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What does the name Gulnaz mean:

“Gul” (“flower”) and “Naz” (“tenderness”, “caress”), and translates as “tender as a flower.”

Origin of the name Gulnaz:

Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

In terms of translation and word formation, the name Gulnaz is identical to the names Nazgul, Nazlygul. There are also options for translating the name Gulnaz - “beauty”, “grace”, “pretty”. From the Iranian language, part of the name “Naz” will be translated as “coquetry”, “grace”, “charm”.

Short name:

Guley, Guley, Guley.

Name "Gulnaz" in English (translation):


Meaning of a girl's name

It cannot be said that the name Gulnaz is too active - on the contrary, she is calm and even likes to be at home more than frolicking on the street. Most often, Gulnaz invites her friends over and plays with them. One cannot blame her for being unsociable - it’s just easier for Gulnaz to find a common language with people by getting to know them better, in an environment that does not distract, but, on the contrary, is conducive to conversation.

The name Gulnaz always has a goal - she cannot live without it. If the owner of this name sets a task for herself, she begins to implement her plans almost immediately and does not stop in the face of obstacles.

Influence of the time of year:

Often the meaning of the name Gulnaz can be determined by taking into account the time of year in which she was born.

Gulnaz, born in winter, has a hot-tempered and persistent character. Sometimes she even understands that she is wrong, but still shows persistence in a given situation. He can ardently defend his own point of view and even impose it on others. Sometimes she can be too lazy, and it’s good if a person appears in Gulnaz’s life who can motivate her.

“Summer” Gulnaz may well become a leader. She is distinguished by generosity and kindness. She is always ready to share with her neighbors what she has. Boasts a good memory. If she promises something, she will definitely fulfill it, and therefore, knowing about this quality of Gulnaz, her management values ​​her very much. The name Gulnaz, born in summer, has difficulty expressing her emotions, showing only delight or joy. Everything else is inaccessible to the gaze of others - Gulnaz prefers to solve problems on her own. Sometimes she needs solitude to understand herself. Few people know that she is a vulnerable person. This happens partly because Gulnaz tends to idealize reality. She takes failures and disappointments very hard. In general, “summer” Gulnaz likes stability.

If a girl named Gulnaz celebrates her birthday in the fall, then she is distinguished by prudence and strives to live every minute to benefit herself. That is why Gulnaz likes to live according to a schedule and is not prone to reckless actions. He rarely makes mistakes in making decisions. He is not a gambling person and does not like to take risks. We can say with confidence that stability is the main quality of the “autumn” Gulnaz.

Gulnaz Battalova: “My mission is to bring something new, stylish, and soulful to Tatar music”

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Classics and folk songs are the foundation, this is our musical heritage, the layer that must be passed on from generation to generation

“Tatar music, Tatar folk songs are timeless, they will always be relevant. But the more choice, the better. I respect folk art, I sing folk songs, bring a new sound to them, I am proud of this and the fact that I am Tatar. However, I want Tatar music to be different, to be listened to and loved far beyond the borders of Tatarstan,” dreams the famous singer.

Gulnaz Battalova: “Tatar music, Tatar folk songs are timeless, they will always be relevant, but it seems to me that the more choice, the better” Photo: Andrey Titov


— Gulnaz, the holidays are over. Tell me honestly, are corporate events the main part of the Tatar singer’s income?

— It’s probably no secret to anyone that corporate events and banquets are the main source of income. But, of course, I don’t limit myself to just this: I try to systematically improve the quality of performances, make them more interesting, constantly raise the bar, and, perhaps, I will stage my own concerts in the future. But do not forget that work is not only about performing on stage. The most difficult part of the work is hidden from the public eye. These are endless rehearsals, costume fittings, staging numbers, recording songs that do not stop on any holiday. That is, internal work is always in full swing.

— In your opinion, how can we measure the popularity of our Tatarstan artists? It turns out that some singers gather large audiences at solo concerts, others are invited to government concerts, and still others perform at festivals like “Uzgaresh Hile” (“Winds of Change”). So who are the most popular Tatar pop artists?

