Actor Sergei Parshin: biography, filmography, personal life

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Parshin; Parshin, Sergey.
Sergey Parshin
Birth nameSergey Ivanovich Parshin
Date of Birth28 May 1952(1952-05-28) (age 68)
Place of BirthKohtla-Jarve, Ida-Viru County, Estonian SSR, USSR
  • USSR
  • Russia
Profession actor
TheaterAlexandrinsky Theater
IMDbID 0663727

Sergey Ivanovich Parshin

(May 28, 1952, Kohtla-Jarve, Ida-Virumaa, Estonian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1999)[1], laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.


​Sergey Parshin was born in the Estonian city of Kohtla-Jarve into a family of miners. He recalls: “My father is a miner, my mother also burned lava underground for 12 years. In 1948, a cry was raised throughout the Soviet Union: move to work in the shale mines in Estonia. And my future parents from Russia went there. We met, got married, and in 1952 I was born, and six years later, my brother Alexander.” Serezha dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood. During his school years, he attended a drama club and sports clubs. “In 1969, after school, I came to Leningrad. I doubted whether to enter the theater or the Lesgaft Institute of Physical Education? I was a versatile guy. Not only did I run around the streets with the guys, I also managed to stand on the football goal, play basketball and go to the theater studio,” says Parshin. After graduating from secondary school, he entered the Leningrad State Institute of Theater at the acting department. He studied at the course of masters Vasily Merkuryev and Irina Meyerhold.


After theater university, the young artist was accepted into the troupe of the Academic Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin. “They called me to Moscow, to the Ermolova Theater. The first who invited me was the theater on Liteiny, they invited me to the Youth Theater, to the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. Tovstonogov also called, and I had to go to the BDT. But Georgy Alexandrovich left, I was asked to come a week after his return. But the day before there was a distribution, and I had to decide. When we played “The Last Victim” in Alexandrinka, and suddenly the broadcast after the performance said: “Artist Parshin, go to the director’s office, to Ilya Nikolaevich.” Ilya Nikolaevich Kisilev, the former director of Lenfilm, who was imprisoned in the “Leningrad case,” was a colorful person. Despite his small stature, he looked like a volcano. Ilya Nikolaevich was friends with Tolubeev, he saw me at the theater, and they suggested that I go to Alexandrinka. So I stayed,” says Parshin. At the Pushkin Theater (now Alexandrinsky) Sergei played many roles: Redkozubov in the play “Untilovsk”, Kudashev in the production of “The Thirteenth Chairman”, Banning Cook in “Rembrandt”, Belan in “Melody for a Peacock”. In 1976, he played one of his best roles - Truffaldino based on Carlo Gozzi's play "The Green Bird". After a short break, Sergei Parshin returned to action. Among his notable theatrical works at Alexandrinsky in recent years are the image of Mikhail Vasilyevich Platonov based on Anton Chekhov in the production of “Platonov” by Svetlana Milyaeva, Mayor in “The Inspector General” by Valery Fokin, Voinitsky Ivan Petrovich in “Uncle Vanya” directed by Andrei Shcherban, taxi driver in “Izotov” by Andrey Moguchev and others. He also collaborates with the drama theater "Comedian's Shelter".

Theater works

Academic Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin:

  • "Mother Courage and Her Children", Priest
  • “Crime and Punishment”, Marmeladov
  • "Terkin"
  • “The Hunt to Live!”, Evening from the series “Monologues in the Tsar’s Foyer”
  • "End Game" Hamm
  • "Liturgy ZERO", General
  • ​"Happiness", Dad
  • "Izotov", Nikolay, taxi driver
  • "Ksenia. Love Story", Saltykov
  • “Uncle Vanya”, Voinitsky Ivan Petrovich
  • "Man=Man", Charles "Bloody Five" Fairchile, Sgt.
  • “Living Corpse”, Fedor Vasilievich Protasov
  • "Nora", Doctor Rank
  • “I returned to my city”, participation in the composition
  • “Little tragedies”, Ivan, Leporello, Chairman
  • "Inspector", Mayor
  • “The Tale of Tsar Peter and his murdered son Alexei”, Tolstoy
  • “Three Sisters”, Andrey Prozorov
  • "Melody for a Peacock", Belan
  • "Ivanov", Borkin
  • "The Thirteenth Chairman", Kudashev
  • "Untilovsk", Redkozubov
  • "Rembrandt", Banning Cook
  • "Airport", Jordan
  • "Green Bird", Truffaldino
  • "The Adventures of Chichikov"
  • "Warm heart"
  • "Peak hour"
  • "Rime on the stacks"
  • "At the bottom"

