Copy of grandmother: what happened to the children and grandchildren of Lyubov Polishchuk

Alexey is one of the most famous theater and film artists. He began his film career with small roles and was able to achieve great heights. The man was born in February 1972 into the family of artists Polishchuk and Makarov.

From an early age, Alexey Makarov tried all the “delights” of acting life. Parents often took their child with them on tours. By the age of five, the boy had traveled almost all over Russia. At the same age, he moved to Moscow, where Lyubov took Alexei with her.

When the child was six years old, the parents divorced

Despite the protests of the famous mother, Lyubov Polishchuk’s son Alyosha decided to become an artist at the age of fourteen. But he failed to enter the Institute of Theater Arts the first time.

While still working at the theater, Alexey was lucky enough to star in two films: “Check” and “Voroshilovsky Shooter”. Films with Makarov, especially the one where he played the role of a negative hero, were successful and were noticed by television viewers.

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The private life of the Russian artist turned out to be very bright, eventful, as well as scandals and rumors, which somewhat overshadowed his career. The artist’s first wife was journalist Speranskaya. Then there was a marriage with actress Olga Silaenkova. Later, Alexey Makarov left his second wife for another woman, Ekaterina Semenova.

But the young man did not stay with her for long, since a new lover appeared on the horizon - Anastasia Makeeva.

In 2006, Russia said goodbye to the domestic actress Lyubov Polishchuk. Alexei had a hard time with his mother’s death.

Victoria Bogatyreva managed to give Alexey a daughter in her short time together. But, unfortunately, children do not save the relationship between the spouses, and this marriage also collapsed. Then Maria Mironova appeared in the actor’s life.

Makarov lost weight

More recently, at the beginning of the year, Alexey Makarov was, if not fat, then certainly quite large in build. And now even friends and relatives do not recognize the famous actor. A completely different person came to the holiday: his tummy and chubby cheeks disappeared. The actor's former massiveness is only reminiscent of his role as Porthos in the famous film. So how did Makarov lose weight? As it became known after the filming of the film “The Three Musketeers” ended, Alexey Valerievich Makarov made a difficult but irrevocable decision for himself to bring his body back to normal . Perhaps the reason for this was his relationship with Maria Mironova, because she has an elegant physique and adheres to strict discipline to maintain her figure. And perhaps their personal conversations prompted him to change radically. Be that as it may, Alexey Makarov lost weight. He went on a strict diet and went in for sports. Foods containing carbohydrates were excluded from his daily diet, or rather, almost excluded, because it is impossible to completely get rid of them, and sometimes even dangerous to health. Mayra Rosales lost weight on a similar diet and lost 270 kg. Read more in the following article: How Myra lost weight, before and after photos

The lovers got married in the fall of 2011

But the happiness did not last long; the husband and wife divorced two years later. The dark streak began when Alexey and Maria took part in the filming of The Three Musketeers. At the end of the film, Mironova had to play in intimate scenes, which the jealous Makarov could not bear calmly.

Fans of the Russian actor noticed that after filming this film he began to lose a lot of weight. Very soon he changed beyond recognition. Colleagues started talking about various reasons for such a strong change. Some suspected illness, but everything was simpler. Alexey decided to simply get in shape and take care of his health. Makarov achieved his goal.

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As for the private life of the Russian artist, everything is also not easy here. Recently, the theater community started talking about the man returning to Bogatyreva, who is raising Alexei’s daughter. But if there was a return, it did not last long.

Seeds and knitting needles...