- Interest Ask. I thought about this too. You know, I used to dream so much of receiving “Tatar Khyry”, various awards, I thought that when I succeeded, something would certainly change in my life, and I would be swept into a new round of creativity. In fact, receiving bonuses changes little in your inner world; changes always lie in your head. But receiving bonuses, of course, is incredibly nice. I was very happy. And I hope to receive more than one award in our republic. Now I am setting myself more global goals; I consider it my mission to bring something new, stylish, soulful to Tatar music, because I am not entirely satisfied with what is now on the market. Perhaps people are already ready for more daring projects... I have been in Kazan for 10 years, and, in my opinion, for a very long time the listener did not have a variety of choices. If something new appeared, they immediately said that it was not a format. Tatar music, Tatar folk songs are timeless, they will always be relevant, but it seems to me that the more choice, the better. I respect folk art, I sing folk songs, I bring a new sound to them, I am proud of this and the fact that I am Tatar, but I want Tatar music to be different, to be listened to and also loved far beyond the borders of Tatarstan.

— After the death of Ilgam Shakirov, I had the opportunity to interview singer Ferdinand Salakhov. I was wondering how Ilgam-aby, a guy from a remote Tatar village, without connections, money, a shaggy hand, or a producer, managed to get on stage. According to Salakhov, he didn’t need any of this: he opened his mouth - and that’s it, the people themselves were already becoming producers.

- You know, there are people who have such incredible magic and energy that they make you fall in love with them from the first seconds. And, indeed, Ilgam Shakirov was one of these people.

— It’s not for nothing that Rostropovich constantly went to his concerts, Kobzon. But what do you prefer - Tatar classics, modern national stage or English-language songs?

— As a representative of modern Tatar music, of course, I love modern Tatar music. But I never forget about classics and folk songs, because this is the foundation, this is our musical heritage, the layer that must be passed on from generation to generation. Whatever modern Tatar music is, whatever product we present to the listener, we should not forget about classics or folk songs - this is our heritage.

— So, for you, singing “Squadron” or “Kara Urman” is not a problem? With melismas, for example, pentatonic scale...

- Of course, with pleasure!

“In early September, I left the Yamle group after five years of work” Photo: BUSINESS Online


— You perform solo, work in the women’s quartet “Yamle”, collaborate with Ilyas Gafarov’s Yummy Music... Where are you more interested?

— Some time ago the situation changed. At the beginning of September I left the Yamle group after five years of work.

- Why?

“The girls and I put together the project with our own hands, we invested a lot of effort, energy and love, so the decision to leave was not easy for me. But every person has moments in life when he feels that he sincerely gave everything he could give and do. And it seemed to me that the moment had come for me too, when I needed to act decisively and move on. Now I have a musical project in which I act as an ideological inspirer, a leader, that is, I am trying myself in mastering a new role for myself - the role of a producer.

— What kind of project is this?

- This is the vocal group Yuki - a modern girl project, a format in which no one has ever worked in Tatarstan, this has never happened before. We want to try ourselves in the K-pop genre.

— Is this Tatar-language K-pop?

— Yes, we’ll try to create the first such project and see what comes of it.

— Do you continue to collaborate with Yummy Music?

- We are friends. If the guys invite me to some events, I, of course, gladly take part in them.

— Is there a shortage of professionals on the modern Tatar stage? Do you agree with the opinion that we won’t have artists like Ilgam Shakirov or Alfiya Avzalova for a long time?

- Maybe yes. I don’t want to say that there is a shortage of professionals. We really have a lot of talented artists, but people like these masters, I think, are born... I wanted to say once every 100 years, but probably even less often.

— Let’s say everyone is talking about Rustam Malikov, that he is a man of exceptional vocal ability, very talented, plays various instruments, sings, has a gorgeous voice, but for some reason no one knows him. And there are those who do not have such vocal abilities, but are mega-popular. For example, the same Alvin Gray, whose vocal abilities are somewhat different from traditional ones.

— As for Alvin Gray, it seems to me that this is a case when you can’t fool people. No matter what anyone says or how they respond, full halls and stadiums are an indicator. I believe that Radik has a unique energy.

— When you ask about him, everyone says: he’s great.

- You see, this cannot be explained. When I was at the concert myself, I didn’t understand what the secret was, just some kind of phenomenon.

- And he sings to the plywood...

