Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva - biography of personal life: love or self-interest?

Early years, childhood and family of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze was born on May 11, 1963 in the Georgian resort city of Batumi.
As noted in most Internet sources, in childhood our today's hero was a very calm and even quiet guy. That is why he and his younger brother Valery Meladze were often pitted against each other. Valera was a bully, and Kostya constantly admonished him. Something similar happens from time to time today. In addition to his younger brother, the now famous composer also has a sister, Liana, who is currently also working fruitfully in the world of Ukrainian show business. However, today we will leave this question out of the question.

Konstantin Meladze with his brother Valery Meladze

As for the love of music, it appeared in the life of a young guy quite unexpectedly. After watching the film “Oginsky’s Polonaise,” Kostya firmly decided that he wanted to connect his life with music. At first he tried to learn to play the violin, but some time later, after his mother sent him to music school, he decided to try out the piano.

However, at first nothing worked with either one or the other instrument. Moreover, the music school teachers unanimously said that the guy had no hearing or sense of rhythm. That is why at some point the classes had to be abandoned.

The young guy decided to turn to music again after a guitar appeared in his house. Konstantin nevertheless mastered this instrument, and therefore very soon began to often play for friends and acquaintances. His musical skills were once noted by one of his friends. So, our today’s hero ended up in the student group “April”, which became for him the first step to the world of musical art.

Subsequently, Konstantin said that it was this period in his life that allowed him to understand what he wanted in life. Trying to develop in his chosen profession, Konstantin Meladze worked on himself for a long time, learning the basics of musical literacy and mastering new instruments.

In 1989, Konstantin and his brother Valery began performing together. As part of the joint project, they managed to make several semi-professional recordings of their songs, which soon fell into the hands of the famous composer Kim Breitburg. He became interested in their work and soon invited the guys to his group “Dialogue”. Subsequently, Konstantin and Valery took part in the recording of one of the albums of this musical group. The record became quite popular, however, despite this, in 1993 the Meladze brothers left the Dialogue group.

Konstantin Meladze Another snowstorm From that moment on, Konstantin and Valery began working on their own project again. Our today's hero wrote the music and lyrics, and his younger brother performed it all from the stage.


  • 1991 — “In the Middle of the World”
  • 1995 — “Sera”
  • 1996 — “The Last Romantic”
  • 1998 — “Samba of the White Moth”
  • 2001 — “Attempt No. 5”
  • 2002 - “The Present”
  • 2003 - “Stop! Cut!”
  • 2005 — “Ocean”
  • 2008 — “Emancipation”
  • 2010 — “Love will save the world”
  • 2014 — “Thaw”
  • 2015 - The Great Gatsby

1991 — “In the Middle of the World.” 1993 — “Autumn Cry of a Hawk” 1994 — “Hunting a Human Female.” 1995 — “Sera” 1996 — “The Last Romantic” 1998 — “Samba of the White Moth” 1999 — “That’s How It Was” 2001 — “Attempt No. 5” 2002 — “The Present” 2003 — “Bliss” 2003 — “Wanderer-Autumn. Songs without words" 2003 - "Stop! Removed!”2003 – Stop! Stop! Stop!

Star Trek by Konstantin Meladze

While writing songs for his younger brother, Konstantin Meladze took part in the recording of several of his solo records.
The project turned out to be very successful, and therefore very soon both brothers became quite famous in the world of Ukrainian and Russian show business. However, real success came to Konstantin Meladze a little later - in 2000. During this period, our today's hero began to work fruitfully on creating songs for the Ukrainian group "Via Gra", of which he was the creator. Together with this group, the composer created a huge number of wonderful hits. Over time, the composition of the group and its status on the post-Soviet scene changed, but only one thing remained unchanged - which the group owed specifically to Konstantin Meladze.

Subsequently, our today's hero also showed himself excellently in some other industries. In 2001, Konstantin Meladze acted as the author of songs presented in the musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. This project of the Ukrainian channel “Inter” became very popular in Ukraine, and then was also shown in Russia and other CIS countries. After this, our today's hero began to often work as a songwriter for television musicals.

Secular cuisine: Konstantin Meladze is getting a divorce Over the years, our today's hero wrote many songs for the musicals “Cinderella”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, as well as some others. In addition, Konstantin Meladze also worked fruitfully as a songwriter for cinematic films. His track record includes music for the films “Hipsters,” “The Irony of Fate-2,” “Cinderella” and the television series “The Thaw.”

A television

Over time, Konstantin Meladze added to his fame as a composer and producer. In 2007, together with Valery Meladze, he became the producer of Star Factory-7. In the same year, a production center was created, on the basis of which the PC “Constant Records” was formed in 2009.

