What is radium and why was it used in food?

Real nameRadiy Faritovich Khabirov
Date of BirthMarch 20, 1964
How many years55 years
Zodiac signFish
ParentsFather - Farit Barievich Khabirov
EducationHigher education (Bashkir State University, Faculty of Law); Belkent University - Master's degree (Türkiye, Ankara)
Family statusMarried
Spouse's nameKarine Khabirova
ChildrenDaughters Svetlana and Margarita (from his first marriage with Larisa Lukyanova)
Son Farit 2020 (from his second marriage)

In 2020, the post of acting president of the Republic of Bashkortostan was taken by Radiy Khabirov, whose biography instantly became interesting to his fellow countrymen, and not only. Born into a family of teachers, he received an excellent education, which allowed him to make a career as a teacher at a higher educational institution, earn an academic degree and enter the public service. Khabirov is not only a responsible leader, but also an incredibly interesting person.

Childhood and youth

The politician’s biography originates in Bashkortostan, a small village in the Ishimbay district of Sayranovo. Year of birth: 1964. The boy’s parents are rural residents. Father Farit Barievich held the leadership position of school director. Mom is a teacher. In addition to Radium, there were two more sons in the family - the boy’s older brothers. The son inherited his decisive character from his father, who became famous for the fact that, on his initiative, a new school building was erected instead of an old building that had fallen into disrepair.

Radiy Khabirov in childhood

Khabirov spent his childhood years where the future politician was born. At the rural school, Radium was a good student. Outside of classes, he was engaged in wrestling at Children and Youth Sports School No. 2 in the city of Ishimbay, because he really loved sports in general. The parents did a lot for the serious development of their sons and preparation for independent life.

It was not possible to continue education immediately after receiving a certificate of secondary education. The young man worked for 6 months, starting his professional path with the harsh specialty of a milling machine operator. Radium was an intern at the Ishimbay Transport Engineering Plant.

Upon reaching his 18th birthday, he was drafted into the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces for military service. In two years, the former schoolboy matured and became stronger morally, fully matured for further self-determination. In 1984, he returned to his native land and entered the State University of Bashkiria to study law.

After 5 years, the young man successfully passes his final exams. The specialist becomes an assistant at the department of state law and Soviet construction at his native faculty in Alma Mater. He combines teaching activities with social work, heading the student trade union committee. Three years later, Radium decided to improve his qualifications and went to Turkey to study. Here he was enrolled in the master's department at Bilkent University in Ankara. After two years as a master, Khabirov returns to his native Bashkir State University and works as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law.

In 1998, the man was appointed deputy dean of the Faculty of Law. After another 4 years, Khabirov becomes the acting head of the university. Stability is a sign of mastery. Every 2-4 years, Radiy Faritovich successfully climbed to a new step on the career ladder. At the age of 39, the talented manager goes to serve in the Administration under the President of Bashkortostan. This opens a new page in his fascinating biography.

Bashkir by nationality. His height and weight are not known exactly, but in general the man has an athletic build, which is explained primarily by his passion for sports. Khabirov is a candidate master of sports in classical wrestling and Greco-Roman.


Returning from military service in 1984, Radium entered the university. In 1989, he successfully graduated from university, receiving a diploma with honors as a lawyer. After graduation, he worked for several years at the department of state law at his native university and headed the student trade union cell.

Young Radiy Khabirov during his army years

Khabirov completed his postgraduate studies in Turkey, with which Bashkiria has long-standing historical traditions. Returning to his native land, Radiy Faritovich continued his teaching career, achieving great success. In less than 10 years, he went from a teacher to the head of one of the most prestigious universities in the region - the Bashkir Institute of Law.

Starting a career in politics

Before becoming the acting head of Bashkiria, the politician went through a 15-year journey of formation. Radium was the head of the Administration in the Republic for 5 years. Then, on his own initiative, he joined the United Russia party, assuming that this would become a kind of springboard for building a future career. The social elevator to improve status was chosen absolutely correctly.

