Tatyana Korsakova: “Natural cosmetics are the best”

Tatyana Korsakova is a former famous model, and now a loving mother and successful businesswoman. From the recent founder of a number of charitable foundations for children and the founder of her own brand. Such a beautiful and talented woman, it is clear why her success and biography are interesting to many fans.

Tatyana Korsakova biography

Childhood, youth and education

Tatyana Korsakova was born in the capital of Russia, Moscow, into a prosperous family with average income. From childhood, her parents paid great attention to her upbringing and education. Thanks to their guidance, Tanya Korsakova mastered all the subtleties of etiquette and learned manners and the ability to behave. The love instilled by her parents and constant support from loved ones allowed the girl to achieve great success. As for school, Tatyana Korsakova had only 2 B grades in her certificate.

Subsequently, the ability to organize herself and strong will helped Tatyana graduate with honors from the university. Namely, the Moscow Faculty of Journalism and receive a honors diploma from MGIMO. After graduation, the girl entered graduate school at the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Policy. But the final dissertation remained unfinished, since Tatyana had to leave for the UK.

As a child, Korsakova was constantly the object of ridicule among her peers because of her tall stature. In her own words, bullying from her classmates brought her to tears. Then Tanya did not suspect that a year later this feature of her appearance would change her entire future life. It will also open up opportunities for her that her friends could only dream of.

The main thing is not quantity, but quality: interview with Tatyana Korsakova

Tanya, I want to start from the end, that is, with the birth of your youngest daughter Alexandra, who turned one month old the other day. Was this a planned pregnancy or a happy surprise?

You know, when people tell me that pregnancy was a surprise for them and answer the question about contraception in the negative, at least it’s funny for me to hear this from adults and educated people (laughs). Anyway, back to your question: “Yes, it was planned.”

Your eldest daughter Varya is already quite old, why did it take you so long to decide on a second child?

It’s not that I didn’t dare... I was only 24 years old when I got pregnant for the first time, and I myself have a sister who is the same age and I always wanted there to be a larger age difference between my children.

I dreamed of fully enjoying how my eldest child would grow up; I wanted to go through with her all the important stages in the development of her personality. I breastfed Varya for 2.5 years, then we moved to another country, she, like all of us, went through the process of adaptation, then she went to school... I didn’t want to switch my attention from her to the baby, who would definitely demand it to the maximum extent and, since I gave birth quite early by today’s standards, we were somehow in no particular hurry to have a second child.

We planned that the difference between the children would be 7-8 years, but in the end I became pregnant with Sashenka when Varenka was 9. Everything dragged out a little also because I didn’t want to spend the pregnancy in a state of stress, which we had to face during our moving.

Are you an older or younger sister?

The eldest is a year apart. And they always told me: “Well, you’re the eldest! You must understand! But the fact that the eldest, for example, is 8, and the youngest is 7 and we are practically in the same age category, was not particularly taken into account. I was terribly worried about it.

But Varenka has no jealousy towards her sister. She understands that I have to feed Sasha on demand, that I spend all nights with the baby, which is why I don’t take her to school in the morning, as before. I don’t always have time to check Varina’s lessons and spend time with her, but she calmly waits until I feed and am free.

That is, you have never had a situation when Varya said: “Mom, stay with me!”?

No, not once, she really treats everything with understanding

Do you trust her with Sasha?

Yes, I can ask Varya to help, I let her hold Sasha in her arms and rock her in the stroller. I try to show her that the birth of a baby is associated with difficulties, and she already realizes this.

How and at what point did you tell Varya that you were expecting a second child?

Varya was 9 years old when we found out about this, and I told her when the term was 12 weeks. Her reaction was quite unexpected: “Mom, please, not brother!!! Boys are noisy and stupid! Why were they even invented?!” And in response to my comment about the fact that her beloved dad was also once a boy, she replied that dad is a completely different matter, and he was immediately born as a model for all boys (laughs).

Has she ever asked for her sister?

Until the age of 7, she was completely comfortable growing up as the only child in the family. When we moved to England we were incredibly busy adapting to a new country, a new language, a new school, new friends. It probably took a couple of years. Although Varya had an English nanny since she was a year old, and her language was very good, it was still more difficult for her to study in English. Plus, in England, children from the age of three already go to school and spend the whole day there from 8.20 in the morning until 17.20 in the evening, and so on six days a week.

