Actor Roman Yunusov: biography, personal life, photo

Childhood and youth

Roman was born on September 9, 1980 in the small town of Kimovsk, Tula region. The comedian owes his bright appearance to the interethnic marriage of his parents: Yunusov’s mother is Russian, and his father is Lezgin. Roman's parents separated when he was still a child. The boy remained with his mother, who had to work hard to provide her son with a happy childhood.

Roman Yunusov in childhood and now

Indirectly, Roman says “thank you” to his chemistry teacher for his successful career at the Comedy Club. When he graduated from school, all students had to choose exams to take, but no one chose chemistry. The administration confronted Roman with a fact: if you choose chemistry or you won’t get a good certificate. He pored over textbooks with formulas for a long time, but in the end he passed with a “4”.

Roman Yunusov in his school years

This helped him enter the agrochemical faculty of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev (albeit the second time - after an unsuccessful first attempt, he worked as a driver for a year) and subsequently get into the local KVN team, where his career as a comedy artist began. It was here that he met his future comrade-in-arms, Alexei Likhnitsky.

Roman Yunusov with Alexey Likhnitsky

To buy stage costumes and theatrical props, KVN friends had to work as loaders. Soon Yunusov managed to reach a new level in the world of humor - in 2000 he was invited to the professional KVN team of RosNOU University.

The beginning of a creative journey

At the academy, the guy founds a KVN team. Thanks to this, Yunusov gets into the professional KVN team "Ros-No", and five years later the guys take a place in the KVN Major League.

After the collapse of the team, Roman, together with his KVN teammate Alexei Likhnitsky, created the duet “The Zaitsev Sisters” and performed at the Comedy Club. This was the young man’s start on television, followed by work in such projects as “Zaitseev!”, “Busters of Proverbs”, “Legs of the Prosecutor”, “Our Russia”.

Television career

In 2003, Roman's team competed in the Premier League and reached the quarterfinals, and a year later they were already in the finals. At the KiViN-2005 festival, the RosNOU team took a place in the KVN Major League. Among the team players were those who can often be seen on TV today: Tair Mamedov (ex-resident of Comedy Club), Ekaterina Baranova (former participant of Comedy Woman), Roman Khan (actor of the films Odnoklassniki, Taxi) , “Interns”) and others.

Roman Yunusov played in the KVN RosNOU team

An important role in Yunusov’s career was played by his acquaintance with the captain of the “New Armenians” team, Garik Martirosyan - it was he who told Roman about the casting for the “Comedy Club” show, which Yunusov and his colleague Alexey Likhnitsky successfully passed as the duet “Zaitsev Sisters”. Participation in the popular show made Yunusov a famous comedian throughout the post-Soviet space.

Duet “Zaitsev Sisters”: Roman Yunusov and Alexey Likhnitsky

Soon Yunusov and Likhnitsky became radio hosts on Radio Maximum, and also presented the humorous program “Zaitsevis!” on the O2TV channel and the show “Busters of Proverbs” on the DTV channel. Roman Yunusov in the show “Moscow Nights” The duet “Zaitsev Sisters” performed at the “Comedy Club” until 2014, and after the completion of this stage, the duo continued to work as hosts of concerts and corporate events. From February 2020 to January 2020, Yunusov and Likhnitsky hosted the TV quiz show “Moscow Nights” on Channel One, produced by Ivan Urgant.


Having started studying at the academy, Roman Yunusov, together with his classmates, decides to found a KVN team. In order to sew their own costumes for performances, as well as pay for the production of theatrical scenery and props, students had to work as loaders. The bright young man was spotted by Alexey Likhnitsky, an acquaintance of Roman’s from the Agricultural Academy. It was he who noticed the guy’s talent and invited him to become a member of not a student, but a professional KVN team, which was called “Ros-No”.


Since 2000, Roman Yunusov’s journey along the capital’s stage of the KVN games began. In 2003, the team competed in the Premier League and even reached the quarterfinals. And in 2004, the guys managed to perform with great success and get to the finals of the game. The year 2005 brought the Ros-Nou team participation in KiViN 2005 and a well-deserved place in the Major League of the game.

