Alexander Oleshko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Alexander Oleshko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Cosmonaut Oleshko biography

School years

While still in first grade, the boy first saw Red Square in a picture and declared that he would definitely live in Moscow. When he turned 14, he told his mother that if she did not let him go to the capital, he would move there himself to live. And so it happened. At this age, the young man entered a circus school, which he successfully graduated with honors. At that time, complete economic devastation reigned on the territory of the Soviet Union. However, the young talent never despaired; on the contrary, this gave the future artist even more strength. The parents were afraid that the collapse of the Soviet Union would have a negative impact on the boy’s career, and his cherished dream of staying in Moscow forever and becoming an actor would never come true. Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Personal life

Alexander's first marriage did not last long - six months. The actor and his ex-wife maintain warm and friendly relations. He answers questions from journalists that they separated by mutual consent, and the divorce process was peaceful. However, there were those who suggested that the spouses were united by friendship. And the wedding is fictitious; Oleshko needed a marriage with a Muscovite to get a residence permit in the capital.

Now there are a lot of rumors floating around the artist’s personal life, sometimes the most ridiculous ones. It is known that he has neither a family nor children. This gave rise to the question of Alexander’s orientation, and the man allegedly got on television thanks to a certain “gay lobby.” On the other hand, it was believed that the supposed sympathy for members of the same sex is only PR, which is also beneficial for the actor himself, since the name Oleshko is constantly heard and in newspaper headlines.

In an interview that Alexander gave to a glossy publication in 2011, he said that he loves and is loved. The girl's name was Victoria Mineeva, a graphic designer by training. However, the relationship later ended.

Oleshko does not say anything about his current companion.

“I’m still waiting for me to be given a credential, permission, or, as it’s fashionable to say now, a sanction to show my chosen one to the world. One photo shoot or official statement is enough for a huge avalanche of attention to fall on a person. Discussions, gossip, speculation will begin... Can you imagine what it is like for a woman’s fragile body, unadapted to public life, to endure all this?”

In 2012, the actor acquired his own housing in Moscow. After 3 years, Alexander entrusted the change of decor to the Channel One program “Ideal Renovation,” although the artist is fond of design and remodeled apartments for friends and acquaintances. Oleshko’s house also houses the cat Alice and the Maine Coon cats Walter and Elisha. Photos and videos with animals periodically appear on Alexander’s Instagram.

The actor maintains his physical shape (Oleshko’s height is 180 cm, weight is 70 kg) in the gym and swimming pool. According to the celebrity, water gives him the necessary relaxation after a hard day of work. In addition, Alexander has a subtle sense of style and knows how to dress well.

Theater career

After successfully graduating from circus school, Oleshko was literally inundated with job offers. However, he decided to continue his studies at the Shchukin School, where he entered in 1995 on the course of V.V. Ivanov.

For four years, the aspiring talent learned acting skills, working at night as a waiter. In 1999 (after graduation) he was invited to join the troupe of several theaters. At that time, the famous Alexander Shirvindt decided everything for the artist, who took him to the Satire Theater. But Alexander Oleshko did not work there for long, whose biography was just beginning to gain rapid momentum.

In 2000, Galina Volchek herself invited the actor to Sovremennik. Initially, his career there did not please him very much. Volchek treated him with the utmost severity. However, very soon Sovremennik became literally a second home for the actor. There he received many great roles in such performances as “Three Sisters”, “Balalaikin and K”, “Once More About the Naked King”, etc.

actor Alexander Oleshko


After graduating from the Shchukin School, the actor served at the Moscow Satire Theater. The invitation also came from the artistic director of “Satyricon” Konstantin Raikin, and Oleg Efremov invited me to the Moscow Art Theater. But Oleshko did not serve Valentin Pluchek until the end of the season. Disagreements with the manager prompted him to resign.

Alexander Oleshko in the theater

After being unemployed for some time, Alexander received an invitation to the Sovremennik Theater, where he worked under the direction of Galina Volchek. The eminent director taught Oleshko to better get used to the characters and feel all the character traits of her hero.

The actor’s debut in Sovremennik was Epikhodov from Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. The role was difficult for the young artist and did not come right away, but the support of the team helped Alexander’s talent to fully reveal itself.

Alexander Oleshko in the play “Mademoiselle Nitouche”

Simultaneously with his work at Sovremennik, Oleshko participates in productions of the Vakhtangov Theater. His work in the play “Mademoiselle Nitouche” brought the actor his first “Golden Seagull” award. Alexander is proud of this achievement, because his idol Andrei Mironov once worked on this role.

In 2018, Oleshko, Alexander Shirvind and Fyodor Dobronravov received the Moskovsky Komsomolets Award as the best acting ensemble. Colleagues played in the phantasmagoric production of the Satire Theater “Where are we?” Alexander played the role of a popular TV presenter who has gone crazy.


After graduating from the Shchukin School, Oleshko also gradually starred in small roles (for example, in the films “Code of Honor”, ​​“Turkish March”, “Stop on Demand”, etc.). Then more prominent film roles began to appear. Surely all fans of this actor’s talent remember his participation in the film called “The Turkish Gambit”. Since 2007, Alexander took on the comedy series “Daddy's Daughters,” where he played the young, well-groomed oligarch Vasily Fedotov. It was this project, as many believe, that brought him universal popularity. “In fact, I haven’t done anything really serious for our cinema yet,” Alexander Oleshko is sure.

Interesting Facts

Alexander Oleshko was always afraid of heights, although he graduated with honors from a circus school, where he learned to perform tricks of varying complexity. In this regard, the actor had never ridden a Ferris wheel, but really wanted to try. In Chisinau, where Oleshko is from, there is a huge wheel, which we never managed to ride. Alexander Oleshko overcame his fear in Cannes, feeling euphoria and delight.