However, the intrigues of ill-wishers and competitors almost served as an obstacle to further development, and perhaps Khabirov became a victim of his own intrigues. We do not know all the ins and outs for sure, but, be that as it may, in 2008, Radiy Faritovich was removed from office by the then-current president of Bashkortostan, Murtaz Rakhimov. They say that the head saw a competitor in the young and ambitious Khabirov. Therefore, he fired him with a scandal, having also assisted in the initiation of a criminal case.

Political growth - work in the capital

Difficulties and problems with the law did not break the fighting spirit. The politician almost ended up in prison, and his party membership was liquidated. The reward for persistently overcoming life's challenges was a new stage in my career. In 2009, the man was completely acquitted and reinstated in United Russia. He moves to Moscow, where he receives a position in the administrative apparatus of the President of the Russian Federation. Here he begins to act as deputy head of the presidential administration for internal policy issues.

Successes in his new position allowed him to remain in place until 2016, after which Khabirov decides to take part in the elections for the post of head of the city of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. Having come to power at the local level, Radiy Faritovich supported many fellow countrymen - Bashkir managers who had suffered at one time from Rakhimov’s actions. Thus, Rostislav Murzagulov became his right hand and closest assistant, assisting the mayor in matters of investment and entrepreneurship, as well as public relations.

Radiy Khabirov and Rostislav Murzagulov

Despite the fact that Khabirov held the post of head of the city for only 1.5 years, during this time many measures were taken to improve and develop infrastructure. Roads and road junctions were built, new recreation areas and sports grounds were opened, and houses were erected. The native of Bashkiria left only positive impressions on the residents of Krasnogorsk. Governor Vorobyov noted the significant achievements of the new mayor, who managed to bring the municipality in the ranking for socio-economic development from 43rd to 8th place in a short period of time. The city received the “Breakthrough of the Year” award.

In the fall of 2020, the current head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Rustem Karimov, announced his resignation due to health reasons. V.V. Putin appointed the talented manager Radiy Khabirov as interim president of the republic. It is in this status that the politician remains to this day. He will be able to participate in elections for the post of head of the region only in the fall of 2020.

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The biography of Asel Sagatova contains pages that the girl has the right to be proud of. Asel's creative path began in her student years. The beautiful and sociable Sagatova was invited to become the TV presenter of a popular music program. At the same time, Asel continued to develop her modeling career. Over the years of studying at the university, Asel has become one of the most successful and highly paid models in Kazakhstan.

Asel Sagatova

In 2004, Asel’s career in cinema began. Asel Sagatova starred in a prominent role in the film “Mother’s Cry for Mankurt,” in which Chingiz Aitmatov participated. A successful debut became a springboard to continue his career. Every year a new film is released in which Asel plays a central role.

Popular projects in which the actress starred from 2005 to 2009 were the films “The Sword of Makhambet”, “Viola Tarakanova”, “Racketeer”, “Heartbreakers” and “Bottlenose Dolphin’s Leap”.

Success and popularity were brought to Sagatova by the Russian film “The Irony of Love,” in which Asel played in tandem with Alexei Chadov. The melodrama was released in 2010. It’s safe to say that this project has doubled the artist’s army of fans.

To improve her acting skills, the girl completed acting courses in Los Angeles. In the films “Student”, “Girlfriends”, “Ghost Hunt” and “Racketeer”, viewers were convinced that on screen there was a mature and talented actress who had a promising future in cinema.

Sagatova’s acting talent is confirmed by the prestigious awards that the artist regularly receives. In 2011, the actress became a laureate of the First President's Foundation Award. A year later, she entered the top five most sought-after actresses, and also received the title of “Star Favorite,” which was awarded at the prestigious “People's Favorite 2012” award. And in 2013 and 2014, the popular artist was named “Actress of the Year.”

