Larisa Luzhina: biography, filmography, photos and personal life

Drama club

The girl was attracted to creativity from an early age; she liked to participate in plays, sing songs, and recite poems at concerts. At school, Larisa immediately enrolled in the drama club. It was led by drama theater artist I. D. Rossomakhin. This circle was attended by guys who were destined to become famous actors - Vitaly Konyaev, Igor Yasulovich, Vladimir Korenev. The performances of the amateur troupe were shown not only on the school stage, but also on the professional stage. During this period of time, she began to dream of becoming an actress.

Luzhin's best films

An interesting work in Larisa’s film career was her role in the film “Vertical”. There she had the opportunity to work with Vladimir Vysotsky.

During this period, the actress received many offers for filming. She played roles in the films: “Racers”, “Gold”, “Chief Witness”, “The Fourth Height”, etc.

Luzhina was wonderfully able to play Yuri Gagarin’s mother in the film “So the Legend Begins.” To create a credible image, the actress personally met the astronaut’s mother.

There were films in which Larisa did not star for various reasons, but which could have enriched her filmography. Things didn’t work out for the actress with “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”; she refused to film in “Officers” due to pregnancy. It was not possible to play in the film “One of Us”; Luzhina, who had already begun filming, fell ill with a stroke.

Unsuccessful attempt

The biography of Larisa Luzhina is inextricably linked with theater and cinema. After graduating from ten classes, the future actress went to Leningrad to enter a theater university. At the entrance exam, she was asked to sing a song. The overexcited applicant “failed” the test. As Larisa Anatolyevna Luzhina herself believes, at that moment she simply did not have enough persistence. She did not consider herself to be one of those people who achieve goals at any cost. She was sure that if they told her: “You’re not suitable,” then there’s no point in trying.


  1. [ Dithyramb]. Echo of Moscow (August 16, 2009). Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  2. [ Appeal from cultural figures, scientists, and members of the public in connection with the sentence imposed on the former leaders of NK YUKOS
  3. [ Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation No. 96/767-6, February 6, 2012]
  4. [ DECREE of the President of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2009 N 1429]

Work on the podium

So, the failed actress Larisa Luzhina returned to Tallinn. She first got a job at a pharmaceutical plant, and soon she went to work at the Kalev confectionery factory. Day after day she breathed powdered sugar and packed marshmallows into boxes (she hasn't eaten them since). Naturally, such work for a girl who dreamed of the stage was simply a way of survival; it did not bring moral satisfaction. One day Larisa Luzhina, whose photo you see in this article, accidentally saw an advertisement in the newspaper about the opening of the Tallinn Model House. Of course, the podium can hardly be compared with the stage, but at that time it seemed to Larisa a worthy alternative. The biography of Larisa Luzhina has changed dramatically. The girl with a height of 172 centimeters and a slender figure was quite suitable for the Model House.

Larisa and her mother lived very poorly. The girl did not have an extra dress, not to mention any expensive clothes. Therefore, when she appeared on the catwalk in fashionable and beautiful outfits, she felt like a fairy-tale Cinderella at a ball. Larisa was also called the “smiling fashion model.” Unlike her colleagues, who went out in public with a somewhat detached face, Luzhina smiled. For this she was always received very warmly and rewarded with a flurry of applause.


Larisa Anatolyevna Luzhina is a film and theater actress who became famous after playing the role of Svetlana in the film “On the Seven Winds.” Despite her advanced age, she continues to work to this day.

Larisa Luzhina was born on March 4, 1939 in Leningrad. She had to survive the blockade, during which her older sister died at the age of six, her father and grandmother died from wounds and hunger. Very tiny Larisa and her mother were transported to the Kemerovo region when the blockade had already ended.

Larisa Luzhina in her youth
Larisa Luzhina in her youth | Kinoautograph

After the end of the war, Larisa and her mother moved to Tallinn, where the girl spent her entire childhood. They lived with a relative in a very small room of six square meters. For the first few years, young Larisa had to sleep on chairs - she did not have a normal bed. The mother never had enough money, so the family lived very poorly.

At the local school there was a drama club, headed by Russian drama theater artist Ivan Rossomakhin - he maintained the quality of productions at the highest level. Larisa really liked this circle, and she tried not to miss a single lesson. Some of the performances staged by schoolchildren were even shown on the professional theater stage.

Larisa Luzhina in her youth | Cinema

Thanks to the efforts of the hardworking teacher, the circle interested many children - in addition to Larisa Luzhina, future celebrities decided to become actors: Vladimir Korenev, Igor Yasulovich, and Vitaly Konyaev. They attended classes together. The schoolchildren really got into theater. Luzhina had a school romance with her deskmate Vladimir Korenev for some time, but this relationship did not last long.