Producer of “Star Factory” Konstantin Meladze

In 2011-2012, Konstantin Meladze was the music producer of a Ukrainian project called “Voice of the Country”. In the same year, a similar project “Voice” was born. Children”, in which the youngest performers were able to reveal their talents.

Konstantin Meladze is a talented musician who well understands the needs of the public and knows how to arouse their interest. So, in December 2012, Konstantin announced the dissolution of the VIA Gra group. Just a few days later, a new casting for the team was announced.

Konstantin Meladze

In September 2013, Meladze’s reality show “I Want V VIA Gro” started, in the final of which Eric Herceg, Misha Romanova and Anastasia Kozhevnikova were determined as members of the new group. This composition lasted 5 years.

In 2014, the producer launched a new project “I want to go to Meladze”, which resulted in the birth of a new popular boy band “M-Band”. The group included young performers Anatoly Tsoi, Nikita Kiosse and Artem Pindyura. Initially, Vladislav Ramm was part of the pop group, but in 2020, Konstantin Meladze removed the young man from working in the group.

Vladislav Ramm and Konstantin Meladze

The news of Vladislav Ramm's departure from the popular team excited his fans. The singer’s fans organized flash mobs on social networks, calling on Meladze to return the musician to the project. Ramm himself claimed that he left the team voluntarily to start a solo career. The conflict between the producer and the performer grew into a loud scandal, to which many details began to be added.

Ramm wrote a post on Instagram about hypocritical people, addressing it to his former colleagues, and began threatening the producer with legal action. Konstantin Meladze himself stated that he kicked the singer out of the group for professional incompetence, and in response to questions about the trial, he reminded the public that Vladislav signed a contract with Meladze’s production company until 2021, which means that until that time Konstantin can completely manage the artist’s career legal grounds.

Valery and Konstantin Meladze - “My Brother”

In 2020, Konstantin and Valery Meladze shot a video for a song with the self-explanatory title “My Brother.” The song became the first duet of famous brothers in 30 years of creativity. In addition to the musicians, the video featured Victoria Isakova, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, and Yulia Snigir.

In 2020, the composer acted as a member of the jury of the national Eurovision selection in Ukraine. The winner of the competition was the original singer Jamala, about whom Meladze spoke very warmly and predicted the girl’s victory at the festival. Konstantin Meladze turned out to be right: Jamala won Eurovision with her song “1944”.

Creative evening by Konstantin Meladze

In January 2020, Konstantin Meladze organized a creative evening as part of the Christmas at Rosa Khutor festival. Throughout the concert, songs written by the composer were performed by such stars as Valeria, Vera Brezhneva, Grigory Leps, Irina Allegrova and the producer’s brother Valery Meladze.

Konstantin Meladze today

In addition to everything else, the famous Ukrainian-Georgian composer also worked as a producer on such projects of Ukrainian TV channels as “Star Factory-3”, “Voice of the Country”, “Ukraine Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “Voice.
Children”, as well as over the Russian “Star Factory-7”. Over the years, such Ukrainian and Russian groups and solo performers as Vera Brezhneva, Yin-Yang, BiS, Sofia Rotaru, Anastasia Prikhodko, Verka Syurdyuchka and some others turned to his services.

In 2013, the “I want to go to Via-Gru” project was launched in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, within the framework of which a new line-up of a popular girl group was formed. The producer of the show was again Meladze. The show was a success, and a year later Konstantin launched its “boy” analogue “I Want to Meladze”. As a result of the musical reality, the MBAND group was created, thanks to Meladze’s skillful production, which became the most popular boy band in the post-Soviet space.


Let's talk in more detail about the work that Konstantin Meladze is doing.
His biography is connected to one degree or another with various musical groups. In 2000, he created the above-mentioned VIA Gra group. The co-producer of this project was Dmitry Kostyuk. The group gained popularity first in Ukraine and then in Russia. In 2007, our hero acted as the producer of a show called “Star Factory,” which took place in Russia. Two years later, he became the director of the third season of a similar project in Ukraine. Our hero also co-produced several more TV shows. Among them follows about and “Voice of the Country”.

As part of a competition for young performers, organized in 2012 in Jurmala, the composer held a creative evening. Over thirty famous musicians took part in the concert and performed songs of our hero. In 2012 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. At the same time, the composer stopped the activities of the VIA Gra group.

A year later, NTV launched a new television project. It was called “I want to go to VIA Gro.” The show was essentially an international casting call. Girls from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia took part in it. From them it was planned to form a new composition of the VIA Gra team. When the selection was completed, the producer decided to hold another casting.

In 1991 and 1993, the group recorded 2 albums, in the creation of which the Meladze brothers took part. In 1994, Konstantin played as a keyboard player in another band, Bakhyt-Kompot. And since 1995, the brothers organized a “family contract”, the younger became a solo artist, the eldest wrote songs for him.

