Director's widow Olga Dykhovichnaya: “I will never forgive those who poisoned my husband”


Olga Dykhovichnaya (before marriage - Golyak) was born in 1980 in Minsk. Her childhood years were spent in the same city. The girl grew up in an ordinary Soviet family of working people who had little to do with art. The girl diligently received her secondary education, but always dreamed of a different destiny - noisy Moscow and fame.

Having become a student at the Lyceum at the Belarusian University at the age of 17, she made her debut on television as the host of the “Morning Cocktail” program. Fame, albeit on a local scale, was pleasant, and the TV presenter decided to take the next step and in 1998 moved to the Russian capital, where she continued to build a TV career as a TV editor.

Vladimir Dykhovichny - son of Ivan Dykhovichny

The third wife, Olga Yurievna Dykhovichnaya (born 1980), completed directing courses with Alexei German, worked with her husband at the Volya studio. We met on television. “We immediately felt that this meeting would last for a long time. Immediately - at the moment of acquaintance. I am convinced that this happens to every person who meets his fate,” said Olga. Married between 1999 and 2009.

Meeting Ivan Dykhovichny

Olga’s future life was largely determined by her acquaintance with the man whose last name she now bears. It was director Ivan Dykhovichny who discovered the beautiful young actress to modern cinema.

Olga and Ivan Dykhovichny

The future spouses met in 1999, when Ivan Dykhovichny was over 50, and Olga had recently celebrated her majority. But, as Olga later recalled, she never felt this age difference - Ivan was a lively, energetic person, young both inside and out.

The family and creative union gave the world the films “Kopeyka” (2002), “Money” (2002), “Inhale-Exhale” (2006).

Young Olga Dykhovichnaya in the film “Kopeyka”

Ivan Dykhovichny helped not only in the development of an actress: he insisted on receiving a professional education. In 1999, her “alma mater” became the Higher Directing Courses. The girl’s teachers were Alexey German and Svetlana Karmalita.

Since then, Olga Dykhovichnaya is also known as a director of subtle and piercing films - the short film “It seemed”, as well as documentaries “Tuva: Land under the High Sky”, “Maria Bochkareva: Calling to Death”, “War in the Forests. The shameful secret of Khatyn”, “Roman Shukhevych: hero or villain”, “Diagnosis of “actor””, “Sakhalin Island”, “Miracles”. The main theme of her works remained outstanding people, amazing places and historical events.

Ivan Dykhovichny in his youth

He was called a “sad actor” and an intellectual director.

He appeared on the screen several times as an actor - in films, plays and films “Family as a Family”, “Moscow, My Love”, “Doctor of Philosophy”, “Stranger Weapon, or Crusader 2”, “Kopeyka”, “Money”.

Further career

After the death of Ivan Dykhovichny from lymphoma in 2009, Olga disappeared from the radar for some time. The loss of her beloved husband unsettled the woman. What saved me was meeting the young director Angelina Nikonova, first a friend and then Olga’s lover.

In 2011, Nikonova’s debut full-length film “Portrait at Twilight” was released, in which Olga Dykhovichnaya played the main role - the girl Marina, whose prosperous life changed overnight after a fatal encounter with violence.

In “Portrait at Twilight” Olga Dykhovichnaya played the main role

In 2013, the director’s next film, “Welcome Home,” was released. Olga again became one of the central figures in the story, which told about the life of Russian emigrants in New York.

Still from the film “Welcome Home”

In the same year, Olga appeared in the films “City Spies” by Dmitry Cherkasov and “Weekend” by Stanislav Govorukhin.

2016 was marked for Olga with filming in the grotesque tragicomedy “Matryoshka”, the Russian-Georgian drama “Someone else’s House” and the serial melodrama “Money”.

Olga Dykhovichnaya: “My husband Ivan would probably like this film”

Last evening, the premiere of the film “WELCOME HOME”, directed by Angelina Nikonova and her muse, actress Olga Dykhovichnaya, took place at the Pioneer cinema. There were fewer seats in the auditorium than there were guests who came to appreciate the film filmed in New York. In the lobby, SUPER journalists managed to talk with one of the sexiest actresses in Russian cinema, Olga Dykhovichnaya. The 34-year-old actress spoke about the role of sex in her life and her experience of being naked in front of the audience.

