Nina Doroshina: love, pigeons and other stories from life

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Nina Doroshina is a wonderful Soviet-Russian actress and teacher. Her theatrical career was successful, but in cinema there were too few works worthy of her multifaceted talent. It turned out that one successful role in the film “Love and Doves” was enough for the whole country to fall in love with the actress. In her life there was love, which she kept until the end of her days, two childless marriages and many losses.

Nina was born on December 3, 1934 in the town of Losinoostrovsk near Moscow in the family of Mikhail Nikiforovich and Anna Mikhailovna Doroshiny . Her father worked as an appraiser at a fur factory. In the late 30s, he was sent on a business trip to Iran to buy sheepskin for the Red Army. His wife and daughter came to him later - at the very beginning of the war with Germany. The family endured difficult years at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran. Zhenya was born here . The girl learned good manners from childhood and perfectly mastered the Persian language - Farsi. She carried her love for Eastern culture throughout her life.

Parents returned to Moscow when Nina was 12 years old. She began studying at a regular school and enrolled in a theater club. The girl decided on her future profession even then.

Nina Doroshina with her younger brother Zhenya. Photo

After graduating, Nina entered the Shchukin Theater School in the workshop of Vera Lvova and Vladimir Moskvin . Among her classmates were such future famous actors as Alexander Shirvindt , Inna Ulyanova , Lev Borisov , etc.

Nina Doroshina. Photo

After finishing “Pike” in 1956, Doroshina was enrolled in the staff of the Mosfilm film studio. She already had several films to her credit, the most notable of which was the role of a bully’s girlfriend in the film “First Echelon” (1955).

Nina Doroshina. “First Echelon” 1955

On the set of this film, the second-year student met Oleg Efremov , then an actor at the Central Children's Theater. Nina fell in love with him once and for all. Efremov was not interested in her as a woman, but treated her very warmly. When Oleg became the artistic director of Sovremennik, he more than once invited Doroshina to performances, and then brought her to spend the night at his home on Arbat (solely because it was unsafe for the girl to return on the last train to Losinka). Nina didn’t tell Efremov about her feelings, but he had no idea.

Oleg Efremov. Photo

In 1959, Doroshina came to appear at Sovremennik as an actress, and Efremov took her into the troupe. The team did not accept Nina right away: they did not welcome film actresses. By that time, Nina had already starred in a dozen films, traveled all over the country with concert crews and was recognized on the street. But Doroshina’s cheerful disposition and generous soul soon endeared her to her colleagues.

A year later, she brilliantly played the role of a princess in the play “The Naked King” based on the play of the same name by Evgeniy Schwartz, which began the takeoff of her theatrical career. According to Nina's friend and colleague Lyudmila Ivanova , success even transformed Doroshina outwardly: young actors began to fall in love with her. And finally, what Nina dreamed of happened - Oleg Efremov “saw” her.

Evgeny Evstigneev and Nina Doroshina. “The Naked King”

This relationship caused Doroshina a lot of pain. There was no future together with Oleg - his hobbies changed too often. But as an actress, he really valued Nina and provided her with the best roles.

Oleg Efremov and Nina Doroshina. “Destination”

This continued until, in 1970, Efremov moved to the Moscow Art Theater. Evgeny Evstigneev , Mikhail Kozakov , Alexander Kalyagin followed him , but most of the actors (including Doroshina) remained in Sovremennik. Galina Volchek took the place of artistic director .

In the mid-70s, Nina began having downtime at work. On the advice of her former teacher Vera Lvova, in 1981 Doroshina began teaching at Shchuka. According to the testimonies of her students, she was an excellent teacher and treated them like her own children.

Nina Mikhailovna’s entire creative life—59 years—was spent on the stage of Sovremennik, and she devoted 35 years to teaching work.

Biography of Nina Doroshina

Nina Mikhailovna Doroshina is a talented Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985).