Comedian's Shelter:

  • Old-fashioned comedy, Rodion Nikolaevich

Recognition and awards[ | ]

  • 1988 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • 1999 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • 2003 - State Prize of the Russian Federation - for the role of the Mayor in the play “The Inspector General” (dir. V. Fokin).
  • 2006 - Order of Honor - for the 250th anniversary of the Alexandrinsky Theater
  • 2010 - awarded the highest St. Petersburg prize “Golden Sofit” in the category “Best Supporting Role”.
  • 2016 - Order of Friendship - for services to the development of national culture and art, the media, many years of fruitful activity


The actor's track record includes more than four dozen roles. Sergei Parshin made his film debut in 1973 in the film “Smart Things”, where he played the role of a musician. Famous works in cinema that brought the artist popularity: “Mirror for the Hero”, “Winter Cherry”, “Swarm”, “Strostnoy Boulevard”, “Young Russia”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns-1” and many others. Later, Sergei starred in the action-packed film “Shadowboxing” as Vika’s father. In the serial film “Opera-1. Chronicles of the Homicide Department" was transformed into Lieutenant Colonel Martynyuk. In the film “Alias ​​Albanian-2,3,4” he played General Semyon Petrovich Remezov, and in the television project “The Last Cordon. Continuation” - senior forester Alexander Kulbabu. In the family saga directed by Rauf Kubaev “One Life for Two” based on the best-selling book “Black and White Dance” by Anna and Sergei Litvinov, Sergei Parshin got the role of father Yegor Kapitonov.

TV presenter

In the role of soldier Ivan Varezhkin, the artist was the host of the popular children's program “Tale after Tale” on Leningrad Television. He recalls: I taught “Tale after Tale” for about 15 years. Letters from kids arrived in bags. We had one of the strongest children's editorial offices in the country. It’s a pity that when Boris Nikolaevich came to power, his daughter needed the channel. Breaking is not building. Once - and everything collapsed! “Once, in the early nineties, I bought fruit at the market near my house, and suddenly a Mercedes stops, a respectable gentleman gets out, two big guys appear next to him, and he heads towards me. I was taken aback, I don’t understand what happened. Fits. “Let me shake your hand. My daughter really loves your show. Thank you for it,” adds the actor. In addition, Sergei Parshin worked on St. Petersburg radio.

Notes[ | ]

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 8, 1999 No. 36
  2. Sergey Parshin on the website of the Alexandrinsky Theater
  3. “A couple of times it was on the street: “Oh, Sealex is coming.” I’m running away right away.” How does the actor from the most famous sports advertisement live?
  4. Sergey Parshin: “We are trying to help pensioners” (unspecified)
    . Change (February 25, 2013).
  5. Secretariat of STD RF
  6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2006 No. 392
  7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2020 No. 481 “On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation”


Sergei Ivanovich passes on his knowledge and experience to aspiring actors. He enjoys teaching: “I don’t have a course now, but when I did, I talked about it. I don’t know whether the students understood or pretended to, but following their creative lives, I realize that I am not ashamed of them. God gave some more, some less, but they work, and they understand that they need to be honest with themselves, without a fig in their pocket, and in front of the audience, and in front of their colleagues.

Sometimes an artist gets a role that one can only dream of, and suddenly begins to be cynical about it: “Oh, what did they give me? How will I play this? Yes, he should be happy that he had such happiness. If you are so cynical about the role, then nothing will work out, no matter how good he is on stage, no matter how much charm he exudes. The viewer still feels everything. Even if an actor plays a positive character, the viewer knows that he is lying.”