“Even so, there is something that grabs people’s attention.” Not every artist gathers such halls. And this, of course, is great!


— Tell us about your family, why you decided to take up music, when you made this decision...

- It was solely my decision. According to my mother, I started singing very early, constantly humming something under my breath. As a result, when I was 7 years old, my mother took me to a music school. After the exams, the teachers approached her and said that we didn’t have to wait for the results, that they accepted me right away. In the first years I was a good pianist - I took part in competitions, took places, I liked it. And then, at the age of 9, I accidentally ended up in a vocal studio and realized: this is what I want to do - sing. And I am grateful to my mother for always allowing me to make my own choices and supporting all my decisions. So I started singing. I went to music school and took part in various competitions. After graduating from school, I already knew for sure that I wanted to connect my life with music. As a child, I thought that I would become either a singer or a doctor, I told everyone that. Indeed, my dream has come true. Mom explained that the creative path of an artist is very difficult: today he is in demand, tomorrow he is not, that anything can happen, and many are not ready for this. She tried to convey to me that I should be ready for anything; the work of an artist is not just about performing on stage. In general, this is how it all began: I entered the University of Culture and Arts... I fell under the wing of Venus Akhatovna Ganeeva. To be honest, right after school I dreamed of going to Moscow and entering GITIS. But in 2009, the crisis came, and I was afraid to move so far from home that it would be difficult for my mother to bear such large expenses. I generally had a lot of fears, I was not confident in myself. Therefore, then I didn’t even try to go to GITIS. But I don't regret it at all. Because my admission to the University of Culture and Arts in 2009 was a very right decision, it was Kazan and studying with Venus Akhatovna and at this university that played a huge role in the development of me as a person and as an artist. I became confident in myself, I realized that I can do a lot - I just need to want it. Later, when I was in my third year at the University of Culture and Arts, I entered a second higher education course - the Institute of Economics, Management and Law. This is so that my mother can be calm, that I will not disappear, there is another profession...

- You can’t sing forever, right?

- Yes. And, already in my fourth year at the University of Culture and Arts, I entered GITIS. After several years of studying in Kazan, I gained experience - and the dream that I had cherished for so long came true.

— Who was your master at GITIS?

— The artistic director of the course was Elena Yuryevna Shanina, who, by the way, was born in Kazan.

— Did you have any desire to stay in Moscow?

— To be honest, in my first or second year I probably thought that by the end of GITIS I would most likely stay. But somehow I wasn’t drawn there. I can't explain why. And I trust my intuition. Sometimes they tell me that I need to do this, go, go, but I can’t - something tells me that I shouldn’t. So in this case, I returned to Kazan. At that moment I was already singing in the Yamle group, the project was successful and remains so to this day.

— Children don’t really like going to music school, for example, a solfeggio lesson is already a byword, they don’t want to study theory so much….

- This is very familiar to me. To be honest, I also went to music school with tears, because there I played the piano, and I studied vocals in a vocal studio that had nothing to do with music school. And I skipped music school, they caught me and scolded me. I even turned off my home phone because in the evening they had to call my parents to say that I didn’t go to classes. I can’t explain it now, but I just didn’t want to go to music school, I asked my mother: “Please, I want to quit,” but she didn’t allow it. Then, when I had already studied in the music school for 7 years and had two more years left, I was caught playing truant again. We had a very serious conversation with my mother when she said: “I’m tired, I can’t force you anymore. If you want, go." At that time I was already more or less an adult, I think I was in the 7th grade, I decided that 7 years were behind me, although with grief in half, I had to finish.

- 7th grade is the last...

- But then for some reason I studied for 9 years - with zero, with preparatory. I thought: okay, I’ll finish my studies. In the end, that’s how I finished my studies. But at that moment, when my classmates were walking after school, having fun, going somewhere together, I was playing, I had solfeggio or a specialty. This is such an age: of course, I wanted to go for a walk, I didn’t want to do homework, there was enough of that in a regular school.

— But musical education was probably still useful in life?

