Why did commander Alexander Suvorov not have a successful family life?


In 1986, Sasha went to first grade. Teachers always praised him for his exemplary behavior and thirst for knowledge. The boy attended various clubs - drawing, singing, aircraft modeling.

As a teenager, our hero enrolled in the theater department of local art school No. 2. His teachers and mentors were Victor and Emma Arsentiev. They predicted a brilliant future for Alexander. And in the end they were right.

Details of personal life

Alexander Suvorov is an actor whose personal life has no secrets. Sasha achieved success not only in cinema, but also in life. Despite his image as a sultry brunette, Alexander was never a womanizer. He met his first girlfriend when he turned sixteen. They met Marina at the university. Common interests brought the young people closer together. A spark arose between them, which grew into a legal marriage five years after their life together. Then everyone thought that the newlyweds would always be together. But everything turned out wrong. The couple's relationship did not stand the test of time. Quarrels and disagreements began. And in 2005, Alexander and Marina officially divorced. To avoid depression, Suvorov immersed himself in his work. And new events in his personal life were already awaiting him. Having met the charming journalist Ekaterina during an interview, Sasha regained his faith in love. He immediately asked the girl out on a date. Their relationship developed rapidly. Ekaterina and Alexander got married. At the moment they have a son growing up. But the couple are already thinking about a second child. Katya and Sasha really want a daughter.

Film career

When did Alexander Suvorov first appear on the screens? The actor received a cameo role in the film “Drongo”. This happened back in 2002. The young artist coped with all the tasks that the director set for him.

In 2003, the second film with Suvorov’s participation, “The Taste of Murder,” was released. The actor successfully got used to the image of photographer Yuri Gurzo.

Our hero gained all-Russian fame and recognition from viewers after filming the TV series “Carmelita”. His character is the young and noble gypsy Miro. The audience was amazed not only by the actor’s good performance, but also by his appearance. People were sure that Sasha had gypsy roots. But that's not true.

Life outside the frame

The presenter does not advertise her personal life, but admits that she has a beloved man. Family, husband and children are still in Alexandra’s plans, but for now she is pursuing a career and enjoying freedom. She loves to have fun and spend time with her friends, with whom she is very lucky. They even have their own tradition - to meet in Pushkin every year on the eve of December 31st. Sometimes they change the place of gathering, but everything else remains the same: they write their wishes on cards, discuss and laugh about what they wanted before, and also plan events for the next year.

Suvorova is a very versatile girl; she reads not only fiction, but also economic and political articles in order to have a good understanding of phenomena and processes. She recently started learning Italian, which will undoubtedly be useful for work. She cannot imagine her life without a phone and social networks, visiting Instagram and WhatsApp every day.

As soon as the rest days are found, the presenter goes on a trip to different countries. She recently discovered Istanbul, where she has already visited twice. Despite the fact that it is crowded and not everywhere clean, Alexandra was imbued with warm feelings for the city. There are a lot of beautiful places there that are immediately etched in your memory. She ate baklava and chestnuts, and also drank pomegranate juice to her heart's content.

The presenter watches her figure and burns extra calories in the gym. She always looks great and chooses stylish outfits. The girl prefers uniqueness in style, so she loves to experiment. She doesn’t buy all the things that are currently trending, but only buys what suits her.

Alexander Suvorov, actor: personal life

The handsome brunette has never had problems with a lack of female attention. At the same time, our hero cannot be called a womanizer and a womanizer. He formalized the relationship twice. And both times the actor married out of great love.

Sasha met his first wife at the age of 16. He came to Moscow to enroll at Shchepka. It was within the walls of this university that the guy met a charming girl, Marina Knyazeva. They both managed to enter VTU. Shchepkina. Alexander beautifully and persistently courted Marina. And a few months after they met, he moved into her Moscow apartment. The lovers lived peacefully and happily. Parents insisted that Sasha and Marina sign. But the guy and girl considered the stamp in the passport a normal formality.

The couple got married only after 5 years of living together. The celebration took place in one of the capital's restaurants. Friends and relatives of the newlyweds were confident that they would be together until old age. However, they were very wrong. At some point, the relationship between the two creative people began to deteriorate. Marina increasingly caused scandals. Alexander might not come home to sleep for several days. Unfortunately, the parties were unable to save this marriage. The initiator of the divorce was Alexander Suvorov. The actor and his wife officially separated in 2005.

Our hero pushed his personal life into the background. He threw himself into his work. But soon a new love appeared in his life. The actor had an interview scheduled in one of the capital's cafes. Journalist Ekaterina sat down at his table. The girl asked Alexander questions related to his profession and personal life. Katya immediately attracted Suvorov. At the end of the interview, he invited the beauty to the cinema. Their relationship developed rapidly. Katya and Sasha got married. Now they are raising a son together. In the near future they want to have a second child (preferably a girl).