There are a lot of your loved ones and friends here. This is the first show for viewers in Moscow. Are you nervous? Are you interested in the reaction to the film and how it will be appreciated here?

Of course I'm worried. Today the film will be shown to viewers for the first time. Before this, of course, there was a premiere at Kinotavr, but you need to understand that this premiere is for colleagues. And I must say that my colleagues turned out to be very friendly. Recently, oddly enough, Kinotavr has generally become a mecca of kindness and understanding of colleagues. Therefore, this is a very important show for us. We really need and are interested to see the reaction of the audience. It is important to feel the atmosphere what it will be like after watching a movie; I want to hear conversations after the movie. We aim to hear the viewer and communicate with them at the end of the film.

There are erotic scenes in the film, but this is not your first experience of nudity. In general, is the erotic part an important component in cinema?

In this picture, unfortunately, there are not as many erotic scenes as we would like. This is exactly the kind of movie in which scenes containing erotic elements are rather comically presented to the viewer. There is no need to be prudes here: in fact, this topic surrounds us. It’s not even just surrounding: people have actually become free - and with their body, with some kind of sensory world, they even already talk about it freely. There are even websites that talk about it openly. I can say that this technique has become one of the elements of film language. When a director wants to show the intimacy of people, for example, he often resorts to sex scenes. This became the norm of life, so it quietly moved into cinema.

Remember when you undressed for the first time in front of an audience? Was it difficult to appear naked, knowing that millions would see you?

Here you need to understand why you are doing this. If this had happened spontaneously, and I did not have a clear understanding of why this scene was needed in the movie, it could have been very tight. As a rule, this happens because you do not understand the task and purpose.

But what, after all, should young actresses look for this goal and task?

In general, it is important to understand why you are acting in a movie, and I’m not just talking about nude scenes. It is important for actors to realize what exactly this or that dialogue is for at this moment, to understand why this scene and this role are important. It seems to me that it is even more important to ask the question why to say certain words than the question - to undress in a movie or not to undress. In general, if you think about it this way, I don’t see an urgent need for frequent nudity in films. Directors must engage with the viewer, and the viewer must have imagination about what he sees. If he sees everything “openly,” then this is no longer a movie, this is pornography. And these are different goals and different people. In cinema it is very important to keep a secret; in some cases you can leave things unsaid. It seems to me that a dressed person attracts much more attention than an undressed person.

Isn’t it such that when you expose yourself during the filming process, your colleague Angelina Nikonova (the tabloids report that this is Olga Dykhovichnaya’s girlfriend) gets a little jealous?

I don’t even remember being so naked in a movie. Many stars, for example, use a stunt double when there is a transition. After all, sometimes it’s even right to use a double. This should be a very explicit scene, but in our cinema there is no such thing. In Russian cinema they talk more about sex than they act in it.

I'll continue about sex. You said in your interview that you, as a psychologist, believe that life would be boring without sex.

There are people who, for example, are fanatical in faith or in some personal cause, but this part of life does not interest them. Everyone chooses their own path and their own attitude to this topic.

A girl who was a producer for Lars von Trier helped us with the filming at the strip club and at the police station Don’t you think that such things are purely Russian history?

Of course, there is a pattern: a Russian girl who moved to live abroad follows a certain easy path. If you use such a template, and then make a twist in the dramaturgy and unfold this plot in an unpredictable way, then it will be interesting to the viewer. And, if we talk about Mariana Slutt, who worked for Lars von Trier, she acted as a producer in our film. We met her at one of the French festivals, where our previous work, “Portrait at Twilight,” was presented. And after we received the main prize of the festival, Marianna met us and said that she wanted to work with us. This is very cool, because now globalization reigns in cinema: you can work with a Danish producer, shoot in New York, with Russian actors and attract, for example, a Brazilian cameraman. These opportunities need to be taken advantage of; this has never happened before. Marianne understood the idea very well, she helped us find the key figures, put these puzzles together in New York and simplified the production process for us.

Having spent time in New York, where they filmed a film about freedom, and having lived for a long time in Moscow, which city do you find freer?

I have never lived in America for a long time, I had work experience - filming. This is not enough to judge any internal processes. Now people can do a lot, they can allow themselves to be free within themselves. They can read the right books, watch the right movies and not fall for stupid provocations. It seems to me that inner freedom is more important. Now you need to communicate with the right people and be honest. Internal freedom does not depend on territory.

