Biography and personal life of presenter Elena Krait


Popular Ren TV presenter Elena Krait hosts “Emergency Call 112”; during her work, she significantly increased the rating of the program. She is able to quickly navigate a large flow of negative information about Russian crime and competently present to viewers the essence of the events that took place.

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Elena Krait
Real name: Krait Elena
Field of activity: TV presenter
Date of birth: July 9, 1986
Place of birth: Russia, St. Petersburg, lives in Moscow
Zodiac sign:Cancer
Eastern horoscope sign:Fire Tiger
Russian nationality
Family status: Married
Social networks Other social networks

Biography of the presenter

Elena's hometown is St. Petersburg. There she graduated from school, received an education and began her career in television. Later she went to work in Moscow, where she began filming “Emergency Call 112” and gained popularity among viewers. In addition to working on REN TV, Elena is invited as a presenter to beauty contests and to judge KVN.

Beautiful and smart, Elena balances all areas of her life well. In addition to her work as a TV presenter, she manages to devote a lot of time to her family, her appearance and communication with friends.

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in St. Petersburg and spent her entire childhood and youth there. At school, the future popular presenter liked to study humanitarian subjects such as history, literature, and a foreign language. It was interesting and easy to study.

After graduating from school, Krait entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations. At that time, the future journalist realized that she did not want to make a career as a diplomat and moved to the Faculty of Journalism at the Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. Having received a higher education, the girl was in no hurry to finish her studies. She received a second higher education in economics at the Northwestern Institute of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.

Elena Krait with her mother

The path to popularity

Elena began her career on local television in St. Petersburg. In 2010, the young journalist gained experience at the Leningrad Regional Television Company. Edits reports for the “Chronicle of Incidents” program from the regional channel 100 TV.

Later, she manages to be the author and host of the TV Security Service program. The program was broadcast on Channel 47, and then released on Channel 5 and Ren TV.

Elena Krait on screen

In an interview for the magazine “Pulp Fiction,” Elena notes that a mentor with extensive journalistic experience, Igor Aleksandrovich Olenov, helped her in her work. He was the editor-in-chief and began his career back in the 60s. A highly qualified specialist gladly shared his knowledge with young people, among whom was Krait. The girl managed to absorb the subtleties and nuances of the multifaceted and complex journalism business.

After working in St. Petersburg for some time, Krait decides to continue building a career in Moscow.

First success

The TSB program can be called the place where the journalist’s talent began to truly reveal itself. Elena decided not to focus on murders and victims, but talked about the dangerous schemes of criminals. She positioned the program as a school for survival in a big city, where she explained ways to deceive people and warned citizens.

TSB correspondents had to participate in real arrests of criminals. Security service employees always wore masks, but journalists remained without them and created a threat to their lives. There were cases of going to court against the film crew.

In Moscow, having extensive experience in television behind her, Elena gets work in a topic that is already familiar to her. She takes the place of presenter in the program “Emergency Call 112” on the Ren TV channel. During the broadcast, viewers in Russian cities have the opportunity to contact her and share vivid stories and problems. This collaboration with ordinary citizens and incisive reporting attracts the attention of large audiences.

Present and creative plans for the future

Besides work, Elena enjoys spending time with her family, meeting friends and traveling. The journalist has already visited Italy, France, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, and vacationed in the Maldives. She says about herself that she knows how to relax and is not obsessed with work and career.

Such trips are beneficial for the presenter; every working day she is under stress, covering negative news from Russian cities.

Krayt has just begun her journey in the world of journalism, she is constantly improving her level of professionalism, and is trying herself as a presenter at competitions.

Brief biography of Elena Krait

Elena Krait photoElena Krayt
Elena Krayt was born in St. Petersburg on July 9, 1986. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at the State University there. She also received an education in “International Relations” from St. Petersburg State University and “Finance and State Regulation of the Economy” from St. Petersburg State University. Before moving to the capital, she was a TV presenter and editor in the “Television Security Service” program on Channel 47. Has experience working in the “Chronicle of Incidents” program on channel 100TV. On November 7, 2008, she became a mother, giving birth to a daughter. Lena Krait named the girl Polina.

Elena Krait and her daughter Polina

Lena Krait and her family are completely established in Moscow. Now, Elena Krait is the host of the “Emergency Call 112” program on the REN TV channel.

Personal life

Until 2020, Elena did not advertise her personal life. In November 2019, photos from a joint vacation in the Maldives with her husband Vitaly Borodin began to appear on Instagram.

Vitaly Borodin is the head of the Federal Project for Security and Anti-Corruption of the Russian Federation. Constantly takes part in the filming of television programs. On social networks he expresses his position against corruption in the Russian Federation and his intention to restore justice.

Elena has a daughter, Polina. During the period when she was pregnant, no one knew anything about her personal life, no one had any idea where the girl disappeared. The daughter was born in 2008, her father is unknown, but the child retained his last name - Tkachenko. Polina dreams of becoming an actress, studies in the studio of the Music Hall Theater and is already performing on stage. Polina lives in St. Petersburg, studies at gymnasium 56.

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