Valeria biography personal life family husband children photo

What does the name Valeria mean?

- “health”, “hello”. An alternative meaning of the name Valeria is “to be strong.”

Origin of the name Valeria:


Lera is quick-tempered and unpredictable, and demands special respect for herself in the team. For Valeria, it is better to work where there is healthy competition. This will allow Valeria not to become a smug, limited person. The husband’s first task is to bring Valeria into a constructive dialogue in which there is no place for resentment and whims.

Short name:

Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Valya, Valesha, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vava.

What middle name goes with the name:

Arsenovna, Artemovna, Vadimovna, Valentinovna, Valerievna, Vitalievna, Vladislavovna, Vsevolodovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Damirovna, Denisovna, Evgenievna, Leonidovna, Maksimovna, Nikitichna, Svyatoslavovna, Timurovna, Eduardovna.

Name "Valeria" in English (translation)

written as Valerie, and read as ValerI, with emphasis on the last syllable.

Meaning of a girl's name

Early childhood:

A girl named Valeria is capricious in early childhood and persistent in her demands. She needs to be given more attention. Since childhood, Valeria has amazed her parents and those around her with her ability to change, or rather, with an instant change in her mood. If little Valera pouts, it will last for a long time. She may be sad and even cry for reasons that no one understands. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but she is not in the mood. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time, Valeria will become cheerful and affectionate, begin to play carefree with other children and laugh boisterously during the game, and you shouldn’t rack your brains over why this happened - you still won’t guess.


At school, Valeria strives to study diligently; she likes it when teachers set her as an example to her classmates or their parents. Relationships with peers can be complicated by Valeria's unpredictable behavior, but in general she enjoys a good reputation among her friends.


Valeria does not always know how to control her mood. Having matured, the meaning of the name Valeria is fully revealed - Lera becomes complex and unpredictable. The Valeria woman is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, fickle in her intentions, which naturally irritates those around her. However, Valeria seems like this only to those who don’t know her well. Relatives understand that Valeria is emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, she is very easy to offend, so it is difficult to communicate with her. No one will notice the fleeting glance cast by her husband at a woman passing by, but Lera will definitely notice. And as a consequence of this - a decidedly deteriorated mood. Only tactful, delicate people can have an excellent relationship with the owner of this name.

Work does not come first for Valeria. As a rule, she does not strive to occupy profitable positions and make a dizzying career. Therefore, she often changes jobs, sometimes she just works part-time; in general, work for Valeria is a means to receive financial support.

Interesting Facts:

  • Member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art since 2012.
  • People's Artist of Russia (2013)
  • Graduated from Atkar music school. In 1985, she came to Moscow and entered the pop vocal class at the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute, which she graduated in 1990. Valeria was taught variety art by People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon and People's Artist of Russia Gelena Velikanova.
  • In 2005, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 25, Valeria was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In the ranking of Forbes magazine among the 50 highest paid Russian figures in cinema, sports, literature and music, Valeria took 9th place
  • In July 2014, Latvia banned Perfilova from entering the country. Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevičs explained the ban as “contributing to the undermining of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.” In August 2020, the SBU added Valeria to the list of cultural figures whose actions pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine.
  • Third husband - producer Joseph Igorevich Prigozhin (since 2004)

What is the height and weight of the singer Valeria


The network is full of different and contradictory information about the height of the singer Valeria. The height interval ranges from 165 to 173 cm!!! So which parameters are correct?

In this photo, Valeria and former ROLLING STONES guitarist Bill Wyman, whose height is 166-168 cm. Valeria’s feet are not wearing flip-flops and slippers, but shoes with heels. Due to this, she looks 170-172 cm.

And in this photo there is Valeria and Mick Hucknall, whose height is 176-178 cm. The singer in this frame is also not barefoot.

I think these two shots are enough to debunk the myth that singer Valeria’s height is 170, 172, 173 and even more so 175 cm.