For a long time, Asel Sagatova has been collaborating with the talented Russian designer Kira Plastinina. The girls met in 2009 in Moscow, where a charity ball took place. In addition, Asel Sagatova works with the popular American cosmetics and perfume company AVON. The actress and model became the face of the company's products in her homeland, Kazakhstan. Asel represents one of the brand’s lines, which is intended for bright and purposeful young girls.

Asel Sagatova also gave other young girls and boys the opportunity to start their journey in the modeling business. In 2013, the actress opened a modeling school in Almaty under her own name. Just six months after the opening of the school, grateful students staged a flash mob in honor of their mentor’s birthday, in which the guys danced the then popular dance from the Gangnam Style video, wearing masks with Asel’s face.

Asel Sagatova in the show “Good evening, Kazakhstan”

Viewers of Kazakhstan know Sagatova not only as an actress and model, but also as the TV presenter of the show “Good Evening, Kazakhstan.” Asel often participates in various television competitions and shows. One of them is “Two Stars”.

Income of a promising politician

Radiy Faritovich Khabirov is a politician whose life is full of intrigue and gossip, loud scandals and no less striking comebacks. Incriminating evidence was repeatedly collected on the man; he became an object of suspicion and a victim of deception. Khabirov’s income is shrouded in mystery and constant doubts. After his dismissal from the administration in 2008, a criminal case was opened against Radiy for receiving large-scale bribes, as well as concealing true income from the tax service.

The scandalous topic was enthusiastically picked up by the “sharks of the pen”, vying with each other to write about fraud on the part of the authorities, that Khabirov was at the origins of raider takeovers of various organizations, regularly carries out fraud with state property and, in particular, real estate, takes bribes from applicants BashGu.

Whether the politician is actually clean or was “taken under the wing” of influential people in time is unknown. Just as unexpectedly and quickly as the case opened, it was closed instantly. Khabirov was rehabilitated and sent to the capital to continue his work.

Success in your personal life

The personal life of a major statesman is not a secret. Radiy Faritovich is a public figure, and therefore journalists and ordinary citizens are quite aware of his loved ones. It is known that today the politician has a young family. Daughters from their first marriage maintain a warm relationship with their father. Proof of this is the fact of his presence at the wedding of one of his daughters. Khabirov had a son from his second wife.

Radiy Khabirov with his son

In general, as we see here, life for a Bashkir does not stand still, “everything flows, everything changes.” Having made a dizzying career in public service, the politician also succeeded on the personal front. Although, here it would not hurt to show more stability.

First marriage

Khabirov first united himself in marriage in his distant youth. His first wife is a fellow student and university friend, Larisa Lukyanova. The lovers got married in 1987, and two years later they had a daughter, who was named Svetlana. The young family lived in a hostel for several years. After 9 years, the next replenishment occurred. In 1998, when Radium took a leadership position at the university, the couple had a second child, Margarita.

The couple lived happily together for many years. However, as often happens, as children grew older, feelings cooled down, conflicts contributed to the gradual separation of loving hearts from each other. In addition, after moving to Moscow, the promising politician was surrounded by many young interesting women. By coincidence, after 26 years of marriage, Radium divorced his first wife, although the decision was mutual. It is not known exactly where Khabirov’s ex-wife lives today and what she does. However, there are photos online of the whole family at their daughter’s wedding to an Austrian banker.

Radiy Khabirov at his daughter's wedding

Second marriage

Radiy Faritovich was not sad alone for long. Soon he married for the second time. His new wife was a 36-year-old beautiful girl with the original Armenian name Karine. My wife's profession is a dentist; she received her education in 2006. The spectacular brunette made a man’s long-time dream come true and in 2017 gave birth to a son, who was named Farit in honor of his grandfather.