Is this a mandatory program in all schools or does each school have its own tactics?

Varya goes to a private school, but this schedule is very common. In England, parents are FOR their children being very busy. For example, my niece, who lives in Moscow, finishes school at 13.30. My sister says that children there are often left to their own devices, and if they do not study in endless circles, then computer games and social activities begin. networks... Children here really have no time, it is clear that at the age of 14-15 they will still find time for social media. networks, but at 8, 9, 10 years old they are very loaded and they simply have no time for gadgets.

At the same time, Varya also does gymnastics on weekends.

And not just on weekends. She is a professional gymnastics and polo player, and has been in the saddle since she was three years old. She is a very athletic girl - daddy's pride.

What about the creative part?

She sings and plays the piano; they have a lot of vacations at school, and during this time she compensates for her workload.

How do you support Russian education?

Varya is a 100% bilingual child. We speak Russian at home, we have a Russian nanny. Varya reads and writes in Russian, with mistakes, but she writes. She swears and says that she doesn’t understand why we force her to write and read, because she still has French at school. She believes that speaking the language is enough, but we hope that in the future she will go to college, where there is an opportunity to take another foreign language, and then Russian will be very useful to her.

You never know how your fate will turn out. When we lived in Russia and an English nanny came to Varenka at the age of 1.5, my grandmothers accused me of going crazy and abusing the child. As a result, at 2.5 years old the child spoke two languages ​​very well.

Will you raise Sasha this way too?

I don't know how things will turn out next. Varenka lived in Russia until she was 5 years old, in a Russian environment, with Russian cartoons. Of course, it will be more difficult for us to maintain the level of Russian that Varya has, but we will work on it.

Tell us about childbirth and pregnancy management in England, how they are organized, how much is it different from Russia?

Now, compared to what it was 10 years ago, when I gave birth to Varya, the attitude towards the birth process in Russia has changed a lot.

Is England a country where natural childbirth and breastfeeding are encouraged, or is cesarean and artificial feeding often practiced?

It seems to me that they adhere to the golden mean here. The doctor, of course, will talk about the enormous benefits of breastfeeding and natural childbirth, but if a woman comes with her own vision, no one will put pressure on her.

The task of local doctors is to advise and inform, but the decision always remains with the mother. Of course, the maximum naturalness of the process is welcomed here, but when my friend, who gave birth 8 months ago, came and said that she did not want to give birth herself, no one was indignant at her decision. The main thing is the mother’s calm and confidence; doctors will help in any case.

In Russia, it is believed that pregnancy is practically a disease and the expectant mother is surrounded by continuous dangers! Doctors will try to find what is wrong in the body at the moment and why they should treat you. We took hormones, took tests - everything seems to be fine, but still take nosh-pu, iron, magnesium B6...

Here, when you tell a doctor about magnesium B6, they look at you without understanding how magnesium can affect tone. My pregnant friend recently had a bunch of tests in Moscow and asked me to show the results to my gynecologist, so her first question was: “Why was she prescribed all this? Is she not well?

In Russia, it seemed to me, pregnancy is stressful, so you cannot fully enjoy your condition. You can’t lift, you can’t stand up, you can’t cross your legs, you can’t play sports, you’re constantly in a state of fear that you ate or drank something from the “forbidden list.”

Are home births accepted in England?

It seems to me that since pregnancy and childbirth here proceed in a more relaxed manner, no one dreams of giving birth away from doctors and hospitals. Here it is rather considered irresponsible, and I agree with this. Although my midwife, who very often attends home births, says that a lot depends on the mother’s mood - if the mother decided that she would be best at home, then most often everything goes fine.

But personally, I felt much more comfortable knowing that I was in a hospital and that if something went wrong, a group of doctors and equipment were nearby.

In the clinic where I gave birth, conditions were as close as possible to home. It was a room with the sound of birdsong, mats, inflatable balls, and even a small pool if mom wanted to give birth in water. People want to be at home because they don’t trust doctors and are afraid of hospital walls and wards. Unfortunately, often the attitude and professionalism of medical staff in Russia rather scares away mothers than instills confidence in a successful outcome.

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What about pediatrics? In England, do doctors come to visit young mothers at home?