In the photo: Nina Mikhailovna Doroshina

Nina Doroshina's track record includes dozens of bright roles, dramatic and comedic, many of which became major events in the cultural life of the country. Even a small appearance of the actress on the theater stage or on the movie screen was remembered by the public for a long time: people laughed and cried with her.

First creative successes

Doroshina appeared on the stage of Sovremennik as an actress in 1959. She had the opportunity to play many roles - tragic, comic, lyrical - whatever. These were Fisa from “Steep Route”, Katya “From Five Evenings”, Nyuta from “Destination”, Anita from “The Fifth Column”, Sima from “Hurry to Do Good”. Convincing bright characters, brilliantly played by a talented person.

Doroshina was also invited to act in films. On the set of “First Echelon” she remained invisible. But even minor roles in the films “Crazy Day”, “People on the Bridge”, “A Man is Born” brought recognition to the actress. She was remembered by the audience; not only avid theatergoers, but also movie lovers began to recognize her.

In the early 1960s, Doroshina starred in the films “The First Trolleybus”, “The Bridge Was Built”, “The End of Old Berezovka” (the main role). Filming took a lot of her time and energy. Seeing that filming was interfering with theater rehearsals, Doroshina began to reject offers from film directors.

She always loved theater more and did not want to sacrifice theater roles for film roles. However, for the sake of film embodiment of the colorful role of Nadyukha in the film “Love and Doves,” Doroshina agreed to leave the stage for a while. The film was directed by Vladimir Menshov, who was impressed by both the deep meaning of the performance and Doroshina’s excellent work on stage.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the theater stage was born on December 3, 1934 into the family of Mikhail and Anna Doroshin, who lived in Losinoostrovsk, a dacha suburb of Moscow in those years.

Nina Doroshina in childhood

Their life was as modest as that of the vast majority of Muscovites: a small (18 m²) room in a communal apartment; the small salary of his father, who rode on a crowded train every day to work at the Rostokinsky Metallurgical Plant, where he held the position of appraiser/sorter; the tireless efforts of the mother who took care of the family.

The life of the Doroshin family changed dramatically in the spring of 1941. Nina's father was sent to Iran - as initially expected, only for a few months. The purpose of his trip was to evaluate and purchase fur for winter uniforms for Red Army soldiers. However, due to the sudden outbreak of war, the need for warm clothing increased significantly, so Mikhail Doroshin and his family remained in Iran until 1946.

Nina Doroshina with her parents

During her stay in this country, Nina mastered the Persian spoken language (Farsi and Turkic), which helped her establish contact with the local residents. Such a close acquaintance with the special world of the East made significant adjustments to the girl’s worldview: she became a very diplomatic person, able to see the best in people and highly value the luxury of communicating with them.

Nina Doroshina easily mastered the Persian spoken language at a young age

Upon returning home, 12-year-old Nina continued her studies at girls' school No. 4, where she enthusiastically immersed herself in extracurricular activities in the drama club. At a nearby school for boys, a similar drama club was led by Moscow Art Theater actor Pyotr Vasilyevich Kudlay, who sometimes invited girl “artists” to joint rehearsals with his students. Even then, Nina managed to show her bright stage talent.

Nina Doroshina in her youth

In an effort to professionally master artistic skills, the purposeful girl began to attend the theater studio of the Railwaymen's Club, which operated under the direction of Maria Lvovna Lvovskaya, an actress of the Chamber Theater. So, after graduating from school, Nina’s future life path was already clearly outlined: without the slightest hesitation, she submitted documents to the Boris Shchukin School.

Nina Doroshina learned the secrets of theatrical art at the course of the best Vakhtangov students

Nina Doroshina learned the secrets of theatrical art at the course of the best “Vakhtangov students” - Vera Konstantinovna Lvova and Vladimir Ivanovich Moskvin. Doroshina subsequently remembered her teachers with gratitude and was very proud that she had the opportunity to study together with future celebrities of cinema and theater - Inna Ulyanova, Alexander Shirvindt, Lev Borisov.