Dreams Come True

Walking onto the podium, the girl imagined that she was an actress. Larisa Luzhina simply raved about the stage, and one day a miracle happened. She was invited to the Tallinfilm film studio to play a tiny role as a singer in a night cabaret. The film was called Wedding Crashers (1959). A few months later, the director of this film moved to England for permanent residence, and the film was banned. But probably actress Larisa Luzhina, whose biography was now unthinkable outside of cinema, was born under a lucky star. On the set of the film, she met an intern from VGIK, who showed a photo of Luzhina to S. A. Gerasimov. From that moment on, Larisa considered trainee Leida Laius her godmother.

Sergei Appolinarievich agreed to look at the girl. To do this, you just had to come to Moscow. But the problem was that Larisa and her mother did not have money for this trip. As often happens, chance intervened in this situation. Quite unexpectedly, Luzhina was invited to audition for the film “Peace to the Entering One,” while Mosfilm paid for the travel and hotel. Thus, Larisa managed to meet Gerasimov. After the aspiring actress read Larisa’s monologue from “The Dowry” to the great director, her future fate was decided - she was accepted into Gerasimov’s workshop without exams.

Since 1959, Larisa Luzhina has been a student at VGIK. The course was very strong. Nikolai Gubenko, Zhanna Bolotova, Galina Polskikh, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Evgeny Zharikov studied together with our heroine.

