Gossip Cop Calendar: Steven Seagal's 60th Anniversary

This article will talk about the very famous American actor, film director, and aikido master – Steven Seagal. The man devoted his entire life to sports. Since childhood, he has been involved in various martial arts, and already at the age of a teenager he could fight back against any offender. He starred in many films, where he himself became a director. Recently he has been a citizen of the Russian Federation. Seagal acts as a role model for many. Well, let's not beat around the bush, but let's move on to the biography of this famous man.

Height, weight, age. How old is Steven Seagal

All those who watched at least one film with the participation of this man could be surprised by the dimensions of the actor, but those who met him face to face were even more amazed and asked only one question: what is this man’s height, weight, age. How old is Steven Seagal is a fairly popular question among connoisseurs of his work. If you don't know yet, we'll tell you. Now the man is 65 years old, has a height of 193 centimeters and weighs 105 kilograms. Considering these figures, a real hero appears before us.

Biography and personal life of Steven Seagal

The biography and personal life of Steven Seagal begins in a small provincial town, Lansing, located in the USA. Our hero was born on April 10, 1952. From the age of seven, the kid wanted to play sports and because of this he took up karate.

At the age of 15, the guy began to actively participate in street fights, showing his professionalism. As a result, he meets aikido teacher Keshi Isisaki, who decides to take him to study. Strangely enough, he becomes this man’s best student. After 2 years, Stephen decides to go to Japan, where he wants to continue his studies with more experienced masters.

1974 is the time when our hero receives his first dan. And becomes the first American in Japan to open a dojo. As time passed, Seagal realized that his development had stopped a little, and clenching all his will into a fist, in a short time he managed to receive the 10th dan from the great master, Seiseki Abe.

Early Steven Seagal is extraordinarily good

Like many other heroes of the VHS era, Steven Seagal has undergone many transformations over the past twenty years, and not everyone has refined his image. And if it were only a matter of conveyor filming straight to DVD, the usual fate of a movie hero from the 80s. In Russia, they have already forgotten which of Seagal is an actor or a fighter: the blues concert at the Night Wolves bike show with the performance of the DPR anthem or footage of Lukashenko and carrots come to mind more readily. Looking at all this clownery, I sadly remember how it all began.

For me, there were two entry points into Seagal’s work. The first one is familiar to many - the film "Capture" (the one about the ship), watched in the 90s on VHS, but it seems only three times: Chuck Norris was his childhood idol, the tapes of which were worn out to holes. Back then, Seagal didn’t seem like anyone special to me. But more than ten years later, fate gave me another chance: I learned about the existence of a book called Seagalogy. Translated, literally, Sigalogy: an analysis of the actor’s entire film work from 1988 to 2008, performed by a venerable film critic under the pseudonym Vern. Of course, the analysis is not without irony, but still very thorough. Thanks to Verne, I rediscovered the early Seagal, whose films, although I had watched before, I remembered very vaguely - only “The Capture” was put aside.

Surprisingly, despite the fact that in recent years the image of Steven Seagal has become extremely Russified, the book has not yet been translated. Perhaps because it tells about a completely different Seagal - an action hero who was admired by adults and children. And as I became convinced later, they were admired for good reason!

In his book, Verne divides Seagal’s career into several periods - from the “golden age,” which included the first four films, including “Nico,” to the straight to DVD 2000s, when the actor released four films a year. The “Golden” Age is not called this as a joke: already in his very first film, Steven Seagal soared to the skies and for some time did not even think about coming down from them. It is about him - through the prism of "Sigalogy" - that we will talk about.

The book's foreword was written by director David Gordon Green ("Pineapple Express"), and it already contains a very important idea regarding the early Seagal. As you know, in the Russian box office in the 90s, all these films were called “Niko” - one, three, five, ten. That was the name of the hero of the very first film - “Above the Law”, although it was released in English under the name “Nico”. But who cared that every movie had its own title? And the fact that in all these films Seagal seems to play different characters - not Nico, but Mason, Gino, or Forrest? No one. It seemed like this was one big series about Steven Seagal, where his biography was constantly changing for fun. Green makes the same point: “It’s not like it’s all one franchise, but each new character is not far removed from the previous one.” The starting point of this unique “franchise” was “Above the Law.” And the “series about Seagal” is not just a figure of speech.