Here comes the visiting nurse and health consultant. He is sent to find out if the mother is depressed and how she feels after giving birth. What I really like is that at this stage no one puts pressure on you. I immediately said that I would not vaccinate Sasha, and no one insisted on this. Of course, I was told about all the pros and cons, but the decision was up to me.

Is Varya vaccinated?

No. I will give an example from personal experience, which to some extent explains my position on vaccinations. A year ago, in the winter, Varya coughed a lot, and the doctors told me that it was bronchitis, but as a result the bronchitis turned out to be whooping cough. It turned out that there was a real epidemic in Varya’s class and almost all the children had this disease, despite the fact that 90% of the children were vaccinated against whooping cough. Hence the question: what is the point of vaccination if children still get sick? Moreover, it is surprising, but true - Varya endured the disease easier than many.

Perhaps if I lived in a third world country where some serious diseases are rampant, I would think about vaccinations, but my children live in normal conditions and in a civilized world. Everyone says that thanks to vaccinations many diseases have disappeared, but no one takes into account the fact that this also happened thanks to hygiene and antibiotics. But there are too many complications from vaccinations and contraindications to them.

Let's forget about the children for a while and return to mom. What did you do during pregnancy to maintain your figure? The results I saw simply stunned me. Never in my life have I seen a woman 10 days after giving birth in such shape!

You know, I even made a separate post about this on my blog (laughs). I did Pilates.

Now my trainer and I want to record a special exercise program for mothers. I am incredibly grateful to her for everything. As a result, I had such strong abs that giving birth turned out to be much easier, and when I gave birth, the muscles on my stomach were visible almost immediately, even after a week they were already visible. This time my back didn’t hurt at all, I felt great in my body and could easily do what the doctor asked me to do. My trainer was a girl who teaches courses specifically for pregnant women and also specializes in recovery after childbirth. Initially, this technique originated in Australia, and now it has become very popular in England.

How many times a week and to what extent did you exercise?

I studied every day, but no more than an hour.

Did you follow any diet?

The first three months of pregnancy were just a disaster, I constantly wanted herring with ketchup, and some other crazy things. Then it went away. In general, I clearly understood what I and the child needed, and simply ate healthy and balanced food.

That is, there were no special restrictions during pregnancy?

No. Except that, like before pregnancy, I didn’t eat meat.

What cosmetic products did you use to care for your body?

I really love Weleda cosmetics and used them throughout my pregnancy, and I also started every morning with a spoon of coconut oil on an empty stomach and used the oil to prevent tearing.

A slightly provocative question: would you return to live in Russia now?

Don't think. We have already established roots here, and most importantly, the children are definitely better off here. Considering the political situation in Russia, it’s more comfortable to breathe here.

Please tell us about your main activities, besides your family and your blog and website.

First of all, this is my Vaara sportswear line and our Kindness Foundation. I continue to develop them. Many people don’t know this, but in fact, both of these projects are interconnected. 10% of all sales of sportswear that I create goes to support disabled children who are cared for by the Foundation. I don’t consider myself a designer and don’t pretend to be one, but this is a continuation of my passion for sports, including Pilates.

Well then, our last and traditional question: is two the final number?

No, but it’s too early to talk about it now. God willing, we would like more children, but I like to take not in quantity, but in quality (laughs). I think we will return to this issue in 3-4 years. My personal self-realization is very important to me, the time that I can devote to each child individually and, of course, the time that I spend only with my husband. This is very important for preserving the family.

We would like to thank Stokke® for their assistance with the survey.

Modeling career

Korsakova began her professional ascent early: at the age of 15. Her career was helped by an accident: Tatyana decided to participate in a casting for a modeling agency with a friend. That girl did not pass the competition, but Korsakova was offered a contract. The organizers considered T. Korsakova’s appearance “commercial”, i.e. suitable for participation in advertising campaigns and brand promotion.

According to Korsakova herself, the proposal took her by surprise. A career as a model did not attract her then, and she had only a vague idea about the fashion industry. The agency offered work abroad. At the same time, a rented apartment, allocated money for pocket expenses, food and travel were a kind of loan. The model was supposed to work off this money in the future. After much hesitation, T. Korsakova agreed, and this became the first bold step into a new life.

In a matter of months, Korsakova, having become prettier, turned into that elegant lady who has now become a style icon for many thousands of fans. The refined aristocratic appearance helped the model open the world of luxury brands.