An excerpt characterizing Luzhin, Larisa Anatolyevna

“Oh, quite a long time ago... This is the second time I’m here... For some reason, my two lives were similar - in both of them I fought for someone... Well, and then I paid... And it’s always just as bitter...” the stranger fell silent for a long time, as if not wanting to talk about it anymore, but then he quietly continued. – There are people who love to fight. I always hated it. But for some reason, life is returning me to the same circle for the second time, as if I was locked in this, not allowing me to free myself... When I lived, all our peoples fought among themselves... Some seized other people's lands - others defended the same lands. Sons overthrew fathers, brothers killed brothers... Anything happened. Someone accomplished unimaginable feats, someone betrayed someone, and someone turned out to be simply a coward. But none of them even suspected how bitter the payment would be for everything they had done in that life... - Did you have a family there? – to change the subject, I asked. - Were there children? - Certainly! But that was already so long ago!.. They once became great-grandfathers, then they died... And some are already living again. It was a long time ago... - And you’re still here?!.. – I whispered, looking around in horror. I couldn’t even imagine that he had been existing here like this for many, many years, suffering and “paying” his guilt, without any hope of leaving this terrifying “floor” even before the time came for him to return to the physical Earth!.. And there he will again have to start all over again, so that later, when his next “physical” life ends, he will return (perhaps here!) with a whole new “baggage”, bad or good, depending on how he will live his “next” earthly life... And he could not have any hope of freeing himself from this vicious circle (be it good or bad), since, having begun his earthly life, each person “dooms” himself to this endless, eternal circular “journey”... And, depending on his actions, returning to the “floors” can be very pleasant, or very scary... - And if you don’t kill in your new life, you won’t return to this “floor” again “Isn’t it true?” I asked hopefully. - So I don’t remember anything, dear, when I return there... It is after death that we remember our lives and our mistakes. And as soon as we return to live, the memory immediately closes. That’s why, apparently, all the old “deeds” are repeated, because we don’t remember our old mistakes... But, to be honest, even if I knew that I would be “punished” again for this, I still would never have stayed in side if my family suffered... or my country. All this is strange... If you think about it, the one who “distributes” our guilt and payment, as if he wants only cowards and traitors to grow on earth... Otherwise, he would not punish scoundrels and heroes equally. Or is there still some difference in punishment?.. In fairness, there should be. After all, there are heroes who have accomplished inhuman feats... Songs are then written about them for centuries, legends live about them... They certainly cannot be “settled” among simple murderers!.. It’s a pity, there is no one to ask... - I also think this can’t happen be! After all, there are people who performed miracles of human courage, and they, even after death, like the sun, illuminate the path for all those who survived for centuries. I really love reading about them, and I try to find as many books as possible that tell about human exploits. They help me live, help me cope with loneliness when it becomes too hard... The only thing I can’t understand is: why on Earth heroes always have to die so that people can see that they are right?.. And when the same hero is already it is impossible to resurrect, here everyone finally becomes indignant, human pride, which has been dormant for a long time, rises, and the crowd, burning with righteous anger, demolishes the “enemies” like specks of dust caught on their “right” path... - sincere indignation raged in me, and I said probably too fast and too much, but I rarely had the opportunity to talk about what “hurts”... and I continued. - After all, people first killed even their poor God, and only then began to pray to him. Is it really impossible to see the real truth even before it’s too late?.. Isn’t it better to save the same heroes, look up to them and learn from them?.. Do people always need a shock example of someone else’s courage so that they can believe in their own? ?.. Why is it necessary to kill, so that later you can erect a monument and glorify? Honestly, I would prefer to erect monuments to the living if they are worth it... What do you mean when you say that someone “distributes the blame”? Is this God or what?.. But it’s not God who punishes... We punish ourselves. And we ourselves are responsible for everything. “You don’t believe in God, dear?..” the sad man, who listened attentively to my “emotionally indignant” speech, was surprised. – I haven’t found him yet... But if he really exists, then he must be kind. And for some reason many people are afraid of him, they are afraid of him... At our school they say: “A man sounds proud!” How can a person be proud if fear hangs over him all the time?!.. And there are too many different gods - each country has its own. And everyone is trying to prove that theirs is the best... No, I still don’t understand a lot... But how can you believe in something without understanding?.. At school they teach that there is nothing after death... But what about can I believe this if I see something completely different?.. I think blind faith simply kills hope in people and increases fear. If they knew what was really going on, they would behave much more carefully... They would not care what happens next after their death. They would know that they would live again, and they would have to answer for the way they lived. Just not in front of the “terrible God”, of course... But in front of yourself. And no one will come to atone for their sins, but they will have to atone for their sins themselves... I wanted to tell someone about this, but no one wanted to listen to me. It’s probably much more convenient for everyone to live this way... And probably easier too,” I finally finished my “deadly long” speech. I suddenly felt very sad. Somehow, this man managed to get me to talk about what had been “gnawing” at me inside since the day when I first “touched” the world of the dead, and in my naivety I thought that people needed to “just tell, and they will They will immediately believe and even be happy!... And, of course, they will immediately want to do only good things...” How naive a child do you have to be for such a stupid and impossible dream to be born in your heart?!! People don't like to know that there is something else "out there" - after death. Because if you admit this, it means that they will have to answer for everything they have done. But this is exactly what no one wants... People are like children, for some reason they are sure that if they close their eyes and see nothing, then nothing bad will happen to them... Or they can blame everything on the strong shoulders of their own To God, who will “atone” all their sins for them, and then everything will be fine... But is this really right?.. I was just a ten-year-old girl, but even then many things did not fit into my simple, “childish” logical framework. In the book about God (the Bible), for example, it was said that pride is a great sin, and