Starting the story about Seagal's debut, Vern rightly draws attention to its effectiveness. How did the heroes of the VHS era begin their film careers? Okay, Arnie was good, playing Hercules right away. But Van Damme first appeared in film credits as a “gay karateka.” You've probably heard a lot about Stallone's first film. Chuck Norris started out with a cameo role in a shitty Bond parody, but in the second film he played with Bruce Lee himself - but got bullied from him! All of this, even including Arnie's Hercules, doesn't compare to Seagal's debut.

In case you don’t remember the premise of “Above the Law,” here it is. Nico Toscani is a former aikido instructor and CIA agent who served in Vietnam and works as a cop in Chicago. Toscani is investigating a case where drug traffickers and the CIA are involved at the same time, he digs too deep - and he is removed from service. But as often happens, Niko continues to investigate the case without the gun badge.

For starters, Seagal plays the lead role in his first film. But that's not all. I will return the word:

“The film begins by explaining who Steven Seagal is. The first frame is a childhood photograph of Seagal. The announcer, in Seagal's soft voice, narrates the story as if we were watching a documentary about his life. <…> Rare photos of a young Seagal training in Japan are shown, then we see that he has opened his own dojo. <…> To some extent, the character Nico Toscani is Steven Seagal - enough to use his photo album in the opening credits."

Verne makes an unexpected comparison: while this approach was still new in the 80s, it was later used for films like 8 Mile, where the biography of the main character largely coincides with the biography of the actor - in this case, Eminem.

Another important moment in the film's opening also communicates Seagal's exceptional coolness. “Not even two minutes into it, and he’s already scattering enemies in all directions, swinging his arms at the speed of light and even speaks a little Japanese.”

And this is just the beginning!

The plot of the film begins with an interrogation scene, during which Niko, wearing a cool scarf, cannot stand the cruelty of a CIA agent towards a drug dealer, causes a scandal and leaves.

In the next scene we see him years later in Chicago, along with the two main women in his life - his partner Jax (the gorgeous Pam Grier):

... and wife (not quite luxurious Sharon Stone).

“Jax is going into a new position in a few days, so you're always worried that she's going to die. And Sharon Stone spends the entire movie crying and whining and trying to get Nico to not do things but back down, so you don't really mind if she dies."

The exhibition does not end there. Nico baptizes his baby, after which we find ourselves at a party, where both his fellow police officers and members of Nico's Italian mafia family are present.

During the party, Niko finds out from his sobbing mother that his cousin again hooked up (literally) with some shady drug addict. Niko takes Jax with him and leaves the party under the pretext of work, drives up to some bar, tells Jax that he’s going to take a piss, but instead he goes into the bar and starts a showdown there. Subsequently, Vern writes, a bar fight will become one of his tricks. However, we see the main shot of that episode when Niko goes up to the rooms above the bar and finds his sister in lousy company. The company will be punished immediately.

The bar fight scene is unique not only in that it was the first of many. Pay attention to the bartender. Usually in action films this is a very passive character. I mean, he might get a sawed-off shotgun from behind the counter in time, but you're unlikely to see him after the bar scene, no matter what happens. But this bartender is not like that. He appears in the scene after the fight - already on the street, persuading the cops to arrest Niko. But the most amazing thing is that he continues to appear further - including in the last scenes with the villains torturing Niko. Of course, in the credits this bartender will later be noted as a CIA Bartender, that is, allegedly working under the cover of the CIA, but every new meeting with him never ceases to amaze.

But let's return to fights - a key element of films with Seagal, where he was an innovator in his time.

“Segal fights in a completely new style for the big screen, not only because aikido was shown less in films than karate or kung fu, but because he developed his own aikido system <…>. The fast, straightforward fighting style creates unusual choreography. My favorite scene is where a group of dudes get out of the car and surround Niko, one with a gun, two with a machete and one with a baseball bat. It takes Niko about three seconds to get rid of the gun, take away the machete and start a knife fight. Having brutally finished everyone off, he runs after the last guy down the street, scaring him so much that he starts crying and shouting “don’t kill me!” Coincidentally, just around the corner, Seagal meets a very tall friend of his who says, “Hey, that’s my buddy!” and tries to hit Niko, but Niko takes him out with one punch.”