Nina Doroshina was born on December 3, 1934 in the city of Losinoostrovsk (currently these are the Babushkinsky and Losinoostrovsky districts of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow (metro station Babushkinskaya, Rudnevoy St., building 6), and then it was a satellite city of Moscow - Losinoostrovsk, with 1939 - the city of Babushkin).

The family of Nina Mikhailovna Doroshina lived in one room of a communal apartment.

Nina's father was a fur appraiser at the Rostokinsky plant. In the spring of 1941, he was sent on a business trip to Iran for several months. The man took his entire family with him to a distant country and thereby saved his wife and daughter from the horror of war. Until the age of 12, Doroshina lived in the Middle East, where she became fluent in the Persian language and passionately fell in love with the Persian culture.

Nina Doroshina

Returning to the Soviet Union, Nina began studying at a girls' gymnasium, where she fell in love with the theater stage. The girl enrolled in a drama club, in which she was given male roles - after all, there were no boys at school. In high school, the girl found a more professional studio at the Railwaymen's Club, which was led by the Chamber Theater actress Maria Lvovskaya. This woman finally convinced Nina Doroshina that she needed to “become an artist.”

After school, the talented girl easily entered the Boris Shchukin Theater School (course of Vera Lvova and V.I. Moskvin), which she graduated in 1956. Vera Karpova, Inna Ulyanova, Alexander Shirvindt, Lev Borisov studied with her.

On January 11, 1958, she made her debut on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater in the role of a classmate of the hero Oleg Tabakov, in the play “In Search of Joy” based on the play by Viktor Rozov (it was necessary to replace the actress).

Since 1959, Nina Mikhailovna served at the Moscow Sovremennik Theater.

Since 1981 she taught at the Theater Institute. B. Shchukina.

Oleg Efremov and Nina Doroshina in the film “First Echelon” (1955)

Life devoted to theater and cinema

The girl made her film debut while still a student: she starred in the melodrama “First Echelon” (1955) by Soviet director Mikhail Kalatozov, where she convincingly played the role of Nellie (the bandit’s girlfriend). It was on the set of this film that Nina met Oleg Efremov.

Nina Doroshina with Oleg Efremov on the set of the film “First Echelon”

Doroshina completed her studies at the Shchukin School in 1956, and soon she was accepted into the Film Actor Studio Theater at Mosfilm. During that period of her life, Nina also often acted in films, and many of her works brought her wide fame. What is noteworthy is that the actress rarely got leading roles, but her talent was so bright that viewers and critics always noted the crazy energy of even minor characters in her performance.

Nina Doroshina in the film “A Man is Born”

Among Doroshina’s works of those years, one can highlight the roles of Shurochka (“Crazy Day”), Sima (“A Man is Born”), Lelka (“They Met on the Way”), Oksana (“People on the Bridge”) and others.

Evgeny Evstigneev and Nina Doroshina in the play “The Naked King”

In 1959, Nina joined the Sovremennik Theater, which became a creative haven for her for many years.

Emotional and incredibly charming, the young actress was especially successful in the roles of passionate girls and femme fatales. Spectators gladly went to the theater to see Doroshina in the role of Anita (The Fifth Column, E. Hemingway), Katya (Five Evenings, A. Volodin), Varya (Forever Alive, V. Rozov), Marina ( “Provincial Anecdotes”, A. Vampilov), Madame Georges (“Four Lines for a Debutante”, J. Anouilh).

The high workload at Sovremennik did not allow Nina to act in films often. And although the public warmly received films with Doroshina’s participation (“The End of Old Berezovka”, “The First Trolleybus”, “A Bridge is Being Built”, etc.), the actress actually abandoned filming, devoting herself entirely to the theater stage.

Success in the theater

Nina Mikhailovna fell in love with Sovremennik. She worked there for almost 60 years and the actress never wanted to change the theater. Nina Mikhailovna came across different roles. I had to play both femme fatales, capable of charming with their passionate nature, and Russian simpletons and queens in performances based on Shakespeare.