the same Christ (the son of man!!!) says that with his death he will atone for “all human sins”... What kind of Pride did you have to have in order to equate yourself to the entire human race taken together?!. And what kind of person would dare to think such a thing about himself?.. Son of God? Or the Son of Man?.. And the churches?!.. Each one more beautiful than the other. It’s as if the ancient architects tried very hard to “outdo” each other when building God’s house... Yes, churches really are incredibly beautiful, like museums. Each of them is a real work of art... But, if I understood correctly, a person went to church to talk with God, right? In that case, how could he find him in all that stunning, eye-catching gold luxury, which, for example, not only did not dispose me to open my heart, but, on the contrary, to close it as quickly as possible, so as not to see the same the bleeding, almost naked, brutally tortured God himself, crucified in the middle of all that shiny, sparkling, crushing gold, as if people were celebrating his death, and did not believe and did not rejoice at his life... Even in cemeteries, we all plant fresh flowers, so that they remind us of the life of the same dead. So why didn’t I see a statue of the living Christ in any church, to whom I could pray, talk to him, open my soul?.. And does the House of God mean only his death?.. Once I asked the priest, why don't we pray to the living God? He looked at me like I was an annoying fly and said that “this is so that we do not forget that he (God) gave his life for us, atoning for our sins, and now we must always remember that we are not his.” worthy (?!), and to repent of their sins as much as possible”... But if he has already redeemed them, then what should we repent of?.. And if we must repent, does that mean all this atonement is a lie? The priest got very angry and said that I had heretical thoughts and that I had to atone for them by reading “Our Father” twenty times in the evening (!)... Comments, I think, are unnecessary... I could continue for a very, very long time, since I all this at that time was very annoying, and I had thousands of questions to which no one gave me answers, but only advised me to simply “believe”, which I could never do in my life, since before I believe, I must I could understand why, and if there was no logic in that same “faith,” then for me it was “searching for a black cat in a black room,” and neither my heart nor my soul needed such faith. And not because (as some told me) I had a “dark” soul that did not need God... On the contrary, I think that my soul was light enough to understand and accept, but there was nothing to accept... Yes and what could be explained if people themselves killed their God, and then suddenly decided that it would be “more correct” to worship him?.. So, in my opinion, it would be better not to kill, but to try to learn as much as possible from him, if he really was a real God... For some reason, at that time I felt much closer to our “old gods”, a great many carved statues of which were erected in our city, and throughout Lithuania. These were funny and warm, cheerful and angry, sad and stern gods, who were not as incomprehensibly “tragic” as the same Christ, for whom they built amazingly expensive churches, as if they were really trying to atone for some sins... “The old ones "Lithuanian Gods in my hometown of Alytus, homely and warm, like a simple friendly family... These gods reminded me of kind characters from fairy tales, who were somewhat similar to our parents - they were kind and affectionate, but if it was necessary, they could severe punishment when we misbehave too much. They were much closer to our soul than that incomprehensible, distant, and so terribly lost at the hands of men, God... I ask believers not to be indignant when reading the lines with my thoughts at that time. That was then, and I, as in everything else, was looking for my childhood truth in the same Faith. Therefore, I can only argue about this about my views and concepts that I have now, and which will be presented in this book much later. In the meantime, it was a time of “persistent search,” and it was not so easy for me... “You are a strange girl...” the sad stranger whispered thoughtfully. - I'm not strange - I'm just alive. But I live among two worlds - the living and the dead... And I can see what many, unfortunately, do not see. That’s probably why no one believes me... But everything would be so much simpler if people listened and thought for at least a minute, even if they didn’t believe... But I think that if this ever happens, then it certainly won’t happen today... And today I have to live with this... - I’m very sorry, dear... - the man whispered. “And you know, there are a lot of people like me here.” There are thousands of them here... You would probably be interested in talking to them. There are even real heroes, not like me. There are many of them here... I suddenly wildly wanted to help this sad, lonely man. True, I had absolutely no idea what I could do for him. “Do you want us to create another world for you while you’re here?” Stella suddenly asked. It was a great idea, and I felt a little ashamed that it hadn’t occurred to me first. Stella was a wonderful person, and somehow, she always found something nice that could bring joy to others. – What kind of “other world”?.. – the man was surprised. - But look... - and in his dark, gloomy cave a bright, joyful light suddenly shone!.. - How do you like this house? Our “sad” friend’s eyes lit up happily. He looked around in confusion, not understanding what had happened here... And in his eerie, dark cave the sun was now shining cheerfully and brightly, lush greenery was fragrant, birdsong was ringing, and there was an amazing smell of blooming flowers... And in its farthest corner there was cheerfulness a stream gurgled, splashing droplets of the purest, freshest, crystal water... - Well, there you go! As you like? – Stella asked cheerfully. The man, completely stunned by what he saw, did not utter a word, only looked at all this beauty with eyes widened in surprise, in which trembling drops of “happy” tears shone like pure diamonds... - Lord, how long have I not seen the sun!.. - quietly he whispered. - Who are you, girl? - Oh, I'm just a person. The same as you - dead. But here she is, you already know - alive. We walk here together sometimes. And we help if we can, of course. It was clear that the baby was happy with the effect produced and was literally fidgeting with the desire to prolong it... - Do you really like it? Do you want it to stay that way? The man just nodded, unable to say a word. I didn’t even try to imagine what happiness he must have experienced after the black horror in which he was in every day for so long!.. “Thank you, dear...” the man whispered quietly. – Just tell me, how can this stay?.. – Oh, it’s simple! Your world will only be here, in this cave, and no one will see it except you. And if you don’t leave here, he will stay with you forever. Well, I’ll come to you to check... My name is Stella. “I don’t know what to say for this... I don’t deserve it.” This is probably wrong... My name is Luminary. Yes, I haven’t brought much “light” so far, as you can see... - Oh, nothing, bring more! – it was clear that the little girl was very proud of what she had done and was bursting with pleasure. “Thank you, dears...” The luminary sat with his proud head bowed, and suddenly began to cry like a child...