Konstantin Meladze during an interview
The year 2000 for Konstantin Meladze was marked by a number of important events in his biography, family, and personal life. His wedding with Yana Summ took place back in 1994, and 6 years later he became a father. At the same time, the producer founded VIA Gro, which today, having already changed 17 lineups, remains his most famous project.

In addition to VIA Gra and his brother, his songs were performed by many stars, and many aspiring singers owe their popularity to the presence of Meladze’s compositions in their repertoire.

Despite the long history of creative collaboration, Valery and Konstantin first appeared together and sang a duet in 2020, in the video for the song “My Brother.”

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Konstantin is known as a producer not only of musical groups and soloists, but also of Russian and Ukrainian television projects for talent search (“Star Factory”, “Voice of the Country”, “Voice. Children”, “Main Stage” and others). He wrote music and sometimes lyrics for musicals, feature and animated films, arranged soundtracks, produced a number of musicals, and starred in music videos.

Konstantin Meladze and one of the compositions of Viagra

participation in the creation of 23 albums, and in 20 of them he is the author of the music for all or most of the compositions, and in 15 he is also the author of the words;

  • creating music for 12 films and musicals;
  • musical production of 3 musicals and the film “Hipsters”;
  • work on the jury of a number of music competitions;
  • creation of the PC “Meladze Brothers”, “Constant Records”.

In 2012 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. He also repeatedly received music awards, was awarded special “Songs of the Year” awards, and was recognized as the best composer of the year, 10th anniversary and even 20th anniversary.

Konstantin Meladze has not only musical achievements to his name. In 2009, the charming Georgian was recognized as the most handsome man in Ukraine according to VIVA magazine.

Latest projects of Meladze-producer – castings:

  • “I want V VIA Gro” for girls;
  • “I want to go to Meladze” for boys;
  • project “Main Stage” (2015-16);
  • creation of the boy band MBAND (since 2015);
  • promotion of Vera Brezhneva as a solo performer (since 2008).

Meladze, Brezhnev and the MBand team
The last project occupies a special place in Meladze’s biography.

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Personal life of Konstantin Meladze and other facts

In 1994, Konstantin Meladze married a woman named Yana Summ. As part of this union, three children were born - daughters Alice and Leah, as well as son Valery. Despite the fact that they have three children together and nineteen years of experience living together, in 2013, Konstantin and Yana decided to separate. The composer left for Moscow, his ex-wife remained with the children in Kyiv.

Konstantin Meladze with his wife and children

One of the possible reasons for the breakup is an incident that occurred in December 2012. As a result of an accident on the Kyiv-Obukhov highway, a famous composer hit a thirty-year-old woman who died right on the spot. It was subsequently determined that the victim was crossing the road from behind a minibus, and the producer did not have enough time to brake.

As a result, the case was closed due to lack of evidence of a crime. However, the producer undertook to support her minor children until they came of age.

Traffic accident case

Above we talked about the creative activities that Konstantin Meladze is engaged in. His biography was not without tragic pages. In 2012, on December 27, in the evening, on the Kyiv-Obukhov highway (32nd kilometer), in his own Lexus car, he hit Anna Pishchalo, a resident of the Kyiv region, the village of Kozin.

The woman was thirty years old. The accident occurred at a pedestrian crossing, not far from the Pyatikhatki transport stop. The composer was sober, did not try to hide, and called the police himself. I tried to provide first aid to the victim, but it was not possible to save her. The woman died on the spot from her injuries.

In 2012, criminal proceedings began in accordance with part two of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In this case, a punishment of 3 to 8 years of imprisonment is provided, which may be supplemented by deprivation of a driver’s license. According to later data, our hero took upon himself the responsibility of supporting the two children of the woman he shot down until they came of age.

According to the composer, from now on he will transfer a certain amount of money to their account every month. In 2013, on July 30, it became known that the police investigation department had completed criminal proceedings and closed the case. According to the examinations carried out, our hero did everything in his power to avoid an accident.

Personal life

The children of Konstantin Meladze are of interest to the public, as is his marital status. Therefore, we will try to consider this topic in more detail. Today our hero writes songs for his brother. The ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze is Yana Summ. After breaking up with her, our hero moved to live in Moscow from Kyiv. The children of Konstantin Meladze, born in this marriage, are Alisa, Valeryan, Liya. The father continues to take care of them. However, Konstantin Meladze’s ex-wife left him back in 2013. It was then that the couple separated.

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze have been in a relationship since 2005. In 2015, they entered into an official marriage. The girl was the lead singer of the VIA Gra group. Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze met while working on this project. Now the girl has taken up a solo career. Our hero writes songs for his wife and acts as her producer.

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