In her youth, Doroshina played many roles in the theater

The audience especially liked “Four Lines” with Nina Doroshina as the leading actress and “The Merry Wives of Windsor”. The beginning of the 80s was a period for Nina Doroshina when the actress wanted to return to the walls of her native educational institution in order to pass on her experience to young actors.

“Love and Doves”: a success story

In the mid-80s, the well-deserved fame of Nina Doroshina thundered among theatergoers, but moviegoers almost forgot about her, not yet suspecting what surprise the forgotten idol of the 60s would give them. Doroshina herself did not know about this.

On the set of the film "Love and Doves"

Meanwhile, at the invitation of an acquaintance, director Vladimir Menshov attended a Sovremennik play called “Love and Doves.” He was literally shocked both by the virtuoso performance of the actress playing the role of Nadyukha, and by the reaction of the audience, who either shed tears or laughed out loud at what was happening on stage. It was then that the famous director got the idea to create a film based on the play by Vladimir Gurkin, be sure to invite Nina Mikhailovna to the main role.

Nina Doroshina and Alexander Mikhailov in the film “Love and Doves”

The image of the provincial and sincere Nadyukha was as if specially created for Doroshina, and was forever attached to her in the popular consciousness. It was her heroine who became the center of attraction for all the colorful characters of the comedy - the careless husband played by Alexander Mikhailov, the extravagant homewrecker Lyudmila Gurchenko, and Uncle Mitya (Sergei Yursky). On the set, the director gave the actress complete freedom - and she fully revealed the versatility of the soul of a Russian woman, the entire breadth of her nature.

Vladimir Menshov’s professional instinct did not let him down: the film “Love and Doves,” released in 1983, became a real hit, and, most importantly, the audience’s favorite comedy. And Doroshina, after filming this film, instantly became a popular favorite.

The tragedy of the star of the film “Love and Doves”: Nina Doroshina spent her whole life tossing between Efremov and Dahl

Actress Nina Doroshina found love and fame after the release of the film “Love and Doves,” directed by Vladimir Menshov in 1984. And if the heroine Doroshina in the film was able to save her family, then in real life everything turned out differently for the star. She had a whirlwind romance with Oleg Efremov, she got married twice. First for the actor Oleg Dahl, and then for his longtime fan. At the same time, she continued to communicate with Dahl until his death. And at the end of her life, the celebrity only regretted that she never became a mother.

Nina Doroshina graduated from the Shchukin Theater School, where Lev Borisov and Alexander Shirvindt became her classmates. Since the 50s, Nina Mikhailovna began acting in films, making her debut in the film “Son”, and then played in “First Echelon”. While working on this film, she met Oleg Efremov and fell head over heels in love with him . But the loving Efremov did not pay attention to young Nina.

In the film “First Echelon” (1955), Nina played together with Oleg Efremov. Photo: still from the film

Nevertheless, when he began to collect artists for Sovremennik, he invited Doroshina. At that time, she lived outside the city, where it was impossible to reach from Moscow late at night. Therefore, Efremov, who lived with his mother in a communal apartment on Arbat, sometimes invited Nina to spend the night at his home.

Doroshina said that when Oleg Nikolaevich finally paid attention to her and the news of their affair reached his then-beloved Irina Mazuruk, she came to the theater and warned Doroshina: “Keep in mind, Nina, my hand is heavy.”

Nina Mikhailovna had been waiting for a relationship with Oleg Nikolaevich for several years, so she did not back down. The entire theater crowd followed their romance. And then, like a bolt from the blue, the news - Alla Pokrovskaya is pregnant with Efremov’s child and is about to give birth.

Actress Lyudmila Ivanova, recalling that period, said that love for Efremov lived in Doroshina’s heart all her life . When Nina’s second husband once suggested removing Efremov’s portrait from the wall, Doroshina said: “Now you’re leaving here. But Efremov hung and will hang!” This portrait was indeed next to Nina Mikhailovna’s bed until her last days.