The woman has a son born in her first marriage. It is unknown how old the boy is. The Khabirov family did not immediately accept Radiy’s new wife, believing that she was the reason for the breakdown of the relationship with Larisa, but after the birth of the heir, everything changed. Today, all relatives get along and communicate closely with each other. Radiy Faritovich himself does not forget to pay attention to all his children. It is curious that while personally practicing Islam, both of Radiy’s wives and children are Orthodox Christians.

Radium and Karine Khabirovs

Why is radium important and interesting for us?

“The study and use of the radioactive properties of Ra played a huge role in the study of the structure of the atomic nucleus and the phenomenon of radioactivity. Chemical methods developed during the isolation of Ra compounds from ores and the study of their properties formed the basis for the methods of radiochemistry.”

These two phrases, taken from the short encyclopedia “Atomic Energy,” contain in the most general form the main thing that makes radium interesting to us and why this element is famous. It can be argued that if the element radium had not been discovered three quarters of a century ago, it is unlikely that our age would be called an atomic age. Let us trace the history of element No. 88 - the history of its service to science.

1898, November - December. Discovery of radium. Oddly enough, the more precise date of this discovery, unlike the date of the discovery of polonium, is not known. Judging by surviving laboratory journals, by early November 1898 Pierre and Marie Curie already knew “about the existence of an active substance precipitated by sulfuric acid and different from polonium.” The name "radium", albeit with a question mark, first appeared in an entry in the handwriting of Pierre Curie and dated November 17:

“So, radium sulfate dissolves better in S04H2 than barium sulfate?”

Then there was a month-long break in the journal entries, the reasons for which we can only guess. The next entry was made only on December 18th. On some day between November 17 and December 18, the Curies became convinced that, in addition to polonium, uranium tar also contained radium.

The first message, “On a new highly radioactive substance contained in resin blende,” is dated December 26, 1898. Here is its abstract: “Discovery of a highly radioactive substance accompanying barium. Demarsay discovered a new line in the spectrum, the intensity of which increases with increasing activity. radium is proposed for this substance .

Two new chemical elements - polonium and radium - are the result of the first year of joint work of the Curies on the problem of radioactivity (the first workbook was begun on December 16, 1897, a year and nine days before the discovery of radium was reported). But this was only the beginning of their titanic work. The new elements made themselves known by radiation much more active than that of uranium. Pierre and Marie Curie were convinced that they had discovered new elements. But “to force chemists to agree with this opinion, it was necessary to isolate new elements.” 1899-1901. Work with radium continues.

“...Pierre Curie concentrated on researching the properties of radium, and I continued chemical processing in order to obtain pure radium salts. I had to process twenty kilograms of the original substance at a time, which is why our barn was filled with large vats of sediment and liquids; it was exhausting work - carrying vessels, pouring liquids and stirring the boiling mass in a cast-iron cauldron with an iron rod for hours. I extracted radiobearing barium from ore, which in the form of chloride underwent fractional crystallization. Radium accumulated in the least soluble fractions, and this procedure should have led to the release of pure radium chloride."

This is what Maria Skłodowska-Curie writes about this time. Pure radium preparations have not yet been obtained, but one should not think that these years brought nothing to scientists except hard labor. By obtaining more and more concentrated preparations of radium, they discovered: induced radioactivity caused by radium; the influence of radiation on some chemical processes; glow effect of highly radioactive drugs. “We were especially happy,” writes Marie Sklodowska-Curie, “when we discovered that all our radium-enriched products spontaneously glowed. Pierre Curie, who dreamed that they would turn out to be a beautiful color, had to admit that this unexpected feature brought him joy. Despite the difficult working conditions, we felt very happy.”