First steps in cinema

Many people close to cinema know that Gerasimov loved filming his students. He recommended those who for some reason were not suitable for him to other talented directors. Unfortunately, Larisa Luzhina was not his actress.

From the first year she already began to be cast in films. This was the main role of Lyuba in the film story “Man Doesn’t Give Up” (1960), the gardener in “Man Follows the Sun” (1961). But the biggest success was working in the film “On the Seven Winds” (1962) by Rostotsky and Galich. Gerasimov recommended her for the role of Svetlana Ivashova.

It should be said that actress Larisa Luzhina, whose biography consists of constant experiments, recalls that working in this film was not easy. At first, she didn't succeed at all. It got to the point that Rostotsky was simply afraid that the actress would not cope with the role. He showed Gerasimov all the footage and asked him to replace Luzhina. Gerasimov was an excellent psychologist; he understood perfectly well that this refusal could kill Larisa as an actress. And he also had great faith in his talented student, so he advised the director to pay more attention to her. Heeding the advice of his great teacher, Rostotsky began to work a lot with the young actress. He even tried to dye her blonde in order to better match the created image of Svetlana Ivashova.


After the premiere of the film “On the Seven Winds,” Larisa woke up famous. The film was sent to the Cannes Film Festival, where a delegation of Russian cinema headed by Gerasimov, Rostotsky, Kulidzhanov, and Raizman also went. The actors were represented by young Inna Gulaya and Larisa Luzhina. It was necessary to somehow resolve the issue with outfits. As a sign of respect, the Tallinn Fashion House sent Larisa two luxurious evening dresses, in which the actress shone in Cannes.

A situation occurred at the festival due to which Larisa Luzhina, whose biography is full of surprises, could say goodbye to her future career. At the evening reception, Larisa was invited to dance a twist. In those days, this dance in the USSR was considered unprincipled and even obscene. VGIK students, including Larisa, “mastered” it perfectly and famously danced it at their parties. But dancing a twist at a reception, and even abroad? The actress was reassured by Gerasimov, who said that his student should be able to do everything.

Returning to her homeland, Luzhina was summoned to see Furtseva (Minister of Culture). In anger, she removed the “offending” actress from further trips. And again Gerasimov came to the rescue. He came to see Furtseva and said that Larisa was his student and it was he who allowed her to dance. After this, Luzhina attended festivals in Karlovy Vary, Sweden, Iran, and Poland.

Biography[ | ]

Larisa Luzhina was born on March 4, 1939 in Leningrad.

Father: Anatoly Ivanovich. Mother: Evgenia Adolfovna. The elder six-year-old sister died of starvation during the siege of Leningrad, and her grandmother died from a shrapnel wound.

Larisa and her mother survived the blockade: when the “Road of Life” was opened, they were evacuated along Ladoga to the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region.

After the war, the Luzhins settled in Tallinn, where Larisa began studying in a school drama club, which was led by an artist of the Russian Drama Theater. Future actors Vitaly Konyaev, Vladimir Korenev, Igor Yasulovich studied with Larisa. Performances staged under the direction of Ivan Danilovich were shown not only on the school stage, but also on the professional stage. It was then that Larisa decided to become an actress[1]. After graduating from school, Larisa went to enter the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, but failed the exam. An accident helped her come to the cinema: in 1959, Larisa, opposite whose house the pavilions of the Tallinn Film Studio were located, was invited straight from the street to play a small role as a night cabaret singer in the film "". After the release of the film, Lenfilm director Herbert Rappoport offered Luzhina, who entered the acting department of VGIK in 1960, one of the main roles in the film “,” which became the beginning of professional work in cinema.

When director S.I. Rostotsky, who was preparing to shoot the film “On the Seven Winds,” was looking for a candidate for the role of Svetlana, the famous S.A. Gerasimov, in whose course Larisa Luzhina studied, recommended her for this role, which later brought enormous fame to the young actress and the love of the audience.

In 1962, the Soviet delegation went to the Cannes Film Festival with the film “On the Seven Winds.” Young actresses Larisa Luzhina and Inna Gulaya also went along with the leading directors of Russian cinema Sergei Gerasimov, Stanislav Rostotsky, Lev Kulidzhanov, Yuli Raizman. From the Tallinn Fashion House, Larisa, from old memory, was sent two evening dresses. An incident occurred at the Festival that almost cost Larisa her future career. At the reception, one of those present invited her to dance a twist. When Larisa returned to the Soviet Union, the French magazine Paris Match

with a photo of Luzhina and the headline “The Sweet Life of a Soviet Student.” An angry Furtseva removed the “indecent” actress from further trips. Sergei Appolinaryevich Gerasimov came to a reception with the minister and said: “This is my student, I allowed her to dance.” After that, Larisa Luzhina went to Russia, after which she visited Sweden, Poland and Iran.

In the 1960s, Larisa Luzhina created a gallery of images of romantic girls in films made by film studios of the USSR and the GDR, then more complex and dramatic images of Russian women replaced the lyrical heroines. In 1965, the director of the DEFA studio, Joachim Hübner, saw her in the film “On the Seven Winds” and invited her to star in the serial film “Doctor Schlutter”. Luzhina played two main roles at once: the anti-fascist Eva and her daughter Irena, who, after the death of her mother, continues to fight in the anti-Hitler underground. During her work in the GDR, Larisa Luzhina starred in six films, including two serials. It was in the GDR that the actress first played roles from Russian classics - Marya Nikolaevna in Spring Waters (1968) and Varvara Pavlovna in The Nest of Nobles (1969), based on the works of I. S. Turgenev. German viewers highly appreciated the work of Larisa Luzhina: according to a survey in one of the magazines, she was recognized as the most popular actress in the GDR. Soon she was awarded the German National Prize and the Golden Laurel of Television award twice.

