Probability of paternity: famous dads who recognized their illegitimate children

It’s probably not for nothing that he was often compared to Alain Delon , and someone even nicknamed Zharikov Apollo Zamoskvoretsky . Until his last days, Evgeny Zharikov aroused the admiration of the fair half of humanity. Tall, stately - girls from a young age did not give him a pass. And he himself always adored the weaker sex. True, sometimes this adoration had unpleasant consequences.

Zhenya Zharikov’s brides appeared in the pioneer camp, where he was sent from the Literary Fund (the actor’s father was a writer, so he used to receive “thieves’” vouchers for the family). All the boys called the girls who were in love with the handsome Eugene his wives. Zharikov had four “especially beloved wives.” They literally followed him on his heels.

Evgeniy was joking about such popularity among the fair sex. One night, he smeared his face with tooth powder, took a flashlight, climbed into his “wives’” room and scared the girls half to death. True, then he did not understand why the girls were angry with him, because in this way he showed his sympathy.

Overseas passions

Evgeniy Zharikov’s first real wife was an athlete, several years older than him. They say that the young actor proposed to her while drunk. He got married, they say, after drinking a little too. Despite this frivolous approach, the actor lived with his first wife for more than one year. But in the end, the family still broke up. Yevgeny Ilyich said that he really wanted children, but his wife could not give birth. There is another version of the divorce - Evgeniy was too young for family life, he did not get enough of it. His wife endured his absences for a long time, but in the end she couldn’t stand it and left.

Artists Andrei Mironov (left), Gennady Nilov (center) and Evgeny Zharikov (right) in the film “Three Plus Two” directed by Genrikh Oganisyan. Photo: RIA Novosti

Of course, the handsome actor had many novels. Once there was even a platonic one - in letters with a Japanese woman named Kayoko Ikeda . The girl saw the painting “Ivan’s Childhood” and fell in love. By some miracle, her letters fell into the right hands and reached the actor. She threatened Zharikov to come to the Soviet Union to embrace him in her arms.

Ill-wishers found out about the strange romance, who immediately complained about the actor to the film management: they say, our Zharikov started an exotic relationship in another state, and he himself has been married for a long time, and is also a Soviet citizen. The actor was called on the carpet, threatened and forbidden to communicate with the overseas lady.

Evgeniy Zharikov is humiliated by his son and wife

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova rarely give interviews. They also don’t like to talk about their personal problems. “Only the Stars” tracked down the former passion of their son, 35-year-old Fedor, who revealed many family secrets of the famous couple.

Fedor’s parents, famous actors Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova, were sure that their son would follow in their footsteps. At the age of 12, he starred in the film “Shuravi”, but did not want to play in films anymore. Fedor entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in the French department. Then he worked for a long time in an aircraft manufacturing company. But in the 90s he was forced to change his profession and worked for several months in the field of social security, dealing with the problems of the elderly. Then he returned to his familiar industry and became the head of the information security service.

“Fyodor is a very sweet, attractive man, he has a great sense of humor,” says Svetlana, Zharikov Jr.’s ex-girlfriend. “He tells great jokes; apparently he inherited his acting talent from his parents.” At first I wondered why he never got married. Why - I understood this only after closer communication.

For three long months, Svetlana and Fedor communicated only by phone. Zharikov told her funny stories, complained about his colleagues, and asked for advice. But he didn’t ask me out on a date. The girl was at a loss: she did not understand how the man treated her.

“Every time he found a reason to cancel our meeting,” Svetlana complains. - Either he had to take his mother to the dacha, or bring something for the computer from the other end of the city. But I never complained and waited patiently for the date.

Sometimes in conversation Zharikov mentioned ex-girlfriends. According to Svetlana, he remained on friendly terms with only one of his passions - he quarreled to smithereens with the rest.

“He complained that his parents said every day that it was time for him to get married and finally give them grandchildren. As far as I know, Fedya only once came close to proposing to a girl. But soon, for unknown reasons, he broke up with her. Then Fedya began to look after Vika. She was a girl in a body. Fedya said that she had very large breasts and his friends behind his back called Vika Miss Big Tits. But the relationship with her did not work out either.

