Photos, videos and stories of @nevedrova on instagram


Natalie Nevedrova was born on April 6, 1989 in Moscow. The girl’s childhood also took place in the capital and was very eventful. At first she dreamed of becoming a model and began attending a specialized school. She did well, thanks to which at the age of 12 she earned her first money from the show.

Natali Nevedrova was born in 1989}

To stay in good shape, Natalie began to combine this activity with gymnastics. Nevedrova herself said that she had other hobbies: bead weaving, clay modeling, dancing. Despite her many hobbies, she managed to get straight A's at school. However, the main dream in the girl’s life was still the stage.

The desire to become an actress was embodied in the fact that the girl submitted documents to the VSUK named after Gerasimov, but failed to enroll. Therefore, she was forced to change her profile and enter the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, the Faculty of Journalism, which Natalie successfully graduated from in 2011.

Photos, videos and stories of @nevedrova on instagram

  • Natalie Nevedrova


0 Followers | 0 Following | 3347 Medias

This profile belongs to Natalie Nevedrova with user name nevedrova. All photos, stories, videos posted by Natalie Nevedrova can be discovered from here.

You can see all media on Instagram related with Natalie Nevedrova from here.

Natalie Nevedrova is following 0 and followed by 0 users on Instagram. Natalie Nevedrova shared 3347 media since joining Instagram.

The profile of Natalie Nevedrova (@nevedrova) is private so the user is not sharing their data with people other than their friends.

@nevedrova account is verified on Instagram.

Natalie Nevedrova Instagram User Id is: 10060542

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10 FACTS ABOUT ME So, there is a winner, which means it’s time to reveal the truth. 1. I always wanted to have a daughter, Polina. It’s true, that’s what my first teacher named my daughter. I was 10 and I loved this name. But my husband was categorically against it. 2. I once didn’t eat anything containing sugar (including fruit, beets and carrots) for three months. It's true and it was the best experiment of my life. A colossal result and wonderful well-being. 3. I studied at music school for two years and quit. No, unfortunately, this is not true. I never studied at a music school, neither to sing nor to play. 4. The first flowers I received from the boy were callas. Lies again, the first flowers were daffodils from one of the clubs in the Otradnoe district

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