Alexander Suvorov graduated from the Theater School named after. Shchepkin (course of V. Korshunov). At the same time, he was accepted into the troupe of the Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT). Here he played many interesting roles: Soldier – “Lorenzaccio”, Cog – “Dunno the Traveler”, Angel – “Pollyanna”, Georg – “Erast Fandorin”, Ignat Sokolov – “Tanya”, Injun Joe – “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, Morbar - “The Wizard of the Emerald City” and others. In the play “Les Miserables” (based on the novel by Victor Hugo), Alexander played Enjolras. The actor describes his character this way: “He’s the ideologist-inspirer of the French Revolution, a Jacobin, an enthusiastic young man with a great tragedy in life: he’s on the side of the revolutionaries, and his dad is a policeman-informer.” In addition to RAMT, Alexander works in enterprises. Among his works are roles in the plays: “Romeo and Juliet” (Paris, directed by M. Shevchuk), “Danae” (dir. M. Wazumi), “The Visit of the Old Lady” (Robbie, son of Illa, directed by S. Aldonin ), “Carmen” (dir. R. Viktyuk).

Handsome Gypsy

Alexander Suvorov became known to television viewers after the release of the series “Carmelita”, where he played the main role of the charming and noble gypsy Miro. Moreover, he played so naturally that many decided that Alexander had gypsy roots. In fact, as the actor himself admits, he does not have any gypsy roots. True, his ex-wife was a quarter gypsy, but still he had to get acquainted with this culture during filming. Alexander says: “It was very interesting, since almost all the senior actors are gypsies. They sing wonderfully. They can even sing a song familiar to the Russian ear in such a way that you won’t even recognize it. Each of them has some kind of zest. <…> They are absolutely natural. We filmed the series for 9 months, as if we were carrying a child. And there were never any disagreements, we became a big family.” On the set, Alexander developed wonderful relationships with many actors. With Yulia Zimina, who played the leading role of the gypsy Carmelita, they had to play lovers. Alexander says: “It seemed to me that she was a little worried about whether it would work out or not. And it’s good that it didn’t close. We always tried to help each other. It is very difficult to play love with a person for whom, on the one hand, you feel nothing, and on the other, there is a danger that some feelings may arise. I know that by nature a person is very amorous, and I had to control myself. If suddenly some kind of relationship develops with an actress on set, they can either help or hinder the work. And you never know which direction it will take you.” The series “Carmelita” gave a good start to the young actor. It seems that the directors noted the talent of Alexander Suvorov, and we will see him on the screen more than once.

Family life of Alexander Suvorov

Suvorov’s family life, according to some sources, began in the temple of the Nikolskoye estate. It was here that Princess Varvara Ivanovna Prozorovskaya and the owner of the neighboring Rozhdestveno-Suvorovo estate, Major General Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, were married on January 16, 1774.

The fruit of this union, largely arranged by Suvorov Sr., who personally chose a bride for his son, was daughter Natalya and son Arkady, who briefly outlived his parents (1784-1811). By an evil irony of fate, Lieutenant General Suvorov drowned in the very river Rymnik, in honor of which he inherited the title of count.

State lady Varvara Ivanovna (1750-1806), who became the Princess of Italy and Countess Suvorova-Rymnikskaya as a result of marriage, was described by contemporaries as a Russian beauty, portly and ruddy, not burdened with excessive education, illiterate and very limited in mind. Her letter to her uncle, Prince Golitsyn, signed: “var vara Suvorava,” is known.

However, she was quite suitable for her husband, who least of all wanted to limit his life to the home circle, seeing its meaning for himself exclusively in military service and highly valuing his own independence. Marriage for him was an almost forced event, but consistent with his piety: “My father gave birth to me, and I must give birth in order to thank my father for my birth,” for “God is not pleased that people do not multiply.”

The father gave a dowry of 5 thousand rubles for Varvara, who knows what amount, however, both father and son Suvorov were not averse to becoming related to a noble family. Alexander Vasilyevich generally shunned luxury, was economical and unpretentious, and his beautiful wife flattered his vanity. However, Pushkin’s formula “wave and stone, ice and fire” did not work this time: quarrels began between the spouses, as the husband accused his wife of infidelity, and, according to rumors, not without reason. The bored lady behaved in accordance with the free morals of the nobility of Catherine's era, using, according to her husband, “depraved and seductive treatment, indecent to her honor.”

As a result, Suvorov sent a petition for divorce to the Slavic Spiritual Consistory (1779), but soon withdrew it, heeding the persuasion of his wife’s relatives, the clergy and influential dignitaries. In April 1780, a public ceremony of church reconciliation even took place between the spouses. With tears in their eyes, they repented to each other in the presence of a priest, who read a special prayer of permission over them and served the corresponding liturgy

However, even this initiative of Alexander Vasilyevich did not lead to anything, and four years later the commander finally broke off all relations with his wife. Their daughter Natalya became a pupil of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, and the baby Arkady, whom Suvorov stubbornly refused to recognize as his son, remained with his mother. Nevertheless, their marriage was not officially dissolved by the Synod, since there were no witnesses and “other strong arguments” for this. Even the patronage of the all-powerful Potemkin before Empress Catherine II did not help.