According to Svetlana, after breaking up with Vika, Fyodor’s desperate parents decided to take extreme measures and arrange their son’s personal life, as they did in the last century. They invited guests to the house and there they introduced Fyodor to his friend’s daughter.

“The girl’s name was Anna, and Fedya liked her,” says Svetlana. “It seems they even went to a restaurant together, but the romance did not continue, which greatly upset Evgeny Ilyich and Natalya Fedorovna.

Zharikov’s son changed girls like gloves. The novels followed one after another. But Fedor did not want to marry any of his passions.

“He once told me this story,” recalls Svetlana. – Fedya dated a girl for a long time, loved her very much, literally went crazy. Somehow they agreed that they would meet after work. While he was waiting for the girl, he decided to listen to her phone, and she was cooing with some other man. Fedya is very jealous and will not tolerate betrayal, so he broke up with the cheater.

Eavesdropping on other people's telephone conversations is one of Zharikov's son's favorite pastimes. Sometimes Fedor can connect to a stranger - just out of curiosity.

“He has all the equipment for this,” says Zharikov’s ex-girlfriend. “Once he connected to the mobile phone of one person whom he considered his enemy, and as a result he knew everything that he said about him. When Fedya and I talked, he often joked: “Aren’t you afraid that I’m tapping your phone too?” I answered that I had nothing to hide.

Finally, after three months of talking on the phone, Fyodor decided to ask Svetlana on a date. And not just to meet, but to get to know their famous parents.

“I really wanted to please Evgeny Ilyich and Natalya Fedorovna,” says Svetlana. – And Fedya had his own idea of ​​what a girl should look like. He hates red nail polish, bright makeup, and doesn’t like it when women wear trousers. That's why I chose an elegant black dress to meet his parents.

Fedor met an excited girlfriend at a bus stop near his house. In his hands he held a scarlet rose. The young people went into the house.

“The first person to greet me in the Zharikovs’ apartment was Masik, a Persian cat,” recalls Svetlana. – Fedya immediately picked up his pet in his arms and began to squeeze him. I took off my coat and went to say hello to his father, Evgeniy Ilyich. He sat in the living room and watched TV. Zharikov looked great - in an elegant suit with a cane in his hands. He hugged me warmly and invited me to watch a movie together. But Fedya wanted to show us his room, and we left. There was a modest wall, a small sofa and a work table littered with telephones, wires, and intercoms. But the most prominent place was occupied by a photograph of his mother, Natalya Gvozdikova, in her youth. I didn’t see a general family photo. Soon we were called to the table.

Evgeny Zharikov's wife, Natalya Gvozdikova, was once one of the most beautiful actresses. Men ran after her in droves. But, according to Svetlana, when she entered the kitchen, she saw a completely different woman.

“Natalya Fedorovna came out to meet me in short house pants, a rumpled T-shirt, and there wasn’t an ounce of makeup on her face,” says the girl. – This surprised me quite a bit, because I am a stranger to her.

Soon Evgeniy Ilyich himself sat down at the head of the table. According to Svetlana, the legendary actor put down his cane and timidly asked his wife for a plate of borscht.

- In response to the request, Natalya Fedorovna said to him: “Won’t it be enough for you? Maybe not give at all? But then she still poured soup into a plate and put it on the table, knocking it loudly.

However, Zharikov, according to the girl, was not surprised by this attitude towards himself.

He did not raise his voice, did not put his wife in her place, but only bowed his head, as if expecting a new blow from her, took a spoon and began to eat.

The girl suggested that perhaps the strange communication between Gvozdikova and Zharikov is connected with the romance between the actor and journalist Tatyana Sekridova. The passionate relationship continued for many years. Sekridova gave birth to a son, Sergei, and a daughter, Katya, from Zharikov. But one day she caught the actor with another woman and told Gvozdikova about their affair. She wanted to file for divorce, but then her son persuaded her to try to forgive her father. Apparently, Gvozdikova was never able to forget the betrayal and now, at every opportunity, she takes out her anger and resentment on her husband, even despite the presence of a stranger.