After the collapse of Ros-No, its former participants still remained to work in the comedy genre. Only now everyone has gone their own way. Thus, Roman Yunusov, together with Alexey Likhnitsky, became the creators of their own creative duet. Tair Mamedov began performing at the Comedy Club, and Ekaterina Baranova began performing at Comedy Woman. Roman Khan also went on to pursue a creative solo career at “Comedy Club” as a director and screenwriter; in addition, Khan played in the following projects: “Interns”, “Taxi”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Island”.

Roman Yunusov in KVN

Cinema and theater

In 2010, Yunusov played the role of a beaten fan of FC Moskvich in the comedy program “Our Russia” on TNT, in which the main roles were played by Mikhail Galustyan and Sergei Svetlakov. The novel appeared in seven episodes of the 5th season in the series of sketches “Valera and Vasya”.

Roman Yunusov in the program “Our Russia”

In 2013, Roman could be seen in the leading role in Sarik Andreasyan’s outrageous comedy “What Men Do!”, which takes place in a seaside resort. The friends of the hero Yunusov were played by Tair Mamedov, Gavr Gordeev and Konstantin Kryukov.

Still from the film “What Men Do!”

In the same year, the artist starred with Svetlana Khodchenkova, Anna Khilkevich and Agnia Ditkovskite in Kirill Kozlov’s comedy “Luck Island” and appeared in the role of a police officer in Oleg Asadulin’s comedy “Corporate Party”.

Roman Yunusov in the comedy “Luck Island”

Then the artist voiced one of the characters in the French animated film “Thunder the Cat and the Enchanted House” and starred in the comedy “Merry Night” by Alexei Panin, which appeared online only at the end of 2020.

Roman Yunusov in the film “Women against Men”

In 2020, the artist repeated his role in the second part of the film “What Men Do!-2” and starred in the leading role in the comedy “Women Against Men,” directed by Tahir Mamedov.

Roman Yunusov in the film "Classmates"

In 2020, Yunusov could be seen in the role of a womanizing groom in Dmitry Suvorov’s comedy “Classmates,” which brought together many famous Russian comedians - Valentina Mazunina, Dmitry Khrustalev, Ararat Keshchyan, Olga Kuzmina, etc. In March 2020, a sequel to the film was released, “Odnoklassniki: New Twist”, where Yunusov also starred.

Roman Yunusov in the play “Looking for a Wife, Inexpensive”

In addition, Roman could be seen in the production “Looking for a Wife, Inexpensively,” which was staged at various venues in Russia and beyond. The cast of the play changes frequently - Tatiana Morozova, Marina Fedunkiv, Andrey Noskov, Maria Kravchenko and other actors are alternately involved in it.


In 2013, viewers saw several comedies with the participation of Roman Yunusov. This is the film “Merry Night”, where the comedian got only a small cameo role, as well as the film “What Men Do!”, where Yunusov appeared in the image of a character named Gosha - a participant in a competition among men for the largest number of women seduced on the sea coast. Along with the comedian, the actors Konstantin Kryukov, Gavriil Gordeev, and Tair Mamedov also starred in the film.

Roman Yunusov and Anna Khilkevich on the set of the film “What Men Do”

In the same 2013, a comedy directed by Kirill Kozlov called “Luck Island” was released. Yunusov's character is a guy named Roman Tarusov, who finds himself alone after a shipwreck with three finalists of a beauty contest on a desert island. The smart guy decides to take advantage of the current situation in his own way and convinces the girls that they have made it to the final test of the show. An interesting fact is that Roman Yunusov’s first on-screen kiss happened on the set of this comedy with the famous actress Svetlana Khodchenkova. According to the artist himself, this shooting moment was the most important for him.

Roman remains committed to the comedy genre and does not see himself as a performer of dramatic roles.

Roman Yunusov in the film "Women against men: Crimean holidays"

2014 brought Roman Yunusov work in the film “Corporate Party”. The comedy, which has already been loved by millions of television viewers, tells the story of a funny real-life incident: the day after a corporate holiday, the director of a furniture store discovers that the entire salon is completely destroyed. The role of the head of the furniture salon was played by Nikolai Naumov. Yunusov got the role of the policeman heading the investigation into this incident.