The singer has these parameters when she is wearing high-heeled shoes.

Total, in our estimated opinion, we get.

Singer Valeria's height is 168 cm

After stretching and yoga, the singer’s morning height, in our opinion, is possible to be about 170 cm, but this is a short-term effect.

Singer Valeria's weight

The diet of singer Valeria is not only about diets and proper nutrition. As the singer herself admits, this has long been a way of life. Despite her busy schedule, split meals, physical activity, and positive thinking help the singer stay in such great shape. It is in these three points that Valeria’s secret of harmony lies.

It seems that everyone has heard the songs of the singer Valeria. In addition to a beautiful voice, the artist has an ideal figure. The mother of three children, Valeria looks stunning at 49 years old. Therefore, many girls can envy the singer’s beautiful figure. But you shouldn’t envy - you should act. Moreover, the star has long revealed her cards for effective weight loss.

Video (click to play).

Character of the name Valeria

Positive characteristics of the name:

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Valeria? Lera gives cheerfulness. Confidence in achieving a goal is combined with impulsiveness. This often leads to Valeria’s unpredictable actions, which she herself cannot explain. This excitability makes Valeria a very sensitive and at the same time mysterious person: she combines cheerfulness with sentimentality, wit with melancholy, practicality with short-sightedness. The girl is proud, but not touchy. She is happy to make contact. Friends are of particular importance to Valeria.

Negative characteristics of the name:

This nature is complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, and inconsistent in her intentions. Some eccentricity and hot temper make Valeria's character capricious and unpredictable. Sometimes Lera herself doesn’t know where dissatisfaction with someone’s behavior can take her - perhaps Valeria will become overly sarcastic, or perhaps she will be overcome by anger. It is difficult to find any universal key for Valeria, since the girl herself does not know what she will be happy or sad about in a minute. But those who have enough patience for her gain a faithful, devoted friend. Valeria is vulnerable, acutely sensitive - this is the basis of her wary and distrustful attitude towards life and people.

The fate of the name Valeria in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Valeria promise happiness in love? A girl named Valeria loves male attention, loves flirting, and has nothing against frivolous, short-term relationships that are not associated with any obligations. In her youth, Valeria suffers several crushing defeats in a love epic: her chosen ones, unable to bear her eccentricity, reject her capriciousness. Each time after this, she falls into depression, but soon captivates the next victim of her spell.

Valeria gives consent to marry only to a person whom she sincerely loves and to whom she manages to become attached during the process of premarital communication. The feeling is very important for her; Valeria does not accept arranged marriage and chooses her husband not with her head, but with her heart. As a rule, she is happily married, but Valeria may have several marriage partners throughout her life.

Once married, she is capable of becoming an excellent housewife and will strive to please her beloved husband in everything. At the same time, Valeria demands fidelity from her other half. She is jealous and every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys an initially successful marriage.

Valeria is a wonderful mother. True, sometimes there are periods in her life when she moves away from her children and completely devotes her attention to her husband. However, children rarely feel deprived of anything in a family where a woman named Valeria acts as a spouse. Valeria most often treats strangers with wary distrust. A woman bearing this name will see her mother-in-law’s harmless remarks as a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react quite calmly.

Valerias are caring, thrifty wives; everything is in order at home. Lera does not attach great importance to parties; she prefers the silence of home and communication with her family.

Cleansing the body

Valeria’s diet also includes regular cleansing of the body from waste and toxins. To do this, the star arranges fasting days for herself. To do this, she sets aside every seventh day of the week, during which she drinks only kefir and clean still water.

Unloading on fruit

It is very good to spend fasting days on various fruits. Valeria prefers to eat 1.3 kg. apples or pineapples. In addition, the artist sometimes goes to very extreme measures and supports grapefruit-protein fasting days. The benefits of grapefruit for weight loss are undeniable.