The inexorable hand of Steven Seagal has overtaken another villain.
Niko's relationship with his partner and wife is interesting. Stone's character, as already mentioned, cries and is hysterical for most of the film. Pam Grier's character is clearly pulling the blanket over herself. This can be judged by two scenes: firstly, when the two of them go to the Bogota restaurant and follow the drug dealers. Jax mentions that he's sacrificing a date for this spying (“It seems like there's no more important guy in her life than Nico”). But the second scene is stranger - when Jax gets shot and Nico thinks she's dead.

“Nico mourns her like a movie, looking at photos, including a family portrait of him, his wife, baby and Jax! Just think about it. All cops have close relationships with their partners. But do you think Danny Glover invited Mel Gibson to take his family photos? No, at least until the end of the fourth part of Lethal Weapon. I think we all understand what's going on. Niko cheats on his wife. But maybe Seagal just didn't want to make it completely obvious so that his real wife wouldn't think too much when she saw this scene on TV or something. This is something you only begin to notice after watching the film a few times.”

In his subsequent films, Seagal can be eccentric in places (what's with the strange outfit in Out for Justice?), but here he is almost flawless in his seriousness. And only in one scene does he give up and we recognize in her the future eccentric Seagal. Near the end, while eating breakfast in the kitchen, Niko sits with his family and listens to his parents and wife trying to convince him to leave town. Holding his son in his arms, he says:

“Have you ever noticed how children smell? It was as if nothing in the world had ever touched them.”

Speaking about the decisive battles in the film, one cannot fail to mention again the fighting style and character of the hero Seagal. In his first film, he is especially fast in fights. His techniques are as sharp as possible, look fresh and especially brutal - take the same arm fractures.

He is very aggressive and even bloodthirsty, which will be further developed in the future, but here he is right at the peak. So at its peak that even the drug injection of the main villain has no effect on him - or it does, but only for a very short time...

It’s embarrassing to say this, but Above the Law was not directed by Steven Seagal (but he wrote the script). For Andrew Davis, this was far from a debut, and his main success awaited him a few years later (and several more films with Seagal) - in 1993, his “The Fugitive” was nominated for several Oscars. But it was Davis who laid the foundation for future films with Niko, that is, excuse me, with Seagal. But at the same time, “Above the Law” would not have turned out so cool without Seagal. As proof, Verne compares it to Davis' previous film, Code of Silence with Chuck Norris. This is also an action movie set in Chicago, with a similar cast and the main theme of corruption. But the tone of the film is completely different.

A day after the bloody battle

Here the past of the protagonist in the CIA plays too much importance, and the corruption is more widespread - and here we immediately run into the person of Seagal. Niko’s past echoes too much with his own past, even if he is not Italian and did not serve in the CIA - as we have already understood, even these are not prerequisites for complete merging with the image. And if, like any film about corruption, “Above the Law” is a political statement, it is Seagal who broadcasts it as an ultimatum. At first, this is not very noticeable - for example, when Reagan is shown on TV, who utters the phrase about people “above the law.” But this is clear as day if you listen to Niko’s speech at the end of the film, which sounds like the finale of the program “Man and the Law.” Corruption is bad, and we will always fight it. Steven Seagal was with you, see you again!

“Above the Law” laid the foundation for future films with Seagal - if not all, then certainly the “golden” and “silver” eras, until the end of the 90s. Some elements of his characters stuck so firmly that they were perceived as something eternal.

“The hero's past in the CIA and aikido appeared in almost every (but not every) Seagal film. They were so used to this that even if the film didn’t talk about the hero’s past in the CIA, you usually concluded that it happened anyway.”

This monumental image of Seagal was the whole point of his early films. No matter what his name was, no matter who his wife was, it was still the same incredibly cool Niko. It is he who, in the second film, “Despite Death,” will lose his family and fall into a coma for seven years, then wake up and take revenge on everyone. He'll be the one running away from Danny Trajo in Marked for Death (Vern: "The idea of ​​Trajo running away from someone is kind of stupid, but hey, we've got movie magic here"). And he also throws a pimp into the windshield of a car in the first minutes of "For Justice" - and it will be one of the coolest introductions I've seen in an action movie. Well, wasn't he good?

Filmography: films starring Steven Seagal

The first film in which the young man took part was the film “Challenge” (1982), he was asked to stage a sword fighting scene.

The turning point in the actor’s life was 1984. He met a certain James Coburn, who invited him to film in several programs, where our hero demonstrated his techniques with knives and other objects, as well as with bare hands. After these programs, offers to act in films simply began to pour in. Even people from Warner Brothers became interested in him.