Tatyana received offers of cooperation from such giants of the fashion industry as La Perla, Max Factor, LOreal, becoming more and more famous with every shoot, with every show. Career quickly went uphill.

At the peak of her popularity, Korsakova had the opportunity to become one of the “angels” of Victoria’s Secret, the world’s top manufacturer of lingerie. Unfortunately, the girl was prevented from realizing her professional ambitions by an unexpected misfortune.

The secret of Tatiana's success - a happy wife, mother and model

In an interview, Korsakova openly says that she is used to work: in her youth, between castings, the girl worked part-time to make it easier for her parents to support her. Tanya was born into a family with a stable average income. According to her, her parents spent a lot of time raising her: from them Tanya learned manners and how to behave properly. Both parents instilled in her a love of discipline, which helped Korsakova achieve success both at school and at university.

She began her modeling career at the age of 15. It happened by chance: Tanya and her friends went to a casting at an agency, where the founders considered her appearance commercial - suitable for shows and advertising of brands. Korsakova admits that at first she was very scared: she was not interested in a modeling career at that time, she knew little about the fashion industry. Concerns grew when the agency immediately offered her a job abroad. Casting aside doubts, Tanya agreed. This decisive act subsequently turned her whole life upside down.

Death of father and end of modeling career

When T. Korsakova reached the pinnacle of her professional career, disaster struck her family: her father was diagnosed with cancer.

Being very attached to her parents, Tatyana had a hard time experiencing family grief. She had to work to the limit of her endurance. In order to transfer funds sufficient for complete treatment to relatives. In Korsakova’s own words, sometimes her work schedule included several fittings in different cities of the world during one day: London, Paris, New York. But all efforts only helped to alleviate the patient’s suffering and slightly delay his departure. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save my father.

The loss of a loved one became a severe psychological blow for Korsakova. Being depressed, the model only wanted to relax and find peace. Therefore, she refused lucrative offers, avoided communication, and did not answer phone calls.

Trying to cope with her grief on her own, Tatyana remained in London; returning home would only open up her emotional wounds.

During the crisis, help came from an unexpected quarter. T. Korsakova met Andrei Borodin, a successful Russian banker. Andrey became a reliable companion for her and gave Tatyana the support and care that she most needed at that difficult time. Korsakova herself characterizes her chosen one as a true gentleman. First of all, a strong person, but sensitive, capable of empathy. Their long and stormy romance seemed like a fairy tale.

7 months after meeting, the lovers decided to legalize their relationship. We got engaged at the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov. Later, Tatyana and Andrey became husband and wife. Intending to devote herself entirely to her husband and family, which had always been her highest value, Korsakova decided to end her modeling career.

Fast climb up the career ladder

While young Tanya was working as a model, her appearance was changing: the girl became prettier before our eyes, turning from a pretty teenager into a sophisticated and elegant lady. A beautiful figure and regular facial features became her passport to the world of famous brands. Korsakova received cooperation offers from La Perla, Max Factor, L'Oreal. The more she worked, the more fame she received. The highlight of her career was the opportunity to sign a contract with Victoria's Secret, the world's most famous lingerie company.

Victoria's Secret agents dreamed of working with Tanya

Perhaps Tanya would have become one of the “angels” of Victoria’s Secret, as the models of this brand are also called, if the misfortune had not happened to her father. Being depressed, the girl refused the offer. Wanting to cope with her condition on her own, the girl remained to live in London. There she met her future husband, banker Andrei Borodin. The man became her support and support. Their romance was stormy and at the same time tender: according to Tatyana, Andrei turned out to be a real gentleman, a caring and sensitive man.

Personal life, family, children

Andrei Borodin, husband of Tatyana Korsakova, is a Russian banker and multimillionaire. Also the founder and co-owner of Bank of Moscow since 1997, until 2011 he served as president of the company. In 2010, he took 95th place in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes magazine. His fortune was estimated at that time at $1 billion. In 2020, according to Forbes, the businessman’s assets exceeded $0.8 billion.

Since 2011, Andrei Borodin has been wanted by Interpol. This is due to the initiation of a criminal case for fraud and embezzlement of budget funds. In 2013, he received political asylum in the United Kingdom. Thanks to which extradition to Russia became impossible.

The couple lives in London and has no plans to return. The couple owns the most expensive mansion in England, Park Place. The previous owners of which were famous people and crowned heads.