In 2015 , Roman was involved in the comedy film “Women against Men”. The comedy film tells the story of how a newlyweds' romantic trip to Cuba developed into a real confrontation between the sexes. The film turned out to be incredibly rated and grossed more than $2.5 million.

Roman Yunusov and Anton Lirnik in the show “Weekend Show”

2016 brought Roman Yunusov participation in the comedy “Classmates,” where he appeared in the role of Slava, Katya’s fiancé (actress Olga Kuzmina). Due to the groom's infidelity, the wedding is canceled. But her friends Sveta, Dasha and Vika (actresses Ekaterina Vilkova, Valentina Mazunina and Svetlana Khodchenkova) do not abandon the girl in trouble and help Katya find her happiness on the coast of a resort in Sochi.

Personal life of Roman Yunusov

Roman is married to Victoria Yunusova, who works as a technologist. Yunusov met his future wife while studying at Timiryazevka, where he entered immediately after graduating from school. The lovers got married in 2005. The couple have a daughter, Sofia (born in 2006), and a son, David (born in 2014).

Roman Yunusov with his wife

Roman's daughter dreams of becoming a veterinarian and has a passion for animals - in the artist's house there lives a banana-eating lizard, as well as a cat and a dog. But it seems that Yunusov Sr.’s comedic talent was passed on to his son - he loves to dance, make faces and make his loved ones laugh.

Roman Yunusov with children on vacation

Life off screen

Roman’s personal life has long had a wonderful family and an established life. His wife's name is Victoria, with whom he registered his marriage in 2006. He met his future chosen one at the Timiryazev Academy. A year after the wedding, their daughter Sophia was born, and eight years later their son David was born.

In the photo, Roman Yunusov with his wife Victoria.

For some time, the wife worked as a technologist, and after the birth of children she began to take care of the family and household life. The comedian raises his children in strictness, but despite this, he finds a moment to joke and have fun with them. My daughter loves animals very much, so she dreams of becoming a veterinarian. It is not surprising that dogs, cats and even a rare species of lizard - a banana-eater - settled in their house. But the son is already demonstrating his talent as a comedian, so perhaps he will follow in the footsteps of his famous father.

with my daughter and son. Photo Instagram yunusov71.

The artist loves to wake up first, turn on cheerful music and wake up his household by preparing them a delicious breakfast. Despite his busy schedule, Yunusov finds time to chat with old friends from KVN, with whom he had to play as a student. Together with a cheerful company, he will happily go fishing or go hunting. The showman is 177 cm tall and weighs 82 kg.

Roman Yunusov now

At the end of January 2020, the comedy produced by TNT and Comedy Club Production “Zomboyashchik” was released, which absorbed all possible genres and united many popular domestic comedians and actors: Garik Kharlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Pavel Volya, Alexander Revva, Ekaterina Skulkina, Ivan Okhlobystin etc. Trailer of the film with Roman Yunusov “Women against Men: Crimean Vacations” In February 2020, Yunusov appeared in the continuation of the comedy “Women against Men: Crimean Vacations”, the cast of which was joined by Maria Gorban and Vadim Galygin. Together with Anton Lirnik, Yunusov prepared a humorous program “Weekend Show”, which invited famous stand-up comedians and show business stars, as well as popular video bloggers. The pilot episode of the show was shown on the STS channel in June 2020. Critics called the program “a sort of fusion of Comedy Club, Full House and KVN.” The premiere took place in May 2020.

Filmography[ | ]

  1. 2010 - “Our Russia” (season 5) - Valera, Moskvich fan
  2. 2010 — «» — leading
  3. 2013 — “What men do!” — Gosha
  4. 2013 — “Island of Luck” — Roma
  5. 2013 — “Corporate Party”
  6. 2013 - “Thunder the Cat and the Enchanted House” (cartoon, France) - Chihuahua
  7. 2015 — «» — Gosha
  8. 2015 — «» — Max
  9. 2015 - “Legs of the Prosecutor” - presenter
  10. 2015 — “Fun Night”[5]
  11. 2016 — “Moscow Evenings”
  12. 2016 — “Odnoklassniki”
  13. 2016 — “Pushkin”
  14. 2017 — “Zomboyashchik”
  15. 2018 — «» — Max
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