There are quite a lot of films featuring Steven Seagal. We, in turn, will illuminate you only with popular films in which a man took part.

In 1992, a popular film called “Under Siege” was released, also after good reviews from the audience, they decided to make the second part of this action movie, the release date was 1995. In 1996, the film “Shimmering” was born; 1998 – “Patriot”. 2002, the time of the release of a thriller called “Neither Alive nor Dead,” which won the hearts of many viewers. “Hunting the Beast” was filmed in 2003, “Desperate Avenger” - 2010, “Machete” in the same year. The list can be continued for a very long time, so if you want to find out more films with Stephen, then the Internet will help you, as they say.

The actor’s personal life is quite stormy; he was married four times, during which he was able to give birth to seven children.

Actor's career[ | ]

In 1982, in Japan, Steven Seagal first entered the film business. This happened in Kyoto. The famous kendo master Onoha Ittoro invited Steven Seagal to the filming of the film “Challenge” as an expert in Japanese fencing. Steven Seagal was asked to stage several scenes of katana sword fighting and bring his students from the Tenshin dojo for extras. In November 1986, Andrew Davis filmed a five-minute audition that included Kelly LeBrock and Steven Seagal. Warner Brothers management liked it and wanted Steven Seagal to demonstrate what he could give them. So in 1987, Ovitz organized an aikido demonstration in the studio for Warner Bros. executives. For this purpose, tatami mats were laid out in one of the empty filming pavilions. The demonstration lasted 10 minutes and included Steven Seagal, Matsuoka and Greg Dunn, who was superior in size and physical form to Steven Seagal. The demonstration turned out to be bright and dynamic. Ovitz received a call back almost immediately and was told that they would be casting Seagal in the Warner Bros. film Above the Law.[27]

With a very modest budget of seven million dollars, the film "Above the Law" turned out to be very successful: it grossed more than 30 million. Despite the fact that only in Seagal’s first film “Above the Law” his character’s name is Niko, many of the following films with his participation were released in pirated distribution with the subtitle “Niko”: “Niko-2”, “Niko-3”, etc. .[28]

In 1993, preparations for the filming of the film “Man of Honor” were completed, but after the first week of filming, the film was stopped. Joe Roth left the company and the film could not be financed. Steven Seagal paid more than a million dollars in employee salaries out of his own pocket. Seagal's debut as a director did not take place.

In 1998, Steven Seagal delved into Buddhism. In the Palyul Monastery (English)Russian. Venerable Lama Pema Norbu Rinpoche (English)Russian recognized Seagal as the reincarnation of the famous Tibetan teacher Chorden Dorje[29]. But for this, Seagal had to stop acting in films where there is violence and death, which he did, breaking contracts for the filming of several films.

Seagal in 2011 at the Astana Film Festival

In 2003, Seagal began filming a long-planned film about Japan, in which he used part of his biography. The main character of the film, who lived all his life in Japan, studied its culture and customs, studied various types of martial arts, and later became a government agent, was involved in an operation to neutralize the Yakuza clans responsible for the murder of the Prime Minister. The film was released in 2004.

He took part in the second International Action Film Festival “Astana”, which was held from July 1 to July 5, 2011 in the Pyramid (“Palace of Peace and Reconciliation”). Action stars from Hollywood, Russia and Kazakhstan walked the red carpet, including Steven Seagal, Armand Assante, Michael Madsen and Michelle Rodriguez.

As of August 2020, Segal worked as an analyst at Legg Mason[30]. On January 12, 2020, Steven Seagal received honorary citizenship of Serbia[31][32]. On November 3, he was granted citizenship of the Russian Federation[3].

Family and children of Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal's family and children are a topic that amazes most fans and people around him. As written above, our character managed to get engaged four times in his life. The actor's first wife appeared in Japan, her name was Miyako Fujitani, during her marriage she bore him two children, a boy Kentaro, and a girl Aako. They divorced in 1987.

The man's second wife was the actress, Adrienne LaRussa, they got engaged in 1984, while the man was still in a relationship with his first wife, but by a court decision, the marriage was annulled.