“During dinner, Natalya Fedorovna and Fedya constantly reproached Evgeniy Ilyich for something, throwing sarcastic phrases at him,” says Svetlana. “They remembered his mistakes, miscalculations, failures and laughed about it. They acted as if neither he nor I were at the table. Evgeny Ilyich did not even try to object to them, he endured all these insults. I was very sorry to look at him. The famous and beloved actor looked like a beaten dog.

According to the girl, every time Zharikov asked for salad or another dish, the household said: “Why do you need it? Is not it too much? Won’t you crack?”, and if the actor winced at the saltiness, they would ask sarcastically: “Is it really salty? Well, it happens, you’ll survive.”

“Fedya and his mother tried in every possible way to humiliate Evgeniy Ilyich,” Svetlana recalls. – When Natalya Fedorovna got up from the table and Fedya left, I tried to put a salad or other tasty dish on Yevgeny Ilyich’s plate. For this he thanked me with a nod of his head.

The young people parted late in the evening. Fyodor went to see the girl off. But they never met again...

– I was left with a very unpleasant impression after that meeting. True, Fedya and I called each other several times, but our conversation always ended in a quarrel,” says Svetlana. – One day I couldn’t call him back, and he made a terrible scandal with me on the phone! He stated that I had to report to him where I was and what I did. I realized that I couldn’t be with such a person, and I decided to put an end to our difficult relationship. Therefore, it is not surprising that Fedor is still not married at 35 years old.

Natalya Alekseeva.

Second marriage

Despite the abundance of women in his life, Evgeny Zharikov always considered his second wife, actress Natalya Gvozdikova . Although at first, when we first met, she did not evoke anything but antipathy in him. This happened in 1973 during auditions for the film “Near These Windows.” Natasha, like a true lady, was late. Zharikov was dissatisfied: he, an already famous actor, had to wait for an aspiring young actress. And she, you see, came later and immediately began to make claims, saying that the auditions would end late, so they should order a car for her to go home. Of course, he expressed his dissatisfaction to her.

Actors Natalya Gvozdikova and Evgeny Zharikov perform at the opening ceremony of the V International Film Festival “In the Family Circle”. 2010 Photo: RIA Novosti

But just as from love to hatred, so from hatred to love there was one step. Zharikov and Gvozdikova fell in love with each other. It finally became clear that everything was serious during the filming of the film “Born of a Revolution.”

Boy Alyosha and a wreath of daisies

When Zharikov passed away, Katya and Seryozha wrote about grief on their social media profiles. And now they remember him.

Sergey is a creative guy. Last year I entered MITRO as a sound engineer. Before that, he studied at a pedagogical university at the Faculty of Physical Education. Speaks Chinese, read by Max Fry

and rock plays. He took up music seriously when he broke up with his girlfriend (shortly after that he got his first tattoo over his heart - a raccoon and became a donor - “you have to save someone else’s life if yours is dark”). In the LiveJournal blog “Shaman in Sneakers” the guy wrote:

“Yes, I couldn’t stand it again. I started saying what I think. I wanted to be sincere, but again I started saying whatever came into my head. There was a terrible misunderstanding. And on both sides. And now we sit on opposite sides of the barricades, howling in pain. Each from his own.

FAMILY #2. SEKRIDOVA, ZHARIKOV and their children after visiting Disneyland Paris. Photo from personal archive

I was happy because another person was happy to be around me. *sigh*. I hope that when we are sent to a mental hospital, we will be in the same hospital. We'll run away together every night and then get caught again. Yes. It would be fun.

A few days after this message, Sergei revealed his cards:

“I was invited to perform vocals in the Amok Dogs group. And damn, it was amazing. Throw out everything that has accumulated lately into the speakers, so loudly that it can be heard right behind the soundproof rooms. They even complained to the admin about us. Yesterday I worked so hard that I could barely crawl home.