The actor simply adores children with whom he has a special relationship. By participating in projects that are aimed at a small audience, Alexander Oleshko received enormous pleasure. Children themselves are drawn to the actor because he talks to them like adults, giving them the opportunity to discuss serious topics.

First marriage

It is noteworthy that the actor was already married once. Thus, Olga Belova, a classmate at the Shchukin School, became his chosen one. Note that there was no so-called love at first sight between the characters. However, at one of the parties, the future famous actor got into a conversation with Olga and realized that he was very at ease with her. After this meeting, the young people never separated, but they decided to officially legitimize their relationship only after graduation. Of course, Alexander Oleshko’s personal life has changed dramatically, but in everyday life it was extremely difficult to arrange it. For example, the newlyweds did not have personal housing. Alexander himself came from Chisinau (this was discussed a little higher), but they did not want to live with Olga’s parents. Therefore, the couple had to rent an apartment, pursue their careers and make grandiose plans for the future. We can say that at that moment they were very happy - albeit with small everyday problems, but still together. Alexander Oleshko’s wife has always been ambitious, and the actor himself is in no way inferior to her in this regard. When the artist managed to get a job on television, it would seem that everything should have returned to normal, but that did not happen. There is an opinion that with the increased popularity of her husband, Olga simply began to envy him, so the number of quarrels grew exponentially. Moreover, rumors appeared that Belova was having an affair on the side, which further aggravated the current situation. Soon the couple decided to separate.

Oleshko today

Today, Alexander is not married, lives in a private apartment, but he had to save money for a long time to become its owner. He has acquired four-legged friends - several cats, who, while apart, dream of their owner's speedy return from work and tours.

Currently, the showman’s personal life is going as well as possible. He is going to soon change his status and register a relationship with his beloved girl, whose name he will make public either today or tomorrow. Now they are just dating and everything is fine with them. It is worth following the information on the artist’s Twitter.

The actor has long wanted to become a husband and father. Previously, he was going to take in a child from an orphanage, but then he changed his mind because he did not feel ready for the serious responsibilities that this step would entail. But he did not at all plan to give birth to an heir through a surrogate mother, although he was inspired by the actions of Philip Kirkorov, parodies of whom he repeatedly showed on stage.

In 2020, they wanted to involuntarily make a man a father. When he was in Saratov on tour, a child was brought to him and they said that he was his offspring. But the showman had no doubt that this was a hoax, and therefore did not want to conduct DNA tests, because he realizes that he cannot have illegitimate heirs.

New lover

Relatively recently, the artist began appearing at all social events with a new

passion. It is noteworthy that she literally looks like two peas in a pod like her ex-wife. Many even thought that Oleshko had made peace with his wife. In fact, a new woman appeared in the life of the popular star, whose name is Victoria. She is in no way connected with show business, which Alexander really likes. According to him, his chosen one is practically devoid of shortcomings, and their views on life are in many ways similar. However, the newly formed couple is in no hurry to formalize their relationship.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Oleshko

As often happens, fans are interested in following the current lives of stars and favorite artists. It’s hard to think of a better way than social networks for such purposes. In our case, Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Oleshko are popular places for fans to search for certain information. The social network contains enough footage from the filming of new projects or just moments from the artist’s life. The page in the free encyclopedia contains only reliable information related to the main milestones of Alexander's life. Among other things, there is a list of awards, of which, by the way, the artist has a sufficient number. Moreover, they are all different in importance and for various merits, both on television and on the theater stage.

It is noteworthy that the actor soberly assesses his capabilities and knows what he is capable of on stage. According to him, he has no desire to make a stellar career, he just loves his job

And doing it brings a lot of pleasure, which is important for a high-quality performance in front of the audience, be it a movie or a theater stage. The only thing Alexander Oleshko protects himself from is projects where you can get physically injured, like Ice Age

As he himself notes, one feels discomfort in such environments.

Recognition and awards: Laureate of the Yakhontov competition.

Alexander Oleshko is a Russian theater and film actor, event host, and entertainer.

“Friends, don't worry! Dima himself told me this wonderful joke (the truth)! Now it is fashionable to make “official statements” - I do: Nagiyev is a first-class actor and a real master! I acted in films with him twice. And on television he doesn’t look like anyone else; rarely does anyone succeed,” Alexander wrote on his Instagram page.

A television

Alexander is known to many primarily as a talented TV presenter. During his life, he led dozens of highly rated television projects on various channels. He was first seen as a presenter in the program “Rock Lesson,” which was released in 1993.

In the 2000s, the most significant projects with Oleshko’s participation were “House Tales” (2007-2008), “Minute of Fame” (2009-2014) and “Big Difference” (2008-2014). In the last program, he, together with Nonna Grishaeva, parodied dozens of Russian stars.

From 2014 to 2020, the showman hosted the “Exactly Exactly” program, where participants transformed into famous people. It is worth noting that not all jury members were satisfied with Alexander’s work.

This is how Leonid Yarmolnik expressed his dissatisfaction with Oleshko. Yarmolnik was outraged that the presenter often interrupted him and other colleagues when members of the judging panel commented on the performances of the participants. In 2020, Alexander moved to work from Channel One to NTV, where he was entrusted with hosting the entertainment program “You’re Super!” Dancing".

Later Oleshko was the host of the programs “Through the Mouths of Babies”, “Radiomania”, “Good Wave”, “All Stars for Your Beloved”, “Humorina” and many others.

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