In 1966, Larisa starred in Stanislav Govorukhin’s adventure film about climbers “Vertical”. On the set of this film she met Vladimir Vysotsky. Then, in the 1960s, Luzhina became the prototype for the character in his song “She Was in Paris.”

After “Vertical” Larisa filmed a lot. Her heroines were always feminine, lyrical, charming, but at the same time strong and courageous. Among her most famous works are roles in the psychological melodrama “The Main Witness”, the heroic adventure film “Gold”, the sports drama “Racers”, the melodrama “Nastenka”, the film story “The Sky with Me”, the biographical film “The Fourth Height”. In 1976, Larisa Luzhina played Yuri Gagarin’s mother, Anna Timofeevna, in the film “So the Legend Begins.” In order to get into character, Larisa went to Gzhatsk and met the mother of the first cosmonaut. Larisa Anatolyevna recalls: “She greeted me very warmly. She lived in a small one-story stone house that was built for her. In an old house with a small garden, they set up a Museum, which, in principle, Anna Timofeevna maintained: she received tourists, gave excursions, cleaned, and washed. An ordinary, simple Russian woman. I wanted to remember her gestures, her manner of behavior. Later, on the set, all this came in handy.”

Since 1964 - actress of the Film Actor's Studio Theater.

She teaches acting at the Moscow Children's Academy of Folk Arts "Russia" under the Department of Education of the Moscow Government. Larisa Anatolyevna has been a member of the board of the Central House of Arts for a long time, and is the chairman of the women’s club “Madam”.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Larisa Luzhina was no longer invited to the cinema, and the Film Actor Theater was closed. Having borrowed a small amount of money from a friend, Luzhina made the play “Theatrical Anecdote”, with which she traveled around Russia.

In recent years, Larisa Luzhina has played several roles in the television series “No Salvation from Love” and “Junker”. In the TV series “Wapit Hunting” she played a judge. In 2006, the series “Love Like Love” was released. Larisa Luzhina and Sergei Nikonenko played the roles of Plato and Tatyana Lobov. Critics note the authenticity with which the actors portray their characters.

On June 28, 2005, Luzhina, among 50 members of the public, signed a “Letter in support of the verdict against the former leaders of YUKOS”[2]. On February 6, 2012, she was officially registered as a proxy of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current Prime Minister Putin.

Lives in the Krylatskoye district of Moscow[3].

Work in Germany

After the film “On the Seven Winds,” viewers eagerly awaited films with the participation of Larisa Luzhina. At this time, German director Joachim Hübner invited her to appear in his five-part film “Doctor Schlutter” (1964–1966) in two roles at once - mother and daughter. Filming lasted two years.

It was a difficult time for Larisa. Having arrived in a foreign country, she knew only two words in German, so at first she simply memorized the text, much later she began to understand what she was talking about. But these were not all the problems that arose for the actress - she needed to be naked on camera. She had to act in only swimming trunks - an episode unthinkable for Soviet cinema! The director managed to persuade her, removing everyone from the set except the cameraman and himself.

The image of a romantic girl

In the 60s, Larisa Luzhina actively exploited the image of a romantic girl in films. At the same time, she plays in film studios not only in the USSR, but also in the GDR.

In 1965, German director Joachim Hübner invited her to shoot the serial film “Doctor Schlutter”, in which Luzhina plays two roles at once - the anti-fascist Eva and her daughter Irene.

It is noteworthy that it was in the GDR that Larisa Anatolyevna Luzhina first played in films based on Russian classic novels. First of all, these are Turgenev’s works “The Noble Nest” and “Spring Waters”. The love of German audiences was so strong that she was even recognized as the most popular actress in the GDR.

Meeting Vysotsky

After returning from Germany, the actress was in for a real gift of fate. She was invited to star in his film by Stanislav Govorukhin. We are talking about the film “Vertical” (1966), where Luzhina had to work with the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky. His confirmation for this role was very difficult. The artistic council of the Odessa film studio categorically objected to his candidacy. It was approved only after Govorukhin swore that Vysotsky would not sing in the film. He did not keep his word, because it is unlikely that at that moment there would have been a person who could have held Vladimir, enchanted by the mountains.

The famous bard wrote several magnificent songs that instantly spread throughout the country.

Larisa Luzhina quickly became friends with Vysotsky. They developed a very warm relationship, but it was only friendly. Vladimir Semenovich dedicated the song “She was in Paris” to his new girlfriend.

Larisa Luzhina: personal life

Larisa experienced her first love at the age of sixteen. The guy's name was Pavel, he studied at the Tallinn Naval School. The guys met and went to dances. After graduating from college, Pavel left for his native Irkutsk. When leaving, he gave Luzhina a guitar and promised to write. And later the girl found out that a bride was waiting for Pavel in Irkutsk, whom he soon married.