The illegitimate children of a movie star are very artistic. Photo:

A cheerful boy, Zhenya Zharikov, was born into the family of the famous Soviet writer Leonid (according to his passport Ilya) Zharikov. The boy was the sixth and last, a lot of love and care was given to the future artist, but his upbringing was done more by his grandparents than by his eminent parent. Zhenya lived with them in the Moscow region, from an early age he helped with the housework, he loved to take care of horses, and knew how to handle them.

The future actor became a handsome young man, and at school he gained the reputation of an amorous ladies' man. Rumor has it that he followed his passion, the charming blonde Galya Polskikh, to enroll at VGIK. When both arrived, his happiness knew no bounds. Little did he know how many more romantic adventures lay ahead of him!


Inspired by entering the same university as his chosen one, Zharikov continued to suffer for Galina Polskikh and look after her. Already in her first year, she met a third-year student at the directing department, Faik Hasanov, fell madly in love with him and gave Zhenya a turn for the worse. Soon the couple started a family, and Zharikov went in search of a new passion.

He began acting in films already in his second year, and although not all the roles were bright and the films were famous, popularity still came to the handsome actor. Some films went abroad, from where letters were sent to Zharikov.

Evgeny began an affair with one such overseas fan. Her name was Kayoko Ikeda, her letter from Japan miraculously escaped the competent authorities, and a correspondence began. The girl wrote hot messages to her distant lover, and was seriously planning to arrive in the capital of the USSR and be with Zhenya in both sorrow and joy. And it is unknown how the epistolary novel would have ended if the special services had not called Zharikov, accusing him of almost espionage!

As a matter of urgency, the connection, which discredits the honor and dignity of the Soviet actor, should have been stopped. Zharikov wrote a farewell letter, stingy with emotions, in which he thanked for the attention to his person and explained that nothing would work out between him and his girlfriend. She responded by sending cufflinks with pink pearls and a laconic note: “As a keepsake.”

On a drunken bench

There will later be a lot of unflattering remarks about his first marriage, including envious people who will say that Zharikov married figure skating coach Valentina Zotova while drunk. Allegedly, at a noisy party, he promised his hand in marriage, accepted it on his chest, went to submit an application, drank a glass, and showed up for the painting itself. But, since he allegedly took marriage so lightly, why then did they live for 12 years, and all this time they tried to conceive a child?

Valentina will later recall that her handsome husband often, often asked for an heir, but it never worked out. Both took tests and went to hospitals. Evgeniy was suspected of infertility, and he was very worried about it.

His first wife does not hide the fact that Zhenya was not an exemplary family man. Even in marriage, he continued to passionately love the female sex, hitting on beauties. He had affairs with both his colleagues and completely random women. A couple of times, the unfaithful husband even brought delicate illnesses into the family. According to one version, it was the complications from them that made it impossible for the wife to become pregnant, and even after the divorce she was unable to have offspring.

Despite the spree, Zharikov always returned to the family, and Valentina forgave in a Christian way. But this was before the fateful meeting with the married beauty Natalya Gvozdikova.

37 years

They met on the set of a film that became iconic for Zharikov. It was after “Born by a Revolution” that Evgeny Ilyich became a real star on an all-Union scale, and also met a woman with whom he would live his whole life.

It was a real obsession for both of them - family actors. An acquaintance that began with Natalya being late and her request for a car to return safely from late filming. Zharikov, who already had fame, was deeply offended by such impudence of the young actress. Antipathy soon grew to real hatred, and hatred turned out to be such an obvious reaction to the fear of approaching love that Eugene himself became afraid! The relationship became serious towards the end of filming. In the movie they played spouses, and Natalya caught herself thinking that she wanted to bring true love with this person to life.

His wife, Valentina, knew about her rival's dream. “She wanted to be in my place,” Zotova will tell about Gvozdikova after Zharikov’s death. And so it happened. Evgeniy divorced to marry again. Natalya took the place of her ex-wife, and everything repeated: he did not go out less. But in his new marriage, Evgeniy finally had a long-awaited child - Fedor.

This couple lived a long and happy 37 years together. Their sincere love delighted everyone around them. In the theater community, the actors are still remembered inseparably from each other, jokingly calling them “fried cloves.” But Zhenya still could not deny himself love pleasures on the side, and Natalya had the wisdom to carefully preserve these painful experiences of her husband. Until one day, in the midst of a seemingly clear sky, a thunderstorm thundered.

