Evgeniy Margulis: I’m tired of “Time Machine,” because how much is possible?”

Evgeny Margulis is one of the brightest representatives of the domestic rock scene, who became famous back in the eighties. It was he who stood at the origins of Soviet rock, having managed to play in such legendary formations as “Sunday” and “Time Machine”. He has dozens of music albums to his credit, many of which have become classics of Soviet and Russian music. Despite his advanced age, the musician continues to lead a busy life.

The biography of Evgeny Margulis also includes a solo musical career, which is worthy of mention. You will learn about the creative successes this outstanding artist managed to achieve in our article. You will also find such a sensitive topic as the personal life of Yevgeny Margulis, which interests many fans

Personal life of Evgeny Margulis (family, wife, children)

Rock musicians are famous for their inconstancy and turbulent lives, which do not allow them to find family happiness for many years. But the biography of Yevgeny Margulis turned out to be not so bright in terms of scandals. The man devoted himself entirely to his work, never making it to the front pages of the yellow press. So he met his first and only true love back in the very early eighties. The wife of Yevgeny Margulis was Anna Torban, who in those years worked as a psychotherapist.

Evgeny Morgulis with his wife Anna

Evgeny Morgulis with his wife Anna

Despite the fact that Evgeniy Margulis’s wife, whom he married in 1984, had absolutely nothing to do with show business, the marriage turned out to be extremely strong. The family continues to live a happy life for more than 30 years. And over the years, the couple managed to experience many bright moments. One of these was the birth of the child of Evgeny Margulis and Anna Torban. The born boy received the name Daniel and managed to achieve serious success in life. The boy received his education at a local metropolitan school, delighting his star father with excellent grades. Then the boy entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University, after which he got a job as a financier at Russobank.

Evgeny Morgulis with his son

So the only child of Evgeniy Margulis did not disappoint his father and became a constant financial advisor for his parents. Another important part of Daniil Margulis’ biography was his role in the film “House of the Sun,” in which he played the role of his own father in his youth. The film was a wide success with the public, but the young man did not build an acting career.

Julia Margulis now

At the beginning of April 2020, Ukraine released the 1st episode of a new series with Margulis, Alexander Sokolovsky, Vladislav Nikityuk and Igor Livanov - “The Testament of a Princess” (directed by Roman Barabash).

At the same time, Julia starred in a candid photo shoot. The girl admitted that she had long wanted to get on the pages of the magazine, but it was not easy for her to overcome embarrassment and modesty.

Candid photo shoot of Yulia Margulis According to the actress, at the moment she is only thinking about her career. Margulis wants to star in a war movie, a historical film, a musical or a psychological drama, where she could move away from the image of a frivolous beauty, and only then have children and concentrate on her family.

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Evgeny Margulis was born in Moscow, where almost his entire subsequent life took place. The parents of the future musician were an engineer and a Russian language teacher. So Evgeniy’s youth was not much different from the lives of other Soviet peers. The young man studied at a typical Moscow school, after which he decided to build a career as a doctor, for which he entered a local school.

Evgeny Morgulis in childhood

But even during his studies, Evgeniy realized that his heart belonged to music. This is how his ascent to the Olympus of fame began. This path was not easy, but in the end it turned Yevgeny Margulis into one of the most successful musicians of his time.


Margulis is engaged in an in-depth study of the philosophical and symbolic meanings of the music of Bach and Beethoven: the book “On the interpretation of Beethoven’s piano works” was published in 1991 in Moscow, the work “Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier” and Visual Church Symbolism” received wide resonance in the professional environment. In 2003 he published a collection of aphorisms “Bagatellen” (German: Bagatellen op. 9

), introducing which, Martha Argerich writes:

This amazingly inspiring book opens a window into the life of music and leads us by the hand into our beloved piano country. Margulis's Bagatelles are full of wisdom and humor. His outstanding intuition, deep knowledge of human nature and spiritual depths will captivate musicians and non-musicians alike. This book is irresistible[4].

Collection of autobiographical essays “Chronicles. Short stories from the life of a musician" was published in 2006 by the Moscow publishing house "Classics-XXI".

Career in "Time Machine"

As a child, Evgeniy was not enthusiastic about the music that was broadcast on the radio. Only after living separately did the young man learn that there was another, much more radical music. The era of Beatlemania began, within which Evgeniy became acquainted with foreign musical genres. He studied at a music school in his youth, but at that time he did not count on a serious career on stage.

Evgeni Morgulis in his youth

The year 1974 became fateful in the life of Evgeny Margulis, when he met the future leader of the Time Machine group, Andrei Makarevich.

At that time, Margulis was a simple loader, so Makarevich’s proposal to create his own musical group was considered real madness.

But already in 1975, an unknown rock band played its first full concert, after which real fame fell on the musicians.