In the cinema, Larisa Anatolyevna was very lucky to have partners - Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Igor Ledogorov. According to the scripts, she was in love with all of them. However, in life she liked completely different men.

Larisa Luzhina, whose husbands are creative people, tried to start a family four times. The first husband was Alexey Chardynin (cameraman of the films “Journalist”, “Don’t Set Traps for the Devil”, “Ivan and Marya”). Larisa met him in her second year at VGIK. A handsome, tall and very talented young man won the girl’s heart almost instantly. But the young people lived for only seven years - the marriage could not withstand the separations and Larisa’s constant travels.

Larisa’s second husband is Valery Shuvalov (cameraman in the films “12 Chairs”, “The Magician”, “Intergirl”, etc.). To the great joy of the actress, a son, Pavel, was born in this marriage. The family broke up when the boy was seven years old.

The third time the alliance did not work out either. Unlike the first two marriages, the husband initiated the divorce, and this became a tragedy for Larisa Anatolyevna. We can say that the actress’s personal life did not work out. The family also did not work out with the fourth spouse. But at the same time, Larisa Anatolyevna considers herself a happy woman. She has an adult and successful son, a good, caring daughter-in-law, and two of the best grandchildren. The son is an excellent recording engineer at the Mosfilm film studio.

Personal life

Luzhina married four times. The very first marriage lasted seven years. The actress's chosen one was Alexey Chardynin, to whom she became engaged immediately after graduating from VGIK.

For the second time, Larisa married Valery Shuvalov. The couple had a son, for whom the father also served as a mother - she herself returned to the profession almost immediately after giving birth.

Larisa Luzhina with Vladimir Gusakov | TV week

Luzhina also broke up with her second husband quite quickly, leaving him for screenwriter Vladimir Gusakov. Ten years later they divorced after Vladimir's betrayal.

The actress's fourth and last husband was rather her salvation from loneliness. Administrator Vyacheslav Matveev lost his job after Perestroika, after which Larisa divorced him.

Larisa Luzhina and Alexey Chardynin | TV week

Now Luzhina lives alone; her ex-husbands do not maintain relations with her. Her son Pavel is married and has children.


During this difficult period for the whole country, changes came in Luzhina’s life. They began to rarely film her, and the Film Actor Theater closed. However, Larisa Anatolyevna managed to survive this period a little easier than many of her colleagues. Having borrowed some money from a friend, she staged “Theater Anecdote,” a play with which she toured extensively around the country. I didn’t manage to earn a lot of money, but I had enough to live on.

It was upsetting that things were really bad in the cinema. Almost no films were made, and those that were released were of very low quality.

New Age

The situation began to stabilize after the year two thousand. The first serious work after a long period of stagnation was the film “Secrets of Palace Revolutions” (2001-2003) by Svetlana Druzhinina, the role of Praskovya Dolgorukova. This is the first real costume role in the actress’s career.

Then the time came for the series - “Junker” (2007), “There is no salvation from love” (2003), “Hunting for Manchurian deer” (2005). In 2006, the premiere of the series “Love as Love” by V. Krasnopolsky took place. In this film, Larisa Luzhina and Sergei Nikonenko became the favorites of the audience. Strict critics noted the amazing authenticity of the images they created.

Larisa Luzhina, whose films are very beloved by viewers, still works at the Film Actor Theater. She plays in the play “Exactly at Seven” and also participates in enterprises. Viewers often ask how old Larisa Luzhina is. The actress's passport age does not matter. Everyone who is lucky enough to communicate with her falls under the charm of this self-confident, very beautiful woman. At the same time, she is completely devoid of “stardom”. She is always sincere and attentive to her interlocutor.