Radium is becoming famous, and to some extent even fashionable; The Curies became famous. It is very important that in these conditions they remained themselves. Let us turn again to the book about Pierre Curie, written by Maria:

“Pierre Curie took the most disinterested and most generous position. In agreement with me, he refused to derive material benefits from our discovery. Therefore, we did not take any patent and published, without hiding anything, all the results of our research, as well as the method for extracting radium ... "

This circumstance could not but affect the development of research in the field of radioactivity. Scientists from different countries began to study radium preparations and its decay products. This brought new discoveries. In 1899, a young French physicist, one of the few assistants of the Curies, Andre Debierne discovered a new radioactive element, sea anemone. In January 1900, the English scientist A. Dorn reported the discovery of the emanation of radium, a gaseous radioactive substance that turned out to be a new element, radon. In May 1900, radium radiation similar to X-rays (gamma rays) was discovered.

The chain reaction of outstanding discoveries in nuclear physics began and developed uncontrollably. 1902. The Curies finally received the first decigram of pure radium chloride. The atomic weight of radium was determined for the first time using this sample. According to Marie Curie's measurements, it turned out to be 225.9 - amazingly accurate! It is now known that radium from uranium ore is an isotope with a mass number of 226. In the same year, the spontaneous release of heat by radium was discovered by Pierre Curie. And in November of the same year, Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy put forward the theory of radioactive decay and formulated the law of radioactive transformations. “In particular, it can be established that radium is a descendant of uranium, and polonium is a descendant of radium,” wrote Marie Curie.

1903 The avalanche of discoveries - large and small - kept growing. In particular, a message came from England (its authors were W. Ramsay and F. Soddy) about the discovery of helium in radium radiation products - this is how physics came to understand the nature of alpha radiation. (The fact of the existence of two types of radiation - calamus - was discovered in 1899 by Rutherford.) In the same year, Pierre and Marie Curie, together with Henri Becquerel, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for outstanding research in the field of radioactivity. (Marie Curie would receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry - also mainly for radium - in 1911)

From the Nobel speech of Pierre Curie: “One might think that in the wrong hands radium would become very dangerous, and here it is appropriate to ask the question whether humanity is interested in further revealing the secrets of nature, whether it is mature enough to usefully apply the knowledge gained, cannot Do they affect negatively the future of humanity? The example of Nobel's discoveries is significant: powerful explosives made it possible to carry out remarkable work, but at the same time - in the hands of great criminals (in another translation "criminal rulers") - they represent a terrible means of destruction that drives peoples to war. I am one of those who, together with Nobel, think that humanity will derive more good from new discoveries than evil...”

The year 1903 is also significant because this year, for the first time, research on radium and radioactivity began in Russia. This summer, professor of physics at Moscow University Alexei Petrovich Sokolov (1854-1928) established that carbon dioxide from the Narzan mineral spring is radioactive, and the air near the Pyatigorsk fountain is ionized. Later A.P. Sokolov and his collaborators investigated the radioactivity of other mineral waters of the Caucasus, medicinal mud, and air. At the University of A.P. Sokolov taught the course “Radioactivity,” but he managed to organize practical classes in this course only ten years later. And two years earlier he founded a radiological laboratory in Moscow. By that time, similar laboratories had already appeared in Tomsk and Odessa.

In addition, in St. Petersburg, at the Mineralogical Laboratory, V.I. began to engage in the practical study of radioactive minerals. Vernadsky and K.A. Nenadkevich. Laboratory A.P. Sokolova is also famous for the fact that it was the first place to study the radioactivity of Fergana ore - the same one from which the first Soviet concentrated radium preparations were obtained in 1921. 1904-1906.

Pierre Curie's study (together with A. Laborde) of the radioactivity of mineral waters and gases released by mineral springs. Beginning of research into the physiological effects of radium rays and emanation (together with Becquerel).

In 1906, the first radiological clinical laboratory was founded in France. Two years earlier, the first radium plant appeared. This plant was founded by Arme de Lisle, who also subsidized the new journal Radium, the first publication entirely devoted to the problems of radioactivity.