— Again, it’s not for nothing that music used to be compulsory education for girls. I think this is useful for girls, regardless of whether she dreams of connecting her life with the stage, but for general development it is very good. There are various hypotheses on this matter: some say that children need to be well-trained, this will protect them from the bad influence of the outside world, others say that children should not be forced. I find something true in both the first opinion and the second. But I don’t know what’s right, and I probably won’t understand until I have my own children.

- On the other hand, if they have hatred... I read an interview with one famous Russian musician who told how he was tied to a piano so that he would not run away, and was forced to play. At a music school, a child must study at least 6 hours a day to achieve an average level.

— By the way, my teacher in my specialty always told me that I was a terrible player, gave me bad marks, and in the end in the exams I turned out to be the best in technique. I understand that a whip is needed, but I am the kind of person that praise inspires and inspires me. When, for example, they tell me: “You’re great! Let’s continue in the same spirit,” I think I’ll do more. Despite skipping classes, I always passed with straight A's.

— What about external data? It's no secret that you are one of the most beautiful performers of the Tatar stage. Does beauty help or hinder? For example, Alfiya Avzalova said that she was not a beauty, but she achieved success.

- Thank you. I think that appearance is also important, but in the first seconds, until the artist opens his mouth. At this time they look at him like a picture: they evaluate his appearance, hairstyle, behavior. As an example, I can tell you a story from my admission to GITIS. This was the first vocal exam. I was not afraid to take it, I was confident in myself. I thought I’d put on a beautiful dress, do my hair and sing the way I usually sing. I remember now how they told me: “Yes, Gulnaz, you are very beautiful. You have a beautiful dress and your voice is good. But after half a minute I want to listen to someone else.” But it shouldn’t be like that, because the artist doesn’t go on stage to show off himself or his dress. But because he has something to say. That is, there must be something more hidden behind the appearance. It’s not enough to look good and it’s not even enough to sing well, there must be something besides this. Something that cannot be seen, that can only be felt, and certainly cannot be imitated. This is sincerity, honesty. GITIS filled me, changed me. Only after studying there did I come to understand my profession. You are talking about Alfiya Avzalova - I think she is very beautiful, and thanks to her songs and unique performance, we saw real beauty, the one that cannot be seen with the eyes, inner beauty.

— What prompted you to participate in all kinds of beauty contests?

— I have always had an interest in such events. The public often asked if I would like to take part, because my external appearance and age allow it. And indeed, I really wanted this, but I was afraid to go on stage in a swimsuit. Now I am very happy that I overcame myself and took part in a number of competitions. I especially remember the Miss Tatarstan 2014 competition. The month of preparation gave me a lot, and I am grateful to the entire management of the event and proud to have the opportunity to be in the Miss Tatarstan family. It was an incredible experience.

— What do you say to people who have a negative attitude towards beauty contests? Some believe that they almost train escort girls there, which is indecent for a Tatar girl in a swimsuit...

- For any occasion, there is a person who will say something impartial, bad, be it a beauty contest, or whatever. I don't pay attention to it. If you focus on everything, you will have to worry too much.

— Did you choose between a career as a model or a singer, or is it possible to combine these roles?

— I don’t like being called a model. A model-looking girl is one thing. I'm not a model, I don't position myself that way. I am invited to shoot in advertising projects, photo projects - I gladly take part if I can find time in my schedule. But I don't position myself as a model. Still, first of all, I am a singer, then an actress. As a singer, I have already been able to realize myself, and as an actress, I am on the path to realization.

— As a graduate of GITIS, weren’t you invited to act in films?

— Many people think that when you graduate from GITIS, you immediately get some contracts, offers - there’s nothing like that. But it also depends on the person - you have to go to a lot of castings. Living in another city, of course, I cannot do this. It happens that they invite me to audition tomorrow, but I’m busy: I have a concert. There were times when I dropped everything and went, because I really found it very interesting. And now it’s interesting, it’s just that today I have a new project, which I manage and feel responsible for. For example, from the last one: they offered one role, albeit a small one, episodic, in one well-known TV series, but I decided that it would be better to stay here.

- What do you think about marriage? If you are 25 years old, you cannot avoid questions from the public...

I have big plans for my life and I plan to learn a lot and achieve a lot. But first of all, I am a woman and I want to fulfill myself as a wife and mother.

“I want to make a contribution to the development of the image of my historical homeland” Photo: “BUSINESS Online”


— What are your plans for creativity?