— Both by spectators and by theater and cinema partners, Lyubov Grigorievna was perceived as a celebratory woman who charged those around her with her cheerfulness, energy, and optimism. Did she herself feel like a happy person? “She wasn’t absolutely happy—I know that for sure.” My mother was very worried all her life because she was extremely little in demand in films. In my deep conviction, as an actress with fantastic potential and talents in cinema, she was realized to a maximum of fifteen percent. By and large, she was always called an episode actress. This is very insulting... To be honest, in her life she was not a woman of celebration either. Not because of character - because of work. Performances and tours took all my energy. At home, my mother locked herself in her little world: she sat in her favorite corner with a bag of seeds and knitted, knitted, knitted. This process could last for many hours, and we all knew that it was better not to pull her during this time. Yes, another indispensable attribute of this action was a huge black cat named Kisya, who nestled on her mother’s chest. Mom picked up Kisya as a kitten at one of the Moscow train stations and loved her very much. — Lyubov Grigorievna said in one of her interviews that life had developed a masculine character in her. How did this manifest itself? “I would say that she was a woman not with a man’s character, but with an iron character.” When it came to her profession, Lyubov Polishchuk became an iron lady. Despite everything, she always achieved her goals. Do you need to do the splits for a role? Please, I'll learn! Need to lose weight in a week? I'll do it! I remember once, for some reason, Tatyana Vasilyeva could not play in the play “In the same place, then...” with Konstantin Raikin. We decided to urgently introduce Polishchuk into the production. Time is running out. So, my mother completely learned the entire play in two nights. I couldn't do that...

Mom was very purposeful. And I’m sorry that her tenacity, her perseverance was not passed on to me. I'm too soft. In a sense, he's a mess. But the mother had a core. If her life were transferred to film, it would turn out to be an eccentric tragicomedy. Mom, for all her Sofiloren-like appearance, was not afraid to be a clown, she was not afraid to play characteristic, absurd, funny roles, for which the audience fell in love with her. — Do you remember the period when your mother had just moved to Moscow with you? - I remember a little. We then settled in a tiny empty room in a communal apartment. Of all things - a mattress. We laid it directly on the floor and the two of us slept on it. Now I understand how difficult it was for my mother during that period. As a child, I liked the communal apartment: there are people all around, everyone coos with you. Some neighbors will pour a bowl of soup, others will treat me to cookies - so I’m already happy.

Very soon Alexey was seen with his colleague Olga Filippova

The artist divorced Vdovichenkov, who became interested in Lyadova. Olga and Alexey were seen together either at film premieres or in restaurants. But they said they were just friends.

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The Russian artist has improved his living conditions. Previously, according to his grandmother, Alexey lived in a one-room apartment. But now Makarov has spacious apartments near the center of Moscow.

What foods should you avoid?

For example, bread should not be given up under any circumstances . Bread is the main source from which the body takes vital B vitamins, and some of them are essential, that is, the body itself cannot synthesize them, it receives them only from food. As a result of a lack of these vitamins, various dangerous diseases begin to develop in the body. But as for sugar and everything sweet, you can safely refuse, nothing bad will come from it. He stopped eating a lot of sweets and starchy foods. I started eating mostly protein foods: meat, poultry, eggs, various cheeses, and many other dairy products. But an essential fact is that he began to play sports intensively. At first, realizing that he would be too lazy to leave his house and go to the fitness club, Alexey bought a treadmill for his apartment. I gathered my fortitude into a fist and started running. His perseverance and perseverance soon bore the expected fruits. In three months he lost almost two dozen kilograms. He continued his intensive training. All this transformed Alexei Makarov beyond recognition. Within six months, the famous actor got rid of his extra thirty kilos of weight. Makarov Alexey lost weight, and at the same time he became so desperate in his desire to lose weight that he could no longer tell himself to stop. He admitted this himself. Alexey Makarov is incredibly proud of himself and is glad that he managed to achieve the goal that he set for himself. Nothing can stop a real man on his path to perfection. His case is another clear proof of the victory of fortitude over human weaknesses.

Alexey Makarov does not like to remember his childhood

Lyubov Polishchuk with Alexey

As a child, Alexey was jealous of his mother’s profession and asked her to stay with him, but she still left. Since then, he has had an ambiguous attitude towards actresses: “Whoever has an actress mother will understand me. A woman artist does not belong to herself or her family. She's not the housewife, you know? Everything follows from this. Her whole life is focused on her profession, and for her sake she is ready to do anything.”