Second family

In the mid-90s, a beautiful star couple appeared more than once on the pages of the various publications that appeared at that time. Journalists began to join the family. One of them, Tatyana Sekridova, was especially charming and attentive to the Zharikov-Gvozdikovs. The journalist, passionate about cinema, often appeared at film festivals and also communicated with other stars, so her interest in the family was regarded by Gvozdikova as completely normal. She could not even imagine that such passions would flare up between this charming woman and her own husband.

Zharikov’s affair with Sekridova began in 1994. A year later the woman became pregnant. Evgeny was delighted, began to help, and recognized the born Seryozha as his son. Two years later, Tatiana and Evgeniy had little Katenka. Zharikov was also happy about her. For seven years he will live in two families, trying to support both wives and three children.

The secret was resolved due to jealousy: at one of the festivals, the mistress found her lover with a new girl. In the heat of the moment, the wounded journalist called her legal wife. Gvozdikova didn’t believe it and called Evgeniy. But he had no choice but to confess. Under pressure from his wife, the actor stopped communicating with Tatyana, then she made an expose in one of the popular TV shows. And I finally lost my loved one.

Two families

In 1994, Evgeny Zharikov went to the Baltic Pearl festival. It was there that the same fateful meeting awaited him, which almost crossed out the entire personal life of the actor. At the festival, Evgeniy met journalist Tatyana Sekridova .

Zharikov and Gvozdikova in the film “Born of the Revolution.” Still from the film

Article on the topic

“I pay for my mistakes with my health.” Evgeniy Zharikov died. Pretty, friendly, cheerful. Zharikov began to court. Tatyana accepted the courtship. And soon the new lover gave birth to a son, Seryozha, from the actor, then a daughter, Katya, was born... So Evgeniy Ilyich would have lived with two families, but everything secret suddenly became clear. According to Tatyana Sekridova, she accidentally caught Evgeniy Zharikov... with a third friend. Tatyana was beside herself. She grabbed the phone and called her deceived official wife Natalya Gvozdikova and told everything that there was an affair, that there were children, that Zharikov came to see them quite often.

Natalya couldn't believe it. More than 30 years of marriage were crossed out by one phone call. She was angry with her husband, wanted a divorce, nagged, remembered him every word that her rival said to her. Evgeny Ilyich endured, nodded and agreed, but categorically refused to leave the family, he was sure that Natasha would forgive, because they love each other. Natalya Gvozdikova found strength in herself. She forgave her husband. He, in turn, promised her that nothing connects him with that family anymore except alimony.

Four years ago, in the winter of 2012, the 70-year-old actor died of cancer at the Botkin Hospital.

In memory of Evgeny Zharikov: the best roles of the actor | Photo gallery

Zharikov’s film debut was Yuli Raizman’s drama “What if this is love?” 1961. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "What if this is love?", 1961

In Andrei Tarkovsky’s drama “Ivan’s Childhood,” based on the story by Vladimir Bogomolov, Zharikov played the role of senior lieutenant Galtsev. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "Ivan's Childhood", 1962

Zharikov also played in the comedy “Three Plus Two,” which was based on Sergei Mikhalkov’s play “Savages.” Film studio named after Gorky / Still from the film “Three Plus Two”, 1963

In the science-fiction film “The Air Seller,” Zharikov played the role of Luke, a supporting character. “Odessa Film Studio” / Still from the film “Air Seller”, 1967

In the Soviet fairy tale “The Snow Maiden,” Zharikov played the role of Lel, who tried to awaken love in the main character with his voice. Lenfilm studio"

In the adventure film “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,” in which the main role was played by Leonid Kuravlev, Zharikov played the captain of the ship. “Odessa Film Studio” / Still from the film “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, 1972

In the television series “Born of the Revolution,” Zharikov played the main role of Petrograd police officer Nikolai Kondratyev. Film studio named after A.P. Dovzhenko / Still from the TV series “Born of the Revolution”, 1974