Interesting facts about the person

Although Olga Parshina does not talk about her family and personal life, she willingly shares interesting and funny biographical facts with journalists:

  1. Every morning Olga drinks a glass of water with lemon juice.
  2. If a TV presenter gets stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work, she sings songs in the car and recites tongue twisters to improve her diction.
  3. The most vivid childhood memory is the white low-heeled shoes given by her parents, in which the girl felt like a real princess.
  4. In 2002, Olga, who was vacationing with her parents in Croatia, happened to witness a tornado. For the rest of her life she remembered the broken windows of the hotel and knee-deep water in the lobby, centuries-old trees broken like reeds, chaos on the beach, dead birds. And this sight made the girl understand how helpless a person is in front of the natural elements.
  5. As a child, Olga dreamed that she would work as a janitor, because she loved everything around her to be clean and tidy.
  6. Favorite books: “The Little Prince” by Exupery, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.
  7. Parshina dreams of going to Australia to see and pet koalas.

See also

Biography and personal life of Marina Kalinina, her career path and news

Olga Parshina is a positive and kind person. She dreams that there will be less evil in the world and that people will smile more often. Her motto is “Everything will be fine! If it’s bad now, it’s not the end!”

Personal life

Sergei Parshin's first marriage was with actress Tatyana Astratyeva. The couple had two sons - Ivan and Alexander. “In my last year at LGITMiK. My wife Tatyana Astratyeva and I were 20 years old at the time; we studied together. A year later, a son, Ivan, was born. Tanya sacrificed her acting career for me. At first, she acted a little in films, for example: in the films “The Right to Choose” and “Altunin Makes Decisions.” Then she worked at the Leningrad House of Clothing Models as an art critic. 11 years after Vanya was born, our second son, Sasha, was born. When he was little, he starred with me in Boris Galkin’s film “June 22, at exactly four o’clock...”. But Sanya did not become an artist,” says the artist. The first son, Ivan Parshin, followed in the footsteps of his parents and chose the acting profession. He played in the series: “Sea Devils. Smerch-2", "Shaman", "Passion for Chapai" and others. “At first I was categorically against this. After school, my son graduated from a technical school and was going to work at the Kalinin plant. At that time I went to Yalta to shoot the film “The Plane Flies to Russia.” And suddenly Lev Durov, with whom we were filming together, says: “Tell Vanka to come, I’ll take him for the third round.” Only from Lev Konstantinovich did I learn that Ivan was going to the theater. But he didn’t go to Moscow, to the Moscow Art Theater School, but stayed in St. Petersburg, where he graduated from Dmitry Astrakhan’s course,” says Parshin. Unfortunately, in 2006, Sergei’s first wife died from a long illness. Parshin’s second chosen one was People’s Artist Natalya Kutasova. According to the actor, he has a wonderful wife: “She plays at the Vasilyevsky Theater. She is also a widow. Apparently, fate connected us. We also starred together in Vladimir Shevelkov’s film “Love under Supervision”, portraying husband and wife. One day we were riding on the bus, she put her head on my shoulder, and we immediately understood - that’s it. Now her grandchildren call me grandfather.”

Ivan Parshin now

At the beginning of September 2020, a new season of the acclaimed series about special forces “Sea Devils” was released. Northern Frontiers” - in it Parshin still plays the role of Bison, now a captain of the 2nd rank. Filming continued for the next season of the series, “Sea Devils. Borders of the Motherland."

Ivan Parshin on the set of the series “Sea Devils.
Northern Frontiers" The premiere of the drama "Dawn on Santorini" with his participation was planned for 2020 - about the unusual story of the girl Nina and her dreams of meeting her prince. Ivan met the director of the film, Alexey Prazdnikov, back in 2007, on the set of “Sea Devils 2”: in one of the episodes, Prazdnikov played the French journalist Vincent Anjou.