  1. 1959 - Uninvited Guests - cabaret singer
  2. 1960 - In Rain and in Sun - Lizzie
  3. 1960 - A man does not give up - Lyuba
  4. 1961 - The Adventures of Krosh - Zina
  5. 1961 - Man follows the sun - Lenuta, park worker
  6. 1962 - On the seven winds - Svetlana Ivashova
  7. 1963 - Silence - Nina
  8. 1963 - Free kick - TV presenter
  9. 1964 - Big Ore - Vera
  10. 1965 - Doctor Schlutter (GDR) - Eva / Irene, Eva's daughter
  11. 1965 - Successor - Lilo Rokhman
  12. 1966 - Vertical - Larisa
  13. 1966 - No and Yes - Anya
  14. 1967 - Meetings - Tatiana
  15. 1968 - Love of Seraphim Frolov - Anfisa
  16. 1969 - Spring Waters - Maria Nikolaevna
  17. 1969 - Main Witness - Varvara
  18. 1969 - Noble Nest - Varvara Pavlovna
  19. 1969 - Gold - Matryona Rubtsova, a noble livestock breeder from the Red Plowman collective farm
  20. 1971 - Putin - Lilya
  21. 1972 - Racers - Lyusya Kukushkina
  22. 1973 - Life on Sinful Earth - Maria Maksheeva
  23. 1973 - Fulfillment of desires - Varvara Nikolaevna
  24. 1973 - Nastenka - Nastya
  25. 1974 - Shoo and Dvaportfolya - Alyosha’s mother
  26. 1974 - The sky is with me - Nadezhda Gribova
  27. 1974 - Conscience - Nina Aleksandrovna Karnatskaya
  28. 1975 - Rosa - Trosha’s mother
  29. 1975 - Yaroslav Dombrovsky - Elizaveta Dmitrieva
  30. 1976 - Seventy-two degrees below zero - wife of Ivan Gavrilov
  31. 1976 - Live your own way - Zoya
  32. 1976 - The most beautiful horse - mother of Igor Ponomarev
  33. 1976 - This is how the legend began - Anna Timofeevna Gagarina
  34. 1977 - Debt - Galinka, wife of the Cossack Trifon
  35. 1977 - The fourth height - mother of Gulya Koroleva
  36. 1978 - Meeting at the end of winter - Anna Fedorovna Gubareva
  37. 1978 - Rasmus the Tramp - Fru Bjorison
  38. 1978 - Artyom - Alexandra Valerianovna Mechnikova
  39. 1979 - Don’t part with your loved ones - Mironova
  40. 1979 - Detective - Taisiya
  41. 1982 - Year of the active sun - Lida
  42. 1982 - Polygon - Antonina Pavlovna
  43. 1983 - Find guilty - Victor's mother
  44. 1983 - Statute of Limitations - woman in a fur boa
  45. 1984 - Chronicle of one summer - Tamara Kolesnikova
  46. 1985 - Attention! To all posts... - Olga Ivanovna Koltsova
  47. 1986 - Iron Field - Anna Illarionovna Kapustina
  48. 1986 - Land of my childhood - Antonina Sergeevna
  49. 1986 - The Secrets of Madame Wong - Frau Schultz
  50. 1992 - Am I to blame... - Pasha
  51. 1992 - Unforeseen visits - Olga Grigorievna
  52. 1992 - Tractor Drivers 2 - Markovna
  53. 1992 - The Price of Treasures - Tilly
  54. 1995 - A quiet angel flew by...
  55. 1996 - Third son
  56. 2000 - House for the rich - Marina Mikhailovna
  57. 2001 — Holiday romance
  58. 2001 - Night at the cordon - teacher Daria Petrovna
  59. 2001 - 2003 - Secrets of palace coups - Praskovya Dolgorukova
  60. 2002 - Gossip Chronicles - Raisa Valeryanovna
  61. 2003 - Amapola - Antonina Antonovna
  62. 2003 - There is no salvation from love - Natalya Yakovlevna
  63. 2003 - Farewell echo - doctor in the antenatal clinic
  64. 2004 - About love in any weather - sausage factory worker
  65. 2005 - Kukotsky's incident - Tanya's teacher
  66. 2005 - Hunting for wapiti - Balanova, judge
  67. 2006 - Junker - Lidia Vasilievna, sister of General Anchutin
  68. 2006 - My affectionate and gentle cop - Nina Pavlovna Petrova
  69. 2006 - Under the Big Dipper - episode
  70. 2006 - Love is like love - Tatyana Lobova
  71. 2007 - Return of Turetsky - Valentina Denisovna, Turetsky’s aunt
  72. 2007 - Gift of God - Aunt Sima
  73. 2007 - May - Vera Petrovna
  74. 2007 - 2009 - Twists of fate - Taya
  75. 2008 - Urgent to the room - Natalya Sergeevna, housekeeper of the numismatist
  76. 2009 - Annushka - Nina Ilyinichna, teacher
  77. 2010 - Forensic experts - Galina Semyonovna Iordantseva
  78. 2010 - Happiness under contract - mother of Sergei Odintsov
  79. 2010 - Marusya - Tamara Beregovaya
  80. 2010 - Heart of Mary - Vasilisa Potapovna
  81. 2011 - Forest Lake - Vasilisa Sergeevna
  82. 2011 - Smile of fate - Nadezhda Pavlovna
  83. 2012 - Love without insurance - Katya’s mother
  84. 2012 - Hunting for Gauleiter - Maria Arkhipova
  85. 2012 - Divorce - Regina
  86. 2012 - Fatal love of Savva Morozov - Maria Fedorovna Morozova
  87. 2012 - Bitches
  88. 2013 - Wait for love - Vera Petrovna
  89. 2014 - If you are not with me - Taya
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