The essence of this diet is that you should eat three grapefruits and three hard-boiled egg whites without yolks, while alternating these two foods every hour and a half. This menu should be followed for no more than three days.

Honey drink

Also, to cleanse the body, the celebrity uses a special honey drink, which can be prepared from 70 g of natural honey, the juice of 15 lemons and 3 liters. water. This is a portion for two days. The star drinks the drink in the morning before meals and in the evening before dinner, an hour before meals. As the artist admits, water with lemon and honey for weight loss stimulates the stomach, prevents fat deposition and cleanses the intestines.

But you should always remember that honey can cause allergies. So this method of cleansing is not suitable for everyone.

Coal reception

Another way to remove toxins is activated charcoal for weight loss. The Russian show business star takes it per tablet per 10 kg weight, but not more than 10 pieces. in a day. During the day they drink one half of the medicine, in the evening - the second.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

“Winter” Valeria is harsh, excitable, and has frequent nervous breakdowns. “Autumn” is more balanced, but still unpredictable. Valeria can work as a fashion designer, musicologist, or guide. “Spring” is capricious, eccentric, always dissatisfied with something. Valeria's calling is to be an actress, artist, singer, and fashion model. Lera's nervous system is unstable because her dialect comes from the masculine Valery.


Valeria is usually happy in money matters thanks to a successful marriage, profitable sales, and bold financial transactions. Lera has a strong, decisive, ambitious character, capable of showing herself best in unexpected situations when quick, decisive actions are required; she is strong mentally and physically and does not know the word “fear.” By nature, Valeria is prone to adventure, travel, even adventures, and is always ready to take risks.

Meeting at a social party

This happened in March 2003: Prigozhin sat down with Valeria at a table at one of the social parties. He was still married then, but the relationship could hardly be called happy. The man suffered with his de facto wife and more than once told his friends that he had no idea about true love.

Valeria at that time was experiencing stress from a divorce from her ex, was constantly in nervous tension, afraid that he would find her and the children. Therefore, there could be no talk of any novels yet.

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Prigogine has long had his eye on the charming singer. Seeing her on the TV screen, I thought many times that this was the kind of woman I had dreamed of all my life. Therefore, Joseph finally decided to speak to her that evening.

These people had a lot in common: they both came to conquer the capital in the same year, had three children and two unsuccessful marriages, even their children, by luck, went to the same school! But there has never been a personal acquaintance between them. And now, finally, the decisive moment has come.

Joseph looked into the heavenly blue eyes of Valeria and fell in love forever. It seems that the singer also lacked devoted quiet love intertwined with endless reverence. She is already tired of violent passions. This explains the fact that two people completely different in appearance and character came together as a couple.

Joseph, thanks to his appearance, got the nickname “Shrek”. He wasn't even offended when they called him that. But inside he was a little complex, he doubted that such a beauty would respond to his feelings.

Horoscope named after Valery


expansive, active personality. Around any business, Valeria develops vigorous activity, as if grandiose construction is underway. Valeria-Aries herself is at the center of the turmoil of events, but prefers to tell others what and how to do. Valeria looks very impressive, so she has no shortage of fans. Temperamental and devoted, Valeria-Aries is completely lost before the betrayal of her loved one.


a dispassionate, meticulous woman. Valeria is a creature of habit, so she is too lazy to change her familiar way of life; monotonous work suits her quite well. Valeria-Taurus slowly and painstakingly delves into the matter; she always has enough time for everything. It is unlikely that Valeria can be called a model of the ideal for men, but Valeria will patiently wait for her passion here, and then she will not let him go. This woman is a possessive person by nature.


a completely restless, fidgety, flirtatious person. This is a storehouse of all sorts of jokes and jokes, a smile constantly shines on her face. Even while doing the most ordinary work, Valeria-Gemini manages to preen herself, wink at everyone and flirt with her colleagues. It is impossible to find a woman more fickle in her affections: Valeria can’t decide which of her fans she likes best, and as a result she can go on two dates in one day.