About colleagues

“There are, there are names. Dodin. Fokin. One of the latest shocks is Andrzej Buben’s performance at the Na Vasilievsky Theater. There is a new director there, he studied with Krasovsky. He set the bar high and created an acting ensemble. I watched his “Russian Jam” and “Daniel Stein. Translator”, for which they received the “Golden Spotlight” and were nominated for a state award.

There is the Spivak Youth Theater. This is a stable theater. Recently I watched “Days of the Turbins” and “Late Love” directed by Tumanov. A good, strong performance with excellent acting. Spivak is a wonderful director, and what a poster he has! He has his own audience, a lot of young people. His theater recently received a new building and now has two venues. Even Alexandrinka does not have two sites. They have a big task ahead of them - to pray, to breathe on the stage.

There are no more names like Tovstonogov, Akimov, but something is always happening, there is something to brag about, something to pay attention to. For example, Ruslan Kudashov appeared, a very talented person.”

About the actor's profession

“I don’t understand why now so many young people want to go to a theater institute. They are attracted by a completely incorrect perception of the actor’s life. They see parties, glossy magazines with photographs, photo shoots. There is a beautiful life there. Of course, beautiful if you look at Penelope Cruz or Bruce Willis. They don’t understand how hard the life of an actor is, how thankless the profession can be.

A loved one has died, or you have radiculitis, but they put a blockade on you and you go play. How many times have I taken off my cast and gone on stage? Then my arm wouldn’t fit into the cast. But the performance cannot be canceled, there is no replacement, and the viewer bought tickets. The temperature is 39, you go on stage, and it drops to 36.6, but who will appreciate that? The viewer does not know that you have a fever and that you have removed the cast. Or you have your mother’s funeral, but you can’t leave, because again you have to play, there’s no one to replace you, and some important delegation has arrived. You have a loose ligament, but you play, knowing that you might lose your voice forever.”

About the awards

“There were benefits. They could give the sleigh firewood for free, the heating was stove then. Or send a piece of fabric. Now the time has come when the title has become devalued, but the bonus is more difficult to obtain. Especially now. There is a government award, there is a presidential award, they are considered state awards. Our theater was the last to receive the State Prize in the field of art and literature for “The Inspector General”. Now there will be presidential and government awards. They are already different, and in terms of prices too. I take titles calmly and didn’t jump for joy when I received it. There was no joy. The state appreciated my work, gave me the Order of Honor, and thank God. I would like everyone to think about the actors. If we take it in quantitative terms, it turns out that there are not so many of them. If it were possible to increase their wages even a little, it would be better.”

About the status of "Alexandrinka"

“Although our theater was originally imperial, it was also innovative. Both classical plays and reformist plays staged by the same Meyerhold were performed on its stage. Our theater was slightly ahead of other theaters both in time and in the performances created. This was the first state theater.

At the same time, performances arose, such as “The Green Bird” and “The Cherry Orchard” staged by Rostislav Goryaev. It thundered throughout the union. After him, Goryaev was taken to the Soviet Army Theater, and the performance was closed. And how Bruno Freundlich, Nina Urgant, Rodionov played in our theater! Despite the fact that performances were staged for every date and every convention, there were also good performances.”