If your departed husband Ivan Vladimirovich Dykhovichny had seen this film, would he have liked it?

Yes, he would have liked it, of course. Because this film does not depend on the genre and such a thing as a producer's film, when some exciting events happen every five minutes. This film is absolutely original. This movie makes you laugh at what is happening in the film and think at the same time.

Ksenia Sobchak called you one of the most beautiful girls in Russian cinema. But, nevertheless, you still give preference to girls. Is it because you are afraid of not finding a better man than your ex-husband?

This is nonsense, gossip from the yellow press. And in this case - such a provocation, which was presented by the yellow press. I live in Russia. I was married. I am an actress and act in films. We have a creative union with Angelina, we work together, make a festival and cinema. Therefore, thank you very much to Ksenia for the epithet addressed to me - it’s nice. A lot of words have been said, but they should not be given any meaning at all, and besides, it is not worth reading non-authoritative publications at all.

That is, this is all a stretch.

Well, this is all not true, this is all a lie.

Personal life of Olga Dykhovichnaya

In 2013, the 32-year-old widow of Ivan Dykhovichny decided on a second marriage. The wedding ceremony was held in New York, since an official marriage was impossible in Russia, because her chosen one was Angelina Nikonova.

Olga Dykhovichnaya and her friend and colleague Angelina Nikonova

When the wedding of Dykhovichnaya and Nikonova became known in Russia, an unhealthy interest was shown in the relationship of the loving couple, often accompanied by condemnation. “I am an extremely private person, my personal life has always been for me the only zone that I am ready to protect with huge stone walls,” Olga shared in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, “I understand why this has become a subject of discussion in this country. I’ll just remind you that every person has the right not to satisfy someone else’s interest in their personal life.”

Since then, according to the actress’s own statement, she has changed a lot. Her love for cars and hunting dogs is something that never changes. The rest of Olga Dykhovichnaya’s life is a series of unexpected changes, which she has long ceased to be afraid of.

Career path

In 2002, Olga Dykhovichnaya starred in a movie for the first time. The director of the comedy film “Kopeyka”, in which the actress played Tanya, was her husband Ivan Dykhovichny. Olga earned audience recognition by starring in the leading role of the provocative psychological drama “Inhale-Exhale.” The actress played a homosexual woman named Kira.

In 2009, Dykhovichnaya got a supporting role in the film “Secrets of Love.” The actress’s next work was the erotic drama “Portrait at Twilight.” Olga got the main character named Marina. The actress also acted as a screenwriter and producer of the film. The drama received numerous awards. The actress’s next film was the comedy “Two Days” (role: Lida).

In 2013, Olga Dykhovichnaya’s filmography was supplemented with three projects. In the series “City Spies” the actress played the role of Lapina, in the comedy drama “Welcome Home” she played Sasha, and in the detective black-and-white thriller “Weekend” the actress appeared in the image of Swedish tourist Maria Johansson. In 2020, Dykhovichnaya appeared in the film “Pointe Shoes for Buns.”

At the same time, Olga starred in the leading role of the television series “Money”. Her character was investigator Nina Filatova. 2017 marks the premiere of the American science-fiction horror film “Alive.” Dykhovichnaya successfully passed the casting for one of the key roles in the film and played crew commander Ekaterina Golovkina. The premiere of the tragicomedy “Matryoshka” with the participation of Olga is planned for 2020.

As a director, the actress worked on the short film “It Seemed”, the plot of which was based on the work of V. Nabokov. Documentary films by Olga Dykhovichnaya included “Sakhalin Island”, “Roman Shukhevych”, “Maria Bochkareva”, “Miracles” and others. Since 2010, she has been the head of the Tomorrow International Film Festival and a producer at 2morrowFilms.

Personal life[ | ]

  • Husband - Ivan Dykhovichny (1947-2009), director.

Olga is an open lesbian. In the spring of 2013, she remarried - to her friend, director Angelina Nikonova, who is 5 years older than her. Their relationship began on the set of the film “Portrait at Twilight,” in which Olga starred and Nikonova was the director. The wedding took place in New York on April 15, 2013. The couple remained to live and work in the USA, although Olga occasionally appears in Russian film projects

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