an elegant, well-bred lady. She has refined manners, and she behaves delicately with everyone, like a real lady. As a rule, Valeria-Cancer strives to establish a stable life, she loves to equip her home, but she will also happily accept a change of environment and travel. Valeria is unusually strict towards men. He will choose an intelligent and polite partner. In general, a man will be very lucky with her.


a rather secretive, envious woman. In her soul, she dreams of power, of universal attention and adoration. Other people's successes have a depressing effect on her, although Valeria-Leo carefully suppresses envy in her soul. She herself lacks patience and accuracy in doing her work. She cannot be called sincere, since Valeria-Leo likes to embellish events in her favor. Men like Valeria, but she tries to find some unprecedented ideal: she perceives her partner not as he is, but as she would like him to be.


balanced, gallant woman. Valeria is unusually efficient, tries to approach her work creatively, and is always full of fresh ideas. Usually Valeria-Virgo is respected in society, which contributes to her career growth. She so cleverly imposes her will on her partner that he does not even suspect it. In the family, she is the undivided queen.


lively, sociable, extremely seductive personality. She is always full of enthusiasm, willingly takes on things, but her carefree disposition does not allow her to bring them to their logical conclusion. Valeria-Libra never imposes herself on anyone and does not tolerate unceremoniousness. She is extremely popular among the stronger sex, but demands that all attention be focused exclusively on her, and she herself is not even able to listen to her partner.


active and irritable nature. She acts on impulse and hates criticism, although she herself gives out comments left and right. Her whole life is filled with stormy experiences; this woman draws inspiration and strength from the outburst of emotions. Valeria-Scorpio is convinced that there is no love without suffering, so she will constantly provoke her partner into quarrels.


a restless, energetic woman with a hot disposition. She is quick-tempered, especially if something doesn't go as she planned. Valeria-Sagittarius's anger is uncontrollable: Valeria behaves tactlessly, without thinking about the consequences. It is difficult for her to admit mistakes. This woman admires smart men - this is the main quality for her chosen one.


a suspicious and grumpy personality. She is very skeptical about people and events, and for some reason she takes any trouble personally. Valeria-Capricorn is very difficult to please, which is why she has few friends. Men sometimes avoid Valeria without the risk of being the object of irony. Often such a woman is left completely alone.


freedom-loving, inventive nature. To work with full dedication, she needs a wide scope for activity. One has only to limit Valeria-Aquarius to boundaries, and the matter will come to naught. Valeria does not tolerate interference in her life, thoughts, especially feelings. Obsessive fans make her instantly disappear from view. And if a man begins to dictate his will to Valeria-Aquarius, he risks never seeing her again...


elegant, talented, cheerful woman. She is endowed with boundless hard work, business always comes first, and therefore success is inevitable. This is an original personality, and an extraordinary man will be able to interest her. Valeria-Pisces values ​​a sense of humor and willpower in a partner: she will be faithful to such a person.

Angel Valeria's Day:

Valeria celebrates her name day once a year: June 20 (7) - The Holy Martyr Valeria died for the faith of Christ in the 4th century.


If this day is rich in heavy dew, expect a hemp harvest.

Fractional meals

In her middle age, Valeria looks great. Many may say that such a good figure is the result of plastic surgery or good genetics. But that's not true. In many interviews, singer Valeria denies the fact of surgical intervention, and claims that her beautiful figure is a huge amount of work and constant work on herself.

The artist’s figure parameters: height – 165 cm, and weight – 50 kg. The singer is not tall, and with this figure her weight is 50 kg. almost perfect.

The singer’s weight loss technique was developed by the famous Russian nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Many stars of Russian show business lost weight using her technique: Vladimir Solovyov, Anastasia Volochkova, Anita Tsoi and many others.