Filmography: Actor

  • Scream of Silence (2019)
  • One life for two (2018), TV series
  • Labyrinths (2017), TV series
  • Forget-me-nots (2013)
  • Mom will be against it (2013)
  • Alias ​​“Albanian”-4 (2012), TV series
  • Surveillance (2012), TV series
  • Victoria (2012), TV series
  • Pure sample (2011), TV series
  • The Last Cordon-2 (2011), TV series
  • Alias ​​“Albanian”-3 (2010), TV series
  • The Rape of a Sparrow (2010)
  • Mistress of the Taiga (2009), TV series
  • The Last Cordon (2009), TV series
  • Lieutenant Suvorov (2009)
  • Alias ​​“Albanian”-2 (2008), TV series
  • The life that never happened... (2008), TV series
  • Traffic cops (2008), TV series
  • Night Visitors (2007)
  • A Matter of Honor (2007), TV series
  • Love under supervision (2007)
  • Secret assignments (2006), TV series
  • One of Our Own (2005), TV series
  • Timur and his commandos (2004)
  • Death of an Empire (2005), TV series
  • Evening Bells (2004)
  • Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin (2003)
  • The Tale of Fedot the Archer (2002)
  • Resurrect to Die (2002)
  • It's in the Hat (2002)
  • Vovochka 2 (TV series) (2002)
  • Savage (2001)
  • Strastnoy Boulevard (1999)
  • Cops (1998), TV series
  • Anna Karenina I Anna Karenina (1997)
  • The time for sadness has not yet come (1995)
  • Prokhindiada-2 (1994)
  • Russian transit (1994)
  • The plane flies to Russia (1994)
  • Makarov (1993)
  • Stairway of Light (1992)
  • June 22, at exactly 4 o'clock (1992)
  • Until the Thunder Rolls (1991)
  • Jokes (1990)
  • Tales from Different Pockets (1990)
  • Roy (1990)
  • Stray Bus (1989)
  • Mirror for the Hero (1988)
  • Treasure (1988)
  • Happy stay! (1987)
  • Island of Lost Ships (1987)
  • Lefty (1986)
  • In the Shooting Wilderness (1986)
  • Scarlet Stone (1986)
  • Winter Cherry (1985)
  • And Here Came Bumbo (1984)
  • Scene (1983)
  • Since We've Been Together (1982)
  • Donkey Skin (1982)
  • Young Russia (1981-1982), TV series
  • Version (1978) (as part of the film anthology “Zavyalovsky Freaks”)
  • Smart Things (1973)

Voiceover[ | ]