— I want to make a contribution to the development of the image of my historical homeland. I can tell you where the roots of my desire come from. I once represented Tatarstan at a prestigious international competition in Kyrgyzstan. At the end, one of the organizers came up to me and said that he had never had the opportunity to communicate with representatives of our nationality before, but then, after working with me, he fell in love with the entire Tatar people. These words inspired me very much, and to this day I remember our dialogue and understand that this is my mission. I want to glorify the people of Tatarstan, their rich culture.

— You should have participated in Türkvizyon Song together with “Yamle”. Due to events with the plane, everything was cancelled. Did you see yourself as a winner in this competition?

— Two years before performing with “Yamle,” I performed solo and already took part in castings. At that time I was missing something. Later I realized that everything comes with experience. Then, having participated with “Yamle”, we won the national selection, gaining the right to represent Tatarstan at the Türkvizyon Song. But due to the current political situation, we were unable to go to the competition.

— Do you want to sing in the Tatar language?

— I sing in different languages ​​- it’s interesting to me. Recently, I have become interested in Kazakh music - I even recorded several original songs in Kazakh. I took lessons from a teacher. A related language is Turkic. I also have colloquial Turkish, and I sing in it. The Turkic world attracts me, of course. I really like it all. I also sing in English. I am a music lover: just as I listen to different music, I perform different music. Tatar is my native language, so it always comes first.

— There is an opinion that some Tatar pop artists, especially young ones, do not speak their native language so much that they cannot even give an interview in Tatar. But at the same time, they sing in Tatar, because if they sang in Russian, they would not have listeners - there is a lot of competition on the Russian stage...

— I love the Tatar language very much, I respect it, but, unfortunately, I do not speak it perfectly. I grew up in a Russian-speaking family, and they spoke Tatar only when they came to the village. Thanks to our grandparents for leaving this knowledge and preserving the language. I can give an interview in Tatar, but it won’t be as detailed, I won’t reveal myself as much in Tatar as I could in Russian.

- It won’t be so “tasty”...

- Yes. Of course, I consider this a disadvantage. I'm working on this if possible. I know it's my fault, but it's not my fault either. The fact that I don’t speak Tatar fluently doesn’t stop me from singing - I understand what I’m singing about, and sometimes I write myself. Yes, maybe these are not such great lyrics, but they have sincerity - I think this is the most important thing.

— Tell us about your performance at “Uzgaresh Hile” together with “Yamle”.

— The first year there was an offer, but I myself missed this moment: I would go somewhere again - or perform. There are no irreplaceable people, especially in show business. For the second year we were lucky enough to participate with the group. We performed well there. Now I am performing solo and I hope that I will have the opportunity to sing at this event again.

— In general, what is your opinion about “Uzgәresh җile”? They say all sorts of things about him.

— There are different opinions: some say that this is a very high-quality event, others are against Tatar folk songs being sung in any other way. My opinion is that this is definitely a cool festival. I can say this both as an outside observer and as a person who has known this kitchen from the inside. Moreover, when I already participated myself, I was amazed at how much work was put into this project, how many professionals were working on it and how many people were specially brought in from Moscow. That's why I deeply respect this project and am in love with it. I am happy that I had the honor to perform on this stage and I hope that such an opportunity will happen more than once. There is also a point that, being a spectator of this event for several years, you notice that some things go on from year to year. I wish “Uzgaresh Hile” only prosperity, so it would be great if, in addition to the cultural component, the project would have an educational component. It would also be great if not only outside specialists were involved in the organizing process, but also our youth, future specialists. It is quite possible that the talented children of our republic have many new ideas for the concert. And if you give them the opportunity to speak, then the event will probably reach an even higher level. I believe that this is a mutually beneficial cooperation: for young people it is a great opportunity to learn from the best, and for the organizers it is an opportunity to hear the voice of the new generation.

— Do you like to participate in all kinds of competitions?

- Yes. First of all, because of communication and new acquaintances. 5-7 years ago I took part in competitions - we still communicate with some of the contestants, with those who are close to me in spirit. We ask how things are going and enjoy each other’s successes.