Margarita Koroleva has also developed a special diet for singer Valeria, the rules of which the artist has been following for many years. What is the main secret of the diet? This means fractional meals and avoidance of harmful foods.

Valeria takes her diet very seriously, because discipline is the key to success. It is with self-control that all our victories begin. As Valeria talks about her diet, she is a vegetarian, but sometimes she can afford meat, steamed or baked in the oven. As the artist admits, excess protein will not hurt our body, but, on the contrary, will benefit us.

Valeria's diet is based on fruits and vegetables. Besides, she can easily refuse dinner. In any case, the singer’s last meal is until 19:00.

Excluded from the menu

The star has permanently given up the following products:

  • various sauces, especially mayonnaise;
  • flour and sweets, including pasta;
  • margarine and butter;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • Sahara.

Most of these foods are simple carbohydrates, which are high in calories. By removing these foods from her diet, the celebrity created a calorie deficit, allowing the body to replenish the missing energy from the body's fat reserves. The result is effective weight loss. But that's not all.

Nutrition rules

Valeria’s diet is not only about avoiding the above foods, but also about following the following healthy eating rules:

Eat often and in small portions (one serving - 200-250 g). Eat only the right foods - fermented milk products, seafood, meat (lean and only once a day), fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals and no fast food or sweets. Do not mix carbohydrates and proteins in one meal (i.e. use vegetables separately as a side dish for fish and porridge, but under no circumstances eat porridge with fish together). Drink at least 2 liters per day. water. Before each meal, drink 200 ml. water.

On the Internet you can find reviews from girls who adhered to such a diet, and most of the responses are positive, which is important.

Celebrities named Valeria

  1. Valeria Messalina (third wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius (1st century AD))
  2. Valeria Gai Germanika - born Valeria Dudinskaya, Russian film director.
  3. Valeria of Milan is an early Christian martyr of the 1st-2nd centuries, a Saint of the Catholic Church.
  4. Valeria Novodvorskaya (born 1950) social and political figure)
  5. Valeria Perfilova is a popular Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia.
  6. Valeria Barsova (1892 – 1967) Russian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano).
  7. Valeria Gerasimova (1903 - 1970) - Russian Soviet writer.
  8. Valeria Zaklunnaya (Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1979))
  9. Valeria Pride is a Russian public figure, sociologist, and futurologist.
  10. Valeria Potemkina (Russian short track speed skater, international master of sports.
  11. Valeria Churganova (1931 - 1998) Russian linguist.
  12. Valeria Dienes (1879 - 1978) the founder of free dance and modern dance in Hungary.
  13. Valeria Beskova - nee Vasilyeva, Soviet actress
  14. Valeria Averbakh is a composer and concert pianist, poet and writer.
  15. Valeria Korotenko is one of the best Azerbaijani volleyball players.
  16. Valeria Golubtsova - organizer of science, rector of the Moscow Energy Institute from 1943 to 1952)
  17. Valeria Kasamara is a Russian political scientist and sociologist.
  18. Valeria "Lera" Kudryavtseva is a Russian TV presenter and film actress.
  19. Valeria Boguslavskaya - Ukrainian translator and poet
  20. Valeria Vrublevskaya - Ukrainian Soviet writer and playwright
  21. Valeria Mukhina is a world-famous leading Russian psychologist, teacher, philosopher, and writer.
  22. Valeria Tsenova is a Russian musicologist and theorist, professor at the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  23. Valeria Pustovaya is a Russian literary critic.
  24. Valeria Golino is an Italian film actress and film producer.
  25. Valeria Lanskaya is a Russian theater and film actress.
  26. Valeria Borts - underground worker of the Great Patriotic War
  27. Valeria Larina is a Soviet artist and painter.
  28. Valeria Varchenko is a Russian drama theater and film actress.
  29. Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi is an Italian-French actress and film director.
  30. Valeria Tsvetaeva is the daughter of a scientist and specialist in the field of ancient history and epigraphy.
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