When Oleg Nikolaevich nevertheless married Pokrovskaya, Doroshina, either out of spite for him, or really at the call of her heart, linked her fate with Oleg Dahl . Nina Mikhailovna was much older than the young artist. It was she who was tasked with helping the newcomer quickly master the repertoire. And then they were approved for roles in the film “The First Trolleybus”. Filming took place in Odessa. Soon it became clear to everyone that Dal adores Doroshina . Their romance eventually began after Doroshina received a telegram from Efremov. He wrote that he would not be able to come to her. Nina Mikhailovna got upset and went swimming in the sea at night and almost drowned. Dahl pulled her ashore.

In Odessa they played an impromptu wedding, without painting. Returning to Moscow, the young couple moved in with friends, and a few months later they got married for real. This legendary wedding, which ended in scandal, was talked about for a long time. Everything was fine until Efremov appeared. He came and said: “Let's dance!” And by force he pulled Nina onto his lap. Dal's mother and sister immediately got up and left. And Dahl burst into tears and ran out of the room, “7 Days” reports.

In the film “The First Trolleybus” (1964), one of Doroshina’s partners was Oleg Dal. Photo: still from the film

Dal could not be found for a long time, but then he finally returned to Nina. Efremov later came to visit them and even stayed overnight. Nina Mikhailovna, recalling her life at that time, said: “ The mistake was not that I later returned to Efremov. And the fact that I tried to knock things out and agreed to this marriage with Dahl. Never try to knock out a wedge with a wedge...”

As a result, she divorced Dahl after two years, but she dated Efremov for another 10 years. “I broke up with him only when he became interested in Anastasia Vertinskaya. He fell in love with her very much, and I could no longer stand it. And just then the lighting designer from our theater began to look after me very nicely, and I married him,” the actress recalled.

After breaking up with Doroshina, Dal married twice more, but repeatedly visited his ex-wife. They say that all his life he loved only her. Dahl came on the eve of his death. “He came to say goodbye - it was obvious,” Nina Mikhailovna explained the action of her ex-husband.

And when her second husband, with whom she lived for 20 years, died, Doroshina was left alone. In August 2017, it became known that the star had serious problems with her legs; she almost never got out of bed. “The leg muscles have atrophied, I suffer from asthma and radiculitis. Nobody helps me. “I’m alone,” Nina Mikhailovna complained.

Later, heart problems were soon added to these ailments. The actress died on April 21, 2020 at the age of 83 from a heart attack.

A year after her death, Oleg Efremov’s daughter said: “Dad always loved only Nina Doroshina.” According to her, her father’s relationship with Nina Doroshina lasted his entire life. “But she never asked him the wrong questions. She didn’t ask: “When will you marry me, Oleg?” He had me, he had a son Misha, but she had nothing,” said Anastasia Efremova.

Doroshina herself once said: “Now, when neither Oleg Nikolaevich nor Dahl are long gone, I think: why did we torment each other so much? Why was all this necessary? Why did I so want Oleg to marry me? Why couldn’t I have a child with my loved one? Just be happy with what I have now and be happy. And as a result, when you are already over 80, you lie alone in your apartment and realize how happy you were then. But I didn’t know how to appreciate it...”

Nina Doroshina Awards

She received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1970, and the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1985. She was awarded the Order of Honor (2006) and the Order of Friendship (2010).

People's Artist of the RSFSR Nina Mikhailovna Doroshina

Nina Doroshina is a winner of the “Best Actress” (1983) and “Female Face of the Year” (2007) awards. Winner of the Golden Star, 1st degree (nomination “For professionalism”, 2007).

Personal life of Nina Doroshina

Despite her sincere openness and ease of communication, Nina Mikhailovna never encouraged numerous attempts by journalists to find out details about her personal life.