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  • 1988 - Switching Channels - Blaine Bingham
  • 1989-1990 - Just Maria - Opening and closing credits for the series (text from the author)
    Victor Carreno
    - Jaime Garza;
    German Carreno
    - Porfirio Bas;
    Clemente Reyes
    - Constantino Costas,
    - Jose Roberto Hill;
    Dr. Alberto Rivera
    - Servando Manzetti;
    Jose Ignacio Lopez
    - Tono Mauri;
  • 1990 - Lawyer (Murder on Monastyrskie Ponds) - Ivan Zaparin
  • 1992 - Unforgiven - William Munny
  • 1992 - Under Siege - Casey Ryback
  • 1992 - Lethal Weapon 3 - Jack Travis
  • 1993 - I've had enough - officer
  • 1994 - Knowing No Mercy - Helmut Veatch, Raymond Mantha
  • 1994 - Client - Sergeant Hardy
  • 1995 - Black Cloak - Zigzag McCrack
    (2008 dub)
  • 1995 - Showgirls - Tony
  • 1996 - Tornado - Dustin Davis
  • 1996 - The Rock - Commander Anderson
  • 1997 - Without a Face - Dr. Malcolm Walsh
  • 1997 - Nothing to Lose - Sheriff Earl
  • 1997 - Home Alone 3 - Peter Beaupre
  • 1997 - Airplane of the President - Chief of Staff Lloyd 'Shep' Shepherd
  • 1997 - Titanic - Lewis Bodine, Tommy Ryan
  • 1997 - Starship Troopers - Zander Burcalow
  • 1997 - It couldn't be better - Frank Sachs
  • 1998 - Armageddon - Charles Chapple
  • 1998 - Everyone's Crazy About Mary - Charlie Jensen
  • 1998 - The Mask of Zorro - Don Rafael Montero
  • 1998 - Snake Eyes - Lincoln Tyler
  • 1998 - Enemy of the State
  • 1998 - Mighty Joe Young
  • 1999 - 13th Warrior - King Hrothgar
  • 1999 - Universal Soldier 2: The Return - Captain Blackburn
  • 1999 - Runaway Bride - Priest Brian
  • 1999 - Fight Club - Lou
  • 1999 - Diamond Policeman - Jean LaFlure
  • 1999 - Joan of Arc
  • 1999 - The End of the World - Chief Priest
  • 1999 - The Adventures of Flick - Slim
  • 1999 - Stuart Little - Snowball the cat
  • 2000 - Patriot - Jean Villenois
  • 2000 - Crimson Rivers - Dean
  • 2000 - The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea - King Triton
  • 2000 - Where's my car, dude? — Officer Rick, Pierre
  • 2000 - The Emperor's Adventures - Pacha
  • 2000 - Sliding - Professor Arturo, male roles
  • 2001 - Evolution - Governor Lewis
  • 2001 - Planet of the Apes
  • 2001 - Love is Evil - Mauricio Wilson
  • 2001 - Monsters, Inc. - Sally
  • 2001 - Black Hawk - Sanderson
  • 2001 - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - part of the male roles - voice-over translation (director's cut)
  • 2002 - Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra - Obelix
  • 2002 - Men in Black 2 - Agent Zed
  • 2002 - Stuart Little 2 - Snowball the cat
  • 2002 - Carrier - Inspector Tarconi
  • 2002 - Three X's - Agent Roger Donnan
  • 2002 - 28 days later - Frank
  • 2002 - The Reluctant Millionaire - Cecile Anderson
  • 2002 - Die Another Day - Raoul
  • 2002 - Insomnia - Walter Finch
  • 2002 - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - part of the male roles - voice-over translation (director's cut)
  • 2003 - National Security - Lieutenant Washington
  • 2003 - Finding Nemo - Jacques
  • 2003 - Hollywood Cops - Leon
  • 2003 - Tears of the Sun - Captain Bill Road
  • 2003 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - part of the male roles - voice-over translation (director's cut)
  • 2003 - Bad Boys 2 - Alexey
  • 2003 - Once Upon a Time in Mexico - President
  • 2003 - Master of the Seas: At the End of the Earth - John Allen
  • 2004 - Spider-Man 2 - Otto Octavius ​​/ Doctor Octopus
  • 2004 - The Mysterious Forest - Edward Walker
  • 2004 - Desperate Housewives - Victor Lang
  • 2004 - Around the World in 80 Days - Colonel Kitchener
  • 2005 - Carrier 2 - Inspector Tarconi
  • 2005 - Call Man 2
  • 2005 - The Emperor's New Groove 2: The Adventures of Kronk - Pacha
  • 2005 - Scammers Dick and Jane - Frank Bascombe
  • 2006 - Casino Royale - Driden
  • 2006 - The Pink Panther - gendarme Gilbert Ponton
  • 2006 - The Da Vinci Code - Captain Bezu Fache
  • 2006 - Borat
  • 2006 — — Driden
  • 2006 - The Emperor's New School - Pacha
  • 2006 - Welcome, or No Neighbors - Mr. Murray
  • 2007 - Lilo and Stitch: The Animated Series - Clyde, Slick
  • 2007 - Hitman - Smith Jamison
  • 2007 - Death Note - Ryuk
  • 2008 - Asterix at the Olympic Games - Obelix
  • 2008 - International - Klaus
  • 2008-2014 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars - narrator
    minor characters
  • 2009 - Pink Panther 2 - gendarme Gilbert Ponton
  • 2010 - Toy Story: The Great Escape - Lotso
  • 2010 - The Rum Diary - Mr. Zimber
  • 2011 - The Smurfs - Papa Smurf
  • 2011 - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Henry Pelham
  • 2011 - Jock - Mr. Morris
  • 2012-2014 - Once Upon a Time - Sir Maurice / Mo French
  • 2012 - Smeshariki. Pin code - polar bear, head of the Northern Brotherhood (Keeper series, voice acting)
  • 2012 — — minor roles
  • 2012 - Men in Black 3 - Agent Kay / Kevin Brown
  • 2013 - Monsters University - Sally
  • 2013 - Smurfs 2 - Papa Smurf
  • 2013 - Saving Mr. Banks - Walt Disney
  • 2014 - Grand Budapest Hotel - author
  • 2014 - Cymbeline - Belarius
  • 2015 — Marigold Hotel. Move-in continues - Nimish
  • 2015 — Defender
  • 2017 - Mata Hari - priest
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