In 1987, he met another actress, Kelly LeBrock, and she bore him three children. The couple's first child was a girl named Annalisa Seagal (1987), followed by the birth of a boyfriend, Dominic San Rocco Seagal (1990), and in 1993, the lovers had another daughter, Arissa Seagal. Unfortunately, their marriage broke up due to the actor’s affair with their children’s nanny, who was only 16 years old at the time. Her name was Arissa Wolf, and during her relationship with the man she gave birth to another girl, who was named Savannah.

Currently engaged to the Mongolian dancer Erdenetuya Batsukhiin. He met her while traveling in Mongolia. The lovers already have a child, a son named Kunzan.

Biography[ | ]

Information about Seagal's origins is conflicting. According to documentary data, his father, mathematics teacher Samuel Steven Seagal (1928-1991) is Jewish[11]; his mother, Patricia Siegal (née Duffy, 1930–2003) was of German, Dutch and English descent[12][13], and his Jewish paternal grandparents were Nathan Siegelman (August 3, 1893, Minsk[14] [15][16] - 1973) and Dora Goldstein (1894, Brest - 1989) came to America as children from St. Petersburg, subsequently shortened and Americanized the surname from Siegelman to Seagal[8][17][18][ 19].

But, according to Seagal himself, his paternal grandfather came from one of the Buddhist regions of Russia, and then, in the first half of the 20th century, he moved to the United States. Seagal recalls that as a child he was told about his grandfather that he was a “Mongol,” however, who he really was, a Mongol, a Buryat or a Kalmyk, is unknown, since those “who could know the answer to this question no longer exist” . In the photograph of the grandfather and his family, according to Segal, there were people with slanted eyes, with Mongolian hats on their heads[20]. That Seagal's mother was of Irish descent is only speculation. According to Segal, his mother was a foundling, she was found in a shoebox thrown on the porch of someone else's house, so “it remains a big question who she was.”[20] In addition, according to Seagal himself, his grandmother is from Vladivostok, and he also has roots in St. Petersburg, Belarus[21] and Ukraine[22].

In June 2013, at the G8 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a personal meeting with US President Barack Obama, proposed appointing Steven Seagal as honorary consul of Russia in California and Arizona, but the American side did not support this proposal. Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak several times raised the issue of Seagal’s appointment at the US State Department to no avail[23]. On November 3, 2020, by Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Seagal received Russian citizenship[24]. On November 25, 2020, Vladimir Putin personally presented Steven Seagal with a passport as a Russian citizen. In May 2020, he was a guest at the fourth inauguration of Vladimir Putin[25].

In 2020, he attended the FIGHT NIGHTS tournament and congratulated Russian MMA star Rasul Mirzaev on his victory in the main fight of the evening. In May 2018, Seagal took part in the first international show project “ZHARA Fight Show”[26]. On July 21, 2020, he attended the fight “Alexander Usik vs. Murat Gassiev,” which took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex in Moscow.

Steven Seagal's ex-wife - Miyako Fujitani

Steven Seagal's ex-wife is Miyako Fujitani, a native of Japan. Like our hero, she is closely connected with martial arts. Now he is an aikido teacher in one of the Japanese schools. Born in 1948. In 1974, she became engaged to Steven Seagal. During the marriage she bore him two children. The children followed in the footsteps of their parents; the son is the head of a dojo in the United States and at the same time an actor. The daughter is a writer and actress who lives where her brother lives. Unfortunately, this is all that is known about the life of this person.

Notes[ | ]