Meetings with his mother were a holiday for Alexey.
Alexey Makarov had the most negative memories of Moscow boarding school No. 16. According to him, the idea that the boarding school is a bunch of hooligans is fundamentally wrong: these are unhappy children, separated from their parents, forced to live in a government-run house 5 days a week. In addition, in the boarding school there were teachers who engaged in assault, and the intimidated children were afraid to talk about what was happening at school.

Loneliness and passion of Alexei Makarov

He was raised by his mother’s parents while she was building a career and conquering the theater stage. Little Lesha was born from the union of two artists of the Omsk Philharmonic - Lyuba Polishchuk and Valery Makarov. 20-year-olds, “they haven’t had time to figure out their life, but here’s a child,” Alexey will say about his parents.

Lonely boy

Voroshilovsky shooter (1999)
But wisdom and understanding will come later, and then, as a child, he was often very lonely without his mother and father. Young Lyubov Polishchuk immediately decided that the provincial theater was not enough for her - and set her sights on conquering the capital. This is where the misunderstanding with the father of her child began: Valeria was quite happy with the position of a “star” in small Omsk.

He did not want to put up with Lyuba’s ambitions, and after the divorce, he crossed out his son from his life.

Alyosha lived with his grandparents until he was 4 years old. Then things went uphill for the mother: Lyubov Polishchuk began performing successfully at the Moscow Music Hall and was able to bring her son to live with her.

However, the actress never turned out to be an exemplary mother: Alexey grew up “the son of a regiment” on numerous tours, and when Polishchuk quit the music hall, she even had to send the boy to a boarding school.

Here a real school of life awaited him. According to Makarov, teachers often allowed themselves to assault children, and they were afraid to complain to their parents. This continued until Lyubov Polishchuk and her second husband, artist Sergei Tsigal, were called to school for some offense.

- Lyuba, we definitely need to take him out of there. Otherwise, he will either grow up to be a criminal or an uncontrollable person,” said the stepfather, and the boarding school was over.

Family of "Italians"

The Betrothed-Mummer (2007)
As a teenager, Alexey finally began to live in a full-fledged family: with his mother, stepfather and little sister Masha. The relationship with his mother’s chosen one could not be called tender, but the boy recognized Tsigal’s authority. Lyubov Polishchuk willingly entrusted the upbringing of her son to a man, while continuing to pursue her own acting career.

Lesha sincerely loved his younger sister Masha and could easily replace her nanny - unlike his own father, who, according to Makarov, could not stand the sight of dirty diapers.

“It was fun, considering the character of Seryozha, my mother, and mine, and the constantly whining baby Masha. We resembled a gypsy camp. There was an argument in the apartment for any reason. Even now my friends tell me that I constantly raise my voice. But I don’t even notice, because I grew up in an “Italian” family.”

"I wanted this kind of life"

Kamenskaya-3 (2003)
When the time came to enter university, Alexey confronted his mother with a fact: he would be an actor. She tried to dissuade him, frightened her son with failures and humiliating castings, which would be difficult to endure with his explosive character, but the guy was adamant.

“I wanted the same life as my mother. I noticed how she sometimes walked away, but I also saw something else: grateful spectators, fans. I understood that I couldn’t do anything else.”

Having grown up in an acting environment, young Makarov had no doubt that he would enter, and took the documents to GITIS. But Irina Sudakova, who was recruiting students for her course, told him in front of everyone that, on principle, she did not work with acting children.

His first failure came sooner than he could have imagined. The year before his next admission, Makarov spent either working as a night fireman in the GITIS educational theater or as a distributor of tickets for the theater's performances.

One day he had to use all his acting talent to get the public to come to one of the performances. With a bunch of tickets in his hands, Makarov went out to Tverskaya, stuck a poster with chewing gum to the wall of the house and began calling: “The best performance of the season...”

