own performances with classmates.

A breakthrough in Yeshchenko’s artistic career occurred after playwright Matvey Yakovlevich Green introduced him to Yevgeny Petrosyan. At the invitation of Petrosyan, Yeshchenko began participating in the “Laughing Panorama” program. In the second half of the 1990s, Yeshchenko became a laureate of the international competition of satire and humor named after Arkady Raikin “Sea of ​​Laughter - 96” and the All-Russian competition of pop artists “Cup of Humor - 99”.

In 1997, Yeshchenko played with Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko in the variety play “When Finance Sings Romances.” In 1999, Mikhail Zadornov invited Yeshchenko, Maxim Galkin and a number of other young artists to his new humorous program “Fun Company”. Since 1998, Yeshchenko has been holding solo comedy evenings. In 2000, he first performed with his own professional variety solo program “Russian Broadway”. On March 20, 2002, the premiere of his new variety show “Let's Go Laugh!” took place in Moscow.

Yeshchenko on stage

In 1999, Mikhail Zadornov invited Svyatoslav Eshchenko, along with Maxim Galkin and other young artists, to participate in his new humorous program “The Perky Company”. Since 1998, Svyatoslav Eshchenko has been performing solo humorous evenings. In 2000, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko created his first professional pop solo program “Russian Sbrodway”. On March 20, 2002, the premiere of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko’s new variety show “Let’s Go Laugh!” took place in Moscow.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is a Russian comedian and parodist, known for his performances in the projects “Curved Mirror” and “Full House”. The artist appears at national concerts among domestic comedians and organizes solo events.

Personal life

Married, has a daughter and a son named Narada. Since 1989 he has been a vegetarian. By religion he is a Hare Krishna, a disciple of Mukunda Goswami.

In 2004, in Vladimir Solovyov’s program “To the Barrier!” Yeshchenko claimed that on his grandmother’s side he belongs to a Russian noble family and that he has a family miraculous icon.

Weight: 82 kg

Occupation: spoken word artist, comedian

Place of birth: Voronezh

Height: 180 cm

Zodiac sign: Aries

National artist

Despite the fact that Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is not spoiled by titles and awards, he is truly a people's artist. It is enough to see once how he communicates with the audience to understand this. who will never cancel his concert, regardless of the number of tickets sold for it, because for him the main thing is the audience and humor. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko deserves the kindest words.

Svyatoslav Eshchenko is one of the most famous comedians and actors in Russia. Today he is actively involved in humorous and cinematic activities.

  • Date of birth: April 1, 1971
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Place of birth: Voronezh (Russia)
  • Height: 180 centimeters
  • Weight: 82 kilograms

Biography of Svyatoslav-Eshchenko

Svyatoslav Eshchenko is a popular Russian comedian, whose numerous parodies have long been loved by viewers. In his career there were a huge number of creative victories, brilliant performances and memorable monologues. It is for this reason that today we decided to make this talented comedian the main character of our article. After all, real stars are found not only in the world of cinema and music.

Early years, childhood and family of Svyatoslav-Eshchenko

As one of the official biographies of the comedian jokingly notes, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko wanted to become a famous comedian so much that he even came into being on April Fool’s Day - April 1st. A significant event happened in 1971 in the city of Voronezh. In this provincial town, in fact, our today’s hero spent his entire childhood.

Comedian Svyatoslav Eshchenko - monologue Iroquois Svyatoslav Eshchenko's father - Igor Petrovich - was a fairly famous musician and director. Perhaps it was his example that first made the future artist think about a career related to acting. At first, Svyatoslav learned to copy his loved ones, and then he “switched” to school teachers, politicians and film actors. As a rule, each such parody caused stormy laughter among those around. Therefore, at one wonderful moment, our today's hero decided to develop in this direction. When going to school, Eshchenko Jr. always kept a pen and notepad at hand. But not in order to solve exercises and take notes on the lesson. No! In this miracle notebook, Svyatoslav wrote down the reservations of his friends and teachers, from which he later made funny numbers. Some time later, the young artist also began to become seriously interested in magic tricks. For his sleight of hand, at the age of eleven, Yeshchenko received his first fee, appearing with a small number as part of a group concert in the Voronezh House of Culture. Having decided on his life aspirations, our today’s hero began to develop his skills as a pop artist. In 1988, having received a high school diploma, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko entered the acting department of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. In this place, he immediately established himself as a talented student. Perhaps it was for this reason that at the end of the second year, one of the artistic directors of the Voronezh theater named after Koltsov invited a talented boy to play one of the roles in his play. glue Svyatoslav Yeshchenko - Advanced grandmother and computer Subsequently, during his student years, Svyatoslav repeatedly appeared on stage with short humorous monologues. During this period, he often wrote poetry, composed songs, and also, together with his friends, was involved in staging theater performances.

Career - Yeshchenko - humorist -

The real breakthrough in the comedian’s pop career occurred after a well-known Voronezh playwright introduced the artist to the famous comedian Evgeny Petrosyan. Having “watched” the young parodist, the recognized master of the stage was very pleased, and therefore very soon invited the talented guy to perform in his program “Funny Panorama”. Since then, our today's hero began to appear frequently as part of the concert performances of this TV show. Thanks to his funny numbers, Svyatoslav quickly gained respect and love among traditional viewers of the program. They began to recognize him, and therefore at some point he finally moved to Moscow, where he began to pursue his future career. In the second half of the 90s, Yeshchenko began to appear as a participant at some well-known humor festivals. So, in particular, at different periods of time he became a laureate of the international competition “Sea of ​​Laughter”, the all-Russian festival of pop artists “Cup of Humor”. These and some other victories became an important stage in the life of a comedian. He received a new dose of fame and soon established himself as a full-scale Russian pop star. In 1997, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko played one of the main roles in the comedy play “When Finances Sing Romances.” The project became very popular among viewers, and therefore very soon the artists went on a tour of cities in Russia and the CIS countries.

Other projects, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko today

Two years later, the talented comedian appeared in another project. In 1999, at the invitation of Svyatoslav Eshchenko, he began performing within the framework of the humorous program “The Perky Company”. In parallel with this, the Voronezh comedian performed as a solo artist, touring various regions of the CIS with his concerts.

Comedian Svyatoslav Eshchenko with his son At first, our today's hero appeared on stage as part of “national” concerts, however, already in 2000 he managed to develop and release his my own variety program “Russian Broadway”. After this, Svyatoslav Eshchenko began to regularly delight his viewers with new pop works. In 2002, the artist presented to the public his new play “Let's Go Laugh,” which was followed by new performances and new numbers. Currently, the Voronezh comedian is performing with a new program, the basis of which is built on constant interaction with the audience. It is very noteworthy that, according to the comedian, this concert program should be the last in his career. At the time of writing this article, the artist was selling his mansion in Sochi, and was also seriously planning his move to India.

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