  1. filmportal.de - 2005.
  2. Munzinger Archiv (German) - 1913.
  3. 12
    Decree on granting Russian citizenship to Steven Seagal signed
  4. Steven Seagal received Serbian citizenship
  5. inogolo — Pronunciation of Steven Seagal : How to pronounce Steven Seagal
  6. Biography on the official website (unspecified)
    (inaccessible link). Retrieved November 8, 2009. Archived June 29, 2014.
  7. According to some sources, he was born in 1951
  8. 1 2
    Steven Seagal: I love Russians, and I myself am Brother!
    (April 24, 2009). Retrieved October 31, 2011. Archived February 4, 2012.
  9. Steven Seagal and Aikido (undefined)
    (inaccessible link). Retrieved July 17, 2009. Archived July 3, 2009.
  10. His life, films and ten shin dojo
  11. Ethnicity of Celebrities: Steven Seagal
  12. US Census (1930): Mother's (Duffy) family, all natives of Rhode Island.
  13. Steven Seagal and the mob (unspecified)
    (unavailable link). Retrieved November 6, 2008. Archived August 24, 2011.
  14. Rhode Island, State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1802-1945 - Declaration Number: 29818 [1]
  15. Rhode Island, Indexes to Naturalization Records, 1890–1992
  16. Rhode Island, State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1802-1945 - Petition #14829 [2]
  17. 1930 US Census: The Ziegelman family consisted of parents (Nathan and Dora, both natives of Russia) and seven children born in Rhode Island (Joseph, Abraham, Max, Harry, Lillian, Shirley and youngest son Samuel - Stephen's father Sigala).
  18. Stern... Seigelman... Seagal (undefined)
    (inaccessible link). Retrieved July 1, 2013. Archived July 20, 2013.
  19. Nathan and Dora Siegelman (Seagal) on Ancestry.com: Paternal grandparents lived in Providence, Rhode Island.
  20. 1 2
    “I have never seen such temples as this one in my life.”
    Hollywood star Steven Seagal talks with Buddhists of Kalmykia (unspecified)
    . Center for Tibetan Culture and Information (December 17, 2007). Retrieved February 2, 2012. Archived February 2, 2012.
  21. Let them talk. Russian citizen Steven Seagal. Issue dated 12/08/2016 (unspecified)
    (December 8, 2016). Retrieved April 14, 2020.
  22. Steven Seagal about Russia: “People here really live well and this is Putin’s merit” (unspecified)
    . TK Dozhd (March 28, 2013). Retrieved May 25, 2013. Archived May 25, 2013.
  23. Buzz Feed: Putin's action hero: how Steven Seagal became the Kremlin's most unlikely emissary (unspecified)
    (inaccessible link). Retrieved April 3, 2020. Archived April 17, 2020.
  24. Putin made Steven Seagal a Russian citizen
  25. Putin took office as president. Comparing four inaugurations BBC Russian Service
    , 05/07/2018
  26. Training with Steven Seagal in Moscow may be included in the Guinness Book of Records
  27. Steven Seagal Gets a Shot at Stardom / LA Times (Retrieved August 5, 2018)
  28. Second freshness #3: Steven Seagal (I)
  29. 12
    Statement by HH Penor Rinpoche Regarding the Recognition of Steven Seagal as a Reincarnation of the Treasure Revealer Chungdrag Dorje of Palyul Monastery - Official website of Palyul Monastery Palyul.org
  30. 1 2
    Steven Seagal arrived in Yakutia at the mining and processing plant
    (August 6, 2015).
  31. Steven Seagal was presented with a Serbian passport
  32. Stiven Sigal dobio državljanstvo Srbije (undefined)
    . tanjug.rs (January 11, 2016).
  33. friend of the steppes Segal (undefined)
    (inaccessible link). Retrieved August 23, 2014. Archived December 17, 2014.
  34. Steven Seagal in Kovrov
  35. Steven Seagal visiting the Aikido Aikikai Federation of the Udmurt Republic Archived copy of March 21, 2014 on the Wayback Machine // Budo.ru, October 06, 2013. (Verified March 21, 2014)
  36. Steven Seagal tried on a T-shirt with the image of Putin in Sevastopol // RIA Novosti, 08/10/2014
  37. Steven Seagal attended the Victory Parade in Moscow // RIA Novosti, 05/09/2015
  38. Photo: Press conference of Sergei Kovalev in Moscow (unspecified)
  39. “The techniques that Steven Seagal showed me, I will use in battles” (unspecified)
    . (unavailable link)
  40. Seagal: Kovalev is one of the greatest boxers of our time (undefined)
  41. The Chinese invited Putin to fight Seagal, but he refused
  42. BBC Russian.
    Putin's fourth inauguration: special limousine, Steven Seagal and candidates for the new government
    (May 7, 2018). Retrieved May 7, 2020.
  43. Seagal’s representative denied that the actor received a “Far Eastern hectare” (unspecified)
    . RIA Novosti (May 23, 2017).
  44. The Russian Foreign Ministry hired Steven Seagal
  45. Vedomosti
    . The Foreign Ministry named Seagal’s tasks as special representative for relations with the United States (August 6, 2018). Retrieved August 6, 2020.
  46. Steven Seagal and Aikido - THE WHOLE TRUTH
  47. Oleg Taktarov
  48. Actors with difficult personalities that no one wants to work with
  49. 13 not-so-obvious action movies from the 90s that millennials grew up with
  50. All about MMA, mixed martial arts and fighting without rules
  51. Nadezhda Ermolaeva
    Steven Seagal was not allowed into Estonia because of his love for Russia // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 07.18.2014
  52. In the USA, the case of harassment of Steven Seagal was transferred to the prosecutor's office (Russian) (August 10, 2018). Retrieved August 10, 2018.
  53. Luke Ford
  54. Steven Seagal Wife and Kelly LeBrock!
  55. Exclusive interview with Steven Seagal’s wife, Batsuhiin Erdenetuya // Mangazeya News Agency
  56. Steven Seagal introduced his seventh child
  57. Steven Seagal-buddhist
  58. Interview with Steven Seagal (unspecified)
    (unavailable link). Retrieved March 31, 2011. Archived April 29, 2011.
  59. “I have never seen temples like this in my life” - Hollywood star Steven Seagal talks with Buddhists of Kalmykia
  60. Steven Seagal about himself
  61. Charles Carreon
    Steven Seagal Comes Out of the Buddhist Closet, American Buddha Online Library
    . Retrieved March 31, 2011.
  62. Isabel Hilton
    Buddha's daughter: A young Tibetan-Chinese woman, The New Yorker
    (April 2, 2003). Archived June 30, 2006. Retrieved May 7, 2006.
  63. "World of Martial Arts" No. 2/1998 from Sekai Press
  64. Steven Seagal: International man of mystery