In 1906, on April 19, Pierre Curie passed away. His life was cut short by an accident. Marie Skłodowska-Curie continues her work alone. She becomes Pierre's successor at the Department of Physics at the Sorbonne, the first female professor at one of the most famous universities in the world...

A few months before the tragic incident, an overly inquisitive American reporter snuck into the garden of the Curie couple’s house. He took Maria by surprise, and she had to give another interview. The reporter was interested in literally everything: information about Maria’s youth, the appetite and inclinations of her daughters, the psychology of a woman who devoted herself to science, and least of all science itself. Then Marie Skłodowska-Curie, interrupting the annoying questions, for the first time uttered a phrase that she often repeated later: “In science we should be interested in things, not individuals.”

Knowing this principle, the author of these notes sought to bring “things” to the foreground - substances, events, facts. Nevertheless, both the “things” and the invariably restrained lines from the documents tell a lot about the “personalities”, about two extremely extraordinary personalities - about talent and exceptional performance, about perseverance and selflessness. And about humanity in every sense of the word.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie's almost constant work with radium continued for another 28 years. On July 4, 1934, Marie Skłodowska-Curie died of radiation sickness.

But let's return to the history of element No. 88. 1910. Marie Curie and Andre Debierne managed to obtain metallic radium. It was obtained by electrolysis from an aqueous solution containing 0.106 g of RaCl2. A mercury cathode and an anode made of an alloy of platinum and iridium were used. The resulting radium amalgam was heated to 700°C in a stream of hydrogen to drive off the mercury.

Radium turned out to be a silvery-white, fairly light metal with a density of about 6 g/cm3. And not very refractory - the melting point is about 700°C (according to later measurements - 960°). In air, radium quickly blackened, interacting with nitrogen and forming nitride Ra3N2. It turned out that element No. 88 is noticeably superior in chemical activity to alkaline earth metals. In particular, it rapidly decomposes water according to the reaction Ra + 2H2O → Ra(OH)2 + H2↑ At the 1958 Brussels World Exhibition, one of the workbooks of Pierre and Marie Curie was demonstrated in the French pavilion. A Geiger counter stood nearby and “clicked.” The notebook remained radioactive 60 years after it was completed.

This, in fact, ends the brightest period in the history of element N° 88. There will be another stormy twenty years in the history of radioactivity - the 30-40s of the last century, when the chain reaction of discoveries will take its second turn. But these discoveries will mainly be associated with other elements, primarily uranium.

Radiy Khabirov today

Today, the politician still serves as the head of the region. In March 2020, he celebrated his 55th anniversary. He maintains an account on Instagram, where everyone can track the latest news and major events taking place in the republic. The profile contains more than 500 photos and videos, which are regularly viewed by more than 250 thousand subscribers.

In the future, Radium plans to do everything to improve the socio-economic level of his small homeland. He is well versed in the peculiarities of the region and sees the main problems. Already in his position as acting politician, the politician is actively renewing the fleet of school buses and ambulances, supporting medicine and rural workers, encouraging entrepreneurship in the region, opening new parks and recreation areas, and taking care of the preservation and popularization of the Bashkir language.

The politician has a lot of ill-wishers who are trying to tarnish the reputation of the future potential head of the republic. Perhaps the accusations of dishonesty really did not arise out of nowhere, but be that as it may, the residents of Bashkiria will decide the issue of trust or distrust in Khabirov in the fall. On the region’s website you can get reliable information about all Khabirov’s plans and political program.

Many are interested in where Radiy Faritovich lives now and what family life is like. Definitely, at the moment the statesman spends most of his time in Bashkortostan. His wife and baby are also here with him. Now Khabirov admits that he loves spending leisure time with his family and closest people.

The biography of Radiy Khabirov both delights and makes one doubt some facts, honesty and justice, but the fact that the life and achievements of this politician do not leave anyone indifferent is a fact. It is believed that in the future Khabirov will be able to prove his integrity in practice more than once and receive recognition from the majority of his fellow countrymen.

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