— Did you have any desire to take part in “The Voice”? Thanks to “The Voice,” Dina Garipova or, for example, Elmira Kalimullina became popular throughout the country.

- Of course, our girls are great. I participated in the second season of “The Voice”, even went through all these castings and got into the blind auditions. Many people say that there is a choice of songs. Then the choice was made for me - I got the wonderful song “Love has come.” This is a classic song that cannot be changed, so I couldn’t perform it that way. I understood that it was not me. Perhaps there was not enough professionalism then. Before the performance, I thought that if I myself don’t like my performance, then who could possibly like it?.. I decided to sing as I saw fit, and was ready for criticism. She sang the way I know how - in a pop style. But what I remember most is not the fact that I faced criticism, but the ambiguous opinion of the jury. They were very happy to see me, they had so many emotions! I said that they were probably more upset than I was. To which they said: “Yes!” Then a very funny story happened - I fell on stage and twisted my leg, which is actually why my performance did not go on air.


— Who are your idols among Russian, Tatar, and world performers? Are there anyone you look up to?

— From the world, these are Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury. From more modern music, I really like Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, and the vocal technique of Ariana Grande. Of the Tatar ones, it is certainly worth mentioning the names of the masters: Ilgam Shakirov, Alfiya Avzalova. I can’t help but highlight my teacher, Venera Akhatovna Ganeeva, she gave me a lot both in vocals and simply in life, she helped me with advice. Of the younger ones, I like Filyus Kagirov, Rayaz Fasikhov, Rishat Tukhvatullin, the work of Ilvina, Hakim. Lately I have been especially impressed by Salavat hem Guzel - they are very harmonious.

— On the day of Ilgam Shakirov’s death, I was driving in a car and listening to a radio program dedicated to the great Tatar singer. I caught myself thinking that this was a unique voice. There will probably never be another person like him...

— There will definitely not be a second Ilham Shakirov. Perhaps someday - but no one knows when - an artist will appear who will be just as loved, revered, and respected by many generations. God grant that such an artist appears. But of course there won’t be a second one.

— Ilgam Shakirov sang in all registers. They say he could become an opera singer. He had unique vocal abilities, they didn’t even give him breathing, because it was already natural. .

- Talent.

— Do you agree with the opinion that the Tatar stage is far behind the Russian one, and that, in turn, behind the world one? There is an opinion that the Russian “steals” from the Western and remakes it in its own way. For example, the domestic stage borrows what was done in the West five years ago, and the Tatar stage, after the same five years, borrows what the Russian stage borrowed. They say that, for example, Alvin Gray “steals” the European one.

— Probably, the Tatar stage is a little behind the Russian one. Since we are a subject of the Russian Federation, this is normal. But in Tatarstan there are a lot of talented artists who can compete with Russian ones. And I would really like for as many people outside our republic as possible to know about this.

- Or maybe there’s no need to change or invent anything? There are pentatonic scales, melismas, mon...

“I think it’s untouchable, it will always be.” It's great if our music develops, because we live in a modern world.

— If you take the same Ilgam Shakirov, he also experimented with jazz improvisations, and Alfiya Avzalov. They did not shy away from innovations; in the 1960s and 70s they carried out such experiments.

- In addition to innovations, I would really like to improve the quality - music, arrangements, the performances themselves, costumes... So that there are no associations, if “Tatarcha”, then everything is brilliant... Even taking the backup dancers - many have it according to the principle “let at least someone like -it moves, as long as the stage isn’t completely empty.” There is no unity between the vocalist and the dancer. I would like to improve the quality of performances and the quality of music. I don’t mean that we should urgently do everything freaky, modern Tatar. No. There must be quality. Anyone who recorded a song and put on a dress already considers himself a professional artist - this is not entirely correct. I would like to somehow fight this.

Alfred Mukhametrakhimov

Photo on the announcement: “BUSINESS Online”

Battalova Gulnaz Zarvilevna was born on July 2, 1991 in the city of Belebey, Bashkortostan.

In 1998, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, where Battalova graduated from secondary and music schools.

2009–2014 - study at the University of Culture and Arts in Kazan.

2011–2017 - study at the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (correspondence).

2012–2016 - study at GITIS.

2013–2018 - work in the Yamle team.