Zharikov also played in one of the short stories of the comedy “It Can’t Be!” Mosfilm Film Studio / Still from the film “It Can’t Be!”, 1975

In the children's film “My General” Zharikov played one of the main roles. Film studio named after A.P. Dovzhenko / Still from the film “My General”, 1979

In the film “Seven Hours to Death,” Zharikov embodied the image of surgeon Alexei Shulgin, the main character of the film. Film studio "Lenfilm" / Still from the film "Seven Hours to Death", 1983

Zharikov also played a role in the political detective film Gray Wolves, which tells about a conspiracy to remove Khrushchev. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "Gray Wolves", 1993

In the melodrama “The Peasant Young Lady,” Zharivo played a supporting role, a landowner living next door to one of the characters in the film. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "The Young Lady-Peasant", 1995

Abandoned children of Evgeniy Zharikov

Natalya Gvozdikova took strict control over the life of her 34-year-old son

In February, one of the most honored figures of Russian cinema, Evgeniy ZHARIKOV, will turn seventy. Preparing for the glorious anniversary, Express Gazeta asked how the deafening sex scandal that the actor’s mistress Tatyana SEKRIDOVA unleashed across the country five years ago ended.

Readers of "EG" remember this heartbreaking story very well. Tanya gave birth to two illegitimate children to Evgeniy, and then spilled the beans about everything to his wife, actress Natalya GVOZDIKOVA. Evgeny Ilyich renounced parental rights and begged for forgiveness from his legal wife for a long time...

Evgeniy and I have not communicated for several years. It remains the same as it was before the trial, five years ago. “He doesn’t appear with us,” Tatyana Sekridova remarked a little irritably, as soon as we mentioned Zharikov. — The children are already big: Seryozha is 15, Katya is 13 years old. They study at the gymnasium. According to the court, Zhenya pays them alimony - this is where his participation in the life of his son and daughter ends. What’s typical is that I didn’t want a trial, a scandal, or a genetic examination. This is his initiative. I asked Zharikov to give $100 for the children - is that really a lot for today?! But he refused. And now the court pays more. It's your own fault! I told him that I would tell the press everything, there would be a scandal. He said he didn't care. Well, if so, get it!

Passion on a ship
In 1994, Tatyana Sekridova came to the Baltic Pearl festival in Jurmala to prepare a series of reports on the instructions of the editors. There she first met Zharikov. I was sitting on a bench, reading a book. Suddenly he hears someone swearing. He looks up: Zharikov and Gvozdikova are arguing. Evgeny Ilyich cast an appraising glance at the stranger, smiled and moved on.

A month later, Tatyana and Evgeniy found themselves on a ship that was sailing from Odessa to Kyiv - first along the Black Sea, then along the Dnieper. His wife Natalya Fedorovna remained in Moscow. All ten days spent on the ship, the actor showed signs of attention to Sekridova. And one evening he became so brave that he rushed at Tatyana with passionate kisses...

The journalist fought off the celebrity’s unambiguous advances as best she could, insisting that he was a married man and that it was inappropriate to deceive such a beautiful wife as Gvozdikova. But the ladies' man didn't care; he repeated that with Natalya not everything was as smooth as it seemed.

A few days after the start of the novel, Zharikov asked his new lover: “Will you give birth to a child for me?” Then followed a lengthy monologue that children are the most important thing in his life and he always dreamed of a big family, like his parents - Evgeniy was the sixth child, the youngest, writes By the way, Zharikov broke up with his first wife, figure skating coach, due to the fact that she was infertile. Before his wedding to Natalya Gvozdikova on November 25, 1974, Evgeniy made her promise that she would give him at least three children. But when Fedya was born a year and a half later, the actress said: “Next - himself!” Sekridova, probably secretly hoping that her lover would sooner or later leave his wife, gave birth to a son and a daughter a year and nine months apart. For seven and a half years, Tatyana and Evgeniy were very happy. Together they went on vacation to Spain, took their children to Disneyland Paris, Evgeniy spoiled the kids with expensive gifts. But in the early 2000s, at a film festival in Sochi, Sekridova caught a gentleman in a room with a young lady. And in revenge, she called Gvozdikova, reporting the details of his double life. “Everything was fine with Zhenya before his betrayal.” And then everything seemed to snap out of me,” Tatyana admits. “I don’t even know if I feel sorry for his wife, Gvozdikova... If a man is doing well in his family, will he really go to the left and build a second family?!” Of course, Natalya did not want a divorce. Who is she without him? Honored Artist? There are many of those! Behind Zharikov she is like behind a stone wall. And Natalya’s character is complex. Look what happened to my son Fedor. After all, he is 34, and he is nothing and no one. And this is “thanks” to her. Not a single girl of his is suitable for Gvozdikova. Fedor is a good guy, but is this a profession? His mother consumes him.