In marriage, Tatyana Korsakova had an eldest daughter, Varya. This happened back in Russia, when Korsakova was a fourth-year student at MGIMO. A few years later, Andrei became a father again: his daughter Alexandra was born. The couple always planned to have a second child. And T. Korsakova wanted Varvara’s brother or sister to be several years younger. This would allow children to get along better and care for each other.

Own brand Vaara Activewear and charity

The ex-model, having completed her career, continued to lead an active social life. In addition, she realized her dream of helping sick children by devoting herself to charity. Korsakova founded 2 charitable foundations: in Russia (the Good Heart foundation) and the UK (Gracious Heart foundation). Organizations are called upon to provide material assistance and moral support. T. Korsakova’s initiative received full support from her husband, who regularly donates large sums to those in need.

Despite the fact that family occupies the main place in the life of a loving wife and mother. This did not stop Tatyana Korsakova from realizing her youthful plan. Tatyana became the founder of her own women's clothing brand: Vaara Activewear. T. Korsakova dedicated this business project to her eldest daughter, Varvara, after whom the trademark is named.

The concept of the brand is to create elegant and comfortable women's clothing designed for visiting a fitness club or training center. Vaara Activewear items are also suitable for practicing yoga and Pilates, as well as home sports.

The retired model and founder of the company has been passionately practicing yoga and Pilates herself for many years. And he draws his work inspiration from his own professional and sports experience. T. Korsakova carefully ensures that her lifestyle remains healthy, despite her constant employment. Tatyana trains 6 times a week and prefers vegetarian food, giving up meat. Tatyana did not interrupt her training even during the difficult period of pregnancy, using innovative exercise techniques.

Speaking about the main idea of ​​the Vaara Activewear brand, it is necessary to emphasize. The founder always reminds that clothing should create harmony and allow a woman to lead an active lifestyle. At the same time, remain well-groomed and elegant.

Taking care of the family and the world is Tatyana’s real calling

They dated for seven months, after which they became engaged at the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelohovo, and then got married. For Korsakova, family and children were always a priority, and therefore she left her modeling career in favor of a quiet life with her husband. Having more free time at her disposal, Tanya graduates from MGIMO with a degree in journalism. At the age of 24, Tatyana gave birth to a daughter, Varya, a real treasure for a happy couple.

Many people know that for some time Borodin was in disgrace in Russia. But after the trial he was acquitted. The couple is so accustomed to life in London that they are in no hurry to return to the Russian Federation. The couple purchased the most expensive mansion in foggy Albion, Park Place, which has enough space for the family, their guests, and numerous animals, which Tatiana is crazy about: the ex-model does not eat meat and fights for the rights of our brothers smaller ones.

Now Tanya lives in London with her husband and children

Always paying attention to public life, Tatyana became the founder of two charitable foundations to help children: Dobroserdie in Russia and Gracious Heart in England. Organizations are called upon to provide material and moral support to children who have health difficulties. The husband strongly supports Korsakova in this field, donating large sums to charity.

After Korsakov, she became pregnant again. The couple had been planning a second child for a long time. Tatyana admits that she really wanted to give Varvara a brother or sister who would be much younger than her. In this way, in her opinion, children will learn mutual assistance and responsibility. In 2016, the second daughter Alexandra was born. And while the youngest girl is just discovering the world, Varvara is already making progress in sports: the girl has been involved in gymnastics and horse riding from an early age.

Tatiana Today

Nowadays, the businesswoman and socialite continues to delight her fans on Instagram with spectacular photographs. T. Korsakova looks beautiful, which means that true beauty is not subject to time.

Tatiana's life experience confirms that a talented woman is capable of realizing herself in several areas at once.

To be loved and loving, to take care of your family and others, to raise children and achieve professional heights. Which is no less important, maintaining attractiveness and not allowing everyday worries to darken your dreams.

Russian Mrs. Perfection

The biography of Tatyana Korsakova is direct confirmation that a modeling career can only be the start to a successful life. Having ended it on a beautiful note, the girl still pleases her fans. Her brand produces beautiful and comfortable clothes, and Instagram is full of instructions and advice to help aspiring athletes. Tanya is a happy wife and mother of two daughters. She is a wonderful example of how anyone can combine caring for themselves, their family, and even the world around them.

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