2018 - start of work on our own project, the Yuki group.

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Character of the name Gulnaz

Positive characteristics of the name:

Even as a child, Gulnaz does not have a complex character and does not cause any trouble to her parents. From an early age he demonstrates independence and strives to do everything on his own.

Negative characteristics of the name:

He is calculating and usually thinks through his every step. Specificity in actions, words and deeds ensures that the name Gulnaz will never just make a fuss - she will quietly and calmly achieve her goal.

Gulnaz Asaeva now

In the fall of 2020, Gulnaz went on a tour of the cities and small towns of her native Bashkortostan, not forgetting to stop by two Moscow festivals. In the same year, the composition “Kite Kyzlar” was released in a new arrangement (and then a video for it) and the premieres “Tap sin mine” and “Min gaeple”.

Gulnaz Asaeva - “Tap sin mine”

On April 14, 2019, in the capital’s Crocus City Hall, Jannat, along with other 40 artists, became the guest of honor at the Tatar song festival “Musical Sabantuy”.

The fate of the name Gulnaz in love and marriage

The character of the woman who was so named is such that she needs the admiration of others like air, especially when it comes to representatives of the stronger sex. At the same time, she is not flighty and does not show a tendency to coquetry. The main goal is to create a strong family in which love reigns.

The name Gulnaz promises that its owner will become an excellent housewife. She will be happy to take care of her husband and children. It is extremely rare to find women with this name who do not like or do not know how to cook. The ideal choice for Guli would be a man with a calm character, who loves to spend time at home and appreciates comfort. In the role of a mother, she shows herself to be strict and affectionate at the same time, she pays maximum attention to raising her heirs, and tries to establish close and trusting relationships with them.

Personal life

There is no exact information about Yuri’s personal life; the actor prefers to avoid journalists and overly curious fans, and also protect his loved ones from the attention of the media and paparazzi. According to the latest data, the artist is currently completely free, he had a wife, from whom two children were born, a girl Maria and a boy Gosha, the latter several times younger than his sister.

In his free time from work and creative activities, Yuri likes to spend time with his family; he can often be seen in the company of his daughter or son. Most recently, they went on vacation to Greece together. Photos on social networks show Gosha’s happy face.

The actor can be found on the popular portal Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte; unfortunately, Yuri did not register an account on Instagram. Here you can see the latest news from his daily life and directly ask him any question via personal message. The artist’s big hobby is fishing. Currently, he lives permanently in Moscow and periodically returns to his small homeland to close relatives.

Talents, profession, career


In numerology, the meaning of the name Gulnaz is determined by the number 3, which indicates a person with a lot of talents. It is known that the name Gulnaz just needs to make the right decision about what she wants to achieve - this is the main key to her success.

He keeps his ideas to himself and does not force his opinion on anyone. He tries not to take part in disputes and by nature is not a conflict person. She loves praise and often takes certain actions because she wants to look good in the eyes of management or people dear to her.

Angel Gulnaz Day:

is not celebrated, since due to its Muslim origin the name Gulnaz is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox holidays.


Gulnaz Asaeva tried, honed her performance style and took care of her voice in order to sing heartfelt songs in the national language, but this is not what brought her popularity among young people. Increased interest in the girl arose in connection with the “Bashkir Justin Bieber” Alvin Gray.

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Gulnaz Asaeva in 2020
It was rumored that young people are not just colleagues in the music industry, but lovers. Radik Yulyakshin himself added fuel to the fire by giving the beauty a huge teddy bear, a bouquet of scarlet roses and asking her to marry her at a spring concert in Ufa in 2017.

Celebrities named Gulnaz

  1. Gulnaz Sotnikova - (born 1967), Russian entrepreneur, public figure
  2. Kadyrova Gulnaz Mannurovna (born 1966) is a Soviet and Russian statesman and scientist.
  3. Gubaidullina Gulnaz Radikovna (born 1992) is a Russian pentathlete.
  4. Gulnaz Gadzhikurbanova - famous Tabasaran singer
  5. Gulnaz Safarova is a Tatar radio presenter.
  6. Gulnaz Asaev is a Bashkir and Tatar pop singer.

May 26, 2020 at 06:57 pm © Medvedev Yu. M.

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