Steven Seagal's ex-wife - Adrienne LaRussa

Steven Seagal's ex-wife, Adrienne LaRussa, was born on May 15, 1948. She was born in America, but began her career as an actress in Italy. In addition to acting, she also acted as a model. She got engaged to our hero in 1984, but by court decision the marriage was canceled. Most people of that time are known for her role in the series “Days of Our Lives”. The girl’s career as an actress ended in 1991. Then she worked in real estate, but eventually quit. The woman's further fate is unknown.

Steven Seagal's ex-wife - Kelly LeBrock

Steven Seagal's ex-wife Kelly LeBrock, like all the man's previous wives, is an actress. At one time she also acted as a model. She was born in New York City on March 24, 1960. She began her career as an actress back in 1984. She got married for the first time in the same year, to producer Victor Draem. The girl’s second marriage was with our today’s hero. She bore him three children. During her career she managed to star in more than 15 films, for some of which she even received an award. She has been married to Fred Stick since 2007.

Personal life

In the 70s in Japan, Seagal met a girl named Miyako Fujitani. She became the actor's first wife and gave birth to his daughter and son (Aako and Kentaro). Their family life lasted until 1987. In 1984, being married, the actor remarried. His chosen one was actress and model Adrienne Laroussa. This marriage was later annulled by court decision.

Steven Seagal and Miyako Fujitani

The scandal could not but affect Seagal's relationship with his first wife, from whom he also separated. However, he did not remain single for long. Seagal managed to establish his personal life in Japan. There he met his third wife, Kelly LeBrock, who bore him three children. The woman was unable to continue family life, because Stephen believed that a wife in the house should only cook, give birth to children and remain silent.

In 1994, the couple divorced because the actor fell in love with his children's nanny, Arissa Wolf, who was 16 years old at the time. Arissa gave birth to his daughter Savannah. And in 2006, the famous actor became a grandfather - a boy appeared in the family of his son Kentaro.

Steven Seagal with ex-wife Kelly LeBrock and daughter

On an American television show, Steven Seagal suddenly introduced to the public his new wife and little son, whom few people knew about before. At that time, the actor had been married to Erdenetuya Batsuk for 3 years, and their son was one year and 2 months old. Stephen met his current wife, a Mongolian, during a trip to Mongolia.

Seagal's wife - Batsuk Erdenetuya

The Sigalov couple named their son Kunzan. The actor gladly posts photos of children on his personal Instagram, but does not forget to show his subscribers stills from his favorite films.

The story of the actor’s ancestors moving from Russia ended in 2016. Steven Seagal has more than once confessed his love for Russia, declaring that he has Russian roots. He repeatedly crossed paths with the president, and in 2016, Vladimir Putin personally signed a decree granting Seagal Russian citizenship.