Oleg Efremov and Nina Doroshina

And although the actress never publicly discussed this issue with anyone, it is known for sure that the love of her life was Oleg Efremov, the founder of the Sovremennik Theater, the legendary Soviet actor.

Nina Doroshina and Oleg Dal

They got together and parted several times - and yet Nina could not keep this ladies' man. To spite him, in 1963 she even accepted a marriage proposal from Oleg Dal, who was hopelessly in love with her. But Efremov destroyed his namesake’s glimmering hope of starting a family with Doroshina, taking the bride right from the wedding table. The marriage, not concluded for love, broke up two months later, and Doroshina forever broke the heart of the deceived Dahl.

The second official husband of Nina Doroshina was Vladimir Tyshkov

Her second official husband was Vladimir Tyshkov, who worked in the theater as an illuminator (lighting designer). Family life with him was bright and harmonious. Vladimir tried to free his talented wife from all everyday worries so that she could serve Melpomene without interference. Only his death in 2004 separated the spouses...

The only star role of Nina Doroshina

Doroshina’s debut work in cinema was the small but bright role of Nellie in the film “First Echelon” (1955). Oleg Efremov, who would soon head Sovremennik, made his debut here. Then Nina had many passing roles that did not allow her talent to reveal itself. Her first leading roles in the drama “The End of Old Berezovka” (1960) and in the musical comedy “The Artist from Kokhanovka” did not bring fame to the actress. The viewer is already fed up with simple stories from the life of collective farmers.

Nina Doroshina. “The end of the old birch tree” 1960

Doroshina did not fight for roles in films - theater always came first for her. Since the mid-60s, she disappeared from the screens for many years. But in 1977 she appeared again in the wonderful comedy “For Family Reasons,” where she played a small role of a former ballerina looking for a husband under the pretext of exchanging an apartment.

Evgeny Steblov and Nina Doroshina. “For family reasons” 1977

her only star role in cinema - Nadyukhi in the melodrama “Love and Doves” (1984) at an advanced age - at 49 years old. The image was not new for the actress: since 1982, she played Nadyukha in the play of the same name based on the play by Vladimir Gurkin, which he wrote specifically for Sovremennik. Having seen Doroshina’s excellent work in this production, director Vladimir Menshov was inspired to make a feature film with the same plot and title. He wanted to shoot only Nina in the main role.

Nina Doroshina. “Love and Doves” 1984

The actress agreed on the condition that the director would allow her to play her character the way she was used to, and Menshov did not want to change anything. He offered the role of Vasily to Alexander Mikhailov , but the actor initially refused due to his busy schedule. Boris Smorchkov (whom Menshov had already filmed in his film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”) and Sergei Yursky auditioned for this role . Vladimir rejected Smorchkov, and gave Yursky the role of Uncle Mitya. When Mikhailov finally came to audition, the director was convinced that his intuition did not let him down - Alexander fit perfectly into the image of Vasya.

Alexander Mikhailov. "Love and pigeons"

But Doroshina was not enthusiastic about Mikhailov’s candidacy - he was 10 years younger than his “wife”. However, the problem was solved quite simply - Alexander was “aged” using makeup. The same procedure was done with his peer Natalya Tenyakova , who played the pensioner Baba Shura (by the way, in real life she was Yursky’s wife).

Sergey Yursky and Natalya Tenyakova. "Love and pigeons"

Olga Melikhova , best known to TV viewers for the film “Vacation at Your Own Expense,” was up for the role of Lyudka’s daughter Yanina Lisovskaya seemed more convincing to the director (it’s a pity that both talented actresses left cinema early for various reasons).

Yanina Lisovskaya. "Love and pigeons"

The extravagant Raisa Zakharovna could have been played by Natalya Kustinskaya , but she lost in comparison with Lyudmila Gurchenko .