An excerpt characterizing Margulis, Vitaly Iosifovich

- Vile woman! - the princess screamed, suddenly rushing at Anna Mikhailovna and snatching the briefcase. Prince Vasily lowered his head and spread his arms. At that moment the door, that terrible door that Pierre had been looking at for so long and which had opened so quietly, quickly and noisily fell back, banging against the wall, and the middle princess ran out of there and clasped her hands. - What are you doing! – she said desperately. – II s'en va et vous me laissez seule. [He dies, and you leave me alone.] The eldest princess dropped her briefcase. Anna Mikhailovna quickly bent down and, picking up the controversial item, ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasily, having come to their senses, followed her. A few minutes later, the eldest princess was the first to emerge from there, with a pale and dry face and a bitten lower lip. At the sight of Pierre, her face expressed uncontrollable anger. “Yes, rejoice now,” she said, “you have been waiting for this.” And, bursting into tears, she covered her face with a handkerchief and ran out of the room. Prince Vasily came out for the princess. He staggered to the sofa where Pierre was sitting and fell on it, covering his eyes with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and that his lower jaw was jumping and shaking, as if in a feverish trembling. - Ah, my friend! - he said, taking Pierre by the elbow; and in his voice there was a sincerity and weakness that Pierre had never noticed in him before. – How much do we sin, how much do we deceive, and all for what? I’m in my sixties, my friend... After all, for me... Everything will end in death, that’s it. Death is terrible. - He cried. Anna Mikhailovna was the last to leave. She approached Pierre with quiet, slow steps. “Pierre!...” she said. Pierre looked at her questioningly. She kissed the young man's forehead, moistening it with her tears. She paused. – II n'est plus... [He was gone...] Pierre looked at her through his glasses. - Allons, je vous reconduirai. Tachez de pleurer. Rien ne soulage, comme les larmes. [Come on, I'll take you with you. Try to cry: nothing makes it easier than tears.] She led him into the dark living room and Pierre was glad that no one there saw his face. Anna Mikhailovna left him, and when she returned, he, with his hand under his head, was fast asleep. The next morning Anna Mikhailovna said to Pierre: “Oui, mon cher, c’est une grande perte pour nous tous.” Je ne parle pas de vous. Mais Dieu vous soutndra, vous etes jeune et vous voila a la tete d'une immense fortune, je l'espere. Le testament n'a pas ete encore ouvert. Je vous connais assez pour savoir que cela ne vous tourienera pas la tete, mais cela vous impose des devoirs, et il faut etre homme. [Yes, my friend, this is a great loss for all of us, not to mention you. But God will support you, you are young, and now you are, I hope, the owner of enormous wealth. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough and I am sure that this will not turn your head; but this imposes responsibilities on you; and you have to be a man.] Pierre was silent. – Peut etre plus tard je vous dirai, mon cher, que si je n'avais pas ete la, Dieu sait ce qui serait arrive. Vous savez, mon oncle avant hier encore me promettait de ne pas oublier Boris. Mais il n'a pas eu le temps. J'espere, mon cher ami, que vous remplirez le desir de votre pere. [Afterwards, maybe I’ll tell you that if I hadn’t been there, God knows what would have happened. You know that the other day my uncle promised me not to forget Boris, but he didn’t have time. I hope, my friend, you will fulfill your father’s wish.] Pierre, not understanding anything and silently, blushing shyly, looked at Princess Anna Mikhailovna. After talking with Pierre, Anna Mikhailovna went to the Rostovs and went to bed. Waking up in the morning, she told the Rostovs and all her friends the details of the death of Count Bezukhy. She said that the count died the way she wanted to die, that his end was not only touching, but also edifying; The last meeting between father and son was so touching that she could not remember him without tears, and that she does not know who behaved better in these terrible moments: the father, who remembered everything and everyone in such a way in the last minutes and such Touching words were spoken to his son, or Pierre, whom it was a pity to see how he was killed and how, despite this, he tried to hide his sadness so as not to upset his dying father. “C'est penible, mais cela fait du bien; ca eleve l'ame de voir des hommes, comme le vieux comte et son digne fils,” [It’s hard, but it’s saving; the soul rises when you see people like the old count and his worthy son,” she said. She also spoke about the actions of the princess and Prince Vasily, not approving of them, but in great secrecy and in a whisper.

Leaving for the “Sunday” group

But the main project in the life of Yevgeny Margulis was not “Time Machine” at all, but the “Sunday” group, which he joined in 1979. As part of the “Sunday” group, he turned into a living legend of rock music and an idol of millions of listeners. And despite the fact that in 1989 Margulis nevertheless returned to the “Time Machine”, it was within the framework of the “Sunday” group that he created the most recognizable songs in his musical career.

Group "Sunday"

One of the reasons for the success of “Resurrection” was the lyrics of the talented Soviet bard Konstantin Nikolsky, who became the head of the group. Songs about a man who faced numerous obstacles on the way to his dream, but ultimately remained unbroken, won the hearts of many listeners. The “Sunday” group easily filled huge halls throughout the USSR, and then in Russia. The groups “Sunday” and “Mashina Vremeni” continued their active cooperation, often giving joint performances, some of which were recorded on video and distributed on video cassettes.


  1. [www.music.ucla.edu/blog/2011/05/31/in-memoriam-vitaly-margulis-1928-2011/ In Memoriam - Vitaly Margulis - 1928-2011] (English). UCLA (May 31, 2011). Retrieved June 15, 2011. [www.webcitation.org/65uZlwv8D Archived from the original on March 4, 2012].
  2. [www.chayka.org/article.php?id=925 Natalya Rastopchina. About the fate of music and musicians] // Seagull (Seagull Magazine), No. 19(54), October 7, 2005.
  3. 12
    Right there.
  4. [www.rombach.de/buchverlag/buchverlag_buch.php?id=297 Abstract from the publishing house Rombach Verlag] (German)

Solo career

For the rest of the century, Evgeny Margulis led a busy touring life, after which he began to think about a solo career. Over the years, the musician has accumulated a lot of personal material and poems, which formed the basis of the new project. Evgeniy continues to work on his solo project to this day, delighting fans with creative productivity that is rare for his age.

Evgeniy also had the opportunity to work on the Russian-language version of the legendary musical We Will RockYou and take part in the dubbing of radio plays. Another important hobby in the life of Evgeny Margulis is travel.

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