Steven Seagal and Vladimir Putin

Seagal immediately became a media personality. The actor attended Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk!”, where he revealed some secrets of his life. A touching moment was Seagal’s meeting with the star of the children’s talent show “Best of All!”, 6-year-old karateka Polina, who had already become a three-time world champion at her age.

At the turn of 2020, Stephen starred in an advertisement for the Megafon mobile network. In one of the videos, he came face to face with, under the leadership of, a double of the famous star of Russian cinema and advertising MTS, Dmitry Nagiyev.

Steven Seagal in Megafon advertising

In another video dedicated to the current problem of getting stuck in traffic jams for Muscovites, Igor Ogurtsov became the partner of the Hollywood superstar.

Having received citizenship, Seagal is active in Russia. At the end of 2020, the actor became a co-founder, which is engaged in retail trade of food, beverages and tobacco products. But due to high employment, the artist left this business at the beginning of 2017. He also advises Russian MMA fighters, helping this type of martial arts reach a different level of popularity.

The actor also had Belarusian roots. According to him, he had long dreamed of visiting the Republic of Belarus and meeting President Alexander Lukashenko personally. Also in 2020, his dream came true. Seagal visited Lukashenko at his residence in Drozdy and tasted vegetables from the personal garden of the head of state.

Steven Seagal's ex-wife - Arissa Wolf

Steven Seagal's ex-wife, Arissa Wolf, was an ordinary nanny for the children of the actor and Kelly LeBrock. At the time a man fell in love with her, she was only 16 years old. The age difference between the lovers was as much as 25 years, but this did not prevent them from having a child. After Stephen's divorce from his ex-wife, Arissa gave birth to the actor's daughter Savannah. Judging by the photographs, the girl did not look her age. Seagal did not hesitate to appear in public with her. However, after a little time, this couple separated.

Steven Seagal's wife - Erdenetuya Batsukhiin

Steven Seagal's wife, Erdenetuya Batsukhiin, was born in Mongolia and loved dancing from an early age. Therefore, her parents decided to enroll her in this section. She met Stephen when he was on vacation in Mongolia. They got engaged in 2001. After the wedding, the man took Erdenetuya to America, where they live to this day. In 2009, they had a son, Kunzan. Thanks to our today's hero, she starred in the series “E! True Hollywood Story”, where she acted as herself. She speaks very flatteringly about Seagal, calling him an exemplary father and an attentive husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal's Instagram and Wikipedia will help you find out everything about the actor down to the smallest detail. Wikipedia contains only truthful data and the entire creative path of the artist. It is noteworthy that information on Wikipedia is constantly updated. The man’s Instagram does not have a million-strong audience, but every day the number of subscribed fans is growing. By subscribing to Steven Seagal on Instagram, in your feed you will be able to see photos from the artist’s filming, fights of his students, and so on. You can find the actor on this social network by his nickname: seagaofficial.

Criticism[ | ]

There is an opinion that Seagal's skills in the discipline of aikido are actually a hoax. Critics believe that Seagal is very weak as a fighter, and most of his successes do not go beyond the limits of a mediocre amateur.[46] Oleg Taktarov notes:

“When I arrived, Steven Seagal was the star for me. I didn't know, say, who De Niro or Al Pacino were. In the first six months, I crossed paths with a bunch of Hollywood stars, without even understanding who was who. But when I met Seagal, he made a very bad impression on me, and from the top of my personal top he moved to the very bottom. I don’t want to comment on this in any way. Apparently, he was crushed by fame.”[47]

Seagal was given a negative assessment by John Leguizamo and Kurt Russell; his rude and aggressive behavior on the set was noted[48][49].

According to Steven Seagal himself, since 2010 he has trained Brazilian fighters, in particular Anderson Silva, for his first fight with Chael Sonnen (29-14-1). However, the athletes themselves do not confirm this information[50].

In July 2014, the organizers of the August Blues festival in Estonia canceled the invitation to Steven Seagal in connection with his performance of the DPR anthem at a motorcycle show in Sevastopol. A campaign against Seagal’s arrival in Estonia was launched by the Estonian singer Tõnis Mägi. He and several other like-minded people, festival organizers Indrek Ditmann and Raul Ukareda, made an official statement that Seagal would not come to Estonia[51].

In December 2020, in connection with the generated so-called. As a result of the Weinstein effect, the Los Angeles prosecutor's office began an investigation into the case of sexual harassment by the actor (more than 10 women complained of harassment on his part)[52].

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