Ekaterina Baranova, biography, news, photos

Childhood of Ekaterina Baranova

Ekaterina Baranova was born in the city of Kogalym, Tyumen region. Since childhood, she loved to play pranks on her friends on the street, she was very sociable and inquisitive. Not a single holiday took place at school without her participation. When I grew up a little, I started organizing various evenings, performances and comedy shows myself. The teachers were very pleased with the girl, and everyone predicted her fate as a famous actress.

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The beginning of Ekaterina Baranova's stellar career in KVN

While still at school, Katya Baranova began performing as part of the KVN team “RosNow”. The team showed itself to be very organized and talented. Katya Baranova played a leading role in the team and stood out among the team members. It was here that she first visited the big stage and managed to gain wide fame.

A little later it turned out that Katya not only has a charming appearance, charisma and acting talent, but also has wonderful vocal abilities. The girl also has a diploma from a music school with a degree in piano. All this determined Baranova’s future profession and the choice of the university where she wanted to study. In 2000, Ekaterina entered the music department of Moscow State Pedagogical University, and in 2004 she successfully graduated.

After university, Katya does not leave satirical acting. During the casting for participation in KVN as part of the Russian University of Economics team, Katya Baranova meets Natalya Yeprikyan, who invited her to participate in a show called “Made in Woman”. This proposal openly interested the young KVN girl. After all, the new show program promised enormous popularity.

Photos, videos and stories of @ekaterinaanbaranova on instagram

  • Ekaterina Baranova


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This profile belongs to Ekaterina Baranova with user name ekaterinaanbaranova. All photos, stories, videos posted by Ekaterina Baranova can be discovered from here.

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Ekaterina Baranova Instagram User Id is: 6243028341

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