Lyudmila Gurchenko. "Love and pigeons"

The prototypes of the main characters were real-life people - the Kuzyakin family from the mining town of Cheremkhovo in the Irkutsk region, where Vladimir Gurkin spent his childhood. Vasya, Nadya and their four children - Tamara, Lyuda, Alyosha and Olya lived next door to Gurkin's parents (Vladimir did not include Tamara in the plot). And the holiday romance of the head of the family really happened, only the playwright himself came up with the name of the homewrecker and she did not come home to Nadya.

The Kuzyakins experienced a real shock when they saw their family history on the TV screen (and even with the mention of their real surname and names). Vladimir did not deign to obtain their permission to publish facts from his private life (in our time, he would hardly get away with such impudence).

“Love and Doves” entered the golden fund of Soviet cinema and is still one of the most beloved Russian films among the people. And each of us remembers Doroshina first of all as Nadyukha.

After this stellar role, Nina starred in only two films with a large time gap: “Don’t you like our government?!” (1988) and “Garages” (2010), which became her last film work. Now no one remembers them. The actress did not complain about fate, because... I understood that I had already played the best role in my life.


There is no cure for age. Over the years, the long-standing heart disease made itself felt more and more, and my legs often began to fail. Of course, Doroshina was not left alone with her troubles. She was helped by her niece Olesya, the daughter of Nina Mikhailovna’s younger brother, Evgeniy Mikhailovich, and her devoted fans were always ready to lend a helping hand.

Despite her poor health, Nina Doroshina hoped to soon return to the theater stage and resume work at the school. But on April 21, 2020, the actress passed away due to a severe heart attack...

Personal life of the actress

There were a lot of men in Nina Doroshina’s life, and this despite her not very bright appearance. Still, the inner spark is sometimes more attractive than a beautiful face and a chiseled figure.

Romance with Oleg Efremov

For a long time, Nina Doroshina was in a carefully hidden relationship with the married Oleg Efremov. For both of them, this relationship was painful and difficult. They parted, got back together, said goodbye again, and so many times. She wanted change, but he was afraid of it.

Efremov never divorced for the sake of marriage with Doroshina; they later broke up completely. Doroshina later noted in an interview that it was Efremov who was the first man whom she sincerely and truly loved.

Marriage to Oleg Dahl

Doroshina’s first official husband was the famous actor Oleg Dal, with whom fate brought them together on the set of “The First Trolleybus.” Dahl was seven years younger than the actress, but this did not create obstacles to their relationship.

They began a romantic relationship during another disagreement between Doroshina and Efremov. The actress was vacationing in Crimea and decided to swim in the night sea. Having lost her bearings, she got scared and started screaming. Oleg Dal pulled her out of the water, escorted her to the hotel and stayed overnight in her room.

At first, the couple developed a passionate and vibrant romance, which was witnessed by the entire Sovremennik acting troupe, including Efremov. The novel very quickly ended with a wedding attended by the same troupe. At first, marriage was a joy for both spouses.

But when the passion subsided, Dal and Doroshina realized how different they were and how little they suited each other. There was talk that there was no love on Doroshina’s part, that she married Dal to spite Efremov. Efremov himself fueled these rumors.

The divorce was quick and painless for both. Nina Doroshina later remembered her first husband with warmth and respect, despite the fact that she lived with him for only a short time.

After the divorce, Doroshina again began to maintain a relationship with Oleg Efremov, until her second marriage.

Life with Vladimir Tyshkov

The actress created a real family later with Vladimir Tyshkov, who worked as a lighting designer at Sovremennik. Tyshkov, like Dal, was younger than her. They lived together for about twenty years.

Marriage with him became a refuge for the actress, who died and was resurrected on stage in full force, blazed with passion and was filled with cold, loved and hated - according to the script. At home she rested and recuperated for new performances.

Until 2004, until her husband died, Doroshina lived with him in love, understanding and peace. After the death of her husband, for fourteen years, the actress lived alone in Moscow, continuing to play in the theater and teach acting. Her loneliness was brightened up by her beloved cat and visits from family and friends.

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