Depraved sexual intercourse

The scandal in the family of Zharikov and Gvozdikova was hard for Natalya’s mother.
The 84-year-old woman supported her daughter as best she could: she calmed her down for a long time when she complained with tears about her husband, whom she had trusted for so many years, and helped with the housework. But the pensioner’s heart could not stand it, and at the end of October 2005 she died. And Zharikov himself was in disheveled feelings for a long time. In a frank conversation with our correspondent, he said that he had never felt any love for the mother of illegitimate children: “What doesn’t happen to us men!” I had a vicious sexual relationship with Sekridova. We fucked. But only. Sex can happen without love. The first time I got married, I gave my word when I was not very sober. Stupid? And he lived for 12 years with a woman whom he did not love very much, as Evgeniy Ilyich blurted out then. — Tatyana wanted children. She doesn’t forbid me to see them now, but I myself can’t do this, otherwise I’ll have to meet with her. I don't justify myself at all. I drink my cup of shame to the bottom. I repented before my confessor. Probably, Zharikov’s position has not changed since his last interview with our newspaper, since today he does not want to stir up the past. Gvozdikova now looks at the scandal with Sekridova philosophically: “The Lord sends serious trials to those whom he loves more.” The passions have subsided, but I still don’t want to talk about this topic. Tatyana Sekridova only regrets that the children do not see their father, and speaks calmly about the breakup: “I have never clung to men.” What does Zharikov have now? Just sores! Zhenya's anniversary is coming soon. Of course, I wish him health - this is the most important thing. And so that everything goes well with him - after all, he is the father of my children. I don't hold it against him!

In memory of Evgeny Zharikov: the best roles of the actor | Photo gallery

Zharikov’s film debut was Yuli Raizman’s drama “What if this is love?” 1961. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "What if this is love?", 1961

In Andrei Tarkovsky’s drama “Ivan’s Childhood,” based on the story by Vladimir Bogomolov, Zharikov played the role of senior lieutenant Galtsev. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "Ivan's Childhood", 1962

Zharikov also played in the comedy “Three Plus Two,” which was based on Sergei Mikhalkov’s play “Savages.” Film studio named after Gorky / Still from the film “Three Plus Two”, 1963

In the science-fiction film “The Air Seller,” Zharikov played the role of Luke, a supporting character. “Odessa Film Studio” / Still from the film “Air Seller”, 1967

In the Soviet fairy tale “The Snow Maiden,” Zharikov played the role of Lel, who tried to awaken love in the main character with his voice. Lenfilm studio"

In the adventure film “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,” in which the main role was played by Leonid Kuravlev, Zharikov played the captain of the ship. “Odessa Film Studio” / Still from the film “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, 1972

In the television series “Born of the Revolution,” Zharikov played the main role of Petrograd police officer Nikolai Kondratyev. Film studio named after A.P. Dovzhenko / Still from the TV series “Born of the Revolution”, 1974

Zharikov also played in one of the short stories of the comedy “It Can’t Be!” Mosfilm Film Studio / Still from the film “It Can’t Be!”, 1975

In the children's film “My General” Zharikov played one of the main roles. Film studio named after A.P. Dovzhenko / Still from the film “My General”, 1979

In the film “Seven Hours to Death,” Zharikov embodied the image of surgeon Alexei Shulgin, the main character of the film. Film studio "Lenfilm" / Still from the film "Seven Hours to Death", 1983

Zharikov also played a role in the political detective film Gray Wolves, which tells about a conspiracy to remove Khrushchev. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "Gray Wolves", 1993

In the melodrama “The Peasant Young Lady,” Zharivo played a supporting role, a landowner living next door to one of the characters in the film. Film studio "Mosfilm" / Still from the film "The Young Lady-Peasant", 1995

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future actor was raised by his grandparents, and his childhood, which fell during the difficult war years, was spent in Sergiev Posad. After school, he entered VGIK and began acting in films in his second year at the university.