He nevertheless became a student at GITIS. The actor calls his years of study the best of his life, not least because of the noisy student groups in which he first realized how successful he was with women.

“We had a warm company, all my dreams came true, I felt like a grown man who girls pay attention to. The sprees, which at the institute seemed reckless and reckless, later turned into serious problems with alcohol. But today I managed to overcome them,” the actor said in an interview in 2010.

"Deranged stallion"

Turkish March (season 2) (2001−2002)
Serious relationships began immediately after studying at the university. With Maria Speranskaya they played together in the musical performance of the Mossovet Theater “Jesus Christ - Superstar”. The 9-year age difference (she is older) did not bother Makarov at all. He moved out from his mother, rented a one-room apartment, and Masha moved in with him.

3 years of marriage were not calm: Alexey gave reasons for jealousy, he might not return home for several evenings in a row, and Speranskaya reacted with scandals. The actor doesn’t blame her: “I honestly admit, I was a crazy stallion.”

The civil marriage was followed by an official marriage - with actress Olga Silaenkova. By that time, Makarov was already 25, but his temperament remained youthfully explosive and intolerant of compromise.

He demanded that Olga stay at home and live by his rules. She resisted. “Not a relationship, but a brain dump,” he recalls those years. Nevertheless, after the breakup, Alexei still had warm feelings for Olga: he follows her journalistic career and does not hold grudges.

The next relationship - with actress Ekaterina Semenova - also did not lead to anything serious. Even the separation didn’t really work out: Makarov had no time for that. The main woman of his life, his mother, was struggling with an incurable disease: Lyubov Polishchuk was diagnosed with cancer.

Tragedy and a reliable shoulder

Personal number (2004) He never forgave Sergei Tsigal for not immediately telling him about his mother’s diagnosis.
Alexey lived an ordinary life: he acted in films, met with friends. “And I had to drop everything, raise the doctors to their feet and sit next to my mother, not leave a single step. After all, she was dying...” he will say later. My son learned about Lyubov Polishchuk’s illness on the set of the TV project “The Great Race.” He dropped everything and rushed to Moscow. Alexey spent the months remaining before his mother’s death as if in a fog: he did not want to work, see friends, and especially women.

But it was at this time that the aspiring actress Nastya Makeeva appeared in his life. They met at the premiere of the film Countdown. Makarov, who did not want to start any relationship, did not notice how he fell in love. It was Nastya who was nearby when an SMS came from her sister with one single word: “That’s it...”.

For the fact that Makeeva was there at the most difficult moment, he will always be grateful to her - regardless of the circumstances of their separation.

And the circumstances were very unpleasant. Alexei's famous jealousy in this relationship reached its climax. Having accidentally read a text message from another man on his beloved’s phone, he flew into a rage and demanded an explanation.

Having heard nothing intelligible in response, Makarov began to break the folding phone and, according to him, accidentally hit Nastya on the cheekbone.

It all happened in the midst of filming, where the actress was busy. It was not possible to hide the bruise; it was justified by the plot of the film. And after some time, Makeeva began to say in an interview that Makarov beat her.

Having been burned four times, he still did not stop dating actresses.

“My friends were tired of my gloomy appearance, and they advised: “Start a relationship with a woman of a calmer profession.” I tried it, it was boring,” Makarov explained, and remained true to himself.

After a scandalous breakup with Makeeva, he met the young actress Victoria Bogatyreva, who gave birth to his daughter - but eventually broke up with her too. They say that Maria Mironova became a homewrecker, but the actress herself in an interview denied any connection with Makarov, other than a friendly one.

By the age of 45, Alexey Makarov has lost weight, given up bad habits and continues to act in films and TV series. Loud and scandalous relationships seem to be a thing of the past. The actor now prefers not to talk about his personal life. But it is quite possible that someday he will create his own “Italian family.”

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