Suvorov categorically rejected all attempts by his rejected wife to reconcile. The only experience of family life was more than enough for him, and the commander often repeated on this occasion: “Having been burned by milk, you will begin to blow on water.” Accustomed to the science of winning, he perceived his failed marriage as God’s providence.

Having finally decided to divorce his wife, Alexander Suvorov wanted to erase from his life everything that was connected with Varvara Prozorovskaya, including the dowry. Prince Ivan Andreevich flatly refused to take the money, but the great commander was unshakable. Suvorov was no longer seduced by the bonds of Hymen, completely surrendering to his only beloved for life - the Russian army.

Varvara Ivanovna returned to her father’s house, and after burying her parent, she moved to her brother, Major General Ivan Ivanovich Prozorovsky, where she whiled away her life on the small pension assigned to her by her ex-husband. The matured daughter took her father’s side and practically did not communicate with her mother.

Varvara Suvorova’s position improved only with the favor of Paul I: taking advantage of any attempt to annoy the obstinate field marshal, the eccentric emperor ordered him to increase his wife’s annual allowance to 8,000 rubles and give her the hereditary Moscow house on Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

She died in Moscow at the age of 56 and was buried in the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery.

Alexander Averkov is 60! Seven little-known facts about the popular TV presenter

His name has been inextricably linked with the ONT TV channel for 17 years now. Smart, elegant, with his signature smile - the one in the eyes - and the powerful charisma with which 20-year-old Arkadak native Alexander Averkov once captivated the admissions committee of the Shchepkinsky Theater School. But he still preferred a blue screen to the stage. In 2002, Averkov pulled out his lucky ticket: it was he who was entrusted with hosting the first news broadcast of the ONT TV channel. He does not part with the air today - he is still at the helm of “Our News”. His authority on the TV channel is not just high - it is unconditional.

The TV presenter is just getting used to the beautiful number 60. On the eve of the big anniversary, we asked the birthday boy to remember 7 little-known facts from his own biography. So, did you know that Alexander Averkov...

1. ...had long hair in my youth

- But why be surprised? In the early 1980s it was very fashionable. I even had a photograph in my passport with long, shoulder-length hair. Over time, this photo began to irritate. I remember catching myself thinking: “What was going on in my head back then that I thought of posing like that for my passport?” By the way, my mother accepted the new image adequately; my parents were quite democratic. My military dad, of course, didn’t really like my hairstyle. He believed that men should have short hair and strict haircuts. But he didn’t run after me with scissors, he treated it as a spirit of the times.

I cut my hair already at Shchepka (Higher Theater School named after M. Shchepkin. -
Author's note
I don’t remember exactly, but it seemed like it was for some role. 2. ...studied on the same course with Domogarov and Rudensky

— Lena Valyushkina was also with us and Kirill Kozakov, the son of Mikhail Kozakov. Of course, we were all friends. We rehearsed the entire course, staged sketches, and spent days at school.

It was a time when it seemed that everything was ahead. Everyone dreamed of becoming someone. No, not a star. We all just dreamed of mastering a profession, perhaps playing in the theater.

Students were prohibited from acting in films under penalty of expulsion. But they played on stage - at the State Academic Maly Theater. From the second year we were already involved in episodes and crowd scenes. And next to the stage are the great Viktor Pavlov, Yuri Solomin, Rufina Nifontova, Elina Bystritskaya. The Solomin brothers, by the way, also taught here. They could come to students’ classes with a bag of potatoes, feed them, and help as best they could.

3. ...starred in the directorial debut of actor Vadim Spiridonov

— Remember, he played the middle brother in “Eternal Call”? He also had many other wonderful acting works. In 1984, Vadim Semenovich decided to try himself as a director. The film (and it was a short film) was called “Two Men” and told about the fate of a young commissar and the son of a kulak. The action took place during the Civil War.

They filmed the film in the winter in the Moscow region, I played a young commissar. The cold was rare. But the biggest problem was... the horses. The animals changed every day. It was very risky: the artists did not have stunt doubles. By the way, I didn’t know how to ride a horse before. But for the sake of filming I had to learn. I remember my feet being sore and bleeding: studying was not at all easy.

The film studio’s artistic council liked the film so much that it was decided to shoot a full-length film with me in the leading role. But... Vadim Spiridonov died suddenly.

13 years ago, Alexander Averkov took part in the first music reality show on ONT “Two Stars”. Popular singer Irina Dorofeeva helped the presenter hone his vocals. The couple reached the final of the project.

4. ... played the piano quite well
- Unlike many of my peers, I went to music school voluntarily. I came to the audition and was accepted immediately. I chose the piano class and didn’t even consider anything else. It’s not that I wanted to be a musician, but rather, I just dreamed of learning to play. By the way, my father played the guitar very well, and my mother sang wonderfully. Then everyone sang. Families gathered around the table and began...

The boys whistled under the windows and called for football. But I couldn’t, I was learning scales. After finishing school I played rarely, only for myself. Now I don’t sit down at the piano; the instrument is no longer at home for a long time.

5. ...voiced Wolf Vova in “Kalykhantsy”

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