Evgeny Zharikov in his youth

Evgeny Zharikov’s work biography after graduating from VGIK began in the GDR, where for two years he starred in the TV series “Russian for You.” Then he returned to his homeland and continued acting in Russian films.

In the photo: Evgeny Zharikov as Lel in the film “The Snow Maiden”

Zharikov quickly gained popularity, and after filming the TV series “Born of the Revolution,” he began to be recognized on the street.

"Born of a Revolution"

During his life, Evgeniy Leonidovich starred in almost seventy films and acquired a huge army of admirers of his talent.

Personal life

Evgeny Ilyich was never deprived of female attention. He was amorous by nature, but married only twice. For the first time - on figure skater Valentina Zotova. After 12 years, this marriage broke up, the reason for the separation was the lack of children.

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova

He lived with his second wife Natalya Gvozdikova for 40 years, until his death. They met in 1973 on the set of the film “Near These Windows.” Gvozdikova played the main female role. Natalya recalled that she was late for the audition, and when she entered, Zharikov showed dissatisfaction with his entire appearance. The actor didn't even stand up when they were introduced to each other. The first impression is dislike for him.

The actors’ communication continued later, on the set of the crime television series “Born of the Revolution,” which brought both popularity. Evgeny Zharikov played the main role of Petrograd policeman Nikolai Kondratyev. And Natalya Gvozdikova began playing the main female role, Maria Kondratyeva, from the second episode.

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova

Already on the set, hostility gave way to mutual sympathy, which very soon grew into love. According to the plot, the characters were connected by a love relationship, which gradually spread beyond the set. Gvozdikova already had experience of an unsuccessful marriage, so she was in no hurry to rush headlong into the pool again.

Evgeny Zharikov proposed to her when she auditioned for the main role in Born of a Revolution. Natalya Gvozdikova agreed. They married modestly; there was no wedding or honeymoon. The actor’s brother arrived, loaded the young couple into a rattling army vehicle and took them to the registry office.

Evgeny Zharikov with his wife and son

On August 2, 1976, Natalya gave birth to Evgeniy’s long-awaited son. The boy was named Fedor.

Evgeny Zharikov has two illegitimate children - a son and a daughter. Their mother is journalist Tatyana Sekridova, with whom the actor had an affair since 1994. The relationship lasted almost 9 years. Evgeny Ilyich registered the children as his own, regularly came to Tatyana Sekridova whenever possible, and gave money for raising the children. But at the same time, the actor did not intend to leave his official family, although he maintained relationships on the side.

Evgeny Ilyich put an end to them when Tatyana spoke about their romance in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” The truth came as a shock to Natalya Gvozdikova, but she had the wisdom to forgive her husband and save the marriage. True, his wife demanded that he stop communicating with illegitimate children - Zharikov agreed, although he felt guilty to death for this.

Evgeny Zharikov and Tatyana Sekridova

As Tatyana Sekridova herself admitted, the discord between her and the actor began back in 1999, when Evgeny Zharikov began building a dacha. The actor spent most of the funds on construction and greatly reduced payments to illegitimate children. Because of this, the actor began to have problems in his relationship with his mistress. After this confession, journalists accused Tatyana of self-interest and using Zharikov and his money.

After the actor’s death - October 16, 2014 - Natalya Gvozdikova also spoke on the talk show “Let Them Talk,” where she told how she was able to survive her husband’s betrayal.

The actor had many hobbies. He was scuba diving for 42 years, loved horse riding, was a good fencer, played volleyball and football, was also fond of fishing